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hi YouTube I have Eclipse Channel where my chat gets to put stuff on here and I look at it and it's a nice recap of everything that's been going on and it's awesome and if you want to be a part of it check out my Clips channel it's in the link below maybe and you can add clips that you want me to see and also if you don't have Clips uh that you want me to see you can go vote on other people's Clips so you make sure I see them because if they have a lot of votes then I will watch them and that's how it works what do you think she does for a living remember I love her shout out to my girl cutie you hear that chat I'm her girl where yeah you know who I am yeah I hope you're going to be doing interviews for Cutie at the streamer Awards I sure Afghans what do you think this person does for a living whoa you got to be like a model there ain't no one oh my God what the heck you're not a model if you're not a model you surprise me you just shocked me because you look you're gorgeous give your opinion okay do this more often just kidding Afghans you can do it step step on my throat and crush me with your coochie suffocate me with your breasts until I I die you're so pretty why is he saying this what is going on should I call somebody your boyfriend's weird he's cheating great that's how we find out he's making fun of e-girl comments oh that's not helpful what leaveners [Laughter] thank you that's so funny that's funny I didn't know you guys turned that into an emote that's a good emo has Ray seen that dude his cupcakes just tasted like metal so bad you got that right wait you got that from that uh what was it from uh the charity stream oh yeah it was a charity yeah oh they pick your tattoo is it like a gremlin eating the twitch logo okay that's my cat bro [Music] okay I am sad I I like the drawing better I don't like the drawing of it was so cute and like sketchy but then the guy who made it makes it look like Mewtwo and it's like oh Disneyland because I like anime and I want to go to Nintendo World wait a minute how do I ask this question without being offensive uh I'm Chinese okay okay that's crazy she instantly knew here you're wrong wait that was so gross yeah I was giving you the whole spoon Oh I thought you were how romantic that was so weird that was very romantic of them I want to give a big shout what the heck can we just stream this is this can they see all this this is cool yeah yo okay I want to give a huge shout out to uh cutie Cinderella's boyfriend he actually is the one I asked him what equipment to get and he actually is the one who recommended this uh thing so huge shout out his name is slipping my mind right now but big shout out Cutie's boyfriend he's boyfriend um he does things on his own too does he I think so I don't know if he doesn't how did they do that all right uh okay doesn't know this stuff it's Ludwig some of my favorite people I wish I lived closer to them this is why I hate cats cats a dog would never do this Pokey Pokey and I want you to know if that cat good cat classic cat it's like listen could you set up and um is the necklace that cutie gave me um for like the event or whatever they didn't go to so I you know she's been going through a tough times I thought I would put it on that's nice I thought I would have put it on okay I thought would wrap a little bit I saw this and he's wearing it backwards though it says xcq it's so much cuter if he were just to flip it over but he tried his best okay you go over there go over there goats holy I should not have let the goats out okay you get no okay yeah go yeah okay get out get out okay I yummy I think Beetle's too big for this at this point in her life she's too happy stomping it out go no okay she needs help I'm just gonna be the new host of line about it that'd be kind of funny that'd be crazy that'd be funny go ahead we would like gossip all over my head yeah imagine it's true imagine you should host that podcast honestly I'd be sick that'd be crazy great podcast I think it needs like a guy I don't think so no you don't think no no damn because like when I would watch she just shut them down I'd be like we're the guys you know like I'd be like Manchester where are the boys this is my stream don't worry guys Connor is taking over wine about it my father decided to my mother what you know he decided to you know just you know put his seed inside my mom and what you know nine months after that I was born on this day what did you like this I don't understand why is he like this something's wrong with him fifth you know I really didn't have anything to do with it it really wasn't up to me you know just it's just something that happened you know what I'm saying yeah it's it's just you know you know all they have to say is hopefully my mom you know also reached orgasm as well um my dad's watching oh hey Dad um sorry just trying to be funny here just hope we have a good day uh why why is he like this occasionally big things have happened I think like cutie for my three-year set up a roast uh a lot of the viewers and cutie as well uh made me a book at like a million Subs what do you mean a lot of the viewers he gave credit to the viewers first I spent hours on that thing it was us not you but it's usually from from you know cutie or okay mods or someone like that what me personally it's fine I would just another day in the office to give you some context on my 21st birthday to celebrate I made pasta and I was gonna meal prep for the week and then I didn't have a pasta strainer so I put a plate over the big colander and then when I tipped it over it ran over the sides of the plate and ran down my arms and I burned my arms and I had I had whatever the not big burn is third degree first degree I had the not so bad burn and I just sat I sat there with wet paper towels on my arms that was my 21st birth I didn't go out so I'm not a big milestone guy people have asked me like there was also that other time I think when he hit two million subs or something I went downstairs and I like filled it with balloons and like I've done so much and I slowly just gave up because he didn't care I don't think he cared so I just stopped I used to do something for every milestone for him and he doesn't care for the love of God what is wrong with him I don't know how you do that reliably what up cutie frogs you're all dead to me for not saving me in master Baker oh true you guys did do that you deserve to take the heat for that you did that see you see that like that has makeup looks good in the way that's when they bite you but I can't help it because I'm scared if she's gonna bite me that's not funny jackass 450 four to fifty one grams he said I'll bite you what'd Russell say this cheers this chair is looking like it's not good for gaming no wonder why cutie sucks so bad at games I hate to do this to cutie because she's been so nice to me but Russell check out her Mouse bro [Music] Amazon Basics Mouse slime stole my mouth and she doesn't even have a mouse pad though that's that's what she's using I I I'm not trying to be rude I will I will get her a new mouse who hasn't he lied listen I forget why slime had to borrow my mouse one time and I don't know where it went I think slime gave it back to me and then I lost it Adriana chechic is raiding with what the welcome play cool Clint I'm pretty sure I've messaged her on Instagram Twitter tick tock [Music] and in the various comments sections of multiple PornHub videos and she's never responded to me once and now it comes to fruition sweet now what what are you doing you really did something with his time his time has totally took advantage for sure oh my God I spelled it right wrong at 1.2 I spelled it r e a uh this was supposed to be announced on the 20th with voting but Ray didn't want to wait and so I said okay I wonder what you know what I did I don't know if I can tell you this or not why so I was on a bidet recently I'm not gonna say where it was okay oh God and this is my house and like the water is hitting my butthole I'm like oh my God this feels amazing so what I did was is I put like a towel on the ground in front of the toilet I'm like you know what we're just gonna Jerk it and just shoot onto this towel as the water hits my b-hole where's the towel it was the best best of my life not at my home on my home I hope they threw that towel away text from Hassan he says cutie remember that you're a monster on a hill you're not a sexy baby sometimes I feel like a sexy baby dude that's right and you're a monster on the hill I said Hassan I want to be a sexy baby I don't want to be the monster on the hill and he's like no I'm saying that you are a monster on a hill I was like Hassan you've got it wrong everyone wants to be a sexy baby it's me I I'm the problem it's me he tried I think you guys forget that I'm a Swifty so it's me I I'm the problem it's me fire fire that's all he says is fire Computing when your dad tries to relate to you the problem is that's great that's fire that's great I Ludwig was coming back to surprise cutie Valentine's Day thank you I don't know Ludwig's in Japan and is you know in Japan and he makes a tweet about how he's going to be doing like this non-stop eyebrow stream on the 15th to like cover up his you know make you know hide it that he's gonna surprise her cutie was so sad so sad and it's so far too much that's a good thing it's a good surprise I was having a hard day I have no clue guys don't be sad but you can't say that you just gotta be like hey it is what it is maybe maybe I came back for Valentine's Day and surprise there isn't that so cute I don't know maybe I was sad I just had a bad day I just know I had a bad day and cuties she's talking to me she's like hey I'm like hey and then and there's like a little silence and I go you know I'm not coming back yet right and it was a heartbreaking condo no it wasn't she replied she's like yeah oh my God and I'm like yeah I just wanted to make sure because like I have a few streams planned out here I saw it to do like the drifting thing she's like for sure [Music] you know actually I think I have to go I was like what it was actually so sad it was evil I hate lying I never lie I hate it I am too honest honestly with you guys most of the time but I feel like I'm too on I don't like hiding things well no okay okay okay it feels bad in my heart for the record for the record I had an awful day that day I had therapy that day and it was a it was rough and the night before blood and I got a little argument about something so I was like a little annoyed so I wake up in the morning like slightly annoyed I go to therapy and it was it was a dip appointment and then like and I'm just like not in the mood I'm not talking to anyone that day I'm not talking to my I'm not I'm just like keeping to myself then he calls me and he tells me all this and I was like I can't talk today like I was like I just can't it was just like I was at I was at such like a drained point I just couldn't do it so like yeah I was sad he wasn't coming but I wasn't trying to like I wasn't guilt-tripping him I swear to God I just needed to be alone I couldn't function that day uh which actually worked to his benefit because then the whole whole day I wasn't like what are you doing what are you doing so it's like easier for him not to get caught because I just was vacant that day but yeah it was funny by the way as I'm sure you are aware cutie suspects you're coming home early I tried my best to Gaslight her and make it seem like you're not he said women and their intuition bro for the record I just can't explain it any differently than literally women's intuition it's the same feeling except like a positive one it's like when you know a guy's gonna propose to you right or like you know a guy's cheated on you women's intuition is just a thing it's just a thing I don't get it it just is I don't get it I really don't but I just have like a feeling anyway I thought I thought it was a funny podcast segment because that just happens that's just a thing that we do sometimes and so I was like ah this is like relatable and a funny thing so that's why I brought it up on the podcast but it turned people became really toxic and I didn't like that I wish people wouldn't get so parasocial because it was a nice thing of lud to surprise me with it was a very nice surprise actually I still owe him Valentine's Day because I didn't have anything ready for him because I wasn't like so sure that he was coming back so like I didn't have his presence ready or anything so I'm actually a dick I said I tried to Gaslight her not even for you but because I love gaslighting women in parentheses I'm a misogynist oh my God I hate him he's just a foe on everything he's so proud of his own jokes oh my God I can't believe it I can't believe Ludwig lied okay I just gotta say something okay now that it's official can I say I'm a good actor he is a good actor all he must ate it up all of you mothers stated up yes I am a good actor loved him as Scrooge loved him as The Gaslight because he's been doing great uh best League of Legends streamer cutie Cinderella dude that explains it lock it in God damn it Chad I had quite a few votes for the best league Legend streamer obviously I do not count but if I would have counted I potentially might have locked in a nomination I don't count but this is the problem damn it Ludwig I read this uh this chess.com or it was some tweet by a guy and it said this is the most interesting chess player ever and it was a guy who was played the equivalent of like 500 Days of chess games on leeches over the course of a decade like 500 Days of play time like consistently playing like 20 games a day crazy amount and all the hours in the dude is 1400 rated oh my God there's like a chart that plots his rating never changed 1400 10 years ago 1400 now and that's cutie for League she's a constant guys I've got to get better I've got to get better at this game why it's because they're teammates true I even got to go home and surprise my mom birthday Mom Happy Birthday cute and then I didn't go even guys if you haven't seen pernella's Vlogs they're good I'm not just saying this because I like her as a human genuinely check out their very aesthetic they're good check out our Vlogs if you like her Vlogs start female driver am I the only one that hurt that female driver is that even possible oh my God oh Jesus classic classic is that what I look like my hair it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing it's so funny you are short sorry Strays for no reason wait is that really how tall I wait is that real it's I'm sitting here right I'm not no way they edited me there is no way this is real the editor edited me to be shorter oh someone hadn't said not me catching Strays dude this is crazy this is crazy I don't think she's edited so it is gonna be busio going over that one oh my God I need this information oh my God I'm very glad to see that I mean this is perfectly mirrored compositions across both of these teams wait that was crazy watch watch the cup chat so we're just gonna be busy oh my God information passes it to him he drinks it passes it back that's sick perfectly nothing and I can only imagine if I'm cutie I probably knocked the door and then she's like this she's like like the SpongeBob Meme like where am I what's going on I sent her a text I'm like hey something at the door from you from me nothing yeah I was passed out I had the two weeks of him being gone of just sleep deprivation I can't sleep when he's not home I'm two weeks of sleep deprivation I fall asleep at about 7 A.M I can't fall asleep until I see the sun coming up and he flowers get delivered at 8 am so I had just fallen asleep and so I wake up at 8 AM to the flowers and he he should have knocked on the outside door but instead he didn't he he came to the bedroom door and knocked which had me more scared because I was like someone's in the house compared to knocking on the outside door like the house door because then I would have thought like oh flowers or something you know like I nearly like threw up everywhere so I get into the door I walk inside and then at this point apparently I think slime was supposed to go over that day so she thought it was slime or something I tried to go to the bedroom door I knock on the bedroom door and I hear the dog start to bark still nothing from cutie yeah I was afraid knife she's locked the door to the bedroom yeah I locked the door to the bedroom and I put a chair in front of it so there's no getting in eventually I have to be like babe and she's like oh my God so I never got like that that was just very happy and surprised but I never got the moment where she was like opens door and sees me and he's like because she was like I think in my head with a knife yeah trying to avoid whatever creature was entering the establishment nothing and I can only imagine if I'm cutie I was gonna murder him for sure for sure I would like to make that very clear I was going to murder [Music] all right
Channel: QTCinderella
Views: 362,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QTCinderella, ludwig, ahgren, qtcinderella ludwig, lud qt, qt, qtc, twitch, stream, live stream, twitch stream, sodapoppin, austinshow, mizkif, mizkif maya, maya higa, nmpolol, nmplol malena, nick and malena, hasan, hasanabi, esfand, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, funny, twitch highlights, cyr, willneff, highlights, stream highlights, react, reaction, reacting, emiru, fear&, clips, streamer react, qtcinderella hasan, cdawg, valkyrae, rae, fuslie, streamer awards, the streamer awards
Id: FWU6P7xwn8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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