3 YouTube Tips from the Bible that Will Work for Every Creator | #ThinkMediaPodcast #138

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like i make mistakes all the time i think what we're talking about here is principles to strive for if you want a lasting youtube business if you want to last in the creator economy continue to work from home and build ever increasing impact as well as income from your youtube content don't sacrifice your reputation for short term growth is a book as old as the bible relevant for the modern business owner and youtube content creator the answer is yes and in this episode of the think media podcast we're going to be learning three unbreakable youtube tips from the bible that will work for every creator to grow their channels and ultimately make a greater difference in the lives of people but a huge disclaimer as we start this this episode is going to be helpful to you no matter what your background or beliefs are if you are not a person of faith um or you wouldn't say that you're a christian or a bible isn't a main text that you look at you're still going to love this episode and i believe it's worth your time to stick around and that you'll get some practical value out of this personally i am a christian and the bible is my guidebook for life it's my guidebook for my business and it's helped me really achieve what we've achieved at think media as i follow these principles and i've picked out three that are really just valuable for anybody so i want to encourage you i think this episode will be amazing whether you're a christian of a different faith agnostic atheist i encourage you to stick around and i just want to say that i appreciate you and and why the bible though you know i actually really believe that the bible is the greatest success book of all time it is the best selling book of all time and i've found that the best lessons whether spiritual or related to business actually come from scripture the book is timeless therefore it's timely and it speaks right into modern situations that we're going through you know we're going through a recession right now in america in turbulent times in the world and the bible talks about that it talks about famines and it talks about wars and it talks about rumors of wars and it talks about how to respond and how to have peace and how to take practical action you know i believe that we were also created by god on purpose for a purpose and because we were made in the image of god we were created to create so what better book for content creators than the very word of god god is a maker and if we are made in his image we are makers as well we make content we build businesses we architect ideas we have powerful imaginations and then we can put in the work to bring those thoughts into reality as brick by brick we apply practical principles so as a business owner and a content creator you're going to find valuable wisdom and practical tips that will help you grow your youtube channel in the pages of the bible and i want to cover three today on this podcast episode and here's number one stop overthinking and start posting more videos to youtube now where's that come from in scripture ecclesiastes 11 6 says this plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon for you don't know if profit will come from one activity or the other or maybe both and this verse is so true for youtube content creators because so often we can get stuck over thinking what video should i make next should i post my video at three in the afternoon or five o'clock in the morning should i post five videos a week three videos a week should i post 10 videos a week the answer is yes plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon you don't know what if profit will come from one activity or the other maybe both and so there's something about youtube where as much strategy as you put into it as much research as you put into it the video that you spend 10 hours editing that you make the perfect title the best thumbnail and you're like this is the one that one might fall flat and get no views and then you like shoot a video on your phone you just upload that thing you think it's terrible you slap a title on there and all of a sudden that video goes viral and you're like wow i had no idea and so ultimately it's this powerful principle that too many people i've noticed get stuck overthinking when it comes to youtube when really instead they need to just start taking massive action and i want to tell you a quick story you know this really became true for me first of all over the years when i had a side hustle and i was working at a day job i've waited tables i've been a pastor for a campus of a multi-site church i've worked at red robin waiting tables i've had my own side business doing websites and video production for clients and when i've and all through all of those seasons i was doing youtube part time and when i'm doing youtube part time i would upload videos as much as i could i would post 10 videos during the summer and one to two a month during other busier seasons but i'll never forget 2015 when my life really shifted because i had three main freelance clients um and one was paying me 2000 a month the other was paying me two thousand a month and one was paying me one thousand a month that's five grand sixty thousand dollars a year my wife sony and i are living in las vegas no kids at the time two dogs and we are it's a pretty good income for living in vegas expenses are uh pretty good there or cost of living is lower this is 2015. and i'm probably making 100 200 300 a month from online income because i had ranked videos out there youtube videos posted that are getting views 24 7 365. i'm making about 60 dollars a month in youtube ad revenue and 150 or so from amazon affiliates and if it's the holidays that could go up almost to a thousand dollars because people shop on black friday and cyber monday and as a tech youtuber at the time talking about cameras lighting how camera tutorials um that's where the money was coming from but in 2015 october three freelance clients um they started to they started to let me go week after week the first week of october 2015 a client calls me and said sean we got to let you go i'm like okay they're like we hired a full-time person and um this we gotta you know cut your contract i go all right you know bummer but like shoot that's that's cool i still got two other clients at least and that was one of the two thousand dollar clients and then um i got a call and the second client called me and said sean um we need to let you go and i was like okay what's what's the deal and they're like yeah we hired somebody we're shifting some things around we're reallocating our staff like we're bringing on an employee we don't need you as a contractor anymore that was the second two thousand dollar client now i'm getting nervous and so then they get a call uh god is my witness week three of october 2015 and the one thousand dollar client calls me and i'm like i know what this is about you know what i mean like you're just you're already so discouraged you're like if things are already this bad like murphy's law like it's just gonna probably get worse and sure enough um that client let me go as well so in three weeks i lost three freelance clients three contracts are sixty thousand dollars you know a year is what that 5k a month would map to dries up completely we are only a few months away in our savings from being at zero and so i'm a little bit nervous i'm a little bit stressed out and um it was at that moment that i called a business mentor of mine and his name's david and i i said david i'm super worried like i'm losing all my clients i don't know what to do do i call other clients do i pursue other clients which is reasonable but he actually told me he goes shawn um you know there comes a point in your life when as an entrepreneur you need to jump off the cliff but it sounds like god just kicked you off the cliff and now it's your time to fly and i was like is this david or king solomon like what what are you speaking limerick proverbs to me but honestly that's literally the phone call and i was like david uh i appreciate the advice because he realized that i'd been hustling on youtube as a side hustle um and his vantage point was that if i went all in on youtube that uh i really had an opportunity there so what i did this is october 2015 was after about a week of being just pretty discouraged and feeling sorry for myself i started to hustle and i started to go all in and the principle from the story is that i took massive action okay because what happened was i posted 52 videos in the next two months between actually this isn't a good idea but i posted between between three channels my think media channel our video influencers channel and my personal sean candle channel i posted 52 videos by myself now mind you no one's helping me edit no one's designing thumbnails for me no one's helping me with titles nobody's writing descriptions it's all on me i'm scripting the content reaching researching the content filming the content taking the sd card out capturing the sd card putting it into adobe premiere editing exporting uploading it i'm i'm actually making blog posts for some of them embedding the video in the blog post putting some text around the blog post making the title uploading that on wordpress uploading extra images there and then even posting on some social media to promote the videos coming out it's just me now mind you because all my freelance clients had fired me i am now going all in so i'm spending my time hustling plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon like i am really hustling in fact there's a different version of this ecclesiastes verse it says sow your seed in the morning and do not be idle with your hands in the evening for you do not know whether morning or evening planting will succeed whether this or that or whether both alike will be good essentially here's the thing the fact is i don't know if i should have in hindsight been posting on three channels but i didn't know which one was gonna work i was just doing i was planting seed everywhere you know you sometimes could look back and say well i would have done it differently but i was just hustling and i wasn't over thinking i was taking strategic action massive strategic action massive messy action but i wasn't gonna allow myself to overthink i was gonna get up and plant my seed in the morning and hustle in the afternoon and as a result my income from amazon affiliates and from youtube ad revenue by january of 2016 so remember i lose my clients in october i hustle all november all december i keep hustling into the new year but my income in just two months was almost five thousand dollars from the amazon associates program from recommending cameras and and lenses and for people clicking on my affiliate links and hundreds of dollars now from youtube ad revenue and so the five thousand dollars i had lost from my client work had been replaced because i put in the hustle it was strategic i did know what i was doing i've been husting hustling five years previous learning about search engine optimization or intent based content search based content i knew my niche i knew who i was trying to reach it wasn't as clear as it was today but it was clear enough and so there it was i was very strategic and very intentional but i i still just wasn't overthinking i was just taking massive massive action the principle for you is to punch over thinking in the face and to start taking massive action and really double down on your outputs if you got to hustle in the morning do it if you got to hustle after work do it if you got to hustle at night do it you don't know which activities which videos are going to produce the results just post them all you're gonna see i believe incredible things number two don't sacrifice your reputation for short term growth this is a huge temptation i see for youtube creators here's the verse proverbs 11 1 and it says this dishonest business practice is something that yahweh truly hates but it pleases him when we apply the right standards of measurement dishonest business practices are something that yahweh hates now yahweh is actually the name of god that's in hebrew proverbs is in the old testament and proverbs is this book of wisdom where we're getting some of these verses you know written by solomon who the bible records as the wisest man wisest king who ever lived and here's some of the principles that that speaks to me don't sacrifice your reputation for short-term growth here's an example click bait will hurt your brand in the long run what's clickbait we all probably have seen it someone puts a sensational title a sensational thumbnail and then the video doesn't deliver on that promise now you might actually watch some of our stuff and say sean don't you sometimes click bait and it could be misconstrued because the truth is just because a title is like really shocking or a thumbnail looks like overly sensational the goal is just if the video actually delivers what's promised in the title and the thumbnail well then it's technically not click bait or that'd be good click bait but what i'm talking about is bad click bait if you look up some definitions of clickbait it means deceptive or it means misleading so listen too many people are just trying to game the system to get views if you're trying to trick people you're just trying to mislead people just to just to trick the algorithm and those types of business practices and youtube practice practices ultimately hurt your brand in the long run you know when it comes to bible secrets for youtube creators i don't know if there's one that's more powerful than this don't sacrifice your reputation for short-term growth there's so many people who preach tactics about how you could maybe do a gimmick or do a trick to get a few subscribers or get a few views but that's not going to help you actually build a brand where people trust you in the long term like ultimately that's the only thing that you're really going to have of real value is your brand your reputation you know there's another verse in proverbs for point number two 22 verse one it says a good reputation choose a good reputation over great riches i don't think there's a lot of people in today's world that actually when given that option would go for that i think there's a lot of people are like good reputation great riches i'm gonna go with the great riches you know like whereas how true is it though that a good reputation is more valuable than great riches now if you really study the bible by the way it does not actually prohibit the pursuit of great riches it just teaches actually how to pursue them in the right way it's not the love of money that is the root of all uh it's not money that's the root of all evil it's the love of money that's the root of all evil you study the teachings of jesus and he wasn't against money he was against money being your first priority money owning you he was against great riches being your primary pursuit there's just countless verses about a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children well how could you possibly leave an inheritance for your children's children if you don't have money in making smart investments if you're not wise with your finances so ultimately this is not a prohibition of one or the other it's saying the order of which they should be choose a good reputation over great riches so to me don't sacrifice your reputation for short-term growth going deeper don't do business practices with your audience don't betray the trust of your audience for short-term growth don't treat brand relationships and brand deal relationships that you work with just trying to get some quick money but sacrificing your long-term relationship or the trust with that brand if you have customers treat them well if you have customers and you sell a product have a refund policy and honor it well if you collaborate with people go the extra mile treat them well be world class in your relationships choose a good reputation first before great riches the verse goes on it says being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold listen silver or gold is also good especially as a hedge against inflation right during times of recession uh but ultimately having high esteem and and i share this because you know our mission at think media is to double the creator economy we want to help 10 000 purpose-driven people and beyond create a full-time living doing what they love while making a difference in the world with youtube and online video and to experience that success without losing their soul we are way more interested in you building a real practical long-term solid business rather than just experiencing a quick 15 minutes of fame and there's too many people in the crater economy in my opinion that again i think sacrifice their reputation for short-term growth so practically i just encourage you to create content with a clear conscience now i don't want this information or these principles to also sound preachy at all because listen this is coming out of my mistakes like there's been videos i've made in the early days of think media where i was working with a company called fame bit and it was like a marketplace where you could do different brand deals and i just remember i the idea that a brand would pay me and and and ultimately uh give me a product for free and pay me some money and then i would make a video about it the fact i just started to apply for different products and i got approved for some and then i had to follow through on making the videos and i mean it wasn't unethical or anything that i did but i was just like getting these brand deals for products that i really hadn't tested and i really hadn't put the time in and i was uh i was at in the moment thinking about short-term money or just short-term and and here's the thing it was partly based on survival because in the early days i'm like i'm just hoping to make it as a solo creator but knowing that that was now a mistake and ultimately thinking long term that's not the repute that's not the brand i want to build i want the reputation of think media to be like if sean recommends a camera like he's going to tell me his real honest truth about it if sean works with a brand he's going to be vulnerable and he won't even do a brand deal that he doesn't believe in like that's one of the things i coach our team now is they're thinking about brand deals i'm like listen it's not just how much money can we get it's do we believe in the product do we believe the product will be good for our audience can we stand behind it would we stand behind it anyways and then what are the terms of the deal good reputation first silver and gold second and so we do our best at it and have i made mistakes in trying as we've grown our brand when it comes to customers sure have i made mistakes when it comes to dealing with other collaborators or you know just other influencers that i've worked with or people have run it to events of course like i make mistakes all the time i think what we're talking about here is principles to strive for if you want a lasting youtube business if you want to last in the creator economy continue to work from home and build ever increasing impact as well as income from your youtube content don't sacrifice your reputation for short-term growth well i hope that you are enjoying today's conversation and i wanted to let you know that if you want to go deeper with us here at think media one of the best ways to do that to further your online education is to take one of our free on-demand classes you can go to thinkmasterclass.com where we do a one hour free deep dive class into what's working on youtube right now and how you can gain subscribers and views and income from your youtube channel we have several different options for you but the latest video for you to watch is at thinkmasterclass.com this video is not available anywhere on youtube this is only exclusively for our think media community who are ready to go deeper with us at the end of that class we share with you an opportunity to become one of our members inside of this movement of content creators making a difference in the world so go to thinkmasterclass.com right now to get signed up for your free one hour youtube on-demand class now let's get back into today's featured content ultimately create content with a clear conscience in the new testament hebrews 13 18 says keep praying for us that we may continue to live with a clear conscience for we desire to live honorably in all that we do the author of the book of hebrews is uncertain some people think it's the apostle paul and that could be likely whoever was writing this letter was ultimately saying these powerful truths pray that we can be able to continue to live with a clear conscience just doing what you know to be right in your your whole your heart just knowing doing what you know to be right like just being yourself be authentic be true to you don't try to be somebody else just say what you mean and do your best to live with a clear conscience and to live honorably to stay world class to be a person of your word listen the level of accusation especially at the level i'm at that will still come to you that would question your reputation question your integrity accuse you of click bait accuse you of all this other stuff that's that's that's not to put myself on a pedestal you don't see one leader who didn't have criticism you don't see one biblical figure including jesus who didn't have criticism now if he is the perfect sinless man and the god man and not only did people criticize him but they eventually killed him and crucified him then you're going to probably be accused of things and people are going to misinterpret your actions and they may even think that your reputation is not strong they'll accuse you of things but here's what i've learned over time man the truth comes out over time it's just a matter of just staying in integrity staying world class staying honorable continuing to live with a clear conscience don't worry about the negative comments and someone that's here or there with an opinion the truth in the long term comes out you get into enough circles someone might say you're in a circle in an event oh man i saw that sean cannell guy can't believe it and someone in that circle probably be like i know actually he's a world-class dude like i know him i know him personally you know what i mean that's my hope like and that's the kind of thing that i hear like you just eventually the truth will come out doesn't matter if somebody makes a hit piece youtube video about you like anybody of any size eventually is going to have some kind of hit piece notice any book you write and put on amazon it might have ten thousand positive reviews there's gonna be a hundred negative reviews so it's not like you could ever have a reputation that nobody accuses you of anything that's not what this is saying it's simply saying don't sacrifice your reputation for short-term growth let's land the plane on number three and then i've got kind of an outro a couple of book recommendations one of which is the bible and our comment of the day and all of that good stuff let's hit number three slow and steady growth is better than 15 minutes of fame here's the verse proverbs 13 11 wealth gained hastily will dwindle but whoever gathers little by little will increase it man this is a powerful verse for youtube creators because there's something about growing little by little see in a world where everybody wants to go viral and by the way that opportunity is before us right now you have the chance to go viral if we go back to number one you just plant in the morning and at night you don't know which one is going to produce fruit maybe both your chances of going viral go up the more videos you post and the more you commit to getting one percent better with every upload but here's why i love this is there something powerful about not worrying about going viral as much and just being consistent and growing little by little slow and steady growth is better than 15 minutes of fame and what i've learned is that it's really also not just about growing a youtube channel but it's about the transformation you will experience as a leader as a person as a creator and as a business owner in the process by stepping out and starting a youtube channel it will change you it will force you to learn new skills you'll learn to communicate better you'll be challenged as a someone to learn marketing and how to write powerful titles and how to design thumbnails and come up with video ideas and concepts that are attention-grabbing and that add value but also stand out in the midst of the noise you'll have to learn discipline especially in the side hustle season because you got family and kids in school and all this other stuff going on so you gotta really figure out how to be more disciplined and manage your time and so little by little you'll find yourself getting stronger little by little you'll find yourself getting bitter uh better and another verse in proverbs that speaks to this is 2021 and it says an inheritance gained too early in night life will not be blessed in the end so slow and steady growth is better than 15 minutes of fame i propose to you that maybe you don't want to go viral i might actually what if what if it actually could be better for you and your soul to not go viral for a while to not have explosive growth for a while why because an inheritance gained too early in life will not be blessed in the end i am concerned i'm kind of i feel like an old guy in the crater economy now you know i'm coming up on my 39th birthday i started on youtube in 2007 with a video from my local church that was two years after youtube started and now that's 15 years on youtube but it's giving me a unique perspective a lot of the ogs on the platform they're not here anymore i've seen countless family vloggers get divorced blow up their marriages i mean and they were preaching family and i'm not coming from a judgmental standpoint i'm coming from an observational standpoint i've seen many young creators get a lot of money get a lot of celebrity get a lot of cash get a lot of notoriety and get into a lot of controversy why because an inheritance gained too early in life will not be blessed in the end i'm all for rapid growth i'm not trying to suggest that it wouldn't be cool for you to get massive explosive growth overnight but there's something about timeless wisdom from the bible that suggests that slow and steady growth is better than 15 minutes of fame i know that even for me and you want to talk about some of the hardest seasons of my life and and being really vulnerable with you here on the podcast like i am a committed christian and i and that means that if i believe the bible should be my guidebook for life and and over the last couple years a few years back though during the rise of the fame of think media you know think media starts and there was all other kind of things happening in our life challenges with my wife's health challenges with a former church i worked at and as i'm transitioning into full-time freelance work eventually full-time entrepreneurship and as i'm hanging out in different circles as i'm also finding that my influence on youtube is putting me around all types of different influences i actually one started to drink too much and drink a lot like there'd be a time when i would maybe be drinking maybe one or two beers a night which again by the way you're listening to this like that's actually not necessarily too bad i mean i'm not getting drunk but i was sometimes doing that for a hundred days in a row there might have been like not a day goes by when i wasn't drinking you know you start to research that even look at just medical professionals that's not a good idea like that's that's not good for you and the truth is there were times though when i was drinking a lot more than two drinks and i was drinking too much and again this doesn't come from judgment this is coming from this that's that's not what the bible teaches so i'm talking about my personal convictions now and and the standard i'm trying to hold myself to and ultimately i'm now trying to numb the pain because and the pressure because we're hiring a team i think media is growing and as if that's not enough i start to get into weed and i get to a place where i'm spending 200 to 300 a week on marijuana and you know it's probably a conversation for another time and i certainly you know let me know if you'd love to hear more about this and and we can go deeper into some of this content in the comments if this is meaningful to you or if you're listening on audio leave something in the reviews but here's the point now sometimes i'm drinking and smoking weed vaping whatever you know edibles and i'm trying to i'm trying to deal with the pressure i'm trying to numb the pain i'm slipping into an addictive cycle i'm the way i'm processing the stress the way i'm avoiding the pressure or criticism and just feeling all of that stuff that's happening listen i see this happen with a lot of creators pewdiepie opened up he's like man i was drinking too much like i can't even imagine what does he have a hundred million subscribers listen an inheritance gain too early in life won't be blessed in the end and i'm grateful that i was as grounded uh as i even was during those seasons you know to to make it through and since then by the way this is a few years back but i've actually given up drinking entirely and i'm no longer uh consuming weed besides cbd products which is uh whatever non-uh non-mind altering but ultimately i think a really powerful health benefit here's the point um little by little man slow and steady is better than 15 minutes of fame there's something about 15 minutes of fame where i've got a lot of empathy for all of a sudden i don't know if we were wired for all the praise and criticism that can come from going viral i don't know if we were wired for all the pressure and and our character has to get stronger and sometimes that is only possible by slow growth not by growing too fast see i don't want think media to in my youtube channel or i don't even want my charisma or my ability to grow on youtube to outpace my character and so i've made decisions to be more grounded get better friends in my life more people around my life and find ways to process stress you know i heard alex hermozy at one point he was saying just to get back to a baseline after a day of stressful work he had to drink half a bottle of hard alcohol and he gave up drinking as well what was the point it's just real stress forget like the any kind of ethical moral side of it like the the emotional side is you got to build your inner game your mind game you got to really build your your character and and healthy ways of processing stress because slow and steady growth is better than 15 minutes of fame and if i want to help you grow wealth quickly i believe we're living in an era where you could grow it faster than our parents could and that's an incredible blessing because of the crater economy but maybe if we weren't so much in a rush to gain wealth hastily but we were more intentional about gathering it little by little over time saving investing not trying to just look at the headlines of the elon musks and the jeff bezos of the world and and you probably don't even really aspire like that but you know what i mean like those are just the unicorn stories what about the millions of other entrepreneurs that are not living that story it's not just mr beast what about the millions of other creators who are are doing you know 32k a year 58 000 a year 62 000 a year and then not putting yourself down for being there thinking like you need to go somewhere else just be disciplined with your finances suck money away into retirement and invest in real estate and little by little you'll have life-changing wealth without getting famous and so anyways slow and steady growth is better than 15 minutes of fame as we land the plane i want to recommend some resources and and truly i'm curious would you like more of these i mean i got probably a hundred uh and so this is just three but i've been studying the bible intensely for years and i continue to do so and commentaries around it i was also in pastoral ministry for many years as well and so it's it's a book i'm passionate about but if not then then no worries but if let me know in the comments if you watch the think media podcast on youtube or leave us a review and let me know what you thought about this episode but i want to share another verse with you in joshua 1 verses 7 and 8 and it says this be strong and very courageous be careful to obey all the law my servant moses gave you do not turn from it to the right or to the left that you may be successful wherever you go keep this book of the law always on your lips meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will be prosperous and successful and so i just want to encourage you if you've enjoyed this episode maybe you uh are a bible believer but it's been a while since you've been um in your bible i encourage you man dive in like like really maybe uh go on a year-long bible reading plan and of course uh i'm not even trying to say in this episode sean you're using the bible for but for business success i know that's not its primary purpose but it is applicable to business success it's applicable to every area of life and wouldn't you want me to recommend the bible over the latest self-help business book which i'm into those as well i just think that the bible is the greatest and the lens through which all other material should be interpreted and evaluated and so here's my encouragement if you are into the bible dust it off man dive in why because if you will talk about it and if you will meditate on it that just means if you think about it you think about the kind of content we've been talking about in this episode and you're careful to do what it says then you will be prosperous and successful for any kind of critics about the prosperity oh is this the prosperity gospel no there's there's only one gospel that's the gospel of salvation through jesus christ christ's death burial and resurrection there's no such thing as the prosperity gospel i know here we go this is a whole new level of of uh controversy on the think media podcast all i know is this is what the book says man joshua 1 verse 8 you will be prosperous and successful but and by the way this is not this isn't actually really spiritual it's not saying like god will make you prosperous and successful it doesn't say the holy spirit will magically make money appear appear it says you will another version another uh translation says you will make your way prosperous and successful what does that mean you will take action you will approach your business your youtube channel differently you will find principles about how you should conduct yourselves in relationships in investing in character in discipline and when you do those things when you talk about and meditate on them and you're careful to do them then you will be prosperous and successful that's what i've learned it's not that you'll encounter magical circumstances we are all it's going to rain on the just and the unjust we're going to all encounter ups and downs in life but we have a tool called the word of god the bible that will help us be prosperous and successful as a result of following the principles and so a couple resources if you haven't downloaded the youtube bible app you virgin bible app it's super cool it's not only is it free so that's cool you can download that app on android or iphone highly recommended the youversion bible app and then there's also besides all the scriptures there to read and study and wherever you want to start there's some cool devotionals so if you go into like the devotionals or reading plans i think is what they're called you can do reading plans there's some cool ones for creatives there's some cool ones for artists there's some cool ones for business owners so i recommend looking at the reading plans in the youversion bible app it's all free for artists creatives business owners and then anything else i mean right now you might you might be single and ready to mingle so like you might want to look at relationships you might be married like of course like all of that as well but the context of even this very podcast is business youtube online business online marketing and then two other cool resources there's a really great book um it's called business secrets from the bible spiritual success strategies for financial abundance it's by rabbi daniel lepin he's actually an orthodox jew but man he actually really unpacks the old testament was written in hebrew he really unpacks just just powerful insights for business and it's that is a great resource and then there's a book called 25 biblical laws of success powerful principles to transform your career in business by willian uh douglas and so we'll link those up in the show notes as usual but if anything grab that you version bible app who needs to be scrolling on tick talk for three hours when you could be scrolling on the bible tick tock's cool the bible is better it'll probably take you to a better place and if you find and applied to your youtube channel i really believe it'll help you grow i want to shout out today the comment of the day this is the review of the day from the think media podcast by the way if you love this podcast it truly means the world to heather and i the think media team and uh borah thydian says this expand your community with great guidance i'm relatively new to the scene in the past six months and these have been great the passion guidance and media is very useful this week's episode explaining looking around and seeing defeat while in a community of people who are crushing it as we make the impossible possible through opportunity was pulled right from my head i love it so hey appreciate your kind words reviewing the podcast wherever you are if you can rate it review it put a star on it uh you know whatever the format is there but obviously one of the most meaningful places that helps get the podcast to more people is reviewing it on apple podcasts if you happen to listen to it there if you just had this episode shared with you then you could um please uh subscribe on apple podcast or wherever you are listening and maybe there is somebody that'd be interested in this episode definitely share this with them finally um i want to leave you with galatians 6 9. i think it's on brand for our episode of three youtube tips from the bible that will work for every creator and uh galatians 6 9 says this it says let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up you know the truth about trying to build a business trying to build a brand trying to do anything hard trying to grow a youtube channel is you're going to want to give up you're going to want to throw in the towel you're going to feel like it's not growing fast enough or like it's not growing and i love this verse from the new testament because it says don't grow weary in doing good at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up there's something about the law of sowing and reaping where we plant a seed and we wish it was a full grown tree by tomorrow but that's not how the world works there's something about planting a seed and continuing to water it even when you haven't seen any life break through the soil yet and then there's something about seeing it finally sprout that first leaf that first sign of growth but it's nowhere near a full grown prospering tree or fruit bush or plant providing fruit for you that could be that season of now it's monetized now it's earning money now it's generating great things take time and patience it's amazing that so many people in our community have had overnight success they really have they've had rapid success but that's really more the exception than the rule what we've learned is that it's those who grow little by little and don't give up those are the ones that really great get the great results so i want to encourage you today do not become weary in doing good for at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you don't give up [Music] you
Channel: Think Media Podcast
Views: 21,426
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Keywords: youtube tips, youtube tips for beginners, youtube tips and tricks, youtube tips to grow your channel, how to grow on youtube, how to start a youtube channel, 12 useful youtube tips, useful youtube tips, cool youtube tips, youtube advice, youtube advice for small channels, youtube advice for beginners, how to get started on youtube, how to grow a successful youtube channel, grow on youtube, best advice for new youtubers, advice for new youtubers, how to start on youtube
Id: 4stO1pdUjqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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