3 Years Experienced JavaScript Interview

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inter CS orvas CSS JavaScript react Redux hello hello hi how are you yeah I'm good how are you I'm I'm good thanks for asking okay so you are preparing for sd2 rule right no actually right now I'm uh looking for a job actually I got laid off on October 23 okay so how much experience do you have in development okay so I I have a total experience of three years and three months in frontend okay okay so in the form you have mentioned that for sd2 role you are preparing so yeah actually uh I got short list from uh some of the Renown brands in India like Angel one and w space so my application is under process right now okay okay that's good so we'll mainly like as you said you have three and a half years of experience right mhm yes so we'll focus the questions based on that experience okay so this uh this interview will be in three rounds like uh first round will be theoretical questions I will ask some questions you you will have to explain it and uh second round will be some output based questions I will give you some questions you have to guess the output basically JavaScript uh questions and then third round will be some I will ask you to either develop something or debug something I will give you a application there will be some some error some issue you have to debug and fix it okay okay so uh that's that's how the interview will be okay so first uh introduce a little bit uh like yourself just introduce yourself okay so I will start with my introduction uh myself de Madan and I I'm a front Ender uh working from for past three years uh if I talk about my workx uh I have worked on total of three companies name first name is enrite second one is the one thing and third one is the NF and my last company name is NF as uh I have served there for more than 1.5 years and my roles and responsibility there is to maintain the UI part of it like convert the figma design to working with VII integrated some third party uh libraries and integrating API okay yeah that's good so now let's start the interview so in CSS can you tell me this fixed position property like how does it work okay so fixed position property uh take the take it as a Ab absolute property and uh and the as we know the position properties in uh CSS like absolute and relative so the fixed property will take the object uh whole body as a relative then it will fix to the main body of the page okay so what is is the difference between fixed and absolute okay so absolute is like uh we can provide related property to uh their parent property or whereever we want majorly parent or sub Pro level in as we know there's a nesting we have to Nest the absolute element in a parent element so we can provide the relative property there but in fixed property it will by default take the body as a relative okay so in HTML we have lot of tags different kind of tags right yes so but let's say your name is Madan second name is if we create a tag with the name of Madan mhm so will it give any error or will it work or what will happen uh I think it will give error because it the tags the name tags are predefined in stml so it will give error okay so basically it will not give any error it will work like a normal tag okay okay and uh so now now the next question is if it will work will it work like a span or like a div yeah like do you know the difference between div and span yes yes so will it work like a span order D this is the question okay so I thought uh span will it will work as a span okay so it will be in line element yes yes it will be in yeah so are you just guessing or no no actually I know like uh there are some some uh block elements there in HTML like da element in the P tag because it will it is defined as a block element by default all the elements are uh inline elements okay yeah so that will be in line that is correct if you create any random tag which is not present defined in the HTML it will be in line so that is correct okay so you said like fixed position is relative to the uh to the body of uh body or viewport is it related to the body or viewport um I uh like body is relative to like uh take adj just as per the viewport so I thought body uh no let's say if we have lot of content inside our body okay and then whenever the content is more than the height of browser it starts scrolling right okay in the left side a scroll bar comes and we scroll the page so at that time the height of body is more than the view port he oh yes yes yes now I got it yes it will refer to the viewport of the as per the window of the uh screen size yeah so so you said like fixed position will be related to the window of uh viewport right okay that's uh in will it be uh relative to the window in all cases or is there any case where it will not be related to the window uh I didn't uh actually I didn't know right now because I didn't test it from my side for [Music] that okay okay so now let's move to next question so let's say uh like can you tell me what is difference between inline and block element that is okay so inline element take the uh width as a as the content of of the element but block element take the whole width of the window okay block element take whole window uh window right yes is that correct yes okay so let's say if I have a parent div named container I have given a width to it let's say 500 pixel and there is a child inside it what will be the width of that child uh child okay so it is uh inline element right child no div is a like child is a div so it is a block element okay inside div there's another div yeah so okay uh it will uh it will take the parent refer to the parent width yeah so you should mention that like okay it will not take the viewport BD if it takes viewport BD it will go outside of the parent right okay so okay parent the outer parent will take the viewport width but the child uh child will take the parent width no again like it will not take the viport width it will take its parent width which is body okay okay so and body will take its parent width which is HTML element okay okay so always uh block elements take the the width of its parent not of the vi Port okay that is very important thing any other difference apart from this width apart from uh this difference for Block elements difference like you have to tell or difference means what is difference between block and inline between block and inline yeah that is one difference which is clear any other difference okay so like right now I'm not getting any more of a differ okay so let's say there's a span tag or any line tag in in line element can we give height and width uh to span yeah two span element yes we can give sorry yes actually when I use the inline and provide the height and WID it will not take the height and WID I have to provide the display block property to that span yeah so you mean inline elements will not take height and width right uh no yes that's correct uh so let's say we have a flex box okay a div named container we have given Flex box on the container display Flex and in the child we have two spans if we give height and width on those Childs will it work display flex and span on the parent on the parent we have parent is a div okay parent is a div and child are a spans yeah and parent have a flex property okay so like by default the flex property will take it as a row so span will come as a siblings on the single Ro and and height where we are where we are giving the height on the spans on the [Music] spans I think uh it will not take the height okay because it is in line right yes it will take uh because whenever give we give display Flex on the parent no matter what kind of element is inside those become uh those become Flex items and flex items have display property of block okay okay so it will be automatically set to display block when we provide the Align item uh CER then it will take by default the whole W whole height of the element align items what uh when we provide align item Center to flex uh so it will as we know the flex direction is row by default for the flex property so when we provide align ATM Center it will take the as a uh whole width for that like we have to provide the justify content Center to make it in the center so so that is alignment thing it is see whenever you give display Flex it will automatically have align items stretch so it will stretch from top to bottom yes yes okay that's what I think you are saying so that is uh like because of uh align items is stretch property okay so it is stretching and taking the full full height of the parent okay so like whenever you give dis Flex on the parent Childs will have uh display block automatically okay and apart from block they are Flex items so they behave little bit differently like we can give height and width uh and we can do anything which we can do with a block element okay that's good now let's move to JavaScript can you tell me the difference between if and ternary operator fs and ter operator okay so like uh in U it it works similar as we know F Els is the previous es5 syntax and uh turn is a es6 new new syn introduced in the es6 and it uh have a difference of less line of code in a visual way and the main difference is like uh there is no return statement in if because if the value is true it will take the [Music] uh like okay okay go ahead you can tell you you're saying it correctly like okay so like we have to only give okay in FS we can provide multiple conditions also L if with with LF but in running operator we cannot it will only take the single uh output okay so the last point is not correct we can also do multiple conditions like if else else if else if el else if like that right yes we can do intern operator also same thing okay okay and the other point is it was introduced in es6 I think that is also not correct it was there since the beginning of JavaScript okay it is not a us6 thing and the other thing is syntactical difference is not that I'm asking any other fundamental difference any other actually I uh don't know right now okay so basically if else is a statement in JavaScript and tary operator is an expression now do you know the difference between statement and expression and not in technical terms I didn't uh go for the definition way okay so basically statement let's say let us Define expression first so expression is something which will be evaluated to a single value and we can store that value in a variable okay let's say if tary operator is there we can do const a equal to the tary operator Ator and whatever will be the returned value of tary operator that will be stored in that variable a is it correct we can do that right yes but we cannot do the same thing with if else const a is equal to if something else something else we cannot do that so we cannot so statement is not evaluated into a single value okay okay this this is the fundamental difference between F Els and tary operator okay okay do you know shallow copy and deep copy in JavaScript um yes as we know like uh if we have a like let's take an example of an object and there is a nested objects also inside an object with a key value paer so uh the shallow copy only copy the uh level one of the object not the inside where where like if [Music] I when we if change the inner inner values of the nested object then it will uh have the same reference address to the pre uh previous uh variable because uh like prev variable because uh it will only shallow copy but in deep copy it can change the nested objects also in the new variable okay so refer to the how can we do a shallow copy say there is a object user one okay there are some some properties on level one and there are some other properties nested okay so how will we do a Salo copy what will be the syntax for that object do assign by the object do assign we can copy yeah so any other way uh like spread operators I think yeah we can that's truee how we will do the uh deep copy okay so for deep copy I think uh I uh like I also worked in a very rare situation like we can perform the Deep copy with Jon do Parts I think yes yes yes that is Jon part we can uh and Jon string if I think yes yes pass inside that joning ify then the object will pass to that yeah that's correct okay now okay can you explain me what are closers okay so closer is basically uh a sorry the closure is basically a representation of a lexal with we have and the child function okay voice is breaking the child function scope to the P function and access the values to the network me check I think there is some Network issue on your side okay so should I connect yeah yeah try to disconnect and reconnect or yeah just try okay okay wait for hello hello hello am I audible right now yes yes a okay uh your old version is like already showing it let me try to remove and see okay you are two times on my screen actually when I press uh like uh join two times I think the last one is still connected yeah no now it is removed I have removed that okay okay so what were you were you explaining uh we are I'm telling the close about the closure so closure are basically dispensation of lexical scope for the uh child function where we have a parent function and child function child function at the have lexical scope to their parent function and can access the variables of the parent function also the closure is basically used to privatize the variables inside a parent function okay that's good now let's move to some output based questions I will send you some code snippet you have to see and you have to answer it okay okay you can share your screen now and you can put this code in vs code and uh you can I will open the some js GS compiler online okay you can open GS compiler but sometimes it gives unexpected results so should I like open the console yeah console or just vs code connect one file with vs code okay wait or we can do here online if some some unexpected error comes then we can try okay like this is one some are like when we paste the uh we have to run okay so the question is like we have a console log a in line one console log B in line two and we provide the variable A = to B = to 5 okay so like um so uh both have the value of five output for that okay okay let us change this question and simplify a bit remove line number two mhm and remove b equal to remove b equal to b equal to yes remove B also B also okay yes now what will be the answer and can you zoom it can you zoom it uh just do Control Plus few times uh is this good no it is still very small that ID is not zooming in do Control Plus yeah yeah yeah now it is good okay so uh this uh the value will be a and why because it's have a global scope and it can be access uh before uh declaration okay so it will have five right yes okay you can save it and check you can [Music] run okay it's undefined right now wait do you know why it is okay I think I messed up with the hosting concept so I in the hosting we can uh declare but and can cannot be access before declaration so yes yeah that is the reason but we can access before assigning so that's the concept of Hosting I mix up with like we can also access before declaration yeah we change the word to let what will happen sorry let what will happen and in this case yes it's the same uh error because it's in the temporal dead zone right now okay so it will also give undefined yes okay you can save it it's not giving undefined it's a reference error it's because in the we cannot access before declaration yeah so this is an error the earlier code the output that you saw that was not an error that is a value in JavaScript undefined is a value right okay undefined is a data type and it is a value yes it's un is not an error this is an error okay okay now if you change back to the previous code just do control Z few times yes uh should I run the code no you have to guess first okay a will be undefined and B will be five okay so is this correct or that is not correct you can run and check B is not defined undefined not defined so okay be behaving like defined in let that was different error cannot access before initialization okay different error okay it is not behaving like let B is not defined okay undefined and not [Music] defined okay I think I messed up with some Basics concept of GS right now yes so this is basic question I will ask you one more question let's see okay okay I'm sending here uh the output will be like uh six and five okay line number two will be six line number three will be five right yes okay okay you can check [Music] okay it is reverse wa okay the Plus+ is after the variable we are not incrementing before accessing the variable if the plus one is beside then it it can be a 66 yeah then it will be 66 okay okay [Music] okay okay I will send you one more question okay the browser will check from left to right so wait 1 is less than two then it will return return true when two is less than three then it will not cannot compare that but if we check three is greater than two 2 is greater than [Music] one two is greater than one two is less than [Music] three uh the above one will be uh will give I think true and Below one I think false why can you explain that uh because uh when we for the Javas will compare one and two first and then it will run the True Value because one is small smaller than two and the true is is equal to positive value one so 1 is less than three so it will return true yes and three is greater than two then return true two is equal to 1 and 1 is greater than one is uh is false yes that's correct you can run [Music] okay that's correct okay I will send you few more questions you know the this this keyword right yes so I sent you one question related to that okay let me paste to the console okay we have a function called f sorry and we have a variable of f with an nous function Arrow function of conso this do name and F do call name [Music] John who do call name John it will referring to the object this keyword name John will be the output okay because this will be referring to this object right oh yes yes I think we I can uh we have to use bind sorry apply or call so yes the answer will be John actually I got confused in call and apply [Music] so call apply B both are like all the three are similar B is a little bit different but yes that's why I tell you like call and I got confusing call you can check okay okay okay and why it is like [Music] undefined Yes Yes actually I forgot like we have Define this Arrow function and arrow function refer to the window this this window okay sorry the window object so it will not refer to that it will refer to the object that's why it's undefined okay because Arrow function don't have this keyword normal function have this keyword yes that's correct but Arrow functions don't refer to the window object always like in some cases they may refer they refer to its parent scope so for example the parent scope for this Arrow function is global where this keyword is window in this case it will refer but let's say if there is some different parent school it will refer to its parent is scope yes like uh we have object and in a particular like third key we have assigned the AR object name and the in the first key we have defined the name then it will refer to their parent object I what you said just let's say if we have a object and in object we have key value key value pair and the third key value pair have Arrow function with the with the value then I think uh it will uh wait okay also that time also like uh it's undefined sorry because Normal function can refer to the object object but not the error function yes that's correct even if inside object it will refer to the parent which will be window yes if you change this to function normal function what will happen [Music] m not I have to change the normal function yes you change it to normal function then it will refer to John name yes that's correct okay now let's say if we have one Arrow function inside this function just make an arrow function inside this function okay const const High equal to con any anything anything equal to some Arrow function and console log this uh this do name inside this this okay now call the function call the function below okay what will be output from line number four line number four okay wait hello hello yes yes there are some Network issue okay it have a similar uh return result of John yes you can check because we have a like a closure inside of that okay not because of closer it is because of Arrow function takes this keyword from its parent scope this function so whatever is the value of this in its parent it will take that MH okay okay okay okay I will send you one more question okay so so here what you have to do is MHM you have to freeze the ID properly you have to do some changes we have to write some code so that ID property cannot be changed right now if anyone wants they can change the ID property right okay so we we have a key keybard of object. freeze I think wait yes object. freeze will freeze the whole object anything cannot be changed you want to freeze only one one so like can we do it with the like object. freeze and pass the user. ID then it will freeze the ID no that will not [Music] work actually I don't know how to freeze a particular key in the how to okay it's it's all right we can freeze any property if you want okay okay so how how can we do it like there is something called object. Define property object do Define okay so like uh we can similar syntax with be capital O object object do Define property [Music] Define yes I think it will be no no Define property the spelling what the spelling is uh it will be I think just try to do user dot uh user dot maybe it will be and minut let me check user dot Define yes uh wait diff [Music] property yeah it is not giving suggestion okay object. Define property is the syntax mhm and you pass the object and the key so it is not giving the suggestion Define property okay so it's uh what to pass inside that what the syntax yeah first will be the the object that you want to let's say use it and comma it will be ID in a string just uh pass that ID in a string in a string somehow this is um like now [Music] you uh I cannot exess or I cannot change the property also I cannot change it just try to change it before console login uh I think it will in what property descriptor one second hello description okay I think there is another uh another parameter I think yeah property property will be like uh it it is an object uh it is not like this it will be an object the second second value will be object just remove that ID mhm remove that ID and pass some uh one object here empty object yes and here here in the empty object you will give the property name let's say ID with uh in the in the object inside the object [Music] okay and no no we don't need to pass third argument ID colum ID colum again object okay and right table here it will be there will on key writeable key writeable so H just write writeable everything will be small false right will colum false do like this you cannot change now if you do user. ID equal to 456 it will not change you can access it there is no problem in accessing but it will not be [Music] writeable no not like this user. ID equal to something else how do you overwrite the ID yeah that is like yeah now you can run it it will not have any effect there is still syntax error it is not proper object undefined what it is saying property description must be an object type error there is a type error I think it is not running it properly uh user ID right table is this a like defined property is a a newer is defined introduced a newer version of the JavaScript it is not defined property it will be defined properties t it is not a new thing it is old thing properties yes okay now it's returning the same value as we have the user yeah we can we can change other properties but we cannot change this ID okay okay okay now let's move to our last section which is I will send you one code snippet like one code you have to fix you have to fix the bug there will be some bug in the code okay okay one [Music] second open this link and you will see some HTML code you cannot see no I think uh the ID not public okay is it loaded right one minute let me check I think I have a network isue that's why it's getting loaded yeah now it is visible right you can see it right [Music] hello hello yes yes you can see the code right yes the page is under still loading so wait I'm waiting for that page to load yeah now I think you can see the code and you can copy the code and run it in your file in your local okay let me first [Music] Define new folder is [Music] just create one HTML file and paste the code that I sent [Music] okay open this uh file with live server or something [Music] okay there is a go live button below no if you can run on okay okay okay so what I have made here is there is a nap bar as you can see it and just try to scroll a little bit to scroll down so if we scroll I have given some blur effect on the on the nap okay and okay uh there's a login button and uh if we click on the login button this popup should open okay but this popup is opened by default and it should be in Center it should not be in the header itself it should be in the center of the page you got it right but it is right now coming in the header itself it is not coming below right so you what you have to do is for you have 10 minutes to fix the this thing and bring it into the center once you if you're not able to do then I will tell you how how you can bring it into the center okay okay and then the last part is you need to make it working when we click on the login button then it should open and and we click on the close button then it should close it should not be present always okay so okay for total uh you have 30 minute okay so no 20 minute first first Tas is to Center the element login model and the third one is to make it functional for on click yes so you have total 20 minutes uh in 20 minutes you have to do after 10 minutes if you're not able to fix this issue you're not able to make it into Center I will help you okay okay okay wait let me you have to see so can I REM remove that D from outside to outside for uh or should I put it on the nav uh leave it there you don't have to change anything in the HTML okay by changing CSS you can do okay [Music] okay so you need to find out the reason why it is happening basically okay I can change the CSS you can change the CSS anything you want e can you zoom your vs code zoom in your vs code a little bit and close yes close that part close it completely the left panel zoom in that's that's good okay that okay we have position sticky also so position sticky should be there so that if we scroll it should stick okay for if you remember the question first question I asked is position fixed relative to the port yeah viewport or something else to their parent so here it is not being related to the viewport it is being relative to the parent parent okay by default it will take the Rel parent as a relative but in abute we have to provide the parent relative where if we not provide we will take the viewport as a yeah okay I okay okay let me for actually I I'm not getting how to because we have to take this div out of the nav yeah so here why position fixed is not working the way it should work is because of backdrop filter blur because we have given the blur to the background if you remove the blur to the background it will be fixed just remove it uh the nap from the nav yeah from the REM remove background filter player yes now time to refresh why it is like I didn't get a new yeah so now blur will not be there but it will be in Center so whenever we give background filter like background filter property okay or we give transform property mhm or if we give perspective property or if we give clip property clip path is one more property so if we give any one of these properties the position fixed element will be related to its parent it will not be relative to the viewport it creates yes okay so just a question like when we provide these property what it what the changes happen in the element we provide that like yes so what happens by default uh like whenever we give any one of these properties they create a new coordinate system for that container so it is treated as a page itself for the position fixed so okay behind the scenes they make that parent to be to be like a page itself so new coordinate system is created and that's why position fixed thinks that okay this is the hole we put okay so it will be relative to that like this is why that is is there any other way to make this element happen behave like this or just to these property what told me about yeah only these properties are there maybe some other properties maybe so any property which create some new coordinate system that that will uh that will make the fixed property behave like this okay I have worked mostly in the CSS part throughout my work but I didn't get any uh get get any to learn these while my experience yeah CSS is a lot like so actually I worked on SAS also I prefer majorly SAS while working because it have give some extensive use cases use for using CSS yes yes at the end it is CSS right yes anything if you use so this is important thing to note that fixed is not always fixed to the viewport it can be relative to the parent itself if you give just scale transform transform property if you just give M do it transform translate just transform translate 10 pixel just give 10 10 pixel yes that's enough now you can check it uh see again it came in the same way perspective property clip Path property will work the same way okay now since it is fixed uh so how we will do in this case so the right solution is to move this popup code out of the nav so the first thing you told like should we remove it from HTML and like put it outside the na so that is the solution otherwise we will not be able to give the blur background yes there is these are the exception cases where where we uh it can happen but mostly we prefer uh to make the every component uh not inside for another component so we prefer to separate it out yes so anyway models like other components can be nexted if they are related but uh models we should keep it outside of any parent and directly inside the body because of this reason models if you write it it will be outside of this Yes actually I also buil some model so we use some boost so we prefer to make the model outside of that element yeah body part yes so now the last part is you have to you can remove the H right like you can again copy and paste the code so because you have changed some code so you can again copy and paste the code which I sent you from the from the link wait uh link okay copy and paste and you can remove the HTML part from nav and put it [Music] outside put it below below the M tag yeah I prefer below just above the body closing tag for mod yeah so this is how it is now if we click on the close icon it should close you should you have to write some JavaScript here okay okay JavaScript [Music] [Music] that [Music] y e [Music] [Music] [Music] down [Music] for can I write CSS also in this yes you can write CSS I can I read the Cs yeah you you can change [Music] display what actually I forgot how to we provide the CSS in this the syntax of like okay what do style dot yeah style do do display okay I thought uh we have to use qu Braes open and that was correct okay there is some other issue okay this is not a function wait me I think there may be some syntax error [Music] okay I CSS [Music] [Music] l for [Music] for okay you have two more minutes for [Music] for all okay your time is up okay now since you are using get Elements by class name it is giving you an array okay okay you have to use get element like whenever you get use get Elements by class name that will give all that will always give you an array like thing HTML collection mhm okay and you cannot Direct L use ad event listener you have to access it like how you access the element of array so zero if you do zero yes oh that error is gone yeah you have to use still there will be ARR error because yeah double equal to you have to use can prob undefined reading display yes there will be 183 model. style. display model so basically model is also an array we using so you have to use the same thing first element model is square bracket 0 yes okay okay so that was the problem okay now you can stop sharing your screen and now based on this interview how many points will you give to yourself out of 10 points I think uh the basics are very like 50% after to 100 because uh I forgot the main basics for the JavaScript so 50 after 100 yeah same like five points out of 10 points I will give you yes and you will not be selected like I will not select you as a fresher also forget about experienced okay as a fresher also you will not be selected like maybe uh if I take from the perspective of fresher since I had that thing in mindset that you are experienced my expectation were higher maybe if I take as an as a fres maybe at that time you will be selected but based on this interview you'll be you will be not selected okay okay so now what what you learned from this interview um actually uh when when you ask me about the basics of JavaScript so uh I learned that I have to go back to basics and learn the hosting concept and the objects and the array all because and uh as while we I'm working modly in the react part from the past two years so I forgot to the syntax also the of the JavaScript yes have to brush up on that also yes fundamentals are important if you give any interview as an experienced they will ask JavaScript will ask CSS if you're not able to clear JavaScript part it will not be selected so JavaScript will always be important react and angular or any framework that will come always last once you clear this part then you'll be asked react or other things okay okay so like maybe some companies some small companies or startups they can take you based on your rea act skills but good if you want good good company good package so for that Basics are very important and one more thing like uh which I would suggest you any concept that you already know that you should practice how to explain in an interview for example you you already knew closers so you explained it but you're hesitating like while expl explaining any concept you you hesitate a lot you get stuck like now how what I do so that should be in fluency you should explain so the way you speak confidence is not there the way you speak You're hesitant a lot like if you said correct or incorrect so there should and there should be a confidence in your the way you speak okay because you are experienced as a experienced you are giving interview there should be a confidence which will give you success in your career okay and confidence will come only because of clarity when you have the clarity Clarity of fundamental concepts Clarity of everything holistically then you will get get the confidence automatically then whatever you will speak that will be you are 100% correct you will [Music] know basics whenever you keep giving interview how many interviews have you given in last four months almost 100 100 interviews you have given already yes that's a crazy number like I have never given so much most of the person ask me how you getting the calls but I know where to get the no no get to short list how by getting my profile strong like my resume is ATS friendly my 80 score is 60 plus and my LinkedIn profile is up to date and it can like I got a call from a very reown brands also but still I'm lacking on on my knowledge so that's why yeah so that's so even after giving 100 interviews you are not selected right yes that's something very red flag very much like red than actually uh I I know the reason I will tell you like uh from the past like from ail 21 I've have been working majorly just to convert figma design into a just static UI so my main work is around HTML and CSS yeah got it not that much of JavaScript that's why and most also in react from for past like 2.5 years I've been working re but only converting the figma design into a working web okay so you have not worked on the functional part right also not on the Bas most of the data like I fetch that API Basics API and to uh make the results on the table but not on a complex level yeah so that is important thing since you have not worked on the JavaScript part that's why your JavaScript is not strong and you should start making your own projects or some practice projects and use JavaScript it is very important okay uh it's good talking to you da okay okay thank you thank you so much thank you bye [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Anurag Singh ProCodrr
Views: 129,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frontend Interview, HTML Interview Questions, CSS Interview Tips, JavaScript for Beginners, Entry Level Web Developer, Mock Interview, Frontend Developer Skills, Fresher Interview Preparation, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript Interview, Web Development Interview, procodrr mock interviews, procodrr
Id: B_Iup877bYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 45sec (5025 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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