3 WORK FROM HOME Remote Jobs / Side Hustle EXPLAINED, 55+, online, side hustle discrimination?

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about 6 weeks ago I interviewed an expert in making money online every single month well you can imagine we got a lot of questions on that video including if she was a real person because we used an avatar how taxes work is their agism how does PayPal charge you and a whole bunch of other things today she's back and we're going to give you all your answers in today's video [Music] happy Sunday everybody it's Robin with creativity RV I hope you're all doing well out there we are lucky today because my friend TJ is back we had hundreds and hundreds of comments a lot of them asking first of all why she was using an avatar like you can see here that's her she's real she's live and we're going to explain that today along with answering all of your other questions if you didn't see the last video the reason we did it is that I'm the author of the book work for home while you roam The Ultimate Guide to jobs that can be done from anywhere and TJ actually wrote me an email to say thank you because she had made so much money out of the book and we became friends but if you look at the book like she was saying there are over 300 jobs what we highlighted in the video we're talking about are three companies that do market research and user testing so like if a company's coming out with a new app they'll have people test it first or market research companies will look at people with different demographics and that's what she's doing and I'll link that video down below so you can see those three companies and watch that and get her advice for how to succeed with those companies I don't want to speak for you but you've made2 to $3,000 a month for how long doing this for since um at least 2020 I started in 2020 I honestly thought in order to make money online that I had to go sit my butt down between you know 8:00 a.m. and 400 p.m. or a night shift and doing customer service that sort of thing I had no idea this world existed and I bought your book when I saw it and that led me to this that led me to making all of this money and I did some other research as well and um you started it all for me and I really appreciate that so that's really why I'm doing this interview is my way of saying thanks back to you for doing it thank you and um by the way we're going to get into the questions now but I got a lot of comments from people that have already gotten the book and they were not able to update the book so that doesn't apply to everybody but I'm going to tackle that at the end and also show show you some of the scammers that have tried to knock off the book so if you do go over and look at it you don't get one of the awful ones um that are not me but um I have a way for you to update the book automatically so if that's you please watch until the end so TJ you want to get into some of the questions let's go I'm going to go ahead and start with the Avatar questions um a lot of them we erased because they were just rude she um doesn't have any responsibility to show people her face she's just here to help so the first question says given the mistrust about the Avatar it might have been better to have presented this as a phone interview I admit that I had mixed feelings at the start of the video but the information TJ shared sounds credible this is work requiring time and effort and definitely not a getrich quick scheme or easy money it's basically it basically boils down to putting the effort consistently and doggedly good luck to all those that seek and may find okay um other people said they didn't find the Avatar distracting at all and somebody said obviously she approaches the job professionally in an organized consistent manner I enjoy the presentation if you're in the workplace avatars are common in zoom and teams meeting this is not 1990 and then somebody said she is smart staying anonymous Miss taught me something right away look she's a real person that is not an avatar not an avatar I'm feeling like I want to get some breakfast how about you you want to get some breakfast Yum Yum Yum right right I'm feeling like a bun bun oh my God I'm feeling like I want to be in a Halloween special I want to be in Halloween special too hello dinosaur ra ra Are you a dog person or a cat person cuz I I'm feel like a dog person you guys this is what avatars do avatars are all over these kinds of calls you can Google this for yourself TJ is a real person we're going to go over to another screen where we can show you screenshots and answer your questions ready girl ready let's do it so uh I first I want to start off why did I use an avatar it allows me to protect my privacy uh so I can share this valuable information to you but also keep my privacy online I'm a private person I don't uh I don't do Twitter I don't do Instagram but also professionally for to do this kind of work I really don't want my face out there I want it to be uh more anonomous it's about comfort and U being anonymous gotcha and you guys look she's not getting anything for doing this video with us she's literally doing it out of the kindness of her heart to help people and I've been on YouTube now for five years and I like to keep it pretty drama free but I've learned over time there are going to be negative people let's call them haters let's call them trolls in the comments and I look at them most of the time like a pothole when you're going down the road uh they're just a nuisance but for everybody else that's actually trying to get real information from a real person that wants to help you make money online this is the video to watch don't listen to the haters there are two types of people in this world the people that do stuff and the people that complain about the other people that do stuff and everybody needs to decide which one they want to be um if you're here for all the right reasons keep watching and we'll answer all of your questions okay we're going to tackle the big one first there were a lot of people that said there were agism in these jobs and look I did a video like two years ago where I showed I think five other completely separate different jobs that were similar to these but for people that were over 5565 and I got similar comments in that video I'll link that below also but there were a lot of people in those comments that were making money and I'm going to do a follow-up video on this in a few months because I dug in and did some research after these comments and yes depending on the age you look at 55 65 whatever that age group is 50 to 60 65% of the buying Market it is not these babies and all of the research is telling companies that they need to do more market research and user testing which is exactly what we're talking about for that generation but it's 30% of the market right now they could do better but 30% of the user testing and market research out there is for four people in that age group so just know that right now and I will now read TJ the questions okay the first one says several people have mentioned that companies don't want people over 65 I have also found this to be true any advice then the next one says this sounds more like an informational and a hook to buy the book a more honest way would be to tell people what is really going on such as if your age is anyway above 55 or 60 you will spend hours answering and never being being selected and that your chances of really making real money are somewhere between Zero To None I am I can feel TJ wanting to tackle that one next question yes next question I have a hard time believing this because I have checked out the jobs you push honestly that that I find that word irritating and I'd say they are not viable for most people the worst thing in those surveys which you spend hours on only to find you don't qualify for some reason I appreciate this video but your job ideas are not for most people maybe younger people and I don't believe she only does this for a few hours and the last one which had hundreds of comments attached to it the surveys I found are overwhelmingly for under 65 year olds um I used to waste time answering their interview questions and never got chosen so it wasn't worth it and people said me too so can you tell the audience since they can't see you how old you are I'm 55 I turned 55 in March there were people that said they don't hire people over 45 over 50 over 60 over 65 over 79 they didn't hire you if you didn't have kids they didn't hire you if you were white they didn't hire you if you were black I'm telling you these gigs hire everybody because the gigs that we talked about in the first video were user testing and market research and I'm going to have TJ explain to you again what those things are but they're looking for all kinds of people including people over 50 and 55 and TJ since you did this before you turned 55 and after did you see a difference so far I have not seen a difference whatsoever I have just as many um SC user tests I have just as many um marketing research gigs as many one-on-one interviews so far nothing has changed for me sometimes they do care about your age that's it's that's just that's just a given they they do care sometimes but I understand everyone's frustration listen I'm 55 I I only turned 55 in March but I have the same amount of one-on-one interviews and marketing research and I've qualified for the same amount as I did before I turned 55 so again I can't I can't speak to 65 and over I can only speak to my age however what I want to say is not everyone is going to fit every Target demographic for every survey or every market research however there are hundreds of other side hustle opportunities and microtasks that are not age dependent persistence and exploring various options can help you find what suits you best right so if you find that that that the marketing research is only one small slice of what's available out there for the online side hustle gig that's all I'm saying and I would like to say that nobody is pushing any specific jobs Robin is giving you a list of companies to go try out for and see what works for you that's all she's doing it's up to you to go out there and explore and figure out what works for you if if these things don't work for you okay that that that's all right but there for a lot of other people they really do and I just want to say once again that persistence is key in this I don't qualify so here's the thing on user testing when I do user testing the screeners are very quick and those are most of the time I'm not even asked my age I'm asked what I do or what company do I use do I use Verizon AT&T or T-Mobile or whatever and that's all they care about they care about what bank you use if you're going to user test their website uh they care about uh what kind of shoes you wear but they're most of the time they're not even asking the age on those some they are but most are not I would also like to add that I'm going to retire in 193 days nobody's counting and when I retire I'm just going to say that I am not going to suddenly start ticking the box that says I retired I'm going to continue to say that my occupation is what it has been for the last 30 years you just have to keep applying consistency is a key I understand people's frustration but what I saw in the comments a lot was people said well I tried a few times and I didn't qualify so I gave up if you are trying one thing and it doesn't seem to be working for you we only gave you three companies to try there are tons of different companies out there and tons of different types of jobs I do all kinds of things that don't involve those three jobs I gave you so consistency is key finding what works for you is key I don't qualify for every screener that I apply for it could be my age it could be because I have a 10-year-old child but they're only looking for people who have you know eight and under children so not everybody's going to qualify for everything I said this in my last video and I think it's really important with this kind of work you don't sit down and immediately start working and making money you have to fish for it like when you go fly fishing you stick your Rod out there a whole bunch of times and you put the line out there and you keep fishing and every once in a while you hook something that's just like this and the more consistent you are the more companies you sign up with the more the money is going to come in well so most of the times the screeners are multiple choice or you know you're just ticking a few boxes and then a lot they're just asking you like what product you use or what what what uh state you live in or you know those kind of demographic informations and what products you use if they're like popcorn you know I did one for a microwave popcorn and they wanted which which pop orn you use where did you buy it from for example um and you um so you just tick those quick boxes and they may ask you to write two sentences tell us the last time you enjoyed popcorn they just want to make sure that you can put a cohesive sentence together basically so most of the time they they don't involve a lot of writing so you just tell them what you use and where you're from and sometimes you get picked and sometimes you don't but you do have to fill out a lot of screeners in order to get picked I would say okay for user testing I would say um I I would say I I would fill out and user testing on user testing.com for example I may fill out um 10 or 15 or even 20 screeners but each one only takes less than 30 seconds and then but once I do get one it takes 15 minutes and I make $10 or I do one and it's a one-on-one interview for an hour and I make $60 so so it it pays off after a while yeah and you um were saying before you don't make money necessarily the kind of money that you're making right away you have to build up to it is that is that right you can start making money the minute you sit down at the computer but you have to um you do have to gain a little bit of a reputation for on user testing.com for example you're rated and so you want to keep up your five-star rating um in order to uh you know qualify for for better and more jobs if you have a better reputation however you can start right away and start you know especially like for example on intell zoom on marketing research there's you don't need to have a um particular reputation for example on dout you need to be bright you need to answer the questions articulately you need to look into the camera don't look up your nose have a nice background and there you go and and look go watch the old video to get all the information on all these companies um because we're not talking about that in this video we're just answering the questions and I'll get to more in a second but we had lots of people write us that had jumped in and had already made money after watching the video and I'm getting information that my signal is low so probably my lips don't match my face right now but we're going to keep it moving the next most common question was about taxes what about paying the taxes you may be making good money but the taxes will be more than what you make H and now if you get paid $600 you also have to pay taxes on that amount as well okay question after watching this in several other videos I know that it's advised to have a separate email account for this type of income but what about a separate phone number PayPal account bank account and what about taxes is this considered $199 work that you have to pay those High self-employment taxes on next question the issue I have is with this type of work is that it's considered independent contractor therefore the employer does not pay social security taxes on your behalf based on your wages when I was a notary I found lots of work but at a tax time I was paying 50% rate in my state that's a bitter pill to swallow okay um before you jump in TJ can I say just a quick couple things absolutely okay if you go into the book I have an entire section called Financial considerations for the self-employed that tells people how to get health insurance and directs them to resources about taxes now we are not giving tax information here we are not tax experts you need to talk to your accountant but I can tell you as a self-employed person um it's true I have to pay both sides of what they call Fooda and and suda but you're not in a 50% tax rate unless you're making that much money if this is a little side hustle and it just depends on how much money you're bringing in overall so you need to talk to your accountant or look at some of the resources in the book and I've had other people say that it's going to hurt your retirement if you work remotely because you're not paying into Social Security that is false that's why you pay both sides and I have a whole section on how to save for retirement without having a regular employer um these jobs are 1099 work which means you get a separate tax form um and again I'm not a tax adviser but what that lady said is true um you only get one if you've made over $600 okay TJ take it what do you think yes uh I just say taxes are a part of life I can't offer tax advice uh but just like any income you just have to report it to the IRS I personally report all my income even if I'm not $199 and um I think that here's the thing so so I have to pay taxes on the money you're supposed to pay taxes on all of your income that's just a part of life no matter where it comes from number one and then and then um it's just a matter of uh keeping records and there are ways to offset that I can't I'm not I again I can't do a be a Tax Advisor but yes that's just part of life and you know don't throw the baby out with the bath water I also would also like to say that you know okay even if even if hypothetically I was tax at a 50% rate which I'm not then but also I don't have to start my car I don't have to go anywhere my butt does not have to be in a chair at any particular time I can stop whenever I want to every day I don't have to work on a particular day my time is my own for this so those are the plus sides um then uh um I also want to say that uh as far as PayPal as far as um an email address so I I use a separate email address for all of this work otherwise my regular email address would be inundated because you get lots and lots of when you sign up all these marketing research companies or whatever you get lots of emails hey we have a new one about um women's shoes you know do this survey for that or you know D out all kinds of stuff comes through so but I do not have a I just added that email address to my already current PayPal account I did not make a separate PayPal account I did not make a separate bank account there was another question there was another question about PayPal fees okay so PayPal does not charge you fees to to bring in the money PayPal does not charge you fees to take out the money if you when when I want to transfer my money to my bank then I do one to three business days and it goes into my bank account for free if I want the money right now like within minutes they charge you a 1% or 2% fee I'm not sure what that is but I never do that so I don't incur any PayPal fees whatsoever do you have to look office ready or can you be in your PJs and curlers so everything is not on camera the only time you are on camera is if you have said up a one-on-one interview or a focus group where you're with other people and that takes place like in a zoom setting basically um most of for user testing you are mostly recording only your screen you are not recording your face but every once in a while with user testing they do want to record your face but they tell you that ahead of time that this screener is for a face recording and you have to click a box that says I agree to have my face recorded so you can just choose not to do those so in fact I have done user testing but naked right out of the shower okay see yeah then PJs that's a step up I guess okay many of these sites want so much of your personal information I guess I'm skeptical what are the chances of you of your info getting out there in the wrong hands uh the chances are the same as anywhere you know I mean there's data breaches everywhere so I'm not not giving them my I'm I'm never giving them my social security number I'm not giving them my driver's license information um when I'm giving out when they want my address for something it's a reputable company that's a Lo longstanding uh company when I'm doing user testing it's I'm basically Anonymous the website usertesting.com for example they know my real name they know my occupation um they know my email address they might know my snail mail address um but they don't know about my social security number I'm not giving out those kind of private details okay this is is an important um differentiation so let me just recap if I can when you go in and apply to do work with these companies and we talked about D Scout and telom and user testing that's the ones we talked about in the last video or any of these companies you do give them your address and your date of birth and your Social Security number because like we were just talking talking about they may need to send you a $10.99 just like any other employer or company that you work for um like I do that all of my 1099s uh that I did last year came from people that had that information but when TJ is going into the screeners and doing the user testing and the market research she's not giving that information and let me explain that um these companies in tum and user testing and dout they are doing the testing for other companies so like she talked about New Balance shoes New Balance might be hiring dout to find people to do the user testing but New Balance doesn't have your information right correct just the platform and correct again in the book we we vet things and there's an entire chapter on how not to get scammed with resources but we all have to be careful I mean it's a legitimate question but if people are asking for that information outside those platforms or they want you to pay for a job that is a scam don't do that never never never never pay yeah you're supposed to get paid that's that's the point right okay ready for the next one yes okay um I've done some surveys but find many of them ask about my job well I don't work anymore but I used to and can provide Insight how do I respond um and we kind of touched on this before but go ahead yes so um I recommend that you you are the profession that you have always been even if you aren't currently doing it and when I retire in just 193 days or so I will continue to say that I am the profession that I have done for the last 30 years yeah okay great next question um is it necessary to put in your age on D Scout I believe they ask it in the profile um and some screeners ask for your age and some don't but I believe in the profile in your profile you do yeah yes and again I mean you guys they're going to see on D Scout they're going to see how old you are really because it's every it's on camera yeah you and you're so like you're testing apps you're testing websites to see if they're userfriendly that's what it is so they're going to see you you guys um but again not all the jobs have any anything to do with your age correct they just they want people who drink Coca-Cola not necessarily a specific age sometimes they do want a specific age but sometimes that doesn't matter yeah so and that has to do with the company that they're doing the work for and what demographic they're trying to Market to that's all that is it's not discrimination okay next question God I'm glad someone has figured out how to work the system but when you get told several times that you don't meet their demographics you tend to give up I wish people would quit touting this as a legit job for everyone it's BS and I said well that is very negative TJ didn't give up she uses this as a legit way to make money every month that's not BS for her her family or her retirement I usually don't like clap back that like that but that guy what do you think so the the difference between me and that person is that I'm persistent I didn't go if I had started in my first hour and I got 10 little rejections on user testing I never would have made any money so you just have to be persistent you can't go well they rejected me twice I quit I mean that's like a toddler you you you have to there is some sunk cost in there where you have to spend the time to make the money you have to spend some time filling out screeners in this particular kind of work you have to spend the time how there are also but let me tell you there are are hundreds of companies out there where you don't have to spend the time doing screeners where you get hired on to do transcriptions for example or to do other little tasks at um at uh there's lots of little microtask companies out there so that once you're in once you pass their little test you're going to get lots of little jobs that you don't have to fill out screeners for so it's just self-defeating it's just a self-defeating way to look at it Robin can these jobs be done on a tablet or does it need to be on a laptop so I do 95% of the work on my uh laptop sometimes they actually want you to use your phone dout is 99% phone in fact um and I don't I I'm not really a tablet person I'm sure that there are some jobs that you can do on a tablet but I'm not 100% sure the best way would be to sign up and find out for every job listing in there it's going to tell you the requirements what they're looking for how they pay when they pay and a link to apply I know I'm not trying to get everyone to go over to the book but look just because I wrote the book I can tell you a lot of companies do allow you to use a tablet you just have to find the ones that work for you okay ready next one yes um can you ask TJ um if you do it as a side hustle and you have another job what happens if an interview comes in when you're at your other job so when you sign up to do an interview you you um you pick an a schedule that works for you they'll give you they'll tell you what openings are left and if something works for me fine if not then I don't do that particular interview to recap age matters sometimes but not all the time as a self-employed person yes you have to pay your taxes but contact your accountant because it depends on your tax bracket don't be scared I've been doing it for years um all kinds of companies work for all kinds of different people and different kinds of devices and this is legit this is not some BS thing I don't do BS hey everybody I am in an RV in a storm and so my Wi-Fi connection is not the best and so TJ actually got knocked out of our meeting so I want to say thank you very much to her for taking her time twice now to help people understand on how to make money online but now I'm going to talk to people that have my book or are looking for the book because there are some scammers out there now I have two non-fiction books that are both updated all the time one is be a nomad change your life and the other one is work from home while you roam now look at this screenshot if you go into Amazon and you look at the books you're going to see if there is an update available down below the book now my work from home copy was already updated so you can see it here below be a nomad change your life all you do is click the button and it updates it I spoke with kindall this morning and they are sending an email to everybody that purchased the book telling them that an updated version is being pushed into their device now if you don't have automatic updates you're going to have to do it yourself and if it doesn't work look down in the comments below pinned at the top or in the description I'm going to give you a link for you to go in and update the book I am not trying to get people to repurchase the book one of the benefits of the book is that it is updated once or twice a year all the links are redone and the jobs are vetted and you have access to the new information so that should work for everybody otherwise it's like you have an e-reader you're looking online you're looking on your phone you don't know what's updated and what's not and some people have been having problems for other people that want to know no you do not need an e-reader to read the book you just need the Kindle app or you can read it through your Amazon account and I get a lot of questions asking if it's in paperback and I'm working on it because I hear you you want it but um to me you don't get the updated links then you would have to purchase it again every year but I am doing that for you guys so look at um in the 2025 Edition that will come out in paperback now people let me talk to you about the freaking scammers I had a comment that said I saw your book but the author's name was different it is like whack-a-mole you guys when you go over to Amazon what you want to look for is my book that has a green Banner on the top that says 2024 Edition that has 1,700 Plus reviews and is 4.6 Stars if you scroll down now you're going to see a whole bunch of other people that stole the title um or they tried to get AI make an audiobook for them and you can see they have one two three reviews and they're like one star two stars because maybe their mom gave them a review there is nothing I can do about that um I could pursue a copyright violation with Amazon but it takes a long time and all I can do is hope that people that read my book and like the book go in and give those other people one star and then hopefully they go away like this lady who literally took a screenshot of my artwork on my cover um that is original and tried to recreate my book except for that she spelled entrepreneur wrong at the top and she has some pretty bad reviews the link to my book is down below again I want to thank TJ for coming and talking to us again I know it's tough if you've never been self-employed before to tackle something like this but you can do it there is lots of money to be made out there remotely for you and anybody else that might need this information I get emails from all kinds of people saying this helped me pay off my medical bills this helped my kids work through college all kinds of people are using this information to make money they're not scams it's real it's legit um if you have any additional questions please put them down below we will try and answer them and I'll be coming out with another video before the end of the year addressing the age concerns specifically I'll see you guys next week with an all new video Until then everybody out there have happy travels and be free
Channel: Creativity RV
Views: 36,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, How to RV, Boondocking, Van Life, RV, RV Travel, Nomad, rv living, how to rv full time, digital nomad, solo female rv, rving, rv hacks, tiffin rv, campervan, full time travel, camping, national forest camping, boondocking, why rv, dispersed camping, free camping, FIFTH WHEEL, DIGITAL NOMAD, RV WOMEN, GRAND DESIGN RV, RVING FULL TIME, AIRSTREAM, HOW TO RV, RV COST, FREE CAMPING, HARVEST HOSTS, BATTLE BORN, CAMPSCANNER, CAMPERSCARD, PATREON, SOLO TRAVEL
Id: cOylyQE7yuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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