3 WEEKS AT SEA - Crossing the Atlantic Ocean [Ep 65]

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last time on sailing Zatara we began the first leg of our Atlantic crossing we made it 600 nautical miles to the Canary Islands and caught a boatload of fish in the mean time [Music] out on the border [Music] they screaming [Music] total self the linemen are just like [Music] you how then float away I let it float away ah that is over [Music] [Music] before continuing on we stopped over for a few days in the Canary Islands just 60 miles west off the coast of Africa we explored the town a bit we got our last minute repairs and provisions taken care of and we sucked down all the Wi-Fi we possibly could and said goodbye to friends and family and then took off west for the grand expedition of the Atlantic crossing [Music] we're done in the Canaries and in the morning depending on the swell we are moving on across the Atlantic so it's the beginning of our Atlantic crossing and we're excited about it we hadn't made a major passage in over a year now so we're looking forward to that it's 3,000 miles should take 15 to 20 days from right here where we're going and we're excited I'm excited to get back out there [Music] we [Music] last lab we're gonna see for 15-20 minutes and then to the unknown we go [Music] Keith took down the Canaries courtesy flag and if you hadn't noticed already we are already proudly flying our United States flag come on Oh lay down for a little bit the wind shifts that will beep I know weird about a wind shift unless it's over it beeps every 15 degrees the first day of this passage was excellent calm seas and clear skies and after a nice day where no one got seasick thank the Lord we prepare for night shifts [Music] fantastic I am wearing the anchored out of mural apparel we got the pants logo and the end that Jack is very nice very warm they have a wide variety of items for sale yes and their website will be on the link in the corner of somewhere somewhere it's very nice yeah you can wear those so this boat came with a screecher and it's a cell we used when the winds are 90 degrees to 120 degrees off the beam it's a great light wind sail and we can make good broad reaches and beam reaches with the boat with that screecher cell up and make really good speeds it's a endless furling sail so it froze up really easy today so we got a long way to go but it looks like it's gonna be a good passage I'm safely tucked away mmm right there yeah we've made a little bitty a little bit of progress we're gonna head down towards Cape Verde we're not gonna stop at Cape Verde and less weather dictates that we need to otherwise we're just gonna keep sipping on around all these beautiful little chocolate coke islands over here that we know so well save me wait for hand show me all the places I've never known it will change the night race all of these broken dreams and Oh so good morning this is day two this is the morning of day two on our passage and it's a beautiful morning as it so called there's so much wind but it makes for a really peaceful sale I don't think anybody's gonna get nauseous the Sun is absolutely beautiful the sunrise is gorgeous and so I think it's going to be a really nice day today c-bro why can't it be zero why does everything gotta be identical and kate is doing school ten yeah Greek paper and it's just a little longer than our 18 half by 11 I don't know why eight and a half by eleven and a half or something you may have to chop off the top part of the behavior okay very calm today so Jack Whittaker went up them well he's trying to fix something on the sale I don't know watch Jack flip there and I really hope he doesn't fall hey Dad what are we doing so nightshift number two everything's still going pretty smooth the seas are calm you still have the motor on winds it's out on our port side over here so they're not too far away everything is looking good nobody's been sick this whole time it's been great night shifts pretty pretty you know uneventful he's got to get done one way or another right we've got a good does I am slowly moving into the night shift cycle waking up at 3:00 every morning I woke up ten minutes before my shift this morning so we currently have two days left 18 19 days left haven't even come close to anything still so close to land yeah this is pretty much it it's day three of our Atlantic crossing and we have reached so much boredom that we have stopped in the middle of nowhere to swim just leave [Music] [Music] Brittney's together she had to bail out the second time it's our third day of passage and we're got winds building to the north over here it's the clouds you can see that beautiful sunset and we've been calm for the last two days and fixing they keep getting here or seven eight nine days of good strong 20 22 25 knot winds should arrive in the Caribbean West Indies sometime around December 5th through the 10th so here we go [Music] like 16 and we were doing so I feel like I've been out here here so if we make the trip I love gray hair mom will be in a casket [Applause] [Music] well it's my watch it's 8:30 in the morning this is Dave five starting at Goodwin's we made 200 miles last night her last 24 hours we did a good sale I mean it's been a really good sale everybody's doing good and everybody's got over their passage blues we're it's a little brisk to be flying the ACM of the screecher that's the cell I need to have oh I don't want to blow them out this early in the classes we've got about 2,100 miles left we've got the 20-knot winds true all the time right now they need to be about 15 to 18 true that needs to be yes I think I sunned me they'll be calming down we'll be farther down south and we'll be flying a simp Saul the time and taking down the main and just cruising and now we're doing 10 knots speed over ground heading to two to 265 course over ground I reached in the main last night to second reef because I didn't want to I wanted everybody to rest and be relaxed and the wind was kind of gusty of times the same direction just I didn't want to be worried about that all night long and if a squall came through I didn't want to have max sails up so great sailing enjoying the life I like being out on the open water finally starting to see some flying fish again that means that I think that means the seas are getting better full of life that's my love for the morning cranking on day five good morning I just thought I would share this with you because I woke up thinking about this and I think the hardest thing for me as a mom doing a passage like this is lack of sleep even though we all have three hour shifts it's just really hard for me to turn my mind off when I lay down at midnight I've done my nine to twelve shift and I give I give it over to Anna for the next three hours and even though I know that she's capable and competent she does have the whole boat and her family in in her hands and it's her responsibility and then Jack's from three to six I'll get up in the night to go to the bathroom and I'll look at the clock and I'll figure out who's on shift and I'll be thinking oh my gosh we're going too slow [Music] did Jack fall asleep or you know wow we're going really fast maybe Anna fell off or it's their responsibility to make sure that you know to keep an eye out that we don't hit something or that a storm doesn't sneak up on us and granted most night shifts or uneventful nothing really happens you know those are my babies those are my my two oldest children that that that have become young adults out here and they've become responsible and when Keith gets up at 6:00 in the morning his shift is from 6:00 to 9:00 so whenever I feel them get up and leave and that kind of frees my mind to slow down and to rest knowing that Jack and Anne are in their beds they're resting you know the boats in the hands of the captain we did this to teach our kids to to become you know competent and incapable and then when you give them that torch it's like whoa I got to let them go huh I got to let them carry this torch by themselves that's that's kind of scary so those are just my thoughts yeah yes dude I get it started what was our headache okay yeah because we gave her gas this fat toad doesn't move without good coercion bump baby boppity-bop me any money by me about my baby hey Macarena we had to listen to the Macarena played every morning for like three weeks straight over turkey party votes oh pretty good mom fall off rats got it so that we can move this sale boom off the solar panels so that we get solar charging today today generator at all wonderful you know what yesterday was Thanksgiving you thought you had that shirt on and guess on our very first Thanksgiving it guess what shirt you got on maybe I can find some pumpkin pie in Georgetown when we head to town I had some bacon I don't know what kind of pumpkin they're gonna be using we can make bacon we can make a lot of bacon yeah bacon for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning is always good I do wonder sometimes as a mom I wonder if we're doing right by our kids or I wonder if they'll be disappointed they didn't get to go to soccer practice and piano recitals and science fairs and Boy Scouts and you know I guess we'll see how they feel about it all in about 20 years we'll find out how this lifestyle worked out [Music] we're free bound only by frozen memories lost his time racing all these broken dreams nights we use daisy chains which is this orange looking thing this pink squid looking thing and then we just use the little squid plugs like that green thing down there and some ballyhoo plugs like that that's what we use let's go [Music] yeah so we didn't eat the Bonita we ate that against the two fish he's not very good eating so we used to dissipate away the Dorado app like this but I guess candy lots of the Ryder action all the winds now we're in the trade winds and all the winds and the swell are pushing us toward the Caribbean or towards South America anyway if I didn't have to be in Florida for a haul out and a little bit of refit we might just go to South America and Brazil in the Amazon it'd be an easy sell straight to there but I get that on the next trip around almost smart we'll be halfway we got about ten days left on this journey passage making can get really old and I know a lot of wives who fly to the location as opposed to making the long passage and even though I totally understand why I don't think I'm there just yet I do enjoy being a part of this adventure with my family the good and the bad at least so far you can come make your food you can make a hot dog dog most days are pretty uneventful boredom can kick in especially near the end of a long passage school work is done every weekday we watch movies and play games and listen to music we read a lot cleaning and maintenance is constant and necessary and it keeps us busy it's like it's like we feel like we're making progress but then we look at the day account it's like it's like we had ten days ten days ago exactly ten days ago people are expecting high winds and stormy seas I don't know we just watch the perfect storm the other night so people flailing about just necessary I mean I don't love them a lot but I don't hate them a whole lot they're necessarily necessary I agree with Jack yeah I don't necessarily love them I don't mind a six or seven day passage yeah about a 14 or 15 day passes we've got 10 days left and we hadn't set we this is some day number seven right number eight so so about 18 days yeah 17 18 days - well yeah yeah I may or may not have gotten that on video we'll do it John yes well I mean you took your day shifter tonight yeah you're gonna do that nine at midnight I want recompense for taking your station first we're flatmates them all night so you guys gonna be on your game the wind cream Oh step on your shoe till this why should this go from 9 to 12 right they really different please welcome under $1 so I reach in peace I retract my they all because I can work on video [Music] tune in next time as we complete our 3000 mile journey across the Atlantic and arrive safely in the Caribbean [Music]
Channel: Sailing Zatara
Views: 877,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catamaran living, catamaran sailing, homeschooling on a boat, sailing a catamaran, sailing a catmaran, sailing family channel, sailing with teens, sailng, sv zatara, travel the world, crossing the atlantic ocean, atlantic ocean crossing sailboat, blue water cruising, zatara sailing, ocean passage sailing, cadamaran, ocean crossing catamaran, zatara sailing catamaran, transatlantic crossing, privilege 585, privilege catamaran, privilege sailing catamarans
Id: wDktQ3V0Vvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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