3 Ways to Switch Data in Columns to Rows in Excel (Multiple Values)

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Today, we're going to cover a special case that's  quite common when it comes to cleaning and   organizing your data in Excel. Now, this question  actually originated from LinkedIn, just with   different data. What we need to do is to come up  with a dynamic way to switch the data in columns   to rows. So, for example here, I have a column for  project, department, and person. I need to switch   the department information to become separate  headers, so Sales, Finance, and Marketing will   be their own columns, and then I have the list of  projects on the side here, and the values part will   be the content of the person column. The catch is  that multiple people from the same department can   be working on the same project. How can we show  all of this correctly? We're going to take a look   at different options. I'm going to show you three:  one is going to use formulas, the next one Power   Query, and finally DAX. Let me know which one you  prefer or if you have another way of solving this. Let's solve this first with formulas. What I need  here is a unique list for the project column,   so I'm just going to use the UNIQUE function.  All it needs is an array, which is the project   column. Close bracket, press Enter, and I have  my unique list, or distinct list of values,   better way to call that. For the headers here,  I need a unique list for department, so let's go   ahead and do that. Select the department column,  close bracket, press Enter, and my list spills   this way. I want it the other way, so I'm just  going to put it inside the TRANSPOSE function,   close the bracket here, and I have my distinct  list for department. Okay, so, so far so good. Now   we need to get the correct person that works for  this project and for this department. The problem   is sometimes we have more than one person from  each department working on the same project. Okay,   so how do we handle that? If we just think about  a function that can give us multiple results,   what would that be? The FILTER function,  right? So, let's go with that. Because here,   I can't really use VLOOKUP or XLOOKUP because  these functions just return one result. We need   something that returns multiple results, and  FILTER works great here. The first argument   requires an array, this is the result that I  want to get back. I want to get a person back,   so I'm going to go with this column. Next is the  include argument. Now, this is the tricky part   because it needs to look at the combination of  project and department, so that it can find the   right person. This means that my include argument  is going to have the combination of project. I'm   going to use an ampersand here and department  and compare this with a combination of this and   this. Now let's also plan on how we need to fix  this because I'm planning to copy the formula down   and across. Well, here for E3, we don't want  the E to shift, we want the three to change,   right? We want the row to change, so I'm going  to press F4 three times to just fix the E,   and for F2, I want the two to be fixed. I  want the row to be fixed, but the column to be   variable. The last argument for FILTER is what  it should return if it doesn't find a match,   and I'm just going to put quotation quotation,  so it returns nothing. Close bracket, press Enter,   and here I get two results that's spilling  down. Well, this is going to give me a problem   because the second result should belong to Nightfire, right? And also, when a formula spills,   I can't just copy down because I'm going to get  this #Spill! error. So this means I need a formula   now to combine these two values into a single  value, and I can use the TEXTJOIN function here.   TEXTJOIN requires a delimiter. For my delimiter,  I'm going to go with the space and quotation.   Next argument is whether empty roles should be  ignored or not. Well, let's just go with true,   and the last argument is the text that I want to  combine and that's these two values in this case.   So let's go all the way to the end. Actually,  let's expand this so you can see the full formula.   Close the bracket here, press enter, and now  we have both names in the same cell. Okay,   so let's just expand this as well, so we  can read it better. We can copy this down   and copy this across, but when we come to copy  this across the table references, they end up   moving. That's not something I want, so  instead of pulling this across this way,   we're going to copy this. Press Ctrl + C, and then  just paste this here. This is going to make sure   that your table references don't move. Okay,  so now we have the correct persons. Let's just   make this bold and this bold, so we can see  it better. We have Donald and Gary working   on the Grand Slam project. Just Holly for  Nightfire and Lucas and Skye from Marketing,   they're right here working on the SeaFire project.  Also, Paul from Sales is working on SeaFire.   Now this is fully dynamic, so if for  SeaFire we have a new person in Sales   that's going to join, so let's say I join. I'm  going to end up here with Paul. Okay, so that was   the first method of solving this using formulas.  Now let's take a look at the Power Query version.   As a first step, let's go to the Data tab and  send this to Power Query. So select from sheet.   The logical step here would be to pivot this  column right, because this is the column   that I want to make headers out of. Sales should  become a header, Finance should become a header,   and Marketing header as well. So this means  I should pivot this. So let's go ahead and do   that. Go to Transform and select Pivot Column.  Now, I need to select what I want as values.   I don't have numbers, I just have text. So my  values column is going to become my person,   because that's what I want to be in the  middle here. And under Advanced Options,   I need to adjust this to "Don't aggregate"  right, because I don't want to count them,   I don't want to get the max or min of this text, I  want to get the text. So I don't need to aggregate   anything here, and I'm going to go with OK. This  works for cases where I just have one person   from a department working in a project, but not  where I have multiple people. And the reason is,   there are too many elements here, it cannot  show multiple cells in a single cell.   This means that I need to do that combination, I  need to bring the different elements into a single   cell before I pivot the column right. So I'm  going to reverse this out. So here, for example,   I need to combine Donald and Gary in the same  cell, so I just have one line for Grand Slam   and Sales, because once I have that, I wouldn't  have any problems pivoting the column. So this   sounds like grouping. I need to group these two  columns together, so I'm going to highlight these   and go with Group By. It automatically put my  selection here. Now, for the new column name,   let's just leave it as is, but I don't want to  do any type of aggregation. I just want to return   all the rows and then click on OK. So now, I have  a unique combination for project and department.   Check this out, when I click on the side, I  get the multiple records here as a table. For   Nightfire here, I just have one person, this  is also one person, and then I have two people   here from the Marketing department working on SeaFire. OK, so now, I've managed to create one line   but I need to combine these two values into a  single cell. I can't just expand this because   this is going to put me where I was before.  It's going to create a new row instead. I   need to create a list out of this person column.  To do that, I can add a column and add a custom   column. I'll just leave the name as is. That  custom column is just going to grab the person   column from this one here. So notice, this column  is called "Count" because I didn't change the name.   So I'm just going to select that, and now I need  to get the person columns. I have to use the   column syntax which is the square brackets. I  can't see person here because this only shows   me the columns that are visible. This one is like  a table in a table. So I just have to type it out,   close the square bracket, and click on OK. Now,  I have a list. So when I click to the side, I just   have the content of that single column. But what's  so great about lists is this, when I click on this   double-sided arrow, I get to extract the values.  So, I don't want to expand to new rows because   it's going to put me where I was, but instead I  want to extract the values and when you do that,   you get to select your delimiter of your choice.  I'm going to go with custom, add a space,   and present space, and click on OK. And now, I'm  going to get the multiple values in a single cell.   OK, so I just have to remove this and let's go and  pivot this column. Go to Transform, Pivot Column,   my values column here is this custom column  now, so let's select that. For Advanced Options,   I want to go with don't aggregate, and click  on OK, and I have the correct view. OK, so   we're done with this. We can update the name and  let's send this to Excel. Home, "Close & Load To".   I'm going to put it right here on the existing  sheet so we can compare. Click on OK and this is   our Power Query solution. Let's also test this.  I'm going to add Nightfire, Finance, Leila. This   one should get automatically updated. Let's check,  I'm right there, and this one will get updated   after I press Refresh. Another way of solving this  is with PowerPivot and DAX. Let's take a look at   that solution on another sheet. So, I've copied the  table over. This time I called it "TProject2." The   first thing we're going to do is send this to the  Data Model. So, I'm going to go to the Power Pivot   tab and add to Data Model. This is going to bring  up Power Pivot and I could go ahead and write   my measure here, but I'm not going to do that  because first I want to create the pivot table.   And then we can think about the type of measure  that we need. I'll put the pivot table right here.   Let's go to the Insert tab, pivot table, and I'm  going to insert it from the Data Model. I want it   on the existing sheet. Right here is fine. Click  on OK. This is "tProject2". What I want to see   in the rows here is the project and I want to  have departments in the columns. Now, I want to   have person in the values, but we know that if  I bring person right now to the value section,   it's going to convert it to numbers, right? By  default, it's going to give count of person.   Well, that's not what I want. Instead, I want to go  through the table here or basically the values in   the Person column and I want to concatenate them.  Because I'm going to be iterating over a table,   there is a function I can use here that's called  CONCATENATEX. Let's create our measure. I'm just   going to right-mouse click here and add measure.  Call that measure "Person Allocation". The   function I need is CONCATENATEX. This function  needs a table to iterate over. Well, I could use   the entire project table and let's do that in  the first round. So, it was called "TProject2,"   it's right here. Then I need the expression, well  my expression in this case is what I want returned   which is the Person column. So let's go  with "Person" here. Then I need the delimiter   and that's going to be in quotations and with the  "&" and space and close bracket. OK, so let's make   this bigger. That's basically my function. Let's  check it, all good. Click on OK. Now let's bring   it to the values section and it works great.  I see Alissa here, Richard, here for sales,   I have two people and I automatically get these  grand totals. Now, I can remove the grand totals   from view, in this case, because it's a small data  set, but I'd rather improve on the tax measure   and make the grand totals just not show right,  because they're irrelevant in this case. But this   is what I need to take care of is that I have  grand totals in the rows and in the columns,   right, on both sides. I need to suppress them on  both sides. OK, so let's go back to our measure.   Right-mouse click and edit the measure and let's  optimize this. Before I do the concatenation,   I'm going to use an "IF" and I'm going to check  whether I'm at a grand total cell or I'm somewhere   inside the pivot table. Well, when I'm inside the  pivot table, I only have one value here for the   project and also one value for the department.  But, I can't use the function HASONEVALUE  because it's still going to give me grand totals  in cases like this one here, for Imogen, where   I have just one value for the project and one  value for the department. The other departments   are empty so this one would still return a grand  total. Instead, I have to use another function   that HASONEFILTER or I can also use  "ISFILTERED in this case, but I'll just go with   HASONEFILTER". Now before I do that, I'm checking  for two things, right? I have two grand totals,   so let's start with an AND function then use  HASONEFILTER, let's go with the Project  column first, close bracket and the second part  of my logical test is HASONEFILTER, this time,   for the Department. Now, I'm going to close this.  Let's organize this a little bit better. I need to   close the AND logical test here, so let's close  the bracket, press comma. I'm just going to press   Shift + Enter to break this up. Then, for the  results, if true, I want my CONCATENATEX function,   and for result if false, I want to have a  blank. So, I'm just going to close this off. Now, another thing I can also improve on is  this part here. I don't necessarily need to   iterate over the whole table. I can iterate over  the values, basically the unique values I have   in the Person column. So we can also change this   to the VALUES function and reference the Person column. Okay, so let's just make sure  everything is fine. Check DAX formula;   it doesn't have errors and click on OK.  And now, we get to suppress the grand totals. Now, if we think this true, how this formula  works. Let's say we're right here. We have   a single filter for Project and for the  Department. The filter context here is going   to filter our underlying table, which is this one,  to only show SeaFire. Okay, so only these lines,   and only the "Marketing" department. So that will  be only this line and this line. The CONCATENATEX   function is going to go ahead and get the unique  values of the Person column, which is these two,   and then it's going to concatenate them  together with an ampersand as the delimiter. Now, let's just quickly test this. I'm actually  going to add a brand new project. Let's just   call it "New." It's going to be in the "Finance"  department, and I'm a part of it. So let's   right-mouse click and refresh this, and I pop up  right here. If all of a sudden, I allocated to the   Nightfire project, let's just right-mouse click  here and refresh this. And I should be in here. Okay, so this concludes our Power Pivot version.  As you can see in Excel, there is more than one   way to solve a problem. Now your approach might  be completely different to mine, and that's fine,   as long as the answer is what you want. I hope  you enjoyed this video. As usual, if you did,   don't forget to hit that thumbs up, and if  you haven't subscribed to our community here,   do consider subscribing. And I'm  going to see you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 151,453
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Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2019, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Excel 365, dax, powerpivot, power pivot, concatenex, hasonefilter, pivot, pivot columns, pivot columns multiple values, pivot power query, switch data columns to rows
Id: 8HakuTeijGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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