3 Types of Dog Breathing Problems and What to Do

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hello and welcome to top dog tips youtube channel today we're going to be talking about the three types of dog breathing problems and what to do before i jump into it please be sure to subscribe to our website topdogtips.com the link is in the description and when you subscribe you will receive a free ebook on 25 vet recommended homemade dog food recipes alright so let's get into it the first one on the list is labored breathing also called dyspnea labored breathing happens when dogs have to work very hard to breathe in out or both labored breathing can be caused by several diseases not limited to nose disease throat or windpipe disease or lung disease it could also be caused by an injury or trauma or a blockage by a foreign object symptoms of labored breathing in your dog would include noisy breathing the belly or chest moving more than normal when your dog is breathing breathing with their head lower than the rest of the body their nostrils could flare out they may breathe with their elbows away from the body or they may breathe with their mouths open the second one on the list is fast breathing fast breathing it's also known as takepnia is a rapid breathe breath unlike panting it's the second most common dog breathing problem fast breathing could be the result of dyspnea or low red blood cells low blood oxygen levels or blood clots you will be able to tell the difference from panting because your dog's mouth may be opened less when they pant normally or their mouth could be closed other symptoms you may notice when the each breath tends to be shallow rather than deep and the rate of breathing is faster than usual now the third one on the list is panting while panting is a normal breathing function for dogs there are times when panting is not normal this type of panting accompanied by pain a fever obesity high blood pressure excessive thyroid hormone dyspnea or tachypnea is the third type of dog breathing problem that pet owners often encounter there is a need for concern if your dog's panting turns into unusually shallow breaths or excessively fast breathing and a mouth that is more open than normal with an extended tongue now if your dog is simply panting just to stay cool you'll notice his tongue will just be hanging out a little bit and the mouth will be open now if the panting is brief also there's no cause for concern now we're going to talk about the diseases that can cause dog breathing problems disease of the nose including the small nostrils can happen due to a tumor an infection or blockage by a foreign object disease of the windpipe or throat is caused by a long soft palate a tumor an infection again or a blockage by a foreign object or even if the windpipe has been damaged previously lung diseases in dogs can also be caused by heartworm an enlarged heart infection heart failure fluid in the lungs tumors trauma to the lungs including bruising or electrocution the airways in the lungs can also be affected by allergies tumors and infections now diseases of the pet's chest wall diaphragm and those that make the belly push against the diaphragm can also cause these kinds of breathing problems other diseases that can cause breathing problems include canine distemper virus chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pneumonia and kennel cough now there are some other reasons aside from the diseases and the three that we listed that your dog may be breathing abnormally the other most common ones are heat exhaustion or heat stroke which definitely can have an impact on your dog's breathing proximal respiration or what is commonly known as a reverse sneeze can make you think that your dog is having problems breathing when in fact they may just have something irritating their throat or soft palate you may begin to panic when you hear your dog reverse sneeze for the first time but it's nothing to be concerned about for more information on reverse sneezing we will link the article below in the description now dogs can also have a reaction to medication or bad quality dog food their reaction to medication can appear to seem similar to the three that we originally listed and lastly we're going to talk about how you can help your dog if you're seeing these problems now if your canines experiencing one of these or more than one there are a couple things you can do try getting your dog to a cool place where they're comfortable this will help them calm their breathing if the problem is related to heat exhaustion or overexertion if your dog is reverse sneezing give them room to breathe as well as offer them some water you can also gently massage their throat even though reverse sneezing in dogs sounds pretty unusual it usually resolves itself now if your dog's breathing issues or problems do not go away you should definitely take your dog to the vet for an examination as quickly as possible that way they can do a better job at diagnosing the issue with like physical exams blood work urinalysis fecal testing etc then they'll be able to help decide on what to do next now before we wrap up this video we wanted to go over maybe some common questions that people may have if their dog is breathing unusually so what signs would you look out for respiratory distress in a dog make sure you're on the lookout for signs such as coughing gagging after coughing trouble breathing fainting blue gums wheezing nasal congestion or exercise intolerance if you notice any of these definitely call your vet or set something up to be have them take a look at your dog second question is what do i do if my dog is having trouble breathing like we said before make sure your dog's in a cool place offer this some water it doesn't go away call your vet if in the case that your dog is having like severe breathing issues your vet may want to give your dog some supplemental oxygen or some steroidal anti-inflammatories or other medicines to help them breathe and how do you know if your dog has lung problems some signs of lung issues would be reduced exercise tolerance is a common symptom as well as fainting with overexertion loud breathing and wheezing when exhaling if these lung problems progress your dog's gums may also become bluish well that's gonna wrap it up here for top dog tips be sure to like and subscribe to our youtube channel and let us know what your thoughts are on some of the content we're going over and what you would like to see more of i hope you guys have a great rest of your day and we'll talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: Top Dog Tips
Views: 181,318
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Id: rICr5wZGhCM
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Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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