3 Things You Should Know About The End Times LIVE

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today I want to speak to you on the subject of three things you need to know about the end times and obviously when you preach or teach on Bible prophecy you never have the ability in one setting to be exhaustive about any subject in Bible prophecy and so my pattern often times is to realize that people are hungry to learn about Bible prophecy but you can't overwhelm them with too much and so I'm trying to do better as I get older in Breaking these things down into bite-sized pieces and that's what I'm going to Endeavor to do today I want to show you three things about Bible prophecy and the end times that in my opinion you must understand in navigating these last days I'm reading out of second Timothy chapter 3. and I love the Bible I'm going to read the entire 17 verses out of this third chapter because nothing that I'll say in the moments ahead will be better than the Bible Paul writing to Timothy said you should know this Timothy that in the last days there will be very difficult times Paul's right there I am very concerned with the amount of false teaching and false prophets that have found their way onto the internet and vulnerable Christians are listening to them as if everything they say is from the mouth of God everything must be brought into agreement with what the Bible says I listen to one individual the other day just briefly until I got so agitated I couldn't listen anymore and everything they were saying was from a dream they had now I do believe that God uses dreams the Bible speaks of that in the Old Testament Book of Joel in the second chapter but everything they said went back to their dream and the dream was based upon an encounter they had with Dave Chappelle which was red flag number one that what was about to come out of their mouth may be the same thing they shovel at the local barns on a regular basis and I was flabbergasted at the details of the Ridiculousness number one of the dream and then tying it and saying that this is the word of the Lord when almost everything that was stated violated what's in the Bible the word of the Lord stands above all and everything must be tested by the Integrity of the saith the Lord and this old-fashioned Bible is thus saith the Lord if you believe it and receive it give the Lord Praise difficult times will come and yet we have individuals that are prophesying that it's going to be a return to prosperity and it's going to be a return to America as it was in the 40s and 50s and God's going to turn it all back to Leave it to Beaver and and all of the wonderful case scenarios that are being spoken that violate the Bible I know this is not popular but it's the Bible and the Bible said things are going to get worse and worse but that does not undo the promises of God to the church and to the believer we have a covenant with God that will carry us through on a different level because we are united to the word United to prayer United to a bible-believing local church we will walk through this in in Victory and not defeat but trying to convince people that what's happening in our world and what's happening in our nation and what's happening in global governments is just temporary is a violation of what the scripture said would take place in the end times verse 2 for people will love only themselves and their money we actually have a word that fulfills this prophecy of Paul it's called selfies Paul had no idea when he told Timothy that one of the signs of the end times is the world will love themselves and we live in a day and an age in which people have this urgency to document almost every waking moment of their life and their cat and their dog and their cappuccino with Relentless selfies as if I care people will love only themselves and their money they will be boastful and proud scoffing at God recently one of our Senators who was chairing a meeting in Washington D.C another Senator made reference to the Bible and to the moral condition of our nation and he slammed the gavel down and said here in Washington D.C we don't care what any God has to say proud scoffing at God disobedient to their parents and ungrateful they will consider nothing sacred they will be unloving and unforgiving they will slander others and have no self-control they will be cruel and hate what is good they will betray their friends be Reckless be puffed up with pride and love pleasure rather than God they will act religious but they will reject the power that could make them Godly stay away from people like that they are the kind who work their way into people's homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires such women are forever following new teachings but they are never able to understand the truth pause there long enough to make note of the fact that many times new teachings are the opposite of God's truth these teachers oppose the truth just as janies and jambres oppose Moses they have depraved minds and a counterfeit Faith but they won't get away with this for long someday everyone will recognize what fools they are just as with janies and jambres Paul's charge to Timothy but you Timothy certainly know what I teach and how I live and what my purpose in life is your family your children your grandchildren your circle of influence should know what your purpose in life is should know what your faith is should know what you believe verse 11 you know how much persecution and suffering I have endured you know all about how I was persecuted in Antioch Iconium and lystra but the Lord rescued me from all of it Paul's once again I want to encourage you concerning the end times regardless of what the world goes through because as scripture clearly forecasts the closer we get to the rapture the more corrupt this world is going to become the closer we get to the Rapture of the church the more wicked this world will become the closer we get to the Rapture of the church the more the world is going to hate Christians and hate Christ and hate the Bible and hate the truth of righteousness and Holiness but Paul said God rescues us from it all as we stay in right relationship with him if you will stay in right relationship with God in these end times there is nothing to fear because your coming king of kings and Lord of lords still has authority over everything on the face of this Earth and he still knows how to take his children and shelter them under the wings of his holy and divine protection can you say Amen verse 12 yes and everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution but evil people and imposters will flourish in your footnotes just put in parenthesis Washington D.C they will deceive others and will themselves be deceived but you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught for you know they are true for you know you can trust those who taught you you have been taught the holy scriptures from childhood and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work you intend on doing good works for the kingdom of God until the sound of the trumpet raise a hand to heaven and say thank you Jesus let's pray heavenly father as we open up the Bible today and we speak upon three things that we must know about the end times I pray that you will lead us and guide us by the anointing of the spirit I pray that every listener would have open ears and Tender Hearts to hear from the word of the Lord today and I pray above all that not one person listening to me will be left behind I pray that not one person listening to me will be running from God in the last days but I pray that today people will run to God thank you for the promise of the Bible that all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and in this new day and age in which we live there will be multiplied thousands who will be watching this online from all over the world I pray that you would give them the patience to listen today and to pray with me at the end of our time together what many people call the sinner's prayer for there are many people who are listening who don't really understand what is going on in our world but more importantly they don't even know what it means to be ready to meet the Lord help me too kindly and graciously explain to them what it really means to turn from sin and turn to Christ thank you for your mercy and for your grace speak to someone listening who needs to hear that there's no sin in their life and there's no sin in their past greater than the grace of God and may today be the day that they call upon the name of the Lord and be saved and I pray that they would understand that they're turning to God may result in their family turning to God their children turning to God their grandchildren turning to God we ask that you would help us to make the gospel clear and for all things will be careful to give you the praise and the honor and the glory for we ask it all in the mighty name of our soon coming King Jesus Christ and all God's people said amen I am perfectly aware of the fact because I can't read all of the comments that come in one video on one platform recently had over a million views in less than a month and I think produced over 20 000 comments from around the world but I do read from time to time the comments and it's obvious that many people are fearful Bible prophecy makes many peop people feel awkward because of the uncertainty but my entire Ministry I've done my best in communicating Bible prophecy to remind people and don't miss this if you're taking notes write it down Bible prophecy is not given to scare us but Bible prophecy is given to prepare us there is only a Fear Factor with Bible prophecy to those who do not know where they stand with God but if you do not know where you stand with God today is a wonderful day because I'm here just for you and I want you to receive Christ but if you're going to be a student of the Bible you cannot neglect Bible prophecy it is impossible to be a serious student of the Bible and not be a student of Bible prophecy simply because of its significant content in Bible College in seminaries and in teaching students and we have Bible college students listening here this morning there is something often top called The Law of proportion and the law of proportion and theology is simply a term that refers to when the scripture places a significant weight upon a subject or a topic we should pay attention because God didn't waste words if the Bible is heavy on a particular topic or subject it's because God is trying through the law proportion to drive home the significance of that subject for example 28.5 percent of the Old Testament is Bible prophecy in the New Testament 21.5 percent of the New Testament is Bible prophecy and that makes for the total content of the Holy Bible 27 percent Bible prophecy more than a quarter of your entire Bible focuses upon the foretelling of coming world events and because we are currently watching this one world stage of end time prophecy being set before our very eyes having a fundamental knowledge at least a Bible prophecy is absolutely necessary for you to navigate the season in which we live no mistake about it these are chaotic and some would say dystopian times just as Paul prophesied Timothy in the last days things will be difficult but things are made much more difficult if you're lost and you don't have a map and you don't have a compass but for the believer who has a fundamental knowledge of the end times and Bible prophecy this precious and sacred book provides for you a map and a compass to help you navigate your life and your decisions with no fear whatsoever for the believer prophecy is our blessed hope and it's my sincere prayer that all who are listening to this message will choose to live ready for the soon coming of the Lord and if you're not ready or if you're not sure you're ready or no one has ever taken the time to explain to you how you can be ready then I would like to personally pray with you in the moments ahead and as I do every time I speak regardless of the subject I'm going to give an invitation and I'm going to challenge you to pledge your life to Christ today because everyone listening to me whether you understand it or believe it or not the Bible is clear on this fact prophetically you will either openly and publicly Pledge Your Life to Jesus Christ or you will openly and publicly one day Pledge Your Life to a one world leader with a one world economy whom the Bible calls the Antichrist I believe it was a rock singer by the name of Dylan who wrote a song you've got to serve somebody and you may not be aware of it but every person listening to me right now you're serving somebody and I would encourage you in these final moments of human history to make the decision for yourself and quit allowing people to make that decision for you choose today to Pledge Your Life to Jesus Christ so you will not in the future have to pledge your life to the Antichrist there is nothing more important in all of the world than knowing that you've made peace with God and have full assurance that you're ready for whatever tomorrow holds here are the three things that you need to know about the end times and then we'll pray and if you're taking notes number one there is a difference between the end times and the last days and most infant Bible students and even some seasoned Bible students are not aware of that there is a difference in Bible prophecy between the end times and the last days I frequently hear Christians using these terms interchangeably assuming they refer to the same thing but they do not they are what some might call somewhat interchangeable and I'll explain but they also biblically have specific application to properly understand these Bible terms the last days and the end times you need to know that Bible prophecy deals with two specific Covenants first of all in Bible prophecy God has a covenant with Israel and his chosen people that is distinctly different than his Covenant with the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and so all of you that are new students the Bible prophecy this is solid gold for you to understand in Bible prophecy everything has to be interpreted by understanding which Covenant God is addressing in Prophecy and there are only two so it's not difficult and to understand scripture you always have to look at scripture not just as a text but in context and context within the full narrative for example the Old Testament almost exclusively was written to the Jewish people and the New Testament was almost exclusively written to Believers obviously Israel and the Jews were included in passages as well let me give you a classic example of the error of not understanding this that is quite frequently said in many churches all of my life I heard this growing up in church in the early part of my Ministry I'm sure I made the same mistake because I was simply repeating what my Patriarchs and my mentors had preached but often times growing up I heard that classic passage out of Joel chapter 2. it'll come to pass in the last days saith God that I'll pour out my spirit upon All Flesh and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and so on the classic prophecy of Joel in the second chapter of Joel and that passage was then interpreted that we had the promise of Revival prior to the rapture but because they didn't understand the difference between the Covenant God had with the Jews and the Covenant God had with Prophecy in the New Testament Church it was misinterpreted because Joel chapter 2 specifically speaks about the Jews during the tribulation and not the church now I do believe that the outpouring of the spirit in the book of Acts is the conception of the Fulfillment of that prophecy because the majority of those that were in the upper room were Jews but if you don't understand who the author is speaking to it will always cause confusion in your interpretation of end times and last days if you're learning something today and you're still with me let me hear a good amen God's covenant with Israel is primarily addressed in the Old Testament and God's covenant with the church is primarily addressed in the New Testament now notice that I specifically said primarily and not exclusively because God's dealings with Israel and the Jews are certainly mentioned in the New Testament as well so the Bible uses certain terms in various ways when we speak of the last days and when we speak of the end times in other words are we referring to the last days of the church age or in context are we referring to the last days of God's dealings with Israel are we dealing with the last days for Israel and the prophetic events that are still in the future let me give you one summation statement that I hope will simplify this because I know for some this might be difficult to digest on a Sunday morning so let me give it to you in one simple gold nugget we are currently living in the last days of the church age but the last days for Israel are still in the future let me say that again because it sums up almost everything I'm trying to give you in this one piece of information and if you're a brand new Christian what do I mean by the church age there was no church in the Old Testament the church is a new testament birth it was referenced it was foreshadowed there were types but the church was never born until the first Advent of Christ and the church age ends went with the Rapture of the church if you're taking notes that's important the church age began with the first Advent of Christ and the church age will soon end with the next prophecy on God's calendar the Rapture of the church now I don't have time to teach on the vision of Daniel and I don't have time to teach on his vision of the 70 weeks I have an entire devoted series of teachings on our YouTube and podcast Channel I would encourage you at some point to listen to those because understanding Daniel 70 weeks is a key component foundationally of understanding the last days and the end times but the essence of Daniel's Vision in the ninth chapter was those 70 weeks represented 70 sets of seven years 69 of Daniel's prophetic seven year sets have already been fulfilled they were fulfilled with the first Advent of Christ the 70th week of seven in the Book of Daniel is the Tribulation that final 70th set of seven years refers to the coming tribulation that will soon be upon this Earth the world is currently rocking with the birth pains already activated a lot of what you're seeing in our world today politically geopolitically Wars allies rooting against one another and threatening an economy and on and on and on on levels of corruption like we've never seen before are all birth pains for that coming 70th set of seven the Bible calls it the tribulation and we read about it in Revelation chapter 6 through Revelation chapter 19. but in between the 69th week and the 70th week in eschatology is what is called a prophetic pause what do you mean prophetic pause the prophetic pause is the church age and Romans chapter 12 tells us the reason why God established the church Jesus even prophesied about it to his disciples in Matthew 16. he said I will build my church and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against it again there's hope in Prophecy the church is on a sure Foundation under the Rapture of the church they can't close it they can't shut it down they can't silence it they can't mandate anything that will hinder the work of God's promise to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ we will succeed and advance and be victorious under the sound of the trumpet and the Gates of Hell will never Prevail against it that is as sure as anything you'll read in Bible prophecy but that prophetic pause between Daniel 69th and 70th week Romans chapter 12 said that God brought the Gentiles in who openly received Christ as Messiah even though by and large the Jewish nation and the chosen people had rejected the Bible said God did it to make them jealous so you and I are living in a very unique window in Bible prophecy you are in the church age I repeat the church age began with the first Advent of Christ and the church age is about to end with the Rapture of the church and once the Rapture of the church takes place everything in Bible prophecy swings back in full attention to God's covenant with Israel the author of the book of Hebrews referred to the church age as the final days if you have your Bible look at Hebrews chapter 1. verses 1 and 2. the Bible said long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets this is the author of Hebrews referring to that prophetic Covenant in the Old Testament to the Jews but look at verse 2. but now in these final days which is the church age he has spoken to us through his son so since the entire church age is referred to in the New Testament as the last days you and I can correctly say the church age is living in its last days the end times and the last days referring to Israel don't miss this begin after the Rapture let me say it again the last days and the end times for Israel does not even begin until the church age ends and that in times last days for Israel will include the tribulation the second coming of Christ and the Millennium if all of those words are new to you and you just got saved five minutes ago and don't even have a Bible yet I have a vast amount of teaching available on all of those subjects in detail on our YouTube and podcast Channel Wherever in the world our online audience is watching from Avail yourself to that and if you have further questions send them into the office and that's exactly how we prepare content I'm very mindful of the questions that are sent into our office by unsafe people unchurched people and newly saved people that dominates my thinking in preparing content I want people in the last days to have a trusted source that they can listen to on Bible prophecy that will guide you from where you're at to where God wants you to be the second thing you need to know about the end times is that the regathering of the Jewish people is the most prophesied event of the End Time Passages in the Bible I see many are taking notes let me repeat it again the regathering of the Jewish people is the most prophesied event of the end time passages in the Bible it's found in Jeremiah chapter 30 Ezekiel chapter 34 Ezekiel chapter 37 Zechariah Chapter 10 and multiple passages the regathering of the Jewish people is the most prophesied event of all end time passages in the bible let me just read one very distinct passage found in Jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 3. for the time is coming when I will restore the fortunes of my people of Israel and Judah I will bring them home to this land that I gave to their ancestors and they will possess it again I the Lord have spoken I have a message that I preached in many of our lost lamb Crusades over the last several months entitled the super sign of all Bible prophecy and the super sign of all Bible prophecy and this is not my title this is a title that has been used for decades by theologians eschatology Scholars and so on the regathering of the Jewish people back to their promised Homeland is referred to as the Super Side of all Bible prophecy and you need to understand that two things two momentous things must happen before these end time prophecies will be fulfilled Jesus even spoke of it in Matthew chapter 24 and the two things concerning the end time of Israel and the future dealings of Israel and the regathering of the people number one first the Bible prophesied Israel and the land God gave them will become a nation once again the prophet Ezekiel said that the nation of Israel would be fulfilled in less than a day and the prophet said is it even possible some translations read is it even possible for an entire nation to be born in less than a day but that's exactly what happened on May 14 1948 it actually legally took place in a handful of minutes and the prophecy of the scripture can a nation be reborn in a day was literally fulfilled on May 14 1948. but Jesus not only mentioned Israel being restored but Jerusalem being restored and Jerusalem was taken back and occupied in the war of 1967 and then interestingly as a matter of fact to me incredibly interesting is that our former president along with several World luminaries got together and recognized internationally Jerusalem as capital of Israel and do you remember the day May 14 2018 70 years 70 years to the day that Israel became a nation Jerusalem internationally has been restored to them as capital and so two end times significant prophecies for Israel Israel must become a nation and secondly the Jewish people must supernaturally be seen to return to their land the Jews were driven out of the land the first dispersion of the Jews by Titus and the Roman Empire occurred in A.D 70. and the second took place in ad 135 and they were dispersed throughout the world never again to have their Homeland so it seemed as a matter of fact after ad135 there is a history of many occupants of that lamb that God had promised to the Jews but I remind you that when God prophesies and when God speaks and when God makes a covenant it shall surely come to pass nothing can ever invalidate the promises of almighty God and do you know of all of the various people who occupied the land and called it their own not one single occupant of that land ever declared Jerusalem as the capital why they couldn't because God said almost 3 000 years ago Jerusalem will be my Capital forever and do you know where Jesus will return in the second coming of Christ the Bible tells us that his feet will touch the Mount of Olives there in Jerusalem and will split one side to the other and what will he do when he returns the Bible said he'll establish his eternal throne in Jerusalem Israel and the prophets of God said in the Old Testament Jerusalem in the last days will not only be the recognized capital of the promised land of Israel but it will be the capital of the entire world there's a reason why even if you're a skeptic a Bible prophecy you cannot deny that in recent decades the entire focus of the world seems to revolve around the Middle East Israel Muslim factions and Jerusalem Ezekiel prophesied in his vision of the bones that they would be restored in stages and that's exactly what has happened through history I have an entire teaching on that I will not take time to teach on the valley of dry bones and ezekiel's vision but the essence of that is exactly what has taken place Israel supernaturally in the late 1800s after being dispersed the last time 8135 in the late 1800s supernaturally I mean they were risking their life at that point to return but they felt in their Spirit to return and a handful of Brave Jews began the Fulfillment of ezekiel's Prophecy and then it began to escalate and did you know that by 2009 the reason I mentioned 2009 because in 2009 there were 5.4 million Jews in Israel and 5.2 million Jews in America most of them within a hundred mile radius of New York City there's a reason why the Twin Towers were targeted in New York City I don't have time to get into that and it's not conspiracy theory it's prophecy but you see when you understand prophecy both Old Testament and New Testament when you understand last days and end times in how they apply to those two covenants then the events of the world fall together like pieces in a children's puzzle the greatest wealth of the Jewish people worldwide was in the Twin Towers in New York City but by 2009 don't miss this for the first time since ezekiel's Prophecy in the Old Testament of the regathering the supernatural regathering of the Jews to their Homeland Israel becomes a nation May 14 1948 significant end time fulfillment for Israel Jerusalem becomes their possession in 1967 officially recognized his capital 2018. how can you not see that these things are not coincidental God is wrapping up the last days and the end times for his Covenant both to Israel and his Covenant to the church this 2009 date is significant because it's the first time since 8135 that there are now more Jews in Israel than all of the Jews in the world combined scattered elsewhere just to give you another interesting tidbit Ukraine which is in our headlines on a daily basis was Homeland to a great population of Jews in that part of the world and When Vladimir Putin began his assault upon Ukraine after taking on Crimea and his lustful quest to re-establish as his legacy the old Russian Empire which is also in Bible prophecy if you'll remember the airports of Ukraine were a mass of people trying to get out of the country but what the news didn't tell you is that almost all of the people in those airports were Jews trying to get back to Israel and they are still fleeing from the Ukraine and making their way to the homeland of Israel most of them not even realizing that they are fulfilling prophecy for the return of the Messiah you know Israel's respectful of these Old Testament prophecies they are ready for the return of the Messiah at another time I'd like to preach on that and and help you to understand how close we are the Sanhedrin is completely re-established and functional all of the garments prophesied in the Old Testament for the re-establishment of the Third Temple there will be a third Temple are already active the temple Institute in Jerusalem is active all of the golden pieces that are being put together for the Third Temple have been built and already the table of showbread is ready the menorah is ready by the way that Menorah made out of pure gold exactly as it was in its original form do you know who built that a Jew from the Ukraine paid for it millions of dollars out of his own pocket and returned to Jerusalem and I could go on and on and on the Third Temple is ready just this week I was listening to a rabbi that I follow who actually has a Twitter page but also has respected content that can be found often published in Jerusalem Post he said we are so sure that the Messiah is coming at any moment that we have the Tabernacle of Moses and we have practiced and practiced and we will be able to set it up in less than four hours and begin the sacrifices tough aside by our Old Testament Patriarchs so many people talk about the Third Temple and say well the Rapture can't take place because the Third Temple is not yet built you're painting yourself into a corner that is not supported by the exact fulfillment of Bible prophecy the Rapture could take place they could put the Tabernacle of Moses up in four hours the Third Temple main Temple is already completely cut out ready to be assembled and they could be again the Assembly of the actual Third Temple at the exact same time people are worried about the Dome of the Rock it is one of the Muslim sacred sites and people say they'll never be able to build a temple there and they forgot that Jesus said in Matthew that there will be a great earthquake that will level every Wall in Jerusalem and that means that the Dome of the Rock is coming down by the hand of God when it's time for the Third Temple to be built God will build it and no group of people in the world can amass an army to stop what God has prophesied in the end times we are living closer than we have ever lived before to the soon return of the Lord are you living ready lastly and I close with this one of the most significant things about the end times that I believe you also must know is there will be a great falling away from faith and I won't need a lot of time to document this because anyone who's not living off grid knows it's true by evident fact Bible prophecy warned us that prior to the Rapture there will be a great falling away from faith and if possible the very elect would be deceived listen to what Paul told Timothy in second Timothy chapter 3. he said Timothy you should know this in the last days there will be very difficult times I read this as our text but I want to bring your eyes back to the Bible for people will love only themselves and their money they will be boastful and proud scoffing at God disobedient to their parents ungrateful they will consider nothing sacred they will be unloving and unforgiving and they will slander others and have no self-control they'll be cruel and hate what is good they'll betray friends and be Reckless and be puffed up with pride and love pleasure rather than God they will act religious but they will reject the power that could make them Godly stay away from people like that let me give you a Biblical word of prophetic advice make your sphere of friends smaller and be careful who you allow in that Circle because if you think who you hang out with does not affect your end time potential you don't know your Bible the Bible clearly tells us stay away from people like that well they need Jesus pray for them witness to them when opportunity is afforded but don't let them in so close to your intimate Circle that their language their gossip their carnality their worldly habits affect and in part upon you things that could weaken your relationship with God and you know I read that to you twice because it seems like the Apostle Paul could have written these words yesterday addressing the current state of many modern denominations and many modern Christian leaders you know from the Greek apostasy signified Revolt from a military commander and that's what this is apostasy is a revolt against the king of kings the Lord of lords almighty God and His word apostasy is often defined as a falling away a withdrawal or a defection the growing apostasy and Mainline denominations that we have witnessed in the past few years and the escalation of the perversion in Main Line churches is almost unbelievable a growing number of denominations and not a handful a growing number are now allowing for the ordination of lesbians gays bisexuals transgenders lgbtq clergy and on and on they're bringing transvestites into their Sunday School classes to impact the children with that same perversion many Evangelical leaders are now openly telling their members and being guest speakers at large World conferences don't bring your Bible to church a visible Bible is an offense to the people we're trying to reach One Pastor recently said and I'll not mention his name many of you would know him but said the Lord spoke to me never to take a visible Bible into my Pulpit again that it's unnecessary that I can use a digital device and not be offensive to those who may be visiting who would be offended or triggered by the sight of a Bible Billy Graham once filled our nation's stadiums with bold preaching on subjects like hell and Holiness and the second coming of Christ can you imagine if Billy Graham were alive today and preach like he preached and filled a football stadium the triggered left and the amount of backlash and the calling for his imprisonment and worse that would take place sadly many of today's celebrity preachers have filled their churches with entertainment and a brief motivational message and you may never hear a word from the Bible in the entirety of many services you can attend many churches today and little to no Bible is ever read the gospel is never preached never a message on sin never a message on Hell never a message on eternity never prayer for the sick never time for the baptism of the Holy Spirit never time to seek God never time to pray never an altar call and never an invitation to turn from sin and turn to Christ thank God that we have a church here that does not qualify Paul warned in second Timothy 4 and verse 3 the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will keep up for themselves teachers and they will turn away their ears from the truth and be turned aside to Fables Pastor was sharing with me this week and I don't remember the exact number but I believe it was somewhere between 40 and 50 percent of all Ministry all preaching all teaching on the internet qualifies as biblical heresy and some of you are making a mistake by randomly clicking on ministers you don't know and preachers you don't know having no idea what they espouse having no idea what their Doctrine is having no idea what level of theological education if any they have disciplined themselves to take and if you're one of those Christians who randomly goes through the internet and passes and shares videos of preachers and ministers and evangelists and so-called prophets that you don't know you are actually fulfilling the words of the Apostle Paul and you are leading people into a potential apostasy by sharing heresy and it needs to stop if you're going to survive these last days you need to ask God In Prayer for a holy handful I repeat a holy handful of ministers that you can trust ministers that have credential ministers that have tenure ministers that have lived above reproach ministers who hold the Bible higher than anything in their personal lives and are fearless and have backbones like a two by six who are not afraid to say from pulpits anywhere thus saying the Lord [Applause] I pray the holy spirit's conviction comes upon you this week as you flip through the slot bucket salvation being preached by the vast majority of social media personalities thank you for all those amens that's why we take the offering first I don't want to close with diagnosis I want to close with remedy I've given you three what I believe to be non-negotiable signs that you need to be aware of to discern the end times the last days I hope you'll walk away with a Biblical education perhaps that some of you didn't have before understanding that Bible prophecy is focused on two Covenants one with Israel one with the church and you must always read the Bible and exegete scripture with an understanding of the context to whom the author was speaking was he speaking to the Jews was he speaking to Israel or was he speaking to Believers in the New Testament but here's how you survive the last days God wouldn't allow us to go through the last days and to be defeated this same Paul who gave These Warnings later told Timothy thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ we're not walking in fear we're not walking in intimidation I fear nothing but God in these last days I have a high and holy responsibility to communicate his eternal truth and him and him alone I fear for as a minister the Bible said one day I will stand in double judgment double judgment for what I did with his words so don't miss this all you need to survive and live victoriously in the last days is a life that is solidly built unwaveringly built upon the wisdom the knowledge and the understanding of biblical Foundation a life in the word and a life in prayer will get you through everything let me hear a good solid amen a life in the word and a life in prayer will get you through anything Hebrews chapter 4 verses 12 and 13 for the word of God is alive and Powerful it is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword cutting between Soul and Spirit between joint and Marrow it exposes our innermost thoughts and desires nothing in all of creation is hidden from God everything is naked and exposed before his eyes and he is the one to whom we are accountable you see if in these end times of the church age you keep yourself surely planted upon the foundation of the Bible every deception of this world every apostate Spirit every false prophet will be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit if you walk in the word if you walk in prayer if you cherish the presence of God every time the mouth of an apostate individual opens to speak you will already have a flashing red light in your spirit and pay careful attention to it for the Bible says the holy spirit will teach us all things using the word of God as your standard in every thought every choice every plan every desire will protect you from being deceived and keep you free and you will not be misled you will not be apostate you will not be a part of the Great Falling Away because if your life and your faith and your hope is built upon the Purity and the Integrity of the Holy Bible you will not only survive you'll thrive you'll flourish you'll do everything God called you to do you'll achieve everything God called you to achieve you will do exploits for the power of God that lives in US is greater than the power The Prince and the power of the air who is currently working on world stages I leave you with this and don't ever forget it you'd better give up any hope you have on political salvation anytime I hear Christians debating politics I know that they don't know their Bible because if you knew Bible prophecy you'd know that they're all corrupt thank you for all of those amens Revelation chapter 13 is very clear that all of the nations of the world and all of the political leaders of the world are moving very quickly towards the promotion of a one world leader just a few days ago the world economic Forum met for there I believe it was five days of annual meeting and the theme of their meeting was the call for cooperation of Nations and the urgency of a one world leader to bring us into that cooperation just days ago and I could go on down the list with multiple headlines but I don't live my life by the headlines I live my life by the word of the Living God don't ever forget listen don't ever forget that in the end times all World governments including our own will soon bow and make an open way for the arrival of whom Revelation 13 declares the Antichrist and Revelation 13 prophesies there's coming a one world leader a One World Government a one-world monetary system a one-world religion and a one-world military power to enforce the severe mandates vote with conscience pray for politicians but just know that they're all whether knowingly or unknowingly and I believe for many it's knowingly recent years to me have shown that there are world leaders who have sold their soul to the global one world order that's coming and have devoted their life for only God knows what price tag to push their Nation in that direction Revelation 13 tells us is coming there is no hope in Washington there is no hope in men our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness and you will thrive in the end times if you keep your life built upon God's holy word I hope today I've been able to give you some insights and understanding to be better equipped to realize that the Bible is abundantly accurate and historically true and everything that it says will come to pass exactly as God has prophesied but what's the action step the action step is you need to live every day ready to meet the Lord are you living ready to meet the Lord and if not would you pray with me right now and when you're done praying I want you to go to our website lostlam.org it'll be on the screen and I want you to click on New Beginnings and follow those easy prompts we have some teaching that I've made specifically for you if you're a brand new Christian or you're coming back home the right relationship with God I care about you and I want to help you that's what this Channel and all of our content is about is helping men and women and boys and girls live every day ready to meet the Lord if you need to pray with me what many people call the sinner's prayer let's do that right now just say heavenly father today as I was listening to the Bible you were speaking to me down deep in my heart I want to be a real Christian I ask you to forgive me of all my sins cleanse me and make me holy in your eyes come into my heart today and be my Lord and my savior Jesus I receive salvation now as the gift of God by your grace and by your Mercies today I'm saved and I'll never be the same to strengthen me as I walk for you Lord use me to win friends and family to Christ and to be the example of faith that you've created me to be today in Jesus name I pray amen [Music] to come into my heart Lord [Music]
Channel: Tiff Shuttlesworth
Views: 91,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v_mi4zdCpJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 13sec (3973 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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