3 Things To Cook With Oranges | Sorted Food

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sorry if a number of you wanted to okay times it by nine yes a boat two digits together yes take away five yeah turn that number into a letter so if it's one it's a if it's two its be if it's three it's C and so on forever yeah think of any country in the world again select lesser okay take the last lectures back country yeah and use that to think of animals begin to that letter right click the last letter about animals yeah and think of a fruit that begins with that letter no why oh no why oranges are awesome seriously versatile for sweet and savory we've got three ideas coming out for you we're making cardamom roasted oranges with coconut ice cream I'm making orange chicken but to kick things off how does an orange and passion fruit soda sound delicious is the answer and it looks equally good so it's very simple we can do is make an orange syrup and then blend it up with lots of other orange things carrots of ginger some cinnamon to begin with the syrup for oranges please in Japan and tablespoon of castor sugar added for each did you know that so it's 20 years Barry drank orange juice to be soil is helping to concentrate once your syrup has bubbled away for about five minutes then let it cool and in the meantime you can peel and roughly chop up two small carrots you want about half a teaspoon of root ginger chopped that nice and fine and half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon put them all into a blender and place what you want to do is just pass your syrup through a fine sieve and obviously you can make this in batch and keep this wonderful syrup future occasion black color that's why the carrots in this the carrier doesn't give it a huge amount of flavor that comes from the orange the ginger the cinnamon but the color comes from the carrot it's like if you ever make in anything green add spinach to it because it doesn't really taste anything that makes it go really green that was a really interesting fact Jamie will talk about orange facts earlier which were as equally interesting as equally interesting finish no no you know this one was but in 1920 in California they banned people from eating oranges in the bath because they thought the citric acid from the oranges would mix with the bath salts Royals they create a highly explosive liquid construct your orange soda get some of that syrup in the bottom then plenty of ice and now for the sexy part the passionfruit it looks great and add another flavor when you lemonade go to the top give it a quick stir and there we go an incredible orange soda sort [Music] things that were always roasted Mediterranean veg potatoes and chicken never oranges and tell now they are awesome they have we've done all you need to do is take well lots of oranges eight or ten depending on how big your dishes and peel them but you want to take off the peel and the pit the best way to do that is rated nine stops awesome and down the side right out well dear whoa what's going on here and I've done well sorry screw this no no wasn't what I thought it was I thought was a half fun game I'll do the oranges the emails told me this one before but in the four hundred and fifty five years since the word orange was added to the English language no one else concern another word for growing with the word orange in the English language [Music] oranges taste awesome anyway but even better if you toss them in a mixture of soft brown sugar and a couple of teaspoons of ground cardamom not seem like you're twice strong flavoring but you want them to roast off the sugar caramelized and the cardamom of the sweetest feelings and the fragrance orange is perfect next flavors to our dish arts and lovely date we reported apart and daeso them and stick them in around your oranges along with some thyme I love dates I don't eat enough no you're on one now make and then all you need to do is roast these off in an oven at 200 Celsius for a half an hour covered in tin foil and then another ten minutes we take wings fall off and turn the oven up pretty high another 20 or 30 degrees to ground pop mmm Brown fresh out the oven you've got these nice charred bits where the sticky days would begin to firm autumn juice and soft oranges now for this gorgeous coconut ice cream get some of that on there toasted coconut shavings just in a dry pan for a couple of minutes until they begin to color and fresh pomegranate seeds looks great smells incredible traveling super hot still get it straight to the table but there's our cardamom roasted oranges close it you let's talk about orange chicken now this is a dish which is quite traditionally Chinese bregma Peter Carey and one step one is to find a working peeler step two is to start peeling your oranges leaving as much piss as possible yeah you just want that nice zesty flavorful bit and then basically even some of these we can have so we end up with strips they're going to lay on a baking tray and they're going to dry out in an oven 100 degrees Celsius for about 25 minutes while those are drying out the other we're gonna take chicken sides going to cut off the fat and the sting you and cut them into bite-sized pieces then toss them in a bowl with an egg and a tablespoon of garlic granules what's your pleasure tell me what's your flavor ginger garlic star anis and bird's-eye Qi they're all going to be fried off in sesame oil until you get that wonderful fragrance these ones wait sealing and crushing first how you get a crushed garlic how you get a crushed ginger morphic yep so all that garlic and ginger the bird's eye chili which has heat so nice and our orange peel going in and that's traditionally orange chicken is literally called dried orange peel chicken truly smells amazing it is Ken Jenny doesn't care about that then we're now going to make a sauce around this which is chicken stock the juice from the two oranges we've previously killed a little bit of sweet rice wine and soy sauce and the soy sauce we use to make a paste with corn flour goes in it'll help it thicken just these little pieces of spring onion so going to sort of cook out in there as well no Mike stop listen closely from before but please you know 85% of the world's oranges it's turned into orange juice Wow let's go back to our chicken okay it had a little bit of time just to marinade little bit of time to marinate let's go back to our chicken suddenly we have time to map let's go back to our chicken it's had a little bit of time to marinade we're now going to pop it into a bowl with 50% cornflour Pfister flour and then heavily seasoned with salt we're going to toss the chicken into the flour mixture and then pop it into a deep fat fryer so what we call it for four minutes okay it's crispy so I go back to the chicken 20 before popping it into these fat fryer to deep fat fry the five or so minutes since it gets nice and crispy what temperature 180 180 our young friends just friends why are you like in the most random tingly in plenty going on his face I'm pretty sure Barry had a brutal experience and Bucca if you want someone to butcher a pronunciation just I've been and he will do it for you ah look at this record all that crispy chicken now comes to the best because it goes into this awesome glossy sauce and it's soaked in and it shows that fantastic texture that we all know and love yes from orange chicken yes it's spicy its fragrant yes it's a little bit of three it's got some hangs to it yes you're like Winona Ryder lookin over there please and now for sexy photo time we transfer into another walk what's that why didn't we just cook it in that one finish it with fresh spring onions on the top post is Stephanie C and a few more wedges of our image and there we go our version of orange chicken sausage alto shaam not traditional order have a clip King my face always good fish and really good food Arthur sighs excellent it's not very communal with it I like fatrick one really good fully get you there doesn't it does I'm not Russian for it you don't expect I say no changies we don't take carrot but it's orange right let's do the chicken that is excellent for this delicately balanced I thought the office suite I didn't there's white orange pips lemon and lime because it's just that much more fragrant it's never really living on earth and I'm going straight to these wasted on you we would never think of roasting orange get involved in that one space excellent hmm I take the caramel I'm coconut take will be taken sorry siliceous [Applause] there's no chicken where you go I reckon go steam up my favorite thing to do we've an orange it's absolutely delicious and if you haven't heard about our now cook it platform yet then you need to go and check out the free online cooking course in this week we've been focusing on roasting we go over check it out sign up have a look around would you look at roasting this week or next week for last week it doesn't matter tackle it your way well-recognized ridge cam has everything it has an unnecessary number of orange back there had a very decent plug the walls now cook a cosigner and if you think well it's these two they're going to make marmalade all by themselves are those well count you don't even go yeah I was up to poster size fits all I got the speaker pick up plenty of oranges lesson fridge right so let's preserve them just a little fish if we make marmalade we're going to marmalade sandwiches I mean yeah I mean I mean let's make marmalade sandwiches don't make sandwiches
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 400,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted, beginners cooking, cooking, cooking lesson, cookery, how to cook, orange, oranges, orange recipe, orange recipes, orange soda, roasted oranges, orange chicken, chicken recipe, recipe, recipes, 3 things to do with, 3 ways to cook, orange ideas
Id: quf5Xz6Mkvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2017
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