3 TERRIBLE Heart Pieces in The Legend of Zelda

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few rewards in gaming are as satisfying to collect as the pieces of heart found throughout the Legend of Zelda franchise the tangible progression that comes from finding one of these Collectibles is usually so rewarding and fulfilling but every now and then there is a piece of heart that feels like a complete and total letdown when you finally get it I've already covered what I consider to be the very worst heart piece in the series in a separate video that you can check out in the description below so in this video I thought we could take a look at three more terrible heart pieces in the legend of Z Zelda I'll break down each one and explain why I think it's so disappointing or frustrating but please let me know which pieces of heart you think are among the worse in the series down in the comments and of course be sure to like subscribe and click the Bell if you want to see more Zelda content just like this thanks now let's start with a quick honorable mention before we get into the list proper I wanted to give an honorable mention to all pieces of heart locked behind a skill-based miname that might sound weird but in my previous heart piece video I got so so many comments talking about one mini game or another being the very worst in the franchise that I wanted to acknowledge how bad they can be now the reason I'm lumping them all together in this honorable mention is because I don't think they fit my criteria for what makes a piece of heart terrible while they can occasionally have some janky controls that are hard to get used to my issues often stem not from the mini games themselves but rather my lack of skill when playing them and just because I'm bad bad at something doesn't make the thing itself bad in order for me to consider a piece of heart terrible there needs to be some degree of a universal negative experience to it some aspect or element that every player has to deal with for me my negative miname experience is with the Clock Town Shooting Gallery in Majora's Mask but I know for many it was the pumpkin shooting challenge in Skyward Sword which is a game I Crush whenever I play it I don't say that to flex but rather to illustrate that what one person finds difficult other may not as I'm sure plenty of people had no trouble at all getting a perfect in the Clock Town Shooting Gallery that's why I'm coping out to some degree and putting all skill-based mini games in as my honorable mention from the sled race against the yetis and Twilight Princess to playing octo ball in A Link Between Worlds it's easy to see how certain mini games can stmp players for hours if not all together and even if that's mainly due to user error I think we can all agree that it still sucks when it happens turning in otherwise good reward into a terrible one when I think of heart pieces that make me miserable the one to earn from delivering a barrel of hot spring water to a tired Goron and Twilight Princess immediately comes to mind it requires you to navigate the Eastern portion of hyru field without getting hit by any enemies which is easier said than done as you aren't able to defend yourself as you hold the barrel overhead instead you have to set the barrel down in order to use your weapons to take out the bul blinds and levers that are harassing you which comes with its own risks as it takes away from the little time you have to deliver the water before it cools down and becomes useless however if you choose not to fight the enemies you run the risk of having to restart the delivery from the kakaro village entrance as a single hit will destroy your precious cargo while this seems like a fun risk reward scenario in practice it's infuriating because it's extremely easy to get hit you can quickly find yourself on your fifth or sixth attemp of this if you don't know a good route to take and repeating the same bit of gameplay over and over gets old very quickly thankfully there is a route that makes this significantly easier as you will naturally avoid all but one or two enemies but without that knowledge this can take quite a few tries to succeed but while you can make an argument for the section being engaging because of the challenge it's the prerequisite to even attempt the delivery that really elevates this piece of heart as one of the worst rewards in the series before you can start the delivery process you must first restore the bridge to hyru Castle town by donating Rupees to a Goron in the kakaro village General Store in order to do so you will need 1,000 total rupees Which is far too much for the point in the game in which you unlock the quest even when accounting for the rupees you can earn from selling bugs to Agatha 1,000 rupees is still an extremely high number to require for a number of reasons the first is that you you will have to purchase other things in the game prior to this cutting into the amount that you can save leading up to this the next is that you will have to return multiple times to donate because you can't even hold 1,000 rupees until you've acquired the Giants wallet in the original or the big wallet in Twilight Princess HD both of which are unlocked after this Quest is and finally 1,000 rupees is too much because there is already another piece of heart earned for donating 1,000 rupees to a man in Hyrule Castle town so how can we justify doing that again plus multiple other steps for the same reward I haven't even mentioned the fact that you have to Journey out to talk to the Goron first before rescuing him is made available which while not bad on its own feels like a slightly pointless extra step to take it only adds more time to a mission you'll likely already have to grind for because of the rupes required and I wish you could skip that step and get straight to the delivery that's a minor nitpick for sure but if the Goran outside malomart already knows the location of the tire Goron I don't see any reason to go back and forth while this isn't the worst piece of heart in the series it's easily the worst in all of Twilight Princess and if you have ever felt the pain of making it all the way to the young Goron and accidentally missing your throw forcing you to make the whole trip again you understand just how bad it could be while on their own each part of this Quest isn't terrible the fact that you must complete both before earning the Peace of heart is what makes it one of the five worst in the franchise's history and though I I understand that this Quest is technically just the first few steps in a larger quest with a more satisfying and unique reward I don't think that justifies how much work is needed if your only goal is just that piece of heart Wind Waker has some of the worst heart pieces in the franchise however the one that stands above all the others as the worst in that game is the one earned through the massive trading sequence by talking with zuno on Windfall Island we can begin a fetch Quest where we find traveling salesman with whom we can trade various items ultimately netting us a piece of heart when we've traded the appropriate items required to get it most who've played this understand just how daunting a task this is even with a guide but allow me to give you some context if you're unfamiliar we're talking about a minimum of 560 rupees required and 10 trades across seven stops to complete this trading sequence and get the heart piece we're after and that's if we're being as efficient as possible the main problem is that you just can't warp to each island that you need to go of the three islands you will repeatedly visit only greatfish aisle can be directly warped to meaning you will have to warp elsewhere and then sail to either bomb island or the mother and child Isles which actually does have a warp point that you just can't use for this Quest this is frustrating because at first glance it doesn't seem so bad because there are warp points and squares adjacent to the islands you can't warp to but due to the amount of Trades required the time time SP sailing definitely adds up and again this is with the knowledge of where to go and the most efficient order because there's no telling how much time this could take a person who is doing this blind it's extremely easy to waste time and rupes during this Quest without a guide because you must trade specific items at specific locations to progress for example after acquiring the seaflow from the salesman on greatfish Isle you may not intuitively think to try trading it back to him which is what you need to do it's very realistic to think that someone would leave and head to the mother and child aisles or bomb a or both only to realize they've hit a dead end and now have to make their way back to greatfish Isle to continue or perhaps you could accidentally head to mother and child Isles after picking up the big sail flag where now you'll likely wind up spending an unnecessary 85 rupees for the big catch flag that could be completely skipped if your only goal is the piece of heart at the end unfortunately it's a huge time syn even without mistakes taking upwards of 30 to 40 minutes even when using the Swift sale and Wind Waker HD however I genuinely think it could all be forgiven if this simply just wasn't also an extremely boring Quest what makes something like the Savage Labyrinth piece of heart not qualify for this list is that despite the time it takes to earn the entire time you are actively engaged you're battling hordes of enemies and feel a constant sense of progression As you move from floor to floor and you never feel like like you're wasting your time because it's fun contrast that with the extremely mundane gameplay of the trading Quest where a vast majority of time is spent warping and sailing the great sea and you can quickly see why this Quest is such a drag to complete and while you could argue that it isn't so bad if you complete it gradually as you progress through the game I'd still find fault in how uninteresting the whole ordeal is none of the characters are particularly memorable or say anything of note and zun's overarching story line isn't really satisfying either in fact when I think of other quests in Wind Waker like reuniting Maggie and her father reconnecting the killer bees with their teacher or getting two people to reveal their secret feelings for one another it makes me realize how meaningless the trading sequence feels I suppose the one redeeming quality is that you unlock different statues to place around Windfall Island which is nice to give the island a slightly personalized feel but because it doesn't make that big of an impact to the Island's appearance I honestly could not care L about that aspect it also doesn't help that after your third trade in the sequence you get a much more valuable and unique item than a piece of heart in the magic armor making the quest final reward seem lame by comparison considering the developers have cited the straw man millionaire story as an influence for trading quests like these it'd make more sense to end up with something extraordinary rather than one of the most common collectibles in the grand scheme of the franchise I really feel these two rewards should have been swapped because not only would it make the piece of heart far easier to get but it' also make the trading sequence feel more satisfying to complete if you got something cool and special at the end truly there is no worst quest in Wind Waker and if not for our next piece of heart this would be the worst heart piece in a 3D Zelda game while the music House piece of heart in The Legend of Zelda Minish Cap is the clear worst heart piece in the series I believe the one earned for completing the da choir quest in The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask is a clear number two this side quest is one of the most convoluted in the entire series and the fact that the grand reward for completing it is a piece of heart and not a heart container or better is truly mindblowing the amount of steps required to complete this and the amount of backtracking it entails truly makes it the worst piece of heart in any 3D Zelda game to date and unless something horrible happens in the next entry to the series I don't see that changing anytime soon to illustrate just how bad it is alum to walk you through all the things you need to do step by step to obtain Majora's Mask worst piece of heart to start we head to the gouon village where inside the Goron Shrine we can find several unlit torches that we can lay as link upon doing so a chandelier begins to spin at the top of the room with Goron face pots that we can break using the gouon mask by ramping off the top floor doing this we can uncover a rock sirloin a delicacy amongst the the gorons that we can bring to a shivering hungry Goron in the Mountain Village after devouring The Rock sirloin and regaining his strength the now satisfied Goron thanks Us by handing over the D Ro mask he was wearing allowing us to move into the next phase of our quest with Dano's mask and toe we now make our way to snowhead Temple where we must defeat its boss goat in order to lift the cursed on the snowhead region and bring spring back to the mountains doing this allows us to speak with a frog sitting near the smithy's house who will tell us that we can't conduct the performance while the other members of the choir are absent at which point link needs to travel throughout the world and find frogs that he can speak to using the D Ro mask doing so we'll send them to the mountains and when all members are present the performance can finally begin however these frogs are spread throughout all of Tera and are somewhat hard to find if you aren't familiar with their locations in total Five Frogs must be spoken to while wearing the donose mask with the first one being right in the Clock Town laundry pool the next is on a random log in the southern swamp as you're headed towards the deu palace and the last two are found in dungeons specifically woodfall Temple and Great Bay Temple within the gecko mini bosses that you must defeat finally of course is the Frog and snowhead I mentioned earlier who will complement our conducting and reward us with a heart piece now obviously that is an absurd amount of steps for one piece of heart but each section of the quest comes with its own set of problems from the start we have issues as uncovering The Rock sirloin is completely random meaning you could get lucky and get it after breaking the first pot or you could be stuck repeatedly climbing back up to the top floor to try and break them all it's definitely annoying because it requires a degree of timing that gets harder to nail the less pots there are so when you get unlucky it feels like you really got unlucky it's funny too because in an alternate universe I could easily see a piece of heart being the reward for smashing the pots which further reinforces in my head how ridiculous all this effort is for one heart piece the next major issue is in having to defeat the geckos in both woodfall and Great Bay temples because there is practically no chance someone is doing this in one cycle on their first playthrough this inevitably means backtracking deep into both temples and refighting the same mini boss for the third and fourth time respectively which feels repetitive and unnecessary it especially feels bad in contrast to refighting goat to bring spring to the mountains because at least there is a warp at the beginning of the dungeon that brings you right to the battle which while still annoying is at least less time consuming and even after all that you'll still have to Journey to the southern swamp and clock town before returning to the Mountain Village frankly that is a level of backtracking that I just can't stand and I really don't know that any reward would justify all that repetitive gameplay the worst part is that if the final frog didn't require you to defeat the gecko in great B Temple this could be completed so much more naturally needing you to progress that far into the game virtually guarantees that you will have to reset time which might not have been necessary for most if the last frog could be found in Tera field or Romani Ranch as examples to me that's this quest's greatest sin because like many others I've experienced that sinking feeling after completing snowhead Temple of realizing I'd wasted my time finding every frog except the one that I didn't have access to yet while this piece of heart may not be difficult to get per se it can be extremely frustrating at points and ultimately winds up being a huge disappointment as I said earlier heart pieces should be quick and easy to obtain and there is a fine line that is easy to cross where the effort required no longer justifies the reward D Ro's choir is a quest that doesn't just cross that line it Hulk leaps over it and truly encapsulates everything that can make a piece of heart terrible a touch of RNG a ton of backtracking an excessive amount of steps and a huge time commitment all for the same reward that you can get by climbing a tree I stand by the music House piece of heart being the worst in all of Zelda but hopefully now you can see why I consider this to be firmly number two overall despite the negative nature of this video I do enjoy collecting heart pieces in Zelda games and always will it always feels good to heal to full strength and it's nice to feel like like you're growing stronger it's just that sometimes those positives are outweighed by the negatives of the quest to get there we looked at three terrible examples in this video but I'm sure you all have some pieces of heart that you hate as well let me know down in the comments and as always thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: MrDrBoi
Views: 107,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrDrBoi, Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword, Tears of the Kingdom, Link, Ganon, Ganondorf, Heart Piece, Piece of Heart, Heart Pieces, Heart Container, Don Gero, Trading Sequence, Goron, Zora, Deku, LoZ, Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, Minish Cap, Link's Awakening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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