3 Entrantes para tus Sentidos | Sorprende a tus Invitados en Primavera | DarixLAB

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3 VARIED AND ORIGINAL STARTERS 1. HAM AND CHEESE WITH TOMATO COVER Spread the slice of bread with the Mayonnaise Place the Lettuce leaves Cut the Tomato into 5 half-moon slices Cut the Cucumber into thin slices Cut the Cooked Ham and Cheese along the half Roll up the slices of Ham and Cheese by clicking in the middle with a toothpick Place the slice of Tomato, Cucumber and the skewer of Ham and Cheese Repeat the preparation process with the rest of the buns 2. MINI TUNA AND ARTICHOKE SANDWICH AND PEPPER Bread - 3 slices Cut the slices of bread into 4 equal squares Tuna - 2 cans Cut Green Pepper (1/2 unit) finely Hard-boiled Egg - 1 unit Grate the Egg finely Add Oregano (1 tsp), Garlic (1 /2 tsp) and Mayonnaise (2-3 tbsp) Mix all the ingredients well Place 2 teaspoons of salad Cover with the other half of sliced ​​bread, forming a sandwich Smooth the edges with a knife Mount a skewer with a leaf of Rocket, Heart Artichoke and Red Pepper Place on top of the sandwich Repeat the preparation process with the rest of the sandwiches 3. BRIE CHEESE, STRAWBERRY AND ALMONDS BRUSCHETTA Place a slice of Brie Cheese Cut the Strawberry into 3 thin slices and open them a little with our hands We place them on top of the Brie Cheese, season with Honey and sprinkle with almonds And to give the touch of freshness we add a Mint leaf You are going to Enjoy an explosion of flavors in each bite! THANKS FOR SEEING ME!
Channel: DarixLAB
Views: 526,747
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Keywords: 3 Entrantes para tus Sentidos | Sorprende a tus Invitados en Primavera, darixlab, entrantes, canapes, aperitivos, canapes de primavera, entrantes de primavera, entrantes faciles, canal de cocina, bruschettas, brusquetas, recatas de primavera, montaditos, canapes rapidos y faciles, 3 recetas entrantes, sandwiches, 3 canapes, recetas de comida, entrantes gourmet, canapes gourmet, canapes originales, 3 entrantes variados, sandwich de atun, recetas saludables, appetizer, tapas, cocina, закуска
Id: YPaO4g1AX8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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