Delicious EASY Chicken Croquettes | Chicken Appetizer

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crispy on the outside creamy on the inside these chicken crookies are a must try appetizer hi and you're watching plating it with Wendy where I share with you recipes which impress with these if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a like share and comment and if you haven't subscribed already go ahead press that subscribe button and while you're at it if you hit on that Bell icon you'll get notified every time I upload a new video now let's get started to a heated Skillet we're going to add about two tablespoons of oil to that we're gonna add one medium finely diced onion which is approximately a cup I'm gonna saute this a bit until the onions get a little translucent the onions are just beginning to look translucent so let's add in the garlic we're adding four cloves of finely diced garlic just giving that a quick saute when sorting I always like to add the garlic after the onions because that prevents the garlic from burning okay to that for a little bit of cake we're gonna add one green chili which I finely diced and two red chilies which I've also finely diced and one I have de-seeded now this is more for the color if you wanted you could go in with all green chili sauce now let's saute this for a little while foreign we're going to go in with three tablespoons of all-purpose flour add half a cup of chicken stock I'm just gonna mix this up quickly [Music] for this recipe I boiled two chicken breasts and the weight is approximately 500 grams and I'm gonna shred it you could use any part of the chicken that you like and I've shredded the chicken and we're gonna add it to the roux let's give this a mix and bring it together [Music] you could even use roast chicken if you wanted and I will leave the link of my roast chicken recipe in the description box below the chicken stock that I had used earlier for making the roux is what I had preserved after boiling the chicken breast I had already added salt when boiling the chicken breast so let's season this with just about quarter teaspoon of salt and we're going to add about quarter teaspoon of freshly cracked black pepper and just a dash of freshly grated nutmeg now let's give this a mix now that the ingredients has mixed well together let's take it off the heat and allow it to cool to the Croquettes we're going to add potato and I've already boiled 400 grams of potato and now you can either mash it with a potato masher or a fork but I prefer putting it through a ricer so that you get a smooth paste and to that we're going to add two tablespoons of room temperature and salted butter and we're going to add two egg yolks so we're going to separate the egg white from the egg yolk foreign this is going to give a nice rich flavor to the chicken crookies so we're going to keep the egg whites aside for later and we're going to add the egg yolks to our Bowl for a little bit of time we're going to go in with one tablespoon of lemon juice and I'm just going to eyeball it we're going to keep this bowl aside and Grate some cheese to make our chicken croques a little bit more decadent so now we're going to grate about half a cup of mozzarella cheese [Music] foreign this is an excellent make-ahead appetizer when you're entertaining family and friends I think we got more than half a cup okay let's add the grated mozzarella cheese to the Bowl and we're also going to go in with half a cup of cheddar cheese if you put a little extra nobody is looking it's just going to make it even more delicious I think that should be about half cup and now the cheddar cheese for some herbs you're going to go in with cilantro just gonna chop up about two tablespoons well and now we're gonna chop you could add in any herbs that you have on hand but I'm just adding in cilantro today let's mix this and bring it together the chicken has now cooled down so let's add it to the rest of the ingredients you're just gonna mix half of it first and then we'll add in the rest now let's give it a good mix and bring it together [Music] look how colorful these Croquettes are going to look and I can guarantee you that they're going to be equally delicious too I'm going to brush on a little oil on the base of a baking dish we're going to form our chicken croquis and put them in this this mixture may sometimes have a tendency to stick so while forming the Croquettes we're just going to rub a little oil on the palms of our hand and we're going to take this cooked up mixture put in the palm of our hands and now we're gonna roll now you could make it any shape you wanted you could make it into a log if you wanted but I'm just going to go in with the rounds and I will just roll roll roll and make it as round as we can and there you go our first croquet is ready and now we're going to place it in a baking dish we're gonna make a second one you can make them as big or as small as you like just going for a medium size here and there you have the second one there you go I thought the croquet is ready we're going to continue till we finish all the mixture and we formed all our croquis let's cover it up with a plastic wrap and place it in the freezer to set up for about an hour we've got our workstation all set up we've got our chicken croquettes which are firmed up and we've got one cup of bread crumbs one cup of all-purpose flour and the egg whites that we had saved earlier we're just going to beat up the egg whites a little bit so we're going to take one of the chicken crookies so we're going to roll it into the all-purpose flour and putting it into the all-purpose flour helps to drop the surface of the croquet in that way the egg will stick on better if you want you can just shape it up again if it's got a little flat in the dish so we're just going to roll it up a little bit so we get around a croquet now let's dip it into the egg white [Music] and now we're going to lift it up that excess egg white drain down and then dunk it into the bread crumbs now once again going in with our fingers we're going to sprinkle some of the breadcrumbs on the top and get it coated on all sides with the breadcrumbs and here our first croquet is all coated and ready to be fried now let's keep it in a tray while we do the rest so once again we're going to roll this up in the all-purpose flour shape it up once again then dip it into the egg white make sure it's coated on all sides and I'm going to shake off the excess egg white and then toss it into the bread crumbs now we're going to sprinkle some of the bread crumbs on the top so it becomes easier for us to roll it and now we're just going to roll it in the bread crumbs and we're going to repeat this process till we coat all the crookies foreign [Music] Croquettes now let's go over to the stove and fry them we've got the oil heating at a medium heat and to check whether the oil is hot enough we're going to insert a bamboo skewer and when we see these bubbles coming rushing to the surface of the oil we know it's hot enough and we're ready to go I placed three of the Croquettes in a spider skimmer I'm going to insert it to the hot oil when deep frying you don't want to overcrowd your pot because then the temperature of the oil will drop the Croquettes will start absorbing the oil and will become soggy we want the Croquettes to be nice and crispy on the outside and I'm going to drain off the excess oil and put them into a colander to Green [Music] you don't want to stir them around too much but occasionally flip them around [Music] you could stop right here and serve these up but since you're serving them up for Christmas we're going to take them a notch higher I got some ketchup here I'm just going to put a little bit of it on the top give it a little swerve and I'm going to place a blistered tomato on the top and if you want to know how to do that I will leave the recipe in the description box below and to keep it together let's insert a bamboo cocktail skewer and finish it off with some cilantro oh my goodness look at that and now it's time to give our chicken croquettes a taste I'm going to put this one that we've already cut thank you don't these look like Christmas ornaments to you and they're so delicious you're going to want to make a double batch because you'll find them flying off your table and if you want to enjoy them as much as I do hop into my website plating it with where you will find the full written recipe thanks for watching see you soon
Channel: Platin' It With Wendy
Views: 913,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken croquettes, chicken croquettes recipe, chicken snack recipe, chicken roll recipe, fatimas cuisine recipes, mashed potatoes recipe, chicken cutlet recipe, chicken croquettes goan recipe, chicken croquettes indian, chicken side dish recipe, goan recipes, goan food, how to make chicken croquettes, easy party snacks, chicken cheese croquettes, goa, potato croquettes, potato croquettes recipe, chicken potato croquettes, chicken potato croquettes recipe, potato recipes
Id: rSiCNa9JhSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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