3 reasons why you suck at programming

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hey did everyone get a share back again with another video now it's little bit early in the morning almost 5 o'clock in here and I was trying to reply all of the emails and checking all the comments on the YouTube and I noticed one very interesting comment that says I suck at programming what should I do to improve now I have been teaching programming for a lot of time in here I have been taking offline boot camps online boot camps teaching it some of the college's as it gets faculty there for some of the online seminars offline seminar so I do know a thing or two about why do you suck at programming and in this special video I'm going to give you three reasons why you suck at programming and once you understand what are these reasons you will be surely able to figure out why you're bad at programming and how you can improve on those areas so let's get started now in this channel we talk about programming web apps mobile apps and pretty much everything related to programming so in case you are new here consider subscribing now moving the head on to why people usually suck at programming I have figured out the three base and three major reasons why people are bad in programming and this will surely help you out let's move on and the number one reason is lack of good training now I can understand the feeling of the frustration of the people then they say hey I want to learn iOS development but there is no good iOS developer in my area who teaches how to code in iOS same goes for the Android as well people have asking me numerous of the time that we want to learn Android but there is no offline training center nearby our area and that basically wraps up that there are no good teachers who can teach how to code that is very common and I can understand your feeling as well because you might be living in a particular location and having a good teacher as your particular area is not at all a compulsion if you find that that is too awesome but its rarity there because let's just say a person is good in doing something or the other thing finding that person is also again a big deal now luckily the programming world and training and everything is moving online and that is a very good thing now you can learn from the best of the best in the world and can test out how do they teach how what is the teaching mechanism are we having good interaction with them or not and all these things you can figure out through the online now I'm not saying in here that online is only the best thing everything has its own pros and cons as well no big deals here but having a good training is the most essential part in learning programming if your teacher is able to explain everything every concept in detail is able to connect to you then only I would consider that training as good but I have seen in a lot of scenarios that what the teacher does is write the code on blackboard or whiteboard I consider that first approach of teaching programming if somebody is doing that you might want to stop learning from them whether it's a school college university some boot camps or anything if somebody is teaching you to write code on white board or blackboard that's the worst approach codes were always meant to be done on those computers whether Mac Windows or Linux but code needs to run on the computer and that is the first thing that you might be looking up but again there are a lot of features that need to be done in a good particular training but that wraps up our first thing find out a good training now you can also supplement these trainings with books or online tutorials and all of these things but again I would like to also expand this talk a little bit in here now just like you I also like to learn from the YouTube as well and in fact I do learn quite a tons of things from the YouTube but just learning from the YouTube is not from an online course has some of its big cons like for example there is no structure particularly good structure that gives you a full curriculum to learn something now YouTube has some awesome content but the problem is a YouTube is everything is scattered around yes there is an option of playlists but people usually don't upload everything in a series wise and good approach on the YouTube but again YouTube is a good platform to learn around but only after once you have learned and clear up the basics in the structured approach then you can move on to the YouTube in fact once I did learned about the videography and the handling cameras lenses DSLR I then moved on and switched onto the YouTube videos they are helping me but if I would have been just watching the YouTube videos probably I would have taken a lot longer to learn so that wraps up our point number one is making good training now the reason number two - such as programming okay let me just that ok now that's good no no now the reason number 2 - circuit programming is not having enough exposure to the real world challenges aka projects now let me explain you how the things works on now when I write the code for just an example or demonstration of a loop or a function I will always write it flawlessly but the same loop or same function that I will be writing for a project that I am approach approaching to do or maybe some problem that I'm specifically trying to solve I'll always make mistake in those things and as a student of a programmer it is very important for you to understand that programmers do make mistakes and how to solve that mistake is one of the key essential element of being a programmer everybody knows how to write a code especially not everybody but most of the people know how to declare available declare a function or loop but they don't know basically how to use them or how to debug them well it's a necessity so I have seen a lot of offline trainings that don't bother about the projects or anything and this is the most key element in here if you are not able to understand where you are going to apply those things after learning learning that things doesn't really make any sense for example you might be learning C++ and if you are not creating any good style project that solves some real-world problems then obviously you are not going to get being interested in that programming language okay so this doesn't means I'm I'm getting a harsh on the C++ or anything it goes for everything like JavaScript Python anything just make sure you have an inner enough understanding of the project now this gives us a very very interesting concept as well on point number two just doing dummy projects who won't be working you need to understand the workflow of the project as well which is very important now it's not about just declaring or doing the thing a workflow is something how you are taking down as a step-by-step approach of maybe inter inter linking the database uploading some queries to the database fetching some queries to the database at voiced point we are trying to do what which is very important so make sure you understand the workflow of the project base approach as well and do in a amount of project as well and last not the least is not pushing harder yes this is the most solid thing that most of the people are missing although I would consider that this is only the 10% of 15% responsible for why you suck at programming but this is the most important than 15% I have seen people doing programming doing project as well but still this somehow I am not getting confidence in doing the things and that makes it the 15% in here they are not trying to push themselves harder pushing yourself extreme or beyond the limit is the way how you learn of the things if you are not going to experiment all the things if you'll fit if you're afraid to get stale in here that what makes you suck at programming now once you have taken down a good training and good project the next approach should be doing things on your own maybe you want to design something on your own maybe just redo the projects but onto your own and one important advice is ask little questions to your instructors okay now I might someone a little bit bad that I'm just getting rid of my word but I'm not the good program is somebody who can handle its own problem now right now you're into the training of mine or maybe somebody else as well and you're just answering or trying to put a question there he is answering that's okay but in the real world approach when you will be joining some company or making your own apps there will be a less amount of people who can actually help you for sure there will be code and Stack Overflow but that would not be exact code that you are looking for so solving on your own problem means you need to push harder until a unless you're going to push yourself beyond limits spend time with the problems and people get just voted in one or two days people spend time with their problems for weeks or sometimes even months so don't get disappointed and start pushing yourself harder and I'll wrap up everything really quickly in here because it's awesome to wrap up the things the number one thing by a circuit programming is missing of good trainings the second is missing the word flow approach of the project and then the third but not the least one is you are not pushing yourself beyond the limits push yourself a little bit harder and you will become really awesome in programming I could have presented all these topics being KZ night stat in here
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 56,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, computers, code, hacking, information, Security, iOS, iPhone, udemy, online-courses, coupons, free-coupons, udemy-coupons, udemy-courses, android, iphone, reactjs, web-development
Id: gi1qrlYDopw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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