3 Reasons why This game is Boring | Baldurs Gate 3 - Game Review

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[Music] [Music] bis Gate 3 is boring I'm expecting to be in the minority for this since I've heard nothing but praise about the game and I mean it's even been nominated for game of the year so what is there to criticize well I think there are three things three main reasons why I find Boulders gate unbearably [Music] boring all right let's start with this one of the first things you'll hear about Boulders Gate 3 is how long the game is and while that may be the case it isn't really the issue here Boulders gate is just so damn slow right off the bat no sprint button great want to jump somewhere put up to the spot channel the spell line it up hope you can jump that far hurry up the dialogue never ends clicking sometimes messes up when I'm trying to walk through a doorway or I might click a companion by mistake all well I hope oh God no accidentally I might get into a fight no why well now I need to reload the save file wait for the loading screen oh man why would you do that to me RIP by the way to anyone not running this game from an SSD because you're going to be stuck looking at this loading screen for at least 20% of your play time consult the map read the journal find my next Quest right okay we're heading out oh I forgot to sell my stuff your companion at times will bug out and stop fing you for absolutely no reason I play Rogue so every time I get to a stealth part or to a room that's trapped be wary this place is trapped I don't see any traps oh chest I then need to ungroup my party and move everybody one at a time in most RPGs you'll choose a class and then that's all you have to worry about right you'll just read the skills important to you learning that one aspect of the game but in borders Gate 3 actually you're going to need to learn the whole game companions all level up at the same time so on top of making decisions for yourself you'll need to micromanage them too which means reading about their class type and which weapons they're proficient with hands down the absolute worst for this are the Wizards and clerics the sheer number of spells and blessings you need to sift through and learn about is just so overwhelming then you got the actual combat itself which is instead underwhelming you're limited in the number of actions that you can do or spells that you can cast per round so despite the fact that it's supposed to be the more engaging part of the game most of the time you're just positioning yourself or having to strategize about how to make the best use of your Spar resources remember that spell you spent ages reading about well let's hope you remembered to equip it or better yet that it actually lands a hit when the enemy is on literally one HP all right chat we're done for the night completely which brings me to my next Point Boulders Gate 3 is wildly frustrating she stole my coin this game Blends turn-based combat with percentage chance RNG so most attacks have a chance of missing great need to reload my safe file now in 18 hours of play time I've leveled up just four times and I get absolute slammed in battles that I'm not ready for I've explored everything that I can in the areas that I've visited and found very few upgrades it took me like 9 hours to finally get an upgrade for my short sword which does just one extra damage thanks for that throughout the game you're constantly being put through the dialogue tree where you'll decide how to respond to any given situation sometimes they can actually be quite funny right let's set this guy free break or release I say we go release yay other times choosing to leave will make a whole Camp of people aggressive toward you fine suppose I'll just eat you then great need to reload the safe file now or most of the time negatively impact your companions opinions of you getting those choices that you actually want also depends on that same dice roll RNG chance function so that's great the cursor is always getting confused which is especially annoying when looting interacting with the environment is just generally awkward the camera is annoying to position and often doesn't go where I want it to or gets obstructed by the terrain I've had my game bug out I've had my game Crash Shad let's take care of our problem first rest well boom you see that see that the game crashed here's the crash report I've had my game tell me that I can jump down somewhere but then have me fall into a giant pit and die going to help him I've got this here I go what what he's like what's going on down here then coule of my companions jumped in a hole and not come back what's been happening here oh broken bones must have fallen the game has some really clever solutions to problems like this where it can be really interesting to play around with but it doesn't consistently push the limitations of what you can do frequently enough to make you feel like you have plenty of freedom in how you approach the game instead it feels more like I need to study or consult some kind of guide to figure out the niche ways something can be used elsewhere this often means that I'll commit to a certain kind of play style which is supported for a time until the story then forces me into a position where now I have to do something else like this fight which I had to repeat 20 times only to have the whole Goblin Camp Turn against me in the end anyway so much for doing it stealthily there probably is some better way to do it but these Solutions aren't obvious enough for most players to figure out on their own and therefore aren't as satisfying to discover you'll constantly feel like you're making bad decisions and playing the game improperly or you'll be getting really familiar with reloading your save files until what you want to have happen finally does now that we're talking about the story and dialogue I think it's time to be honest this [ __ ] can be cringe as [ __ ] at different points characters will just unload all of their personal drama Onto You including the occasional social commentary or moral dilemma nowadays I get it games need to be all inclusive giving people the option to customize their characters and approach the story from an angle that they feel most comfortable with but do we really need to hear so much of this melodramatic dialogue about all of these characters and all of their problems to give you an idea of just how much text and dialogue there is in this this game I recorded 20 hours of gameplay in the making of this video and out of all of that footage only four of those hours that's 25% of all of my recordings were of the actual battles in the game the 75% rest of it is reading text talking to NPCs and managing your inventory it's not like it's even good dialogue either most of this stuff is just embarrassing to listen to SM pain fade away words of mine will change [Music] no the last down reminds me of your Gra [Music] fing now how long does this [ __ ] last [Music] for [Music] this is still [Music] going let just keep [Music] going no it doesn't that was so [ __ ] long sorry oh yeah you should [Music] be why can't I jump off the clip let me get myself every character is wanting to smash which is just kind of [ __ ] weird I want to taste you perhaps tonight and some of them are so poorly written that I can't help but feel bored and disconnected from the story specifically carlac God she's so annoying that's right she won't she can't she couldn't even lay a [Laughter] finger oh There She Goes breaking everything she sees yep oh God I [ __ ] hate you so much Fu [ __ ] you I'm never going oh okay yep thanks for that carac as a UK D myself the accents are just jarring to listen to as the characters constantly attempt to relate and resonate some kind of emotional response from the player mate it's supposed to be Dungeons and Dragons that's an epic tale right about mystery and Adventure the whole point is to be as much of a departure from reality as possible I don't give a [ __ ] about how these fictional characters feel or what they're going through that should not be the focus of your [Music] game [Music]
Channel: CGJournalist
Views: 14,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CGJournalist, Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, rpg, dungeons and dragons, game, game review, review, tiefling, Tiefling, video game console, dragon, the game award, the game awards, game of the year, tga, TGA, baldurs gate 3 arcane tower, baldurs gate 3 cross play, steam, cross platform, crash, bug, bugs, sorcerer, funny moments, baldurs gate 3 update, update, baldurs gate 3 pc, pc, mountain pass, fighter, shadowheart, vulkan, boss, wiki, baldurs gate 3 wiki, minsc, ps5, xbox, series
Id: Ev8Jrb2pwKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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