3 PTH Subsoiler on my TEA-20 Ferguson

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here's my shop built subsoiler on three-point hitch on the Ferguson tractor I made it out of some steel I had lying around plus I had to buy some three quarter by three flat for the back just to strengthen it everything else is metal I've had kicking around it's adjustable there's one two three four five six holes so I can start at this angle and dig down it's set right now for 21 inches and I can dig all the way down to 37 inches now this tractor hasn't got enough horsepower to pull it that deep so with a few passes it'll scarify pretty good I'm not using it for sub selling I'm going to be digging a trench for putting in a standby generator so I'm gonna rip this trench and then shovel it out I have to go down three feet under the driveway and two feet off of the driveway so I'll be doing that all probably in July I just finished this a few days ago gave it a coat of paint and what you see is what you get the shank is 3/4 flat by five and a half inches and it'll be stiff enough to stand up to almost anything I made it so that it would bolt to my existing drawbar with 3/4 inch grade 8 bolts and I've got a cutting tip and I weld it on pick that up at a farm implement place so it should last a long time if it doesn't I can knock her off and put another one on I'm gonna shank behind the shank to give it a little more support as it gets in deeper I've used one of these before and they work pretty good the old Ferguson will huff and puff a little bit here when I start digging the trench I'll upload another video and give you an idea how it performs well that's it for this video gonna go and dig it into the ground now and see how quick I can stall a tractor out that's it for now lovely day in June at Bragg Creek Alberta
Channel: greathodgy22
Views: 10,496
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: gp2DyLhn7Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 12 2014
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