3 Proofs that Thought are Not Real‼

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what are the proofs that our thoughts are actually not real [Music] today we will talk about some proofs why our thoughts are actually not real not reality themselves thoughts are really important and in a way they create a reality or experience about reality but they are not reality themselves so it's important to understand why they are not reality and today we will talk about some proofs why thoughts are not reality proof number one two persons go to the cinema and they watch the same movie but they come out with a completely different experience about the movie they watch the same movie the screen what they watched it it was the exact same same colors same pictures same same sequences same scenes but they come out with two completely different experience about the movie so you see if thoughts would be real we would have the exact same opinion about the same things but that's not the case we have completely different opinion completely different view from everything why is that because thoughts and and our view is unique to us and it's subjective it can change but reality itself in this case the picture is the same the thoughts are like lenses which we watch the word through but they are not the word they are just lens proof number two it's like falling in love when when you were falling in love remember from one moment to another your experience of the world just changed just because you you fall in love but the word didn't change but your perception about the word changed your thoughts your experience of the word your lens of the word changed proof number three have it ever happened with you that you had a problem and you were feeling really anxious about this problem and then you met with one of your friends and you had a great insightful transformative talk maybe he or she gave some advices or you could really talk it through and you yourself realize something and after that conversation you just realize that wow my view completely changed on this topic my problem doesn't seem so so hard or so bad anymore so again you see your your view changed your thoughts changed here are three proofs why our thoughts are not reality why are thoughts subjective unique to us and they can be changed our thoughts and are not our experience our thoughts are not ourselves and and they are not so concrete if you like this video hit the like button below share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe connect to the innately whole nation through social media and today's question what proof would you give to the list thanks for watching i will see you in the next video and remember you are innately you
Channel: Viktor Sághy
Views: 4,521
Rating: 4.8496242 out of 5
Keywords: viktor saghy, Viktor Sághy, thoughts are subjective, Innatelywhole, proof that thoughts are not real, thoughts are not real, nodual, #nondual, #nonduality, nonduality, end of the ego, ego consciousness, thinking as an addiction, addiction to thinking, innately whole, thinking is subjective, thoughts are dillutional, michael neill, inside out revolution, inside out, three principles, sydney banks, innate health, ego, spirituality, eckhart tolle
Id: AT9z-rVVV_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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