3 MONTH SURF PROGRESSION | Adv Beginner To Intermediate Female

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[Music] [Music] if you're new here my name is kale I'm a surfer and a filmmaker and here you'll find all sorts of epic surf content like tutorials to help you surf better important reviews and more so subscribe down below and join me on instagram at kales broccoli what's up guys it's Caleb rock here and today I've got a really special video for you because I've been coaching someone regularly for the last three months and we've had exactly nine sessions together and there's been a serious improvement throughout those sessions that I wanted to share with you and track and also explain how that progression occurred I'm super proud of this girl because she has a really big commitment to surfing and absolutely loves it which i think is one of the key determinants as to how you progress now Before we jump right in I want to thank everybody who joined my new patreon membership page last week when we launched it's really cool to see you guys in there checking out all the surf coaching analysis videos that similar to the one that you're going to see today because I think it's a really cool way and intelligent way to progress your own surfing so thanks so much guys make sure you check it out via the link in the description below positioning was the first sort of element that we really wanted to address with this particular surfer because I knew that once she was in position and got a good wave that her skills were at a level where she could improve quite dramatically positioning and wave selection has such a massive impact on your surfing outcomes it is absolutely key to progression but it's also the hardest thing to teach and it requires a surfer to spend a lot of time out in the water that's why this particular clients dedication to surfing was such a huge benefit to her progression because it wasn't hard to prescribe more surfing sessions in between our lessons I was really encouraging the surfer because she had a great take off and could paddle in quite well to be at the steepest part of the wave whilst she was paddling in this would give her the most and thus make flowing between sections and doing turns easier now there were some challenging moments but also some big achievements like this particular wave here where she was able to even backdoor the section which means taking off behind the peak and swinging past it I also wanted to really work on the surface flow speed generation technique if a surfer constantly rides in that lower half of the wave or even the lower third then they're going to constantly suffer from a lack of speed and this is going to inhibit them in their progress in the sport that top third of the wave is where all the power comes from and I was very vocal about finding that nice flowing rhythm from the very GetGo of each ride now initially there were some technique hiccups that I wanted to work on especially the thrust component where the surfer wasn't really utilizing a low coiled spring position to come out of the bottom turn with this lack of hip thrust and a slightly misdirected shoulder shrug was limiting her speed potential on rides so we worked on it with the smooth star my favorite surf skateboard and eventually improved over time [Music] [Applause] now there's a trickier this offered a really nice carry over into her maneuver training as well because speed flow technique is actually really similar to maneuvers it's just less directional change I really wanted the client to work on her bottom turn even if it was just a really small one to get her up into that top third of the wave so that she could enter the rest of the ride with as much speed as possible notice here how although the surfer generated a little bit of speed her bottom turn wasn't powerful enough to actually propel her into the upper third of the wave this is what we call the power zone that's what I wanted to work on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's where things started to progress quite nicely the surfer found some good rhythm and flow along each right and her bottom turn had improved quite dramatically and not those 2 ingredients I knew were setting us up to work on top turns and maneuvers where we come off the lip this particular wave offered a really nice benchmark for us to compare to in order to really work on those maneuvers so our first step was working on that bottom turn that coiled spring position where I actually wanted to encourage the surfer to start to experiment with allowing her body to shift off center so that is not so over the board but being comfortable with being off the board and this is something we noticed that was actually present in her surf skate technique as well without allowing the body to come off center like that a lot of our turning is dependent on our heels and toes as opposed to our weight distribution and thus when we shift off center our rails become more engaged and we displace more water and that way we can change direction more drastically we also talked about allowing the board to go out and do the work for you notice how here on the right the surfer is sending the board away from the body while the body hangs in limbo out on the face of the wave this means that the surfboard has to be quickly adjusted to come back under the center this is the maneuver portion of the turn in order for the surfer to stay upright this is sometimes easier said than done and that's why we jumped back on the road for some more surf skating I found that these basic yet replicatable and very repetitive exercises of performing maneuvers as if you're actually surfing crossover really well into the waves it helped the client get comfortable with shifting her mid point off center in order to engage different rails of the board we also had to talk about eye line and shoulder rotation these are really the main factors which drive a turn the eyes always lead the way and my server was constantly looking forward and down the line as opposed to back down the wave we can also look at the leading hand the left hand although it goes up into the way if it never actually points back and drives the turn back down the wave either and this is really key because it's often the difference between a successful turn and a wipeout [Music] now at this point we stumbled across some pretty magical conditions to practice in it was a perfect a-frame scenario where there's some really consistent rights were coming through and in a sport where repetition is really hard to come by but also key for progression we knew that everything was in place to get those first top turns happening [Music] [Music] after a few nice attempts I was super stoked but I knew we could push it even further the surfer was struggling to come off center enough to a fully engage her backside rail in order to radicalize the term this increased engagement in her heel side rail would increase that directional change throughout the turn I also wanted her to utilize more head and shoulder rotation to really generate some torque in the body which would drive through into the feet and then into the board and the water [Music] [Music] [Music] it was well and truly an intermediate turn and if we actually compared this turn at its apex compared to the to earlier turns in the session there was quite a big difference namely in the shoulder rotation and the eye direction and if we actually compare an advance turn it's not looking too different I'm really so stoked to see such a dramatic improvement in the surfers ability level in such a short amount of time surfing progression is typically pretty slow and it happens in stages in short bursts you improve a bunch in the new plateau for six months and then you improve a bunch and then you plateau for another six months that's generally the way it happens but with a dedication to the sport with some good cues and technique training I'm really stoked that things went really fast now there's still a way to go the surfers back-end needs a little bit of work still and there are some positioning errors still happening but overall that's expected I make a lot of errors myself even as an advanced surfer so I think the direction that we're heading in is really good now if you'd like to do the same and you'd like to progress your own surfing I encourage you to check out my new patreon membership page it's in the description below and it's where you can access all these sorts of surfing analysis clips to assist you with your own progression in the sport too it's super affordable and it's really fun there's also other helpful information in the membership group as well but of course there's also a bunch of free content here on YouTube make sure you check out some of these other videos and remember you can join me on Instagram as well at Kyle's broccoli guys thanks so much for your continued attention I really appreciate it I'll see you in the surf
Channel: Kale Brock
Views: 253,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to surf, learn to surf, surfing lesson, surf tutorial, surfing tutorial, how to pop up, how to take off surfing, surfing tips, surfing routines, kale brock, how to rip
Id: vJuE2kU2Nok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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