3 Levels of Guitar Playing - Which are you?

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thank you so much for watching Thomas the music today's topic about playing level a lot of people curious about am I beginner intermediate Advanced Pro so many ways to do it what is your goal what is your level how do you know your playing level so let's discuss here my idea of what is your level and especially like three levels of your playing my playing guitar playing so let me introduce like three levels like in a basic one beginner we call beginner beginners is somebody who never touched the guitar yet or somebody who has been playing three months to one year maybe intermediate next one we always call you know and this one I don't really know I always say like you know playing more than one year to two years maybe two three years maybe other vans it's pretty good knowledge about the guitar and knowing song and comfortable to jam with the people so you know so many different facts there then that's advanced you know so I'm gonna get into a little bit more detail about the doors how are you determine these okay and then also how you think about levels are you ready okay so I just speaked you know spoke you know beginner intermediate and advancing three levels right once again beginner what do you think somebody who just started playing guitar six months maybe within one year that's you know beginner intermediate it's a little bit more like knowing a few Tunes maybe play one year to two years and just start reaching more difficult uh task Tunes Advanced I would say more than two years to four years or more you know knowing so many um not only the Styles but you know skills skill levels so now you can help me you are idea of these levels it's really hard to explain or understand you know but you don't want to get to too much too much because then you decide all right I'm you know of advanced but what if you you think too much other fans then if you don't know the uh nice important foundation that's not great either okay so I think first you have to think simple way to think and then maybe categorize what area that you have to really focus on you know so I get into a little bit more detail later right in the very end I will show you example between beginner intermediate Advanced just let me know basic idea on Blues playing maybe some cold ability maybe on the jazz blues and uh Happy Chords like happy cores that's sold out events because I'm playing you know a lot of uh course you know super you can make that into intermediate version the beginner version you see you have to see that's how you think difficult version you can just tackle down from the top for example one of my students who's really good at transcribing and pork methani and he transcribed a lot about uh Matthias asato style and he plays detail then I ask what these come from sometimes he has to think a little bit oh because he's already playing advanced level of a playing everything mixed because of course cold Melody Harmony fails everything mixed so once you learn that you can play a note for note but if you don't understand deeply enough so the the technique and concept won't work on the different songs so that means you just copied mimic them but that's all you get that's what a lot of YouTube Instagram guitar players syndrome copy somebody slow down copy Note 4 Note took many hours to do great play that with the backing track sounds great but that's all you get I want to get a little bit more than that right so think about a technique to me technique fingering fretboard like you know chromatic scale for example you have to do really slowly and you have to keep fingers down then sustain and go to the next one instead of sliding like that okay so you have to do like that you know instead of sliding you know I have as many lessons like that and then wash string to you see very specific I use only four and a third strings because this way you hold the neck you know um nice way then if you do six strings of first string then you have to learn angle so yeah though up and down the neck now next one peeking kind of a flat to the string and you have to work on muting palm muting left hand muting and so picking I was a fingering and picking I think that's the first thing that comes to my mind a technique then maybe trial technique understand that's a little bit going to Theory next one Theory understand what these things so like a theory you can play C major Triad domiso misodo sodomi Rue to Major third fifth major third fifth root fifth root made a third like you understand that and then you can sing you know so you see fingering picking code of knowledge Triads for example then maybe arupeggio Domi Soto you know like that you know um arpeggios now everything you can learn quickly now if you Google YouTube anywhere but then you get so much PDF and fingering diagram and you missed Theory Theory means understand what they are exactly you know intervals and a little bit more detail you know it just explanation about around the sound so that's the theory so another was a theory knowledge won't do anything you have to use music use Theory to understand the way you understand you have to use your ear so that's what we call ER training so somebody has good sense of a pitch once again don't worry about the perfect pitch because perfect pitch no necessary I don't have a perfect pitch John Mayer doesn't have a perfect fish many people don't have a perfect pitch but we have relative a perfect pitch so if you're here like that um [Music] I can hear director hmm like it um flat five this doesn't do anything do you understand that okay make sure because I don't want to see people practicing like this you know yeah you have to make everything fun so that the no stress you know stress is not good for your body stress is just extra thing that you don't want to have it yeah so you got the idea Theory or training you know you're training you know helps whatever your key you hear then you can hear that you know um Major Seventh autopagio or dominant seventh so sometimes you know you have to really practice idea anything like that [Music] um [Music] minor seven minor major seven just like that's like you know you have to know color you see I need a coffee and this is what we call Blue but I don't know what kind of blue because more detail about the blue you know what I mean yeah so but this one could be major third you know color is so good I need another cup Okay so technique Theory and your training now that's sort of a foundation you say Foundation they use the foundation to help performance skill performance skills include ER training Theory understand about the things and technique support the fingering picking understand fretboard knowledge is really not the scale it's me like a Triads Triads really helps and arpeggio seventh chord tension all that you know adding to it but everything I want to think very simple okay simple simple way I believe you can create really great this is you know um apply to a restaurant if you have a you know Diner type of restaurant you open up a menu like this oh my God so many for choose and the variant says oh fish and chip but then if you order like this and fish and chip you just really uh you know Frozen but if you have a menu one page menu I love one page menu don't open it ah appetizer ah oh wow you see one page menu is always topped really good then gradually different choices okay but not so many choices not so many things to read because the restaurant decide we are going to do this menu so good but also economically that way you don't have to stock stock up many things that's why I don't play so many different styles because I can do it if I want to do it but then I do you know everything pretty good and that's all I get you know so that's why I I conf um concentrate certain style and I have a lot of Gears I have a lot of distortion fuzz but I use clean tone because everybody use Distortion so I just do something a little different you know naturally something looking for that yeah do you get the idea less is good small menu is good if you eat a steak steak restaurant simple you know not so many things on it same with music okay now it's time to you know give you example so I have to turn the amp so this is amp still string singer by gazzie he's a Rafael Ghazi one of my student and we used to do a Skype lesson I don't do a lot of Skype lesson lately but you know I used to do a lot of Skype lesson with him he always talk about the amplifier a long time you know which is great I listened to it but the more I listened to and I ask any question he can really answer the detail and then I know some already answer and I ask not test him but ask he understand everything then he had this amp in the back in his room and then wow then he said I can try two three weeks to try out you know that summer and I try ended up I bought this one amazing using all new order stock everything expensive tube and tubes you know vintage tubes it choose you know exactly and so when I play this amp our first thing is like every note I play why so balanced well you know that's the Dumbo you know yeah so like [Music] even this guitar I haven't played this guitar about 20 years so this is like a 20 years old uh [Music] um many strings [Music] see like if you play like that we don't call beginner or intermediate probably advanced I think I hope foreign so okay so now let me do the example but this is just idea so not not really perfect example so please don't you know um ask me too much you know so first one if you compare 145 Blues what's the beginner beginner is active [Music] so play one four one one four four one one five four one five only play root that's beginner but good level of beginner this person because this person plays two other Blues good you can repeat but the problem intermediate player who knows Allah Solo's course sometimes cannot carry on this code of progression that means that level is low that's why Berkeley like four or five different number system and don't worry about those number systems but I made up of this you know right now I am doing Blues knowledge code of progression so next level is you learn Baseline foreign [Music] like that so last one style wise we don't really go [Music] that's not correct because I never heard that on the old records usually you go five four one stay one or [Music] something like that just so you know sometimes you see pattern is not right you have to really understand origin of a music or in this right sound from all the records you don't want to learn this from you know guitar teacher you know what I mean you have to learn from records you know yeah so the third one uh advanced level is more like this laughs [Music] so at adventurers are more like you know you can back up a BB King you know comfortably really good you know Baseline include um include um chromaticism so next one say Twinkle Twinkle Little Star beginner it sounds like this [Music] in the intermediate player sounds like this [Music] foreign [Music] player sounds like this yeah [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] like this [Music] foreign [Music] so beginner just really learn group 37 learn just jazz blues and intermediate you know levels like this learn tension [Music] foreign [Music] and then advanced level maybe like this [Music] foreign [Music] what do you think so far okay so yes you see like you know any anything you pick something very simple one note two notes or three notes and then next one a little bit more you know sophisticated than that so that's like you have to think you know six months or one year difference you know between you know and then that tiny tiny effort every day 10 minutes a day and builds up you see so 10 minutes a day seven days a week 30 days a month you know like that much better than you play eight hours in a weekend that's really true you know and then end with this one happy cause that's like I'm writing one of my uh song right so if beginner plays happy go [Music] foreign [Music] bar course major or minor so the e is one B is a five C sharp minor six and the four is there so that's like you're already using uh ear training to hear the you know distance between the notes and color of you know color progression you know sort of theory so next step is um beginner to intermediate now intermediate now you know Major Seventh dominant seventh without the tension so this one little advance I should say otherwise I just add this a little bit of tricky course so this chord you know from six string root eleven and fifth string skip 9 11 12. so this is a third root fifth root so that technology this chord is really B B but they know thought of s you know so okay sort of slightly Advanced but it's intermediate because [Music] [Music] I was reading wrong one so that's I'm beginner [Music] so that's intermediate because you you know this person don't know 9th or 13th of those tensions you know also Theory you know um substitution so so that okay so then [Music] [Music] so this one why is Advanced because first you don't look at your finger so happy cause has to play without looking at it so that means you have to do it more practice you know and you have to make a good mistake more mistake you do you get good sense oh yeah like that so yeah look at it e be over C sharp C sharp minor seven but then here like a Japanese pop you know um City Bob so this is why we've got two five two five two four chord so now fourth quarter is a key over e confusing right that's why Advance see two so basically this is two five acting like four chords as a like one almost a new key then sorry here e but over G sharp wow [Music] now this is b c B plus 713 this is called sub five and I have a uh lesson on the subway and I can't explain it here because if I explain that takes 10-15 minutes to explain so Aku then so you go [Music] again this is G7 it's a sub 5 half step [Music] gospel [Music] that sounds good yeah thank you so much he made this guitar for me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] music I really really appreciate your support especially people who spend their own valuable time write and comment on regarding my video that's amazing you know somebody care about me and my video that's amazing I have to really thank you and one of my fans he's from Italy he said when he does Saturday shopping he listened this one from headphone while he shop because this talk is usually 20 minutes half an hour so it's good for his shopping so what did you buy today did you buy fish what cheese what write it down for me it's it's gonna be funny Okay so three levels of your guitar playing can you tell what is your level so first tell me what is your level what do you think also can you tell me how you determine these three levels briefly so another beginner what's the beginner what's the intermediate what's Advanced also stylize whatever you have idea I'm learning I love learning from you and this is amazing so bottom line is this you know we can take this from don't decide too fast because if you decide you say oh I'm I know I'm I'm Advanced I intermittent then you don't know some important foundation muting technique or trials then you learning you are learning songs difficult to learn because Foundation so learn more Foundation I think that's the key that's why guitarism I'm building more Foundation slash Triads Foundation slash Blues because that way you won't miss anything you know I want to everybody you know nicely go up to the next level you know what I mean I'm not saying you have to be advanced it see I don't like judging people I don't like put the label to people I don't like that but this is kind of popular way to say things so we have to understand what what are these meaning you know so I hope you understand my message today I don't want to label you I don't want to label myself but sometimes you need to know beginner intermediate Advance what is this all right I think that's it today thank you so much for watching Thomas the music and see you next time have a great weekend great day thank you bye
Channel: TomoFujitaMusic
Views: 39,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jazz Blues, Epiphone, Epiphone Broadway, Fender Stratocaster, Caged System for guitar, epiphone Les Paul, Telecaster, Gibson Les Paul, Fender Telecaster, Best Part Guitar Tutorial, Gibson SG, Stratocaster, Epiphone SG, Fender Mustang, PRS Sliver Sky ES, Triad Guitar Lesson, Epiphone ES335, Gibson ES335, PRS Siver Sky, Jazz Guitar, Beginner, Intermediate, Advance, Guitar Playing
Id: BdjT908kjbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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