3 lessons from isolation

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pouchy and others have stressed that you know that is the best case scenario right now with a third person place and doctors ways and impressions of coronavirus task force are expected to provide more details this evening but it seems like the country was just a little too late to the social distancing thing [Music] [Music] Just Dance 4 pieces intensive care of it is yesterday country has so much money but is reduced to scenes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the end of the day so you have one last chance to Syria to Europe we go through Europe and we went to Taiwan which is right it's a little island of China who's been to Taiwan did you enjoy cherry drink Bucky tell us if you can rinse it to see a little hair it has a lot of people love butter I'm off in four minutes so let's close it let it cook for 4 more minutes and then we can come up very hot with Largo the holes this era has Superman okay let's be done about this guy no isn't that a sort of he uses way worse weapons okay listen if you keep going this way you'll get to Asia okay let's go to Asia I will go to Japan so if you start going from the United States across this giant ocean called Pacific you'll end up in sure and what else does it have no seats what are those that you're drawing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching this video that was a little different than what I usually do here but I think it was important nonetheless and maybe something you can relate to if you are in a weird lockdown situation as well one thing I've been doing a lot of during this time is listening to a lot of audiobooks today's sponsor is audible which is giant repository of audiobooks I've been subscribed to audible for like nine years I feel like and I've consumed hundreds of audiobooks I'm currently listening to one called a short history of nearly everything which is a fantastic listen it talks about the history of so many different aspects of science and I'm learning a lot about it you can start listening to audible for free right now you can go get a book if you audible.com slash Johnny Harris or txt Johnny Harris with no spaces to 500 500 you can go get a free book as well as unlimited access to audibles original content it's a growing library of stuff that only is available on audible and all of this you can get for free if you go to this link I'll also put this link in the description but the point is that audible is a fantastic bargain for me I am a monthly subscriber have been for many years and I'm just thankful that they exist so thank you audible for existing thanks for sponsoring this video and thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Johnny Harris
Views: 128,054
Rating: 4.9612589 out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Harris, Johnny Harris Vox, Vox Borders, Johnny Harris Vox Borders, Vox, Covid, Isolation, self care, boredom, family, Cabin, homeschool, parents of homeschoolers, occupying time, what to do during covid, pandemic, iz harris, bright trip, church, vlog, media, homeschoolers, piano, drone
Id: seMD5knvFgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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