3-Ingredient Hummus Recipe from Nazareth

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hey everyone goda here with my dad and we're gonna show you how to make the best easiest hummus recipe in the world [Music] there are thousands of different hummus recipes but almost none of them compared to the creamy and delicious hummus that you can find only in Israel so in this video we're going to show you the best and the most simple three ingredient hummus recipe presented by Road and her father Sahel who worked in a home assessment and has not only the experience but also the inherited knowledge in the hummus making craftsmanship the recipe that they will show you today was passed along for hundreds of years from generation to generation and improved with each century until the perfect hummus was made all right so this hummus is so simple it's only three main ingredients and some salt so basically you're gonna need some chickpeas that are ready to be mashed and tahini and lemon juice so about the chickpeas what you have to do is boil it for a very long time and we have prepared a video on how to do that so please take a look okay I'm ready we have this tray and the chickpeas and measuring cup I'm only gonna take only two cups of hamas of course you can do the whole kilo but I'm gonna and leave them see if there is little stones or something [Music] hey now it's playing nice okay and wash the pen or something real good take the water off wash them another time till the water comes real clean so the water now is clean now we can solve them overnight or two nights if you want to do it for two nights just change the water twice so this is the homeless will become double and tomorrow we'll see them [Music] morning everyone so it has been here the homeless for two days and yesterday I changed the water three times keep the water clean and now I'm gonna rinse it wash it again that's it now we're gonna put it in the pot the water till the half of the pot [Music] you need a lot of forces now for an hour and after an hour on high and cover it half not the whole thing because sometimes it will go up so keep it an hour that's it when I want to test it yeah I take one like this and squeeze it you know so still it's hard very hard still hard so it needs at least 45 minutes as you see it's ready now keep two hours almost now we added water but now I think it's sleepy and now I need to cool it down [Music] welcome back to the live show everyone I'm with my dad here and we have the chickpeas cooled down and by the way if you want to skip all that process of boiling it and waiting for it on ours you could just get the cans and do that just rinse them and it will be fine as well alright that now your turn to show you welcome ok we take three cups two and three and these would measure to three US cups we add cold water [Music] [Applause] small purple it's masculine assault yeah [Music] why do you add the cold water because the color here is yellow there near will get it white okay we add Athena one cup [Music] so it's a ratio of three to one basically three Hamas one Tahir and for those who don't know what the Hany is it's simply a paste of sesame seeds so they crush it and just like peanut butter so this is tahini butter basically the third one the La Romana [Music] see it's your energy and y3 ingredients why 3x3 oh good question because one for the father one for the Sun one for the Holy Spirit I think I can add little bit water it's very simple very easy but very delicious yeah we can't wait this is really the best comedy drawing on the smooth getting there now I see see it's ready it's so creamy yes okay so now while we're plating them my dad will show us a few toppings to put on them and toppings we have chosen that are very traditional here it can be like pine nuts olives olive oil oil some parsley and some paprika yeah paprika sweet paprika nice and there is the sauce some people like the sauce and what is this sauce what is this made of it's garlic and lemon and oil and a little bit of salt okay so there you go folks the best hummus dish in the world from Nazareth all to you and we're gonna show you our there are toppings that we're gonna and other options that we're gonna put on top this is the first one [Music] mmm-hmm with the meat hot meat and we call it sober wow this looks amazing and it smells so good [Music] and of course the sauce here we are Wow look at them that is just awesome and the meat is just simple ground meat with salt and pepper you can actually use shawarma me too to put it on top it's really up to you and another option with the fava beans Java beans and you just boil the beans yes that's it with the olive oil is very important mm-hmm and the paprika is for decoration sweet it's not hot with the food this sauce are very good here we are Wow look at that look how awesome that looks and just having the hummus foundation like the base is also just wonderful you can have it like a dip with cucumbers with celery like you can make it as heavy or as light as you like and so these are our three traditional options that go around here we hope that you make the hummus and enjoy it and for now we're going to show you about the history of it and how far back it goes so take a look at them today hummus is very famous but how far back can we trace it when was the first hummus prepared and by home many have tried to take the ownership of the hummus invention and over the years it had become hot debate when in 2009 Lebanese minister of tourism in an attempt to claim the hummus origins decided to make the largest plate of hummus so large that it would go into the Guinness Book of World Records two tonnes or four and a half thousand pounds of hummus in response a famous Arab Israeli hummus place in Abu gosh retaliated with a four ton of hummus packed into a satellite dish which the Lebanese counter attacked with Anton hummus plate yes twenty-three thousand pounds of hummus and is incredibly impressive as it is this does not answer a question who invented hummus and when the ingredients themselves they back as far as men existed but the combination of them that forms the hummus gets a bit harder to trace some suggest that the first-ever hummus was mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Ruth where Boaz tells Ruth come here and eat of the bread and dip your bread in chametz and even though chametz in Hebrew means vinegar some theorized that it sounds weird that one would dip their bread and vinegar and thus it might mean something else perhaps hummus however this theory is very weak and most likely improbable and if you want to know why this word is here we highly recommend the Ruth study series by Charlie Garrett explaining the incredible significance of every Hebrew word in The Book of Ruth you may find the link in the description of this video below so if the bible does not mention it what is the earliest source we have of the hummus plate according to a middle-east historian re Arielle from the University of Iowa the earliest mention of hummus that we have today is from a 13th century Egyptian cookbook and not only is it a mentioning of hummus dish but also it provides the exact ingredients and exact instructions on how to make it but Egypt wasn't the only one who published hummus recipe in the 13th century after further research we found out that hummus recipes can also be found in Syrian cookbooks dating from the same time in conclusion even though we can't end point the exact country it originated from we can confidently say it's Middle Eastern okay let's let's pray yeah thank you Lord for this food blessed and blessed our fellowship here and bless those who are sharing us this video in Jesus name we pray amen amen okay guys so we have here's some eggs we have some white cheese like type of photo we have some hyssop and olive oil and olives and like a lot of vegetables all the good stuff that you can have with hummus and now for the tasting time I'm going to show you how to dip okay like this but why are you dipping from my plate oh oh we sure are we sure mm-hmm so you take a piece of bread you kind of roll it halfway and you just grab some and oh my gosh this is amazing Wow we wish all of you were with us to share this with us but I really hope that you'll make it at your home and really enjoy it this would be neat and by the way for those who are asking about Sergio mmm he's the camera guy today so he's right there in front of me mm-hmm and now for the exit thought show you're on your lentils hmm okay we have this game with the eggs we have to show a tune I think this is the strongest one I think mine is the strongest one good buddy that's it wait no this might be the strong alone huh okay building from the back how did he know yours is the strongest one from the shape of the egg okay honey you need to eat it no I want to keep it alright guys thank you so much for being with us today and sharing with us this experience which is brings the family together and we have such a good time when we do it so I really hope you do this and that you enjoy it have a good one and God bless you all
Channel: Sergio & Rhoda in Israel
Views: 433,513
Rating: 4.8806787 out of 5
Id: HFsHnEqBm4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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