3 Healthy Egg Muffin Cup - Meal Prep Recipes | Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas

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hey guys it's Danny and today I am sharing three clean and delicious ways to make your egg muffin cups now these are perfect for meal prep because number one they love to be made ahead of time number two they work for breakfast lunch or dinner and snacks number three there are yummy whether they're hot cold or room temperature so they're very versatile and number four it's really easy to change up the flavor profiles so you can make something for everybody in the family and you're not stuck making three or four different meals can I please get a thumbs up for moms who are not short-order cooks hash tag we got other things to do hash tag I'm a busy lady hashtag I got to watch the housewives so I will be making my tex-mex muffin cups my spinach tomato and feta option and finally a classic broccoli and cheddar and be sure you stick around to the end of the video because I'm gonna share a few of my favorite ways to enjoy these muffins as well aka things I like to top away now I have found that these muffins will happily last in the fridge for up to 5 days so you can scale the recipe up or down depending on how many people you're feeding so my oven is preheating at 350 degrees and I have a 12-cup muffin pan that I've sprayed with a little bit of cooking spray you just want to make sure that it's well coated otherwise the eggs will stick to the pan and that is a hot mess now I'm gonna start by building my flavor combos and since I'm doing three different combos I'm gonna do four of each variation first up the tex-mex a muffin cup so I start with some black beans on the bottom then I layer in some frozen corn and this can come frozen straight out of the freezer or you can just simply defrost it on the counter either way it works and then I topped that with some thinly sliced fresh scallions and to finish it off just a little sprinkle of smoky cumin next we have the spinach tomato feta cups start with a little pinch of spinach down on the bottom of the cup then layer on some chopped tomatoes I'm using a rainbow variation a little bit of fresh crumbled feta cheese and remember guys whenever you can buy your feta in a block same goes for your blue cheese and crumble it yourself because you will get so much more flavor and then I'll just finish them with a little sprinkle of oregano over the top to give them a Mediterranean Flair and then last but not least we've got the classic broccoli and cheddar so for this one I like to steam my broccoli and then give it a rough chop and I layer that in the bottom of the muffin cups and then on top of the broccoli I put a good heaping teaspoon of shredded cheddar cheese then once I have all my flavor combos built and ready to go I prep my eggs so general rule of thumb here each muffin cup gets one egg so if you're making 12 muffins like I am you would use a dozen eggs or 24 egg whites so I'm gonna start with 12 eggs into my cup here and I'll season that with some salt and pepper and then I'll just whisk that until all of the eggs are combined now whenever I'm making these I love using these the spouted cups because I can mix right in the cup and it makes them super easy to pour so from here you're just gonna do your best to evenly divide the eggs amongst the muffin cups you want each muffin cup to be about three-quarters of a way to the top I find it's better to do a little less and then go back and add more if you need to then I'll just pop the whole thing into the oven at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until all of the eggs are set through now you can certainly eat them right out of the oven but what I like to do is let them cool down a little bit then I run my knife around the side just to make sure that they come out pretty easily and I store them in airtight containers in my fridge this way I have a good protein and veggie packed option ready to go when I am now as prized I'm gonna share some of my favorite ways to top these muffins for my tex-mex muffins I love a little bit of salsa right over the top for my spinach tomato and feta muffins I love those with a dollop of my fresh Greek goddess dressing it's creamy and Irby and it is a perfect match and finally for the classic broccoli and cheddar I take a sriracha and mix it into some Greek yogurt and you've got cool creamy and spicy it is the perfect combo but don't hesitate for a minute you could certainly eat any of them just as they are and they are absolutely delicious try slicing it up on some toast chopping it up and throwing it in a salad or just grabbing some for a quick morning on the go but now I want to hear from you which of these three flavor combos do you think you will try first and/or what's your own personal favorite flavor combo come on down to the comments below and share and if you haven't already make sure to subscribe like and share this video with anyone else you know who's trying to keep things healthy and a yummy thank you guys so much for watching I'm Danny speeds and I'll see you back here next time with some more clean and deliciousness Cheers
Channel: Clean & Delicious
Views: 478,071
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Keywords: egg muffins, egg muffin cups, egg muffin recipes, egg muffin cup recipes, healthy egg muffins, how to make egg muffins, how to make egg muffin cups, how to egg muffin cup, egg recipes, clean eating, healthy recipes, fitness recipes, weight loss recipes, clean eating recipes, healthy cooking, clean and delicious, dani spies, weight loss coach
Id: lFnY-gh6lXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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