#3 Georgia vs. #13 LSU 2004
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Channel: prsonmike
Views: 50,925
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Georgia, Bulldogs, LSU, Tigers, Football
Id: KCMuxcXReE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 13sec (8413 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I was at this game. We had lost to them twice the year before. Sanford was deafening. It was hella fun. I was at the game the next week, too. It wasnβt as much fun...
Defeated a defending championship team coached by Nick Saban. Will Muschamp was the Defensive Coordinator. Derek Dooley was the RB coach. LSU's DB coach in this game has since returned home and is now the Kang of recruiting. The starting quarterback, David Greene, shone while the backup dual-threat, DJ Shockley, showed sparks of what he would do in the future.
I suggest you watch the Georgia vs LSU 2008 game. Thatβll get you ready for when we travel to LSU as that is the last time we were there. Great high scoring game with lots of star players. The first play of the game is great :).
Hmm. Iβve just been watching the Rose Bowl on repeat.
I was on the field at this game. It was glorious.
I was at this game and it was electric! Iβd have to say it was the best game Iβve ever been too. I havenβt been to a game in Athens in over a decade.π
I was a Freshman that year, and my car got totaled this weekend by my roommate driving to pick up some of his fraternity brothers to take downtown... Some limo ran a red light and T-Boned my car... Totaled.
I had 3 friends from out of town visiting, and despite the car issue we managed to make it a great weekend.