3 EASY Ground Beef Recipes I've NEVER MADE BEFORE! You'll ❤️ The Tasty Runza Crescent Roll Casserole

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what's the first thing you grab when you don't know what's for dinner for me it's usually ground beef so I'm always looking for new ground beef recipes that I haven't made before well these do not disappoint I found three brand new to me ground beef dinner recipes and they were so easy and so stinking delicious we just couldn't believe it everybody's going to be in The Clean Plate Club this week I've started browning up one pound of ground beef and I am so excited for tonight's dinner we'll definitely not be using this entire big deal 2 lb bag of cheese but I kind of wanted to show you what all was in here and this is cabbage crescents and onions ground beef so easy this is a Midwestern classic called Runza this original recipe could feed an army you make it in a 9 by3 pan I'm only going to make half of this so I'm using one tube of crescent rolls going to take half of it and I've sprayed very lightly a about a 8 by8 casserole pan and I am just going to spread my cressent along the bottom kind of pinching the seams together a little bit and I'm going to go ahead and pre-bake this at 3:50 about 5 minutes just for this bottom crust I don't know if I'm going to use this entire onion we'll see probably just use half of it but another reason that I'm only making half is because I'm not sure that my family will like this Patrick I don't really think he's a big cooked cabbage guy and honestly I don't like to just eat a pan of cooked cabbage but I think I'll like it with the onions and ground beef and all this stuff in here because I do tend to like it when it's cooked into things except that old Weight Watcher soup Mama used to make a big old pot of that Weight Watchers cabbage soup you could eat as much as you wanted for no points but I just hated the smell of that stuff I couldn't hardly understand the looks of it I've got my ground beef all cooked through and I just melted me a little tablespoon full of butter here in the middle and I'm going to slide my onion in here and I used almost 3/4 of that onion spin that around just a little bit and let it get softened up of course if your ground beef needs it go ahead and drain the grease off of it when your onions begin to get translucent we're going to add in two cups of shredded cabbage you may see a little bit of purple cabbage and a little bit of carrots in mine I just bought a bag slw mix and this was all they had they didn't have just the Cabbage by itself but this will be fine I tried to pick out as much of the purple as I could just for the looks of this recipe and we're just going to start mixing that cabbage in and cooking it down now I'm going to give it a real good seasoning I haven't seasoned anything yet I just waited till I got it all kind of in here a lot of black pepper and I'm going to sprinkle in some of my antie no nose and that is salt but it also has onion powder and garlic powder in it stir all of these seasonings in and let this simmer until that cabbage gets nice and soft now we're going to take this beef and cabbage mixture and pour it right on top of these crescent rolls that we've baked up a little bit spread it out across there oh this smells good all ready super hearty and now we're going to sprinkle about a cup of shredded mozzarella cheese over the top of this you could definitely use cheddar cheese or whatever you like but this is what the original recipe called for and I want the original experience now I'm going to take the second part of my crescent rolls here and spread it out over the top doesn't have to be perfect if you had the sheets the crescent dough sheets this is a perfect place to use something like that when I was researching how to pronounce this dish Runza because I didn't want to mess it mess it up this said that this recipe was created based on the Runza sandwich out of Nebraska so I thought that was kind of interesting any of you guys up in Nebraska or the Midwest who watch let me know if you've made this casserole if you've had that sandwich any kind of variations that you think I could do or you know how's this compare I'm going to put this back in a 350° oven and bake it about 20 minutes and we'll take a look at it I took the advice of the recipe and served mine along a big fresh salad with some Tangy dressing and I can totally see why they suggest that because this sandwich gives off Ruben Vibes to me that's another reason I thought Patrick would like it of course it's not got the Thousand Island dressing but the Tangy salad with dressing on the side is delicious and Patrick loves a Reuben sandwich guys I think 21 minutes was perfect I looked in there at 20 and thought it could get just a little bit more Brown I didn't put any butter or egg wash or anything on the top of that you do need to let it sit here for you know 5 or 10 minutes and kind of come together before you try to slice out of this this one absolutely blew us away so simple and so delicious the only change I would make is I would definitely put some motier sauce in this as soon as I stuck it in the oven I thought about that maybe even a little Italian dressing would be good in there the recipe linked below will have the full ingredients list and I'll put their original baking instructions which is much different than what I ended up using so I'll put both of them on there I would just keep an eye on it and use your best judgment cooking it this is a perfect example of why I always say don't be intimidated or afraid to make something because the size of the recipe this was easily cut in half perfect for us and some leftovers or I can share it with our parents too ground beef is something that I keep on hand in my freezer all the time because it's so versatile it's like a blank canvas really you can take it in any flavor direction that you're craving and any artist will tell you that a good painting starts with a high quality canvas and that is where good chop comes in they offer fully customizable boxes of high quality 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boxes atg goodshop.com / yoube and use code mam mail 120 and a special thank you to good chop for sponsoring today's video today I'm still on this torini kick I don't know if they're multiplying in my pantry but it seems like I've had more T talini than I've had since lately but today we're making a Cheesy beef and chalada tortillini skillet say that tongue twister a few times got a pound of ground beef started in the skillet so let's see how to put this baby together I'm going to boil this talini and some boiling water for about 13 to 14 minutes I'm using this four cheese tortillini this is actually shelf stable this is from Target and I've used out of it at least once before so I'm probably using about 6 or 7 ounces here the recipe does not call for this but I am going to throw in a little bit of onion because I just think if you're cooking ground beef you need onion and a little bit of garlic too not going to Salt and Pepper it because we are going to put some taco seasoning in here into my meat and onion mixture I'm going to put a tablespoon of just a packaged taco seasoning feel free to make your own that way you can control whatever's in it but I'm just going to use what I have on hand I'm also going to put in about a cup of water you could use beef broth you could really even use chicken broth if you wanted to just to add a little bit more flavor in here we're not going for an overpowering Taco flavor here either you just want a little bit of those TMX seasonings I'm also going to put in about a 10 oz can of enchilada sauce if you had salsa instead of enchilada sauce you could use that as well but I do like the flavor of enchilada sauce and I haven't used it in anything in a long time so I'm kind of excited about that I'm also putting in one can of black beans that have been rinsed and drained this is the first time that I have used this brand of low sodium black beans and they are from Publix and I really like the looks of them they're not black black they just look really good I'm excited to try those and I'm going to throw in just about half of this can of fire roasted tomatoes and I did drink these real careful like I'm going to chunk these Tomatoes up just a little bit more because if you've been here a while you know that Patrick eer is really not a tomato guy but I have been wanting to use these fire roasted tomatoes for a while now and I say all the time I am learning more than I'm sharing wisdom I mentioned that a long time ago in a video I said I didn't use fire roasted tomatoes because I didn't like a lot of spice you guys told me they're not hot it's just the way they're cooked they have tons of flavor I didn't realize that fire roasted tomatoes were not hot so I've been really anxious to throw them into anything that I can just getting all this mixed together and I'm going to let this simmer here for maybe 5 or 10 minutes now that my sauce has simmered and thickened up a little bit I'm going to take this tor leany and just put it right over into this sauce pan and I'm just going to stir it in and get it all Incorporated while this is simmering just a little bit more I'm going to top it with a little bit of cheese you can use monterey jack I think that would be delicious cheddar whatever you have I'm using a blend of some kobby and montere jack cheese since I have a lid for this Skillet I'm just going to put the lid on the top to melt the cheese but you could definitely stick this under the broiler in the oven if you have an oven safe Skillet just to get it nice and melted and a little brown on top friends don't let the easy preparation of this dish fo you it was full of flavor this was so good of course if you wanted to substitute that tortillini for ravioli that you have on hand that's going to work just fine I topped my with a little sour cream and green onions this was so hearty and so filling and absolutely delicious I've tried lots of things to make onions not burn my eyes and actually this is a really good tearless onion if you can ever find those in your store whoops y'all didn't see that they're really good but if you have an onion that is really strong just rinse it under some water and dry it with a paper towel and I swear that thing will not burn your eyes today we're making a crescent lasagna I've already got a pound of ground beef frying up over there on the stove and you can see all of the yummy things that is going into it it's super easy and quick and I'm just using up a bunch of cheeses out of my refrigerator too this also takes two rolls of crescents I don't have those out yet got this smelling good in here now now I am going to take a big old spoonful of garlic throw that in there oh that smells good if you could just bottle this well I guess you can bottle it I got a bottle of garlic but it smells so good with the onions and the ground beef and of course you could use sausage here as a matter of fact this original recipe called for Italian sausage sausage or ground sausage but we just prefer it with ground beef something else that was not in the original recipe is spinach but I'm going to wilt some down in here it never hurt anybody to get a little extra spinach I'm throwing some more garlic in too just a little bit if your family likes mushrooms you could definitely throw mushrooms in here I mean it's yours put whatever you want in it now let's go ahead and take this 8 oz can of just regular tomato sauce that is all that's going in here not a big jar of like spaghetti sauce like we usually use with a lasagna and I'm going to put in a good size tablespoon of Italian seasoning now let's get all this mixed together you know when I make a regular lasagna it makes a whole whole lot and I mean don't get me wrong I love having leftover lasagna but to me this is like much more d doable size of lasagna it's not going to taste exactly like lasagna either because you know noodles and crescents are different but to me this is something that's like more doable for like a family of four or even a family of Two And while this is sitting over here simmering up for about 10 minutes we are going to mix up our cheese layer this is super easy it calls for a cup and a half of cottage cheese but but that is about what I had left out of this container of ricotta I just had a little bit out of this so I'm going to finish this up today going to put in about two teaspoon and I'm eyeballing I'm using dried parsley of course if you had fresh that's best and always that one egg we're going to mix this all up and just set it aside I actually prefer cottage cheese and my lasagna maybe that's an unpopular opinion but I do I've got a 9x13 casserole dish here I did spray it as you can see I don't have Crescent dough sheets which is fine the triangles work just as well we're going to pinch them together and that is my first can of buttery flaky crescents flaky I like flaky all again I'm going to trust the recipe and I'm not going to pre-bake the bottom of this crescent roll I'm just going to go with it this time but now we're putting a layer of mozzarella cheese the recipe that I read for this used slices of cheese and it said to use six slices on this layer so that is probably a cup somewhere in that range now we're going to take half of our meat mixture and we're just going to spread this out as evenly as we can now it says to sprinkle about 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese on this layer I'm sure it's talking about the grated kind but I had just a little handful left in this bag so I'm getting this used up now the recipe says to put all the cottage or rotta cheese layer right here and I'm worried cuz mine is a little bit runny but I think it's going to be fine it's going to be just fine now we're going to take that last little bit of our meat sauce and put it right over the ricotta or the cottage cheese whatever you're using using right over that layer now we're going to use the other about maybe 34 cup of mozzarella cheese and if you have slices it says to put six slices of it here it's going to be cheesy that's for sure now we're going to take our second roll of crescents and we're just going to do them like we did the first roll unroll them pinch everything together now I'm just going to drizzle a little olive oil on here take my brush and spread it out on all across the top of the crescents now I'm going to take that Shaker of Parmesan cheese and sprinkle a little across the top and you know I got to have a little bit of green on top I'm putting some Italian seasoning on here going to bake this in a 350° oven for about 25 to 30 minutes oh goodness this looks and smells so good I love it when you can see the cheese getting sizzly I wish I could tear into this right now but it's going to have to sit here a few minutes which is perfect because I'm actually taking this over to cie and Ryan's house to have a little family dinner over there tonight as I mentioned earlier this did not disappoint the Crescent lasagna got five thumbs up it was for some reason a lot easier to me than making regular lasagna even if you use the ready to cook noodles it was great Calli and Ryan had us all a great salad fxed up and this wonderful F fondue this is a dupe of the melting pots loaded potato I will leave you a recipe for this fondue down in the description box oh it was good and for dessert Ry whipped up a delicious chocolate Flay fondue it was so good and it was so much fun had lots of different little cookies and cakes rice crispy treats and fruits to dip in this one as well be sure and watch this video right here next to round out your meal plan thanks so much for watching and spending some of your time with me I appreciate you and until next week I send you love from my kitchen
Channel: In The Kitchen With Momma Mel
Views: 52,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef, In the Kitchen With Momma Mel, Momma Mel, Mama Mel, ground beef recipes, easy ground beef recipes, what to make with ground beef, ground beef, ground beef not tacos, ground beef not spaghetti, ground beef casseroles, easy fall recipes, fall recipes, mama mel, What’s for dinner, Quick and easy dinner ideas, Easy budget friendly meals, easy weeknight dinners, Runza, Crescent roll recipes, crescent roll lasagna, cheesy beef tortellini skillet, ground beef dinner ideas
Id: t-PKiwZjrik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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