3 Disturbing TRUE Abandoned Building Stories

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foreign [Music] there was a house by me nicknamed ghost house because construction was never finished on it for the longest time and it had been sitting vacant and unfinished for years it was on an already kind of sketchy block with a lot of houses that appeared to be either vacant or the owners of the houses just don't care about their properties because there's a lot of overgrown grass and weeds my friends Jenny Luca Kylie and I were bored just driving around town late one night we got some fast food then Luca floated the idea of checking out the ghost house like actually checking it out going inside the girls were on board and so of course so was I too then we parked a few houses down this street only had one street light the rest of it was dark and a lot of the houses didn't have any lights on so it really was a dark and kind of creepy block like I said the neighboring houses seemed abandoned too even though they weren't due to cars being in some of the driveways we were all sure to be extra quiet getting out of the car and walking over to the ghost house seeing this unfinished two-story house in the dead of night gave off Eerie Vibes for sure next up we had to figure out a way in of course we tried the front door and it was locked we then walked around the house trying every window until one of them slid right open Jenny was the smallest so she climbed in through the window and then went to unlock the back door for us only it was already unlocked meaning anyone could have just walked right in we entered the house that smelt like a mix of wood and some kind of rotten cat piss kind of smell the first floor was a lot more finished than I was expecting and it was pretty big with lots of rooms but there was no furniture we kind of all split up going different ways I went up the stairs to the second floor and up here was a bit more unfinished with a lot of the wall framing exposed I heard rustling around from downstairs the sounds of my friends being a bit too loud so I went really loud down the stairs upstairs was pretty empty so I went back down to run into Jenny who asked what's upstairs I said it's a bit unfinished up there she then proceeded to go upstairs and check it out anyway I proceeded to look for the basement and I found it Beyond a brown door right under the stairs leading upstairs as soon as I opened it I got a whiff of that cat piss type smell I was talking about I started walking down the steps and as I got to the bottom I could see the basement looked a little more decrepit than the rest of the house the concrete floor was stained with some brownish Rusty looking material my first instinct was to think pain but the color could also match blood I looked around the mostly empty space and found in one corner a small wooden chair and a little table with a book on it it was the Holy Bible I heard footsteps coming down the steps I said in a volume slightly above a whisper yo come check this out when I heard no response I turned around but didn't see anyone by the stairs I said who's there then I noticed a girl sitting down leaning on the wall only it took me a second to realize it wasn't Jenny or Kylie it was some random woman with extremely long and messy hair looking right at me then I heard one of the girls upstairs screaming followed by Luca Calling My Name saying let's get out of here the only words I could muster up were holy and I ran out of the basement and up the stairs I saw my friends running out through the back door I had no idea what they had seen but I was right behind them we ran back out front towards the car and didn't stop until we were in I asked them as we started to drive away what they saw because I saw some deranged looking woman come down to the basement everyone was talking over each other but one of the girls finally managed to explain that they saw two men standing in one of the empty rooms on the first floor they saw some dark objects on the floor in that room but they couldn't find out what they were in those brief seconds before running away they didn't get a look at their faces but they were men based on their statures I don't know what the hell was going on in that house and if we ran into some satanic cult where if we just ran into some homeless people you couldn't pay me to ever go back to that house again I don't live in that town or State anymore so I don't know what became of that house but based on the most recent Google Maps picture from 2019 it still wasn't ever finished [Music] my friends and I live in a very nice area try and picture the quintessential Suburban neighborhood it's relatively quiet and people are used to the secluded isolated feel it provides the last place you'd expect anything dangerous to really happen with the exception of what I'm about to tell you my town radiated the calming silence you'd eventually come to Crave this happened a few summers ago and as much as I try to resist it I will never be able to erase the memory from my mind anyway my friend Chaz and I had always been those kids to try to cause trouble wherever we could looking back I struggled to justify our Behavior I guess it was our teenage manifestation of a rebellious Spirit or some like that we lived on the same street and hung out after school every single day because our neighborhood consisted of nothing but very large houses and towering trees we didn't usually have much to do on weekdays unless we wanted to Journey a few Towns over so we ended up making our own fun most of the time in our neighborhood there was a well-known Mansion at the top of a hill that had been abandoned for as long as people could remember it wasn't really special every kid who lived in my town had been inside the rooms were essentially stripped of anything of value and finding a wall that wasn't coated with multiple layers of spray paint was almost impossible it was especially creepy because it stood at the edge of a massive Cemetery for Chas and I this Cemetery Mansion was a kind of default a plan B if we will if we had nothing else to do we'd throw some graffiti up inside her just smoke and chill on the roof this was one of those nights it was like 3 A.M on a Wednesday and Chaz and I had just been flaked on by a couple girls that we made plans with the two of us were kind of upset so we figured chucking rocks at the cemetery Mansion would be a decent way to release some energy had we been sober we might have been more cautious about doing something so stupid but it was late it was summer and we didn't care I convinced Chaz not to drive we were more than a little drunk and after about a 20 minute walk we crested the hill and were met with a familiar yet Eerie sight Vines twisting and hanging down the muddied bricks most of the windows shattered menacing points at the tip of the roof definitely a Sinister feel especially at such an ungodly hour of the night without warning Shaz picked up a stone and chucked it towards the house it sailed gracefully before smashing through one of the fourth floor windows it was difficult to confirm in the low light of the Moon and surrounding street lights but the deafening sound of the shattering glass confirmed it gleefully I picked up a rock and did the sand puncturing one of the second floor windows before the mansion's fourth floor there was a single small window probably an attic that stood lonely as the highest room in the house Chaz challenged me to hit it I missed a good 10 throws before giving up with an aggravated sigh Chaz grind picked up a rock and said watch this he took a long look at the tiny Target and launched it I watched in Oz The Rock flew through the air shattering the Attic Window with the satisfying crash I was shocked the two of us stood there for a second admiring what just happened Chaz was about to pick up another rock when I still looking at the shattered window saw a dark object fly out of the emptiness and sail down towards us and literally jumped confused as to what I just saw Chaz and I looked down at the rock that had just landed on the gravel in front of us the exact same Rock Jazz had just thrown it was easily recognizable as it had a sort of Z imprint on one of the faces the two of us stood there in silence obviously a little shaken up it was really late for other kids to be doing the same thing we were but that was the only explanation we could come up with we agreed that it must have been a group of teenagers trying to mess with us an idea that actually excited us the devious grins on her faces told the story we were gonna try and get the jump on them before they could scare us the two of us quietly made our way to the front door ducking under a thick Vine that hung from The Towering pillars above the door was slightly ajarred but it always was it had long since been misaligned from its hinges and didn't close properly as quietly as we could we stepped inside our eyes adjusting to the minimal light and our noses to the smell of mildew and rotting wood we slowly made our way up the creaky stairs unable to silence the sound of Shifting wood beneath our feet we had made it to the fourth floor and were positioned at the base of the final staircase interestingly we had never been up there the entrance to the roof was on the opposite side of the house and this room must have eluded us Chaz took the lead and I followed directly behind the staircase led to a small wooden door which we presumed was the addictor Chaz put a hand on the doorknob and even looked back at me I nodded and in one fluid motion he flung the door open before I could even see anything I was struck by the smell that made me take a few reactionary steps backward it was disgusting it smelled like death and rot something was clearly decaying in that room Chaz covered his nose and entered I was a little more hesitant to do so but I decided that I'd Rather Be by his side than alone on a pitch black staircase the sight was even worse than the smell we found ourselves staring at a tiny room the floor of which a white pentagram was painted there were a few unlit candles and a closet door that we didn't open the smell seemed to be emanating from that closet and I was worried Chaz would want to investigate more to our surprise the room was void of people I had enough though this was really starting to freak me out and I couldn't fight the urge to leave any longer I turned towards the door and that's when I saw it I looked down the staircase and saw two cloaked figures looking back up at me I cursed and ran towards Chad's just then we heard stomping up the stairs from behind us screwed as The Stomping got closer to the door I was prepared to fend off whoever it was bracing myself for a fight just then Chas yelled at me dude come on I whipped around to see Chaz halfway out of the shattered window presumably stepping on the roof I hurriedly did the same and the second I made it onto the roof I heard the door forcefully open we ran across the roof to the entrance we knew about not wanting to wait to see if we were being followed had this situation not been so dire I don't know if I would have been able to go through with our plan the darkness made it nearly impossible to see one wrong step and we would have been sent tumbling to our deaths I followed close behind Chas and we made it to the roof entrance it was a little hatch that led to a ladder Chas failed to open the hatch up he was locked from the inside just then he heard a booming voice ring out from somewhere in the distance they went that way yelled the freakishly deep voice to this day it was the scariest thing I've ever heard anyone say without thinking I stomped on the hatch as hard as I could with my right foot and it gave way in a crash loud enough to reveal our position to anyone in the house let alone someone chasing us on the roof the force of the impact caused me to fall into the hole and had it not been for my hands reflexively grabbing the ladder I wouldn't have been seriously hurt Chaz screamed at me to go so I climbed down as fast as I could trying to ignore the pain in my leg the two of us sprinted down the other staircase and burst out the back door jumping the fence and running into the cemetery Chad seemed to be fine he was literally laughing I on the other hand was so scared I could barely think I never thought squatting behind a gravestone in a cemetery could be so comforting Chaz and I maintained a watchful eye on the Mansion hath expecting someone to be following us we waited and just when we thought the coast was clear we saw a group of four or five cloaked figures circling the property frantically searching under bushes and trees the two of us crept closer into the cemetery until we were sure there was no chance we could be spotted in the Darkness we hopped the backside fence and haven't been back to that house since I can only assume that we stumbled upon some kind of cult meeting or ritual why they decided to do it in an abandoned house is something I still ask myself [Music] this was the year 2017. when I was rushing a frat in college towards the end of our pledge process our entire Pledge class took a trip to an abandoned Hospital a few Towns over it was a sort of tradition that each pledge class would do I carpooled with a few of my pledge Brothers there's honestly just too many names to list so I'll just name my pledge brother that I spent most of the night with Joshua Joshua and I and a couple others carpool to the hospital which sat next to a big Park so all of us parked in one of the parking lots in the park we waited till everyone was there then started walking down a pathway in the direction of the hospital until the pathway cut right and at this point we had to walk through the small patch of wood separating the park from the hospital I honestly wore the wrong shoes for this I was complaining about wearing my white Air Force Ones after making our way through the woods we got to the property of the hospital surrounded by trees and a parking lot on all sides seeing such a tall building once full of people and lights standing completely dark in the night was really creepy it was my first time ever exploring this building a couple of the guys in the group knew the secret ways in one of which being simply climbing through one of the lower windows that was smashed through I followed close to the back of the group one by one we stepped down through this window leading to a level beneath the ground the floor on this level was wet making me really regret my shoe choice now Joshua and I stayed in the back following behind the rest there were like 10 of us so being in such a large group took away most of the scariness of being in a place like this we went up the stairs everyone's steps echoed through the building we Traverse the creepy hallways that had been abandoned for decades the walls surprisingly not littered with graffiti James one of the guys was very experienced with this place said not a lot of people break in because no one thinks to cut through the park to avoid the security in front of the parking lot eventually the group started to split up a little bit a small group of guys went this way a small group of guys went that way we were on I think the second floor when Joshua and I decided to go down the separate hallway slash corridor some of the rooms in this place seemed like they hadn't even been gone through since the place closed down others looked like they had been rummaged through and had small amounts of graffiti in them Joshua and I were in a hospital room with the bed and medical equipment still in there when we heard someone walk past the doorway to the room we both turned and caught just a glimpse of a black shadow walking past the door out of you we both looked at each other then said yo who is that I walked into the hall and at the end of it I saw someone standing there I couldn't tell if they were facing me or facing the wall all I saw was their body I said who is that then whoever it was walked into the room next to them Joshua came into the corridor now and was confused at what I saw I told him someone was here we should just go back to the group we left down the opposite direction back towards our group we eventually started to hear the echoing voices of our pledge Brothers as we were getting closer all of a sudden there was an almost definitely loud blood curdling scream of a woman coming from the direction we just came from if I had to describe the screams it sounded like a woman being brutally stabbed to death I noticed the sounds of our pledge Brothers went silent now or maybe the screams just overpowered the sounds of their voices we ran back towards our friends and screamed go all of us ran back downstairs to the lower level where we entered from somehow I found myself in the back of the group again one by one we all crawled out from that window the screaming stopped but now we heard footsteps stomping down the stairs they weren't the footsteps of anyone in our group screaming go hurry up finally after Joshua crawled out I crawled out the whole time fearing someone would grab my feet he booked it back towards the cars through the woods after we got to the cars and caught our breath I told everyone I saw a person in the corridor where Joshua and I were that's where the screams were coming from we all left shortly after that definitely freaked out I'm not really interested in urban exploration anymore [Music]
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,376,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true stories, scary stories, true, true horror stories, creepy neighbors, scary neighbors, worst neighbors, school lockdown stories, school lockdown, mr. nightmare, mr nightmare, mrnightmare, true scary stories, disturbing, creepy stories, facetime horror story, airbnb breakin, night drive horror stories, horror stories, urban exploration horror stories, abandoned building horror stories, creepy abandoned building, urban exploration
Id: WWLjkB66FxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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