3 Disturbing TRUE High School Horror Stories

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foreign I was a senior when this happened senior writers had fully kicked in it was football season our high school was always big on football games because our football team was actually good and there's nothing else to do in our boring country-ass town one day at school we were in some joke of an elective my friend JJ was in this class with me so we'd always mess around it was a Friday and there was a football game later that day so we planned to go and JJ being the Sweet Talker he's always been spun his chair around to face these girls Kayla and Ashley and ask them to go to the football game with us we already knew them well so it wasn't weird of him to invite them or anything they seem down to meet us later so JJ dropped me off at home after school and like four hours later he picked me up and then we picked up Kayla and Ashley then we drove to the school back parking lot by the woods we had some four Locos in the car making sure nobody was passing by then we poured some more into water bottles to bring to the bleachers with us we walked over to make sure we got good seats at the top row of the bleachers since the game started late it started getting dark during the third quarter and by the fourth quarter it was dark our team was losing pretty bad for a change this game so bad even that a lot of the kids in the bleachers were leaving early we just stayed planning on hanging out on the field after anyway the game ended and our team lost really bad and so the field and bleachers were quiet people were scurrying off the bleachers the team rushed back inside the locker room in embarrassment and the away team slowly made their way back to the buses within 10 minutes we were among the only people left in the bleachers minus a couple others and maybe a couple people in the field we were honestly drunk by this point and the team's defeat wasn't ruining our fun when the field lights turned off it was basically pitch black here minus the Moonlight everyone was gone we went to go lay in the field JJ ran to his car to get more alcohol by now it was probably 10 o'clock JJ said let's go in the woods next to the football field the girls of course were scared and that's why the idea seemed fun when they wouldn't budge we both got up and ran towards the woods leaving them alone in the dark knowing they'd get scared and follow us which they did we crawled under the little ripped chunk of fence that kids would use to get into the woods and then started walking down the little Hill Into the Woods the girls were very reluctant to follow but they did we Ren had to lose them and hide just to mess with them as soon as they heard us running they both failed to stop they tried to keep up but we lost them and hid behind a couple trees we hid and laughed for a few seconds then JJ patted me and told me to look in that direction and though it was dark we could see perhaps only because of the Moonlight barely finding its way through the trees a towering black figure maybe 15 feet away from us standing between two trees it was a horrifying sight then they spoke it was a woman's voice and she said you kids shouldn't be in here we just stood there and looked in silence at the figure of the apparent woman but we both noticed she seemed to be getting bigger and closer very quickly and we didn't see the legs moving or what we assumed were legs we heard no footsteps sounds JJ and I turned and ran we ran and called the girls names until we found them then they followed us out of the woods we told them to just follow us to the car and run at the car we finally told them that some seven foot tall woman was in the woods JJ said that if I hadn't seen it as well he would have thought that he saw an apparition the girls were freaked out asking us to tell them that we were kidding we weren't we watched from the car to see if anyone came out of the woods no one ever did the biggest question is why would an older woman be in there at night alone it's not like it was a nature trail it was a fenced off-wooded area our school didn't have security back then either so it wasn't bad the four of us went to go hang out at JJ's after and I'll leave the rest of that night to your imagination now we're really fast forwarding to that summer when I was working at the school one final time as a summertime custodian since I got a raise every summer that I'd return there were about four of us in the building two older custodians and myself and another 18 year old I was in the center Courtyard of the school mowing the grass when I spotted someone at an upstairs window he was an older woman she looked like 65 maybe from the distance with short curly hair but her face was kind of blurred behind the glare of the window I stopped mowing looked at her and waved she didn't wave back she didn't even move I basically ran inside to where my boss was and as to That Woman Upstairs was he asked who I told him to follow me she was in one of the math classrooms I led him to the upstairs math hallway but to my surprise all the classroom doors were closed and the lights were all off classroom it looked like she was in was empty my boss told me there was no one else in the building and that I need to drink some coffee he went back downstairs so I did the same I was genuinely freaked out after I finished mowing I started mopping the upstairs hallways in classrooms eventually I was in the math hallway and I would be mopping every last classroom floor up there so I opened all the doors and turned on all the lights I had my radio on the floor playing music as usual over the music I heard a distinct woman's voice it said young man it came from one of the classrooms I couldn't tell which but I turned off the music and started checking every nearby classroom desperately hoping to find someone every single classroom was empty I even checked behind the desks the hairs on my arms were standing up I felt a fight or flight response kick in I bailed to the downstairs and told my boss once again someone's up there I Heard a Voice now he once again went up there with me and I explained that I couldn't find anyone but I saw and now heard a woman up here when we didn't find anyone again he told me to go home and take the day off and get some sleep he thought I was crazy I then put the two incidents together what if they were connected what if what JJ and I saw in the woods and what I saw and heard in that classroom are somehow related when I came back to work the next day I told my boss I just didn't want to work in the math hallway because I was freaked out for the rest of the summer I didn't go in that hallway again ever since then I fullheartedly believed that my old High School is haunted by some Spirit of an older woman I have no other explanations [Music] this happened when I was 15 a sophomore in high school unfortunately lunch classes were randomized so this year I only had my friends Liam and Mike in that lunch period with me a few months into the school year one day this new kid walked in first period astronomy our teacher who was a jokester made him introduce himself to the class his name was Craig he teased Craig for a minute then asked him to sit down I sat in the back row and the only open desk was next to me in the back corner Craig came over and sat next to me class didn't technically start yet so everyone was still chatting as Craig sat down he looked around the room then I felt a stair shift to me I turned and we made eye contact and he nodded his head and said what's up I said hey man what's up he introduced himself so I gave him my name as well Craig was a white kid with very patchy pubish looking facial hair he wasn't attractive but he wasn't butt ugly he just looked like a somewhat average guy he was making small talk with me and I was being nice because I could imagine how rough the first day at a new high school could be I was probably the first person he officially met in the school that period we had to get into Paris for an assignment so obviously Craig asked me to work with him I had to say yes why not I didn't have any close friends in this class anyway we had the laptop car at this period to Begin work on the assignment so we all had laptops I could tell pretty quickly I didn't like Craig's sense of humor he joked too much and was acting like we were good friends but his jokes weren't normal and he'd have this cringy laugh every time he made a joke he cursed every other word and he'd make constant dirty and vulgar jokes I was no softy when it came to that but it was just too much with him by the end of the period we had to exchange numbers for the projects then it was on to my next class eventually came launch time Mike didn't come to school for that day so it was only Liam and I at our little circular lunch table Suddenly I See Liam's eyes look up at someone behind me then someone pulls up a chair next to me and I look and see Craig he Pats my shoulder and says what's up buddy I kind of died a little inside this meant he'd be sitting here every day now I tried to be positive and give him a chance maybe he wasn't that bad Liam tried being nice at first but eventually Craig started saying weird again and Liam caught on that something was off and he kept shooting me these knowing faces when Craig wasn't looking that lunch period cemented the fact that something was off about Craig I'm not judging anyone for being anti-social but something about him seemed dark like the awful things he'd say it went beyond an anti-social personality after school that day since it was a Friday I walked home and started texting my group chat about what we'd be doing later on my walk home I got a text from an unsaved number and when I opened it I realized it was Craig he said turn around I did and saw Craig running down the sidewalk towards me waving oh God I sat under my breath I waited for him when he caught up to me he asked how far I lived from school I set about a 10 minute walk and he said same and he said he'd walk with me then he asked if I wanted to work on the assignment real quick and bang it out over some beers I told him I was actually going to be busy with my friends he asked what I'd be doing uh-oh he was trying to invite himself I said we'd just be chilling at Liam's house and he actually asked if it was cool he came I didn't even know what to say I came up with some BS like Liam's mom doesn't let strangers in right away it seemed to work Craig kept walking with me and I started wondering is he following me all the way home that's what he did I got to my house and said all right man see you later and gave him a little fist bump he said see you later and kept walking down the street I noticed him look back so I looked away I texted my group chat about how weird he is and Liam backed up what I was saying we went about making plans to hang out at Liam's house for real but not until like nine o'clock after an hour or two later Craig texted me something disturbing he said yo what's going on in front of your house why is there a cop car I replied what do you mean I rushed to go outside to the front stoop there were no cop cars it was just Craig standing in our driveway he was laughing and like a complete weirdo he laughed and said I got you then he said I thought you were going to your friend Liam's place I said yeah in a little bit then I said why are you being weird he didn't laugh at that I saw he was visibly offended I said I gotta go inside so I did and shut the door he texted me all offended saying bro WTF I was speechless I just met this kid today I spent 40 minutes with him why was he obsessing over me and following me and now stalking me he literally tricked me into coming outside to see if I was home I texted him back you're freaking me out bro I guess that was a mistake he sent me some long message about how he thought I seemed chill and was different from the rest but how I'm just like everyone else I sent a screenshot to my friend group and they were all laughing and shocked at the same time I emailed my teacher and asked him if I could do the assignment myself and explain the situation then I left my house and walked to Liam's house just to get out while I was at Liam's Craig tried calling me I just let it ring and ignored it was going to be an awkward day of class come Monday morning skipping ahead to when I got home around 11 or 12. my parents and sister were out my parents might have been out with friends and my sister may have been with her boyfriend nothing unusual I locked the door behind me and went up to my room I started watching YouTube videos I heard the back door ring yes our house has a back doorbell it had a different ring than the front doorbell I hopped up and went downstairs expecting to see my sister at the back door but the lights in the backyard were off and no one was on the other side of the door I could see through the glass I opened the main door with the screen door still locked I said hello and I 100 heard the sound of someone's shoe scraping the concrete patio just to the left out of you from the door I shut the door again and relocked it and went back upstairs to call my dad who didn't pick up but just then my phone started ringing again it was Craig I didn't pick up he then texted me saying come outside bag I replied I'm calling the police and to my surprise he replied okay okay I'm leaving it was him he was hiding in the yard waiting for me to come out I set the screenshot to my family and friends and then to the school who would reach out to his parents apparently this was the exact reason the troubled family had to keep moving because he would keep causing issues with people at every school he went to I can only imagine the horrible things he's done to other people who didn't want to be his friend he didn't show up to class on Monday or ever again if I had to guess I think he once again transferred schools [Music] I live in rural New Brunswick it was early September and it was my first day of school I unfortunately was held back my senior year so I'd be returning as a 19 year old I live in a rural area so the middle school and high school was the same building which also meant I knew most of the kids since it was a smaller School when I got to school I had study hall period a which was the first period of the day however I noticed a new kid that I never met before on the other side of the room I walked over to him and introduced myself he introduced himself to me as Chester and that he just moved here I showed him around the school and showed him where his next class is as I was giving him a tour of the school I noticed he seemed a bit off as I was showing him around he began to ask me questions at first they seemed normal like how long I've been at the school or where our classroom was but then he asked me some questions that seems more strange one question he has stood out the most he asked for my address and snap I was completely thrown off by this because I found it off to ask that I ended up not giving him my address but I thought why not to give him my snap I gave him it and went on with my day when the last period of the day came I had English class when I got to it I noticed that there were only about nine kids in the class I was in the lowest level English class so I wasn't expecting a lot of kids to be in my class I took my seat and that's when I looked 120 degrees behind me and saw that Chester kid eating a disgusting sandwich he stared at me from the opposite side of the room and gestured for me to walk over to him my English teacher Mr Bess was about to start class so I ignored his and went on with the class five minutes later I looked up from my book and I noticed Chester again staring at me this time he was more pissed off looking again he gestured for me to walk over to him and again I continued reading my book then my phone pings it was a Snapchat message from Chester he said follow me I replied I can't we're in the middle of class next I saw him get up from his table and asked Mr Bess if he could go to the bathroom he then walked out into the Hall I wanted to see why he wanted me to follow him so five minutes later I asked Mr Bass if I could go to the bathroom as well I then walked out into the Hall I didn't know where he went so I looked down each hallway and eventually I saw him he was walking really slowly about 50 feet away I stayed at a distance behind him so that he wouldn't know I was there he then turned down a hallway in the school that wasn't really used for classes and was more for storage bathrooms and offices I then saw him open a door he walked inside and shut the door behind him I walked over to the door he walked in and recognized it to be the door that led to the school's basement there was no way in hell I was going down there I just casually went back to my class when I got back my phone pings it was him again first he sent me a message saying why didn't you enter the basement he then sent a picture of him eating a disgusting sandwich in the basement he sent one more chat asking me to walk down into the basement by now I was getting creeped out by the kids so I replied asking him to leave me alone I then removed and blocked him when I got home I immediately started on my homework by the time I was done it was about 11 pm and I was home alone I was putting all of my homework away just then my phone received a notification from Snapchat someone added me as a friend it was from an account called why didn't you enter the basement it was him so I blocked it then a couple minutes later I got another request this time the account was called why'd you block me I blocked that one and then another one came this one was even more animus it was called I know where you live followed by I'm right outside your house and just then I heard a window break downstairs I immediately called the cops and told them what was happening and the operator said find a safe place to hide and lock the door I then hung up and went into the hallway closet I heard footsteps move from downstairs to upstairs cracked open the closet door and I saw him at the end of the hallway in the dark I saw Chester it didn't seem like he knew that I noticed him until he turned his head to look at the closet but it didn't seem like he knew I was inside I didn't close the door but I hid deeper in the closet Chester then went over and opened the door I was hiding behind a large container while he struggled to find the light he eventually gave up and I heard his footsteps Fade Away downstairs seconds later the police knocked on the door I immediately opened it and told him what happened but by the time they arrived Chester was gone and there was nobody on my property they found out that he escaped through a window in my basement I gave the police the accounts and they said they'll do their best to trace them the very next day of school I went to the principal to report Chester but the creepiest thing was what he told me my principal said that there was nobody in the whole school named Chester there were no records of him ever having been a student I got chills the camera footage was checked and it turned out that he snuck in through a back entrance of the school and Blended in with the other kids I never saw him again at school and I never heard from the police but to this day I still think about why he wanted me to go into the school basement all I can say is that was probably the most dangerous person I'd ever met and I don't know what his intentions were [Music] foreign
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,812,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, shocking, disturbing, scary boat stories, scary ocean, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepypasta, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, high school, high school horror stories, scary high school, school horror stories, scary school stories, college stories, college horror stories, scary college stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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