3 Disturbing 911 Calls with Backstories

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[Music] sean great stalked northern ohio between 2006 and 2016 slaughtering women after assaulting them he's now on death row awaiting execution thanks to one would-be victim's bravery the following 9-1-1 call you're about to hear is of that would-be victim and is possibly one of the most tense 9-1-1 calls you'll ever hear on september 13th 2016 ashland police received a phone call from an unknown woman who police referred to as jane doe who whispered that she had been kidnapped and was tied up mere feet away from her sleeping abductor she tried to describe the man who was holding her captive and the house she was in the best she could manage was that it was next to the 4th street laundromat 9-1-1 what is the address to your emergency by the flesh street laundry mat what is it fourth street laundromat hopefully it's a problem john green sean great where is he at now where is he sleeping at in the bedroom or what bedroom there's two houses right by the wander street and it's in one of those houses what color is the house no i'm sorry it's an apartment no it's a house okay does he own the house no he's broken did anybody actually live there i think he's been abandoned does he have a weapon he's got a taser are you injured a little where did he take you from right my apartment i mean i was walking with him you were walking with him or were you walking too his plate i've known him for like a month and a half is there any way you can get out of the building i don't know without leaking him and i'm scared he's our bathroom in the house his bedroom is closed and he made it so it would make noise and if you told me how to go to the bathroom he would do something to you yeah because he had me tied up are you tied up now well i yeah but i kind of freed myself are you in the same room with you yes are you bleeding from anywhere not anymore oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that woke him up i just shut the phone down while the 9-1-1 dispatcher continued talking the caller through escaping jane accidentally knocked over her captor's taser waking him the line went dead briefly and she was suddenly minutes away from being the sixth victim of the serial killer sean crate and by this point the police knew they had to race if they wanted any chance of saving the helpless woman great sat up in his bed and stared at the floor before laying back down again not realizing that jane was on the phone with the police are you still there i'm a do you hear any officers outside no okay they're in the area can you get out of the house it's locked are you at the door yeah i am she's at the door she's at the door right now she got out of the bedroom is there a window there yeah i'm looking out and they come we'll come back she said hurry hurry she said to hurry up and come back yeah they can see me if he comes on it the door is locked out hurry up if you can't be in there here cover yourself up [Music] tell me what happened what happened the rescue of the woman an arrest of great was heard on the call thankfully the woman survived this ordeal though likely not without having some lasting scarring effects on her as a teenager growing up in marion ohio sean great was well liked particularly by girls he had a charm about him that would mask his inner rage at least for a while when he was 18 he was arrested for grabbing his then girlfriend by the throat a few years later he was arrested for breaking into his 17 year old girlfriend's home and choking her and only eight months later he broke into the same girl's house again this time slipping underneath her couch and hiding until he saw an opportunity to strike this time he had a butcher knife in hand but great's charm and artificial friendliness allowed him to go on and have three children with three different women but his inner anger would never lay dormant for long his ex-wife amber nicole bowman claims that sean at one point said if i can't see my daughter no one will by his mid to late 20s great's behavior became more erratic he would begin dating christina hildreth the pair were happy and content in the beginning but great couldn't hide his true colors for long not only did he become violent controlling and jealous he would also show signs of being cold and indifferent towards his confused girlfriend and would eventually end up physically abusing her so was he violent with you yes in in what way um he broke my hand blacked my eye strangled me tied me up but his hostility would soon extend beyond just romantic partners and even to friends when he asked his friend for a loan which was declined and in response he sent his friend a disturbing text saying meet the other me eventually great would find himself living in mansfield hopping from woman to woman and around this time he met his first two victims rebecca lisi and candice cunningham rebecca was a sex worker and her body was found in march 2015. her death was ruled an overdose originally but great later pleaded guilty to her murder candice cunningham lived with great and mansfield before her disappearance in 2015. police couldn't find her until the day of great's arrest when he led police to her body which was lying behind a burned down house in richland county on the day of his arrest grape managed to somehow become even more barbaric towards his next and final victim jane who you heard in the phone call just before jane met sean great around her apartment complex and he eventually gained her trust that was when he exposed her to his true self he trapped her in an abandoned house and forced her to endure days of torture and other unspeakable things while she was tied up crape barely slept on the first night of his victim's capture giving her no chance of escape however after another day of torture grade eventually passed out his phone was right next to him going off but he was seemingly in a very deep sleep so jane took this opportunity as her likely last chance to escape alive and she reached over his sleeping body as stealthily as she could to pick up the phone and dialed 9-1-1 while still partially bound and that was the start of the 9-1-1 call when police arrived at the property they were met with more bodies than they'd expected great had been mercilessly killing the women who were unfortunate enough to trust him and some of them were decomposing in the house he was squatting in the 9-1-1 operator received a lot of hate and ridicule over her loud voice and constant seemingly unnecessary questions during the call as many people believe she could have very easily led to great being awoken either by the sound of her voice or because of all the questions she was making jane answer thankfully things went the way they did and this 911 call was a very fortunate story as it got a monster off the streets who no doubt wouldn't have stopped doing what he was doing [Music] the call you're about to hear was made by millionaire james bob ward reporting that he had just shot his wife his tone throughout the call is very monotone calm and nonchalant considering the matter for which he's making the call the real estate mogul claims he walked into his and his wife's room to turn in for the night and was shocked to find his allegedly depressed and intoxicated 51 year old wife diane holding his magnum handgun bob says the weapon accidentally discharged while he was struggling to get it away from her before she could kill herself or him or the both of them this was the call now with the emergency i just saw my wife you just what i just saw my wife where's your wife she's right here on the floor they sent somebody at 52 77 i would country club drive okay what's going on there i just shot my wife you just shot your wife i shot my wife yes please since whatever don't remind me let me add the fire department don't hang up [Music] where's the weapon at first orange county fire rescue the address of your american 44 52 777 i was country club drive on there i just shot my wife okay where's the weapon no she's dead you know that for sure i think so yes okay sir where where is the weapon it's in the nightstand next at the national bedroom and i'll be glad to meet the officer officer of the front door where is your wife sir he's not foreign did you purposely do this or was it an accident it was an accident how long ago did this happen sir i'll be five minutes ago i'm in the front steps you're out on the front right yeah i'm gonna first in the front gate from the first step from the upstairs and going in [Applause] yeah there's very big passing you coming back up did you see the deputy yeah i see life with them somewhere we're bob was charged with second-degree murder of diane he has always claimed the gun went off when he was trying to get it away from diane but prosecutors believe the two were arguing over financial problems and that's why bob shot her now it was up to a jury to decide but to this day the question is was diane ward's death really just a tragic accident or did her husband bob murder her in cold blood well not too long ago a significant discovery of a letter from the grave may finally answer the question that's confounded the justice system and haunted the ward family since the day diane died bob and diane had it all a happy 26 year old marriage two daughters and enough money to own numerous luxurious estates in several states daughters sarah and mallory say they and their parents were a loving tight-knit family but eventually bob's real estate empire collapsed under the weight of the great recession and even though bob was facing bankruptcy his daughters claimed he remained optimistic but not diane who grew increasingly low-spirited over the prospect of losing the family fortune sarah said her mother vainly tried to ease her depression with booze and prescription drugs and that she would turn into a different person far from the loving mom she knew and completely out of control even in public she said her mother was also directing all her anger and resentment at her father after having to cut back on some of the luxuries the family grew used to and sarah says her father was like her mother's punching bag bob's defense attorneys painted diana as a suicidal and unstable person and in 2018 his defense attorneys produced new evidence a suicide note written by diane was found in the couple's atlanta home it was reportedly found by an estate sales professional in the closet in the master bedroom she stated that she was on a ladder in a small closet in the bedroom when she noticed a pink notebook next to some hair rollers she opened the notebook and found a note and some cards with diane ward printed on them the alleged suicide note read dear malory and sarah please know how much i love you i don't know how it happened for me to end up like this i want you to have wonderful lives and know that i will always be watching out for both of you take care of daddy i love you more than you will ever know take care of the dogs they will need you defense attorneys claim that a former fbi handwriting expert could testify that he thinks the handwriting is indeed that of diane ward so this all begs the question is what bob says true was his shooting of his wife in accidents but if this were the case bob's calm and seemingly unaffected tone over the phone with 9-1-1 and even during his police interrogation wouldn't make much sense then you're doing it right any written glasses anybody has sure thank you thank you so much thank you i have my pair thank you i have a folding pair but i think they took them thank you oh like i said i'm detective cross uh i didn't get your name your first name i go by bob okay but it's james robert it would be a safe assumption that anyone who just accidentally murdered their wife would show any kind of remorse or regret but bob was common seemingly unaffected throughout he's still in prison today [Music] this last one has been circulating the internet for decades and you've likely heard it before in fact i've included it in a video i privated many years ago i'm sure some of you remember but new information has arisen on this call recently uh this is the roof price of i don't know 38.76 some guy been uh taking the place out oh well he went in the back i have an apartment in the back and he said he was looking for a guy when he comes to my door and yeah and uh said he's uh looking for an apartment so i'm gonna i'll live alone and i'm an old lady i don't care where is he now i don't have no idea for the longest time this phone call was commonly just referred to as things like old woman murdered during 9-1-1 call for a long time people speculated that this call is just a hoax or a choreographed recording for 9-1-1 operator training eventually though the woman's name was revealed to be ruth price and it was learned that the call was in fact real however the internet was still having a hard time gathering any further information on this ruth price woman or what her fate was after the phone call the unfortunate assumption that she was murdered shortly after this call was always the go-to assumption at the beginning of the call ruth begins to give her address says 3877 but is cut off by the 911 operator during this 9-1-1 call ruth presents herself as an elderly woman who's concerned about a man who knocks on her door saying he's looking for an apartment ruth pauses after giving this information then you hear a blood curdling scream and ruth says something about not being able to breathe recently though information as to who this ruth price woman was finally surfaced ruth mildred starr was born in pueblo colorado on december 7th 1913. ruth went to central high school in pueblo colorado and this was her yearbook photo ruth's obituary was recently found which shows that she died in 1994 in the san diego union tribune ruth was also mentioned in a newspaper section called the salts on november 3rd 1980 in the san diego evening tribune in this newspaper clipping it says ruth m price was assaulted on the 3800 block of 35th street uh this is the roof price of 38.77 this newspaper clipping which you see here fits the ruth price 911 call perfectly it wasn't a hoax and it wasn't a 911 training call that blood-curdling scream was unfortunately very real but fortunately even in ruth's old age she managed to fight off her attacker and live for another 14 years what seems like a realistic possibility now is that this call was used to shock trainees for 911 call taking because of how blood-curdling and disturbing her panic screaming was and thus was born the legend of an old woman brutally murdered while on the phone with 9-1-1 at least this story had a much happier ending than originally thought [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,849,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unexplainable, emails, unexplainable emails, email, creepypasta, scary, phone calls, unsolved mysteries, creepy mysteries, scary stories, true stories, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepy mystery, creepiest mysteries, disturbing mystery, creepy photos, photo with creepy backstory, photos with backstories, creepy backstories, scary 911 call, scariest 911 calls, creepy 911 call, disturbing 911 call, 911 call, 911 call death, girl calls 911, guy calls 911, calls 911
Id: GMfyhOjuN4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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