5 Disturbing True Neighbor Stories

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[Music] when I was 24 I was living by myself for the first time in a studio on the ground floor in Hurst Texas had been living there for about 6 months and knew that a couple lived next door but I never spoken to them other than the customary sup hey passing on the sidewalk one day out of the blue they bought me half a pizza they said they saw my Vikings decorations on my car and were congratulating me on the win that day 2009 playoffs round two I have always been a recluse so I thought maybe this was normal behavior for Neighbors trying to establish friendship ship I ate two pieces of the pizza before I noticed the female peeking in through my window I cut the blinds up on this one 24/7 cuz my cat's condo tree was right next to it I didn't know what the heck was going on but thought that maybe she was trying to see whether I was enjoying the pizza or not and so I pretended I hadn't seen her and ate a third piece then I saw her head Creep up again from the corner of my eye and briefly saw an arm in a blue hoodie that I knew belonged to the male and I immediately thought they poisoned the pizza I'm being poisoned my neighbors are trying to murder me right after I thought this I noticed for the first time a weird Woody SL musty taste that I was shocked and hadn't noticed before I knew they were watching me so I put the half eaten piece back in the open box on my coffee table stood up as calmly as I could stretched to try and show that I was at ease and made my way to the bathroom where I slammed the door and immediately attempted to make myself vomit the thing is I don't really have a gag reflex and even though I managed to make myself wret a few times I didn't throw up so I drank half a gallon of water which did make me vomit then laid in the bathtub with my phone ready to call Poison Control if I felt anything strange at all I ended up falling asleep there for a couple hours and woke up fine several weeks later my neighbors couldn't take the suspense anymore and admitted that they put shrooms on the pizza because they thought the batch they bought were duds and wanted to test them on me months later when we had actually become friends I asked why they hadn't simply asked me over to try them and they said it was much more exciting to slip them to me and watch to see if I would trip balls I ended up doing shrooms with them once more and I had a great time haven't talked to them since I moved in 2013 but they were pretty great people weirdos though the both of them my neighbors stalked to me and was watching me through my bedroom window at night for an unknown amount of time I'm a grad student living by myself in a first floor one-bedroom been living there for over a year now about a month ago when it first started cooling off outside I started hearing tapping on my bedroom window at night it couldn't have been a tree branch because it was too insistent and irregular I assumed it was a bird or something trying to get in where it's warm nothing to worry about about a week or two ago I was sitting on my bed in a white t-shirt and underwear no bra just hanging in the privacy of my own home with the blinds closed I start hearing the tapping but being used to it by now I ignore it then I hear a faint voice but assume it's just the neighbors upstairs who I hear now and then nothing out of the ordinary I put in headphones and listen to music to drown it out after a minute or so I realize that I can still hear the voice even with my earbuds on I take them off wondering why the neighbors are being so loud I very clearly hear the tapping and someone saying my name doubting myself or thinking it's my imagination I freeze and keep listening once I hear my name three times I text the only four friends who know where I live and they all assure me they are home and not pranking me freaking out I call my boyfriend and beg him to come over he's there faster than he's ever been since I was clearly scared I get dressed and we walk around my apartment building together to investigate with flashlights we find that someone had set up a lawn chair outside my bedroom window so that they could stand on it and look down through my blinds into my bedroom this could have been going on for any amount of time and whoever it was could have been watching me change clothes pastur baate bang sleep or whatever without me knowing I'm on mobile and my thumbs are tired so long story short after more incidences like the one described above my boyfriend catches a guy hanging outside my apartment after I asked him to come over because I was being harassed again turns out the guy who was bugging me lived in the same building as me I immediately recognized him because the same guy had been sending me creepy messages on Facebook for about a month that I had just been ignoring saying things like you're so beautiful can we meet I've seen you around Etc I went to the cops and we agreed that he must have seen me around the apartment apartments and decided to find me on Facebook our mailboxes have our names on the inside lid and started creeping on my apartment he now has been instructed to have no contact with me whatsoever or I can call the police and he will be charged and arrested I have since flipped the blinds the other way got curtains on all of my windows blocked them on Facebook and purchased a baseball Pat my apartment building says they won't kick them out so I'm currently looking for another place to live my family and I used to live in a rough neighborhood when I was a kid one night it was just my mom my two siblings and I at home and my dad was gone on a business trip around midnight someone started knocking on our door my mom woke up went to the front door and asked who it was no one answered she thought that maybe it was some kids playing dingdong ditch so she went back to bed about 30 minutes later again someone starts knocking she gets up and peers through the side window to see if she can spot anyone out there but nobody is there she starts to worry so she goes back to the room grabs my dad's double barrel and sits in the living room room in the dark waiting then more knocking my mom began shouting at whoever it is that she is going to call the cops and that if anyone tries to come in she would shoot them at about 2:00 a.m. the police finally show up and do a quick search outside of our house while we waited inside after their search they told my mom that they found a piece of Barb Wire about 4 ft long next to the door and asked if it belonged to my mom she said that it wasn't hers and asked why the cop told her it belonged to whoever was knocking on the door that they were planning on strangling my mom with the barb wire when she opened the door to see who was knocking they said that she was very smart to not opened the door to see who was there otherwise it could have cost her life the cops said that they'd Patrol the neighborhood until morning and do a thorough investigation once there was Daylight that morning as they were searching around the house they found Footprints leading around to the back of the house and up to my bedroom window they had also found Nyx in the window seal where the person was trying to pry it open to break in but failed my mom always expected it was this one neighbor because he would always stare at my mom through his curtains and wasn't very friendly he also knew when my dad wasn't home since he knows what vehicle he drives we moved moved out of that house after that so when I was in high school there were a few disturbing occurrences in my neighborhood a woman down the street who lived alone woke up one night to go to the bathroom and heard her TV on in the living room so she naturally wandered in there assuming nothing out of the ordinary she found a guy sitting on her couch watching the TV started screaming obviously terrified and the guy ran out of her house maybe a week later further down the street there was a family with a young daughter she woke up in the middle of the night with her bed sheets pull it down and a guy tickling her feet again started screaming and the guy fled another week or so later three houses down where an elderly couple lived the husband woke up in the middle of the night to find a man standing over his bed and staring at his wife sleeping the old man started hollering at the guy and the guy fled again so now things are on super high alert cops patrolling regularly Etc they somehow figured out who it was and everyone in the neighborhood got a flyer with his picture behind us was a densely wooded area that stretches for a couple of miles in every direction this guy had been literally living in those woods for upwards of a month in a tent doing God only knows what when he wasn't breaking into houses but the creepiest part of the story is this one night in the middle of all these incidents we had our sliding glass door open with just the screen door behind it shut this was in the summer we had a big backyard and it was Pitch Black back there at night our dogs suddenly jolted up and started growling viciously like I'm talking tail STI as aboard hair on his neck standing up Etc our dog was the best nicest dog like ever he never did that so naturally we were like what the freak my father jumped up and put the flood light over the deck on to see what was back there but there was nothing the next morning we were outside doing yard work and noticed the lock on our back gate was broken someone had clearly done it it wasn't like it was wear and tear or something like that it's very safe to assume that this guy tried to get into our backyard but was deterred by my dog's growling 15 out of 10 good boy my dad lives in an apartment and one one day he came home to cops outside of his door it was very early 5 or 5:30 a.m. they asked if they could ask him some questions and my dad said of course invited them in and made them breakfast they asked him some questions about his neighbor across the hall just general stuff like have you noticed anything weird Etc my dad told him no he looks like a well put together 30 yearold businessman my dad lives in hir end departments so this is what everyone looks like nothing weird or out of the ordinary the cops go on to explain that a 30-year-old woman is missing and was last seen by a security camera walking into the building with this man but they never had any footage of her or him for that matter leaving the apartment the cops stay outside and monitor the apartment until about 5:00 p.m. that night when they finally go warrant they notied a shower curtain missing and golf clubs scattered on the bedroom floor they end up arresting the guy fast forward 3 weeks and the cops find her body about 45 minutes south in the woods on the side of a bike trail some Runners stumbled upon her nothing more was released on what state she was in then about 2 months ago they found more tapes as the investigator went back to look at them they discovered the man leaving the apartment with his golf bag but like I said earlier all of his clubs were in his room I'm sure many people have put two and two together a full-sized woman wanted fit in a golf bag but that's how he got her out his trial is coming up as of right now he claims it was an accident and he panicked and tried to hide it since he had a girlfriend [Music] [Laughter] thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed and have a marvelous day stay humble stay grateful
Channel: MADJOE FC
Views: 642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tgPjtycr_HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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