3 CRAZY Figma Plugins Made To Help You Work Faster

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the plugins that use in figma can either make or break your project so in this video we're going to go over three amazing plugins that are going to save you a ton of time stick around to the last plugin to see which one is trending right now on Twitter let's get into it so the first plugin that we're going to talk about is going to be one of my favorite plugins that I found recently working on a massive project so it's going to be I'm going to go over here to recents and we're gonna go and see find Focus Now find focus is a really interesting plugin because when you are working with a massive file with thousands of different layers thousands of different pages even you know just a ton a ton of work a big big project it's very difficult to go back and find all the interactions and all the specific examples with a specific name you know so if you have a massive project like this and say that you want to change I don't know I want to look at all of the layers that have a specific name because I need to change the size of an icon or I need to change the size of a color and imagine that you don't have all these textiles written down and by the way this is the figma design system their official design system so if you want to check it out Link in the description but if imagine you have this massive project and you don't have all these color styles and all these textiles so if I go ahead and just remove this really quick or that's not what I meant to do but if I go ahead and reduce cut style there we go I have all of these colors here all these textiles and imagine I want to find maybe all of the layers with the name frame so frame when you go ahead and you create a new frame inside of figma the automatic name that it's going to give you is going to be frame so say I want to find all the layers with the name frame and get rid of it or change it to be a pragmatic name that you and your clients have agreed with or something like that like component or content or something like that so I'm going to go ahead and type in frame and when I type in frame I will see all of the individual layers that are named frame now this is lazy on figma's end because they didn't name all their layers but obviously it's impossible to find all the all the layers that you've accidentally not named so if we look at this massive selection here it will literally grab every single layer with a name frame and what you can do in the end if you want to bulk rename everything for example is use the shortcut command and R and it'll bring up this rename modal and you see that it says rename 287 layers so in this case we can match the text or we can just rename it to anything else we want like for example if we wanted to name it something like component or something maybe like for example we can call it content you know it's similar to calling it frame or any other name if you want to call it something but just being able to call it content or component or object or anything like that just makes it feel more organized and when you're passing off work like this to a client if you have a ton of different layers like 200 different layers with the name frame in it or frame 21517 it looks unprofessional and this is something that I like to use a lot when I'm building massive massive projects just like this one with all these different layers you know 287 layers called frame okay let's just quickly rename this make sure that it's set for the client set for the presentation and we're not going to look silly presenting it and they're going to be like you know what is that here there's another example rectangle 471 let's go ahead and do it again so we're going to call in rectangle and it's just going to find all the individual rectangles and you know in most cases it's fine because it's within a union or within intersection or something like that but you know what instead of rectangle let's go ahead and call it something like you know this is 1600 layers so maybe shape and then we can use the number here and arguably this is the exact same thing as as calling it rectangle or shape but whatever this is more organized it looks a little bit nicer and that's that's all that matters when we're presenting to clients right so the next plugin that we're going to talk about here is going to be one that a lot of people have already used but if you don't know about it this is one of the most critical plugins in figma that you need it's one of the most popular ones but arguably the most important ones so let's say here that I've got this Frame and I'm just going to give it a random heading here so heading H1 can give it nice ohq H1 and we're gonna give it a frame here so let's go ahead and duplicate this a bunch of different times something like this and we're going to go ahead and select all the individual frame frames here or we can just select in this case because it's quite easy so we've selected all the frames that we have in this case right so what do we do if we want to add an image to all of these frames individually stock footage or stock images that are from the internet something that isn't necessarily ours but we want to populate these these designs what do we do we could either one go individually into these stock sites and buy license pay for all these images plug it in and then send it off to the client or we could use something like unsplash if I go ahead and run this plugin right here I run it and then I can choose from all these different collections so maybe abstract maybe minimal maybe nature now if we're working on a nature based project like natural food bars or something like that okay let's go ahead and click on nature and then maybe it's going to populate images that are based off of nature in our project so if we're working on something massive with a lot of different pages then this is going to save you a ton of time you don't need to go in picking individual images you can select all the images that you want to add in or change and look at this it's just going to give you a ton of different examples of images is relating to Nature now a lot of these are going to be a little bit basic a little bit stock but you know what it's free it's fast and this is all you really need for for most MVPs when you launch an actual site you can use these images by the way because they're from unsplash but when you want to launch an actual project then maybe you have your the real images you know or the real content that you want to put in but this is equally as important as using the lorem ipsum plug-in this is a bonus not part of the the top three that I'm going to talk about but this is a bonus here but if I want to change this say from example heading one two just alarm ipsum or something that that is going to fill the text instead of saying heading one or heading two or heading whatever you know we can either do generate with words so say we want to put in two words so I'm going to go ahead and generate that and it'll generate alarm ipsum or what we can do is we can Auto generate and it's going to perfectly fill the frame container that we have selected so in this case you see that blue rectangle there that's the current selection so it's going to go ahead and auto generate to fill anywhere in between that space so in this case we've got for example here that's a little bit of a mistake on lorem ipsum's part going to run that again generate and generated something lorem ipsum based so that's perfect these two components are great together because you can generate a lot of lower Maps some text fill the the content that you want to fill and also fill in the images that you need to fill a lot of fills there but lastly the plugin that is trending everywhere right now especially on Twitter and all these different spaces follow me on Twitter by the way if you haven't already so you can get in contact with me and see what I'm up to but that plugin is going to be magician now I'm going to go ahead and run the home here and we're gonna play around with it for a little while so inside a magician to give you the rundown of what magician is it's AI based creation inside of figma so you can either generate Icons copy or images that is the basic rundown so if I wanted to exchange all of these four icons or if I wanted to go ahead and just create icons out of thin air and if I had an idea of something nature based or something along the lines of that so maybe we could say something like a natural or you know what camping camping in the forest it'll give us a creation of camping in the forest as an icon and while that loads oh now we can see there so we can see that it's created a tent some trees this is pretty similar to what I was thinking so we can go ahead and click that and it'll vectorize it and implement it directly into your project so it's absolutely crazy that you can do these things these days inside of figma directly you don't need to go into open AI or anything like that this comes directly from the plugin now we can go ahead and change this so these are all vectors you know these aren't pngs they're they're completely vectorized which is incredible the next thing that we can do with magician I'm gonna go ahead and run home is that we can also generate copy now this one's a little bit more complex it's not just generating icons but say we want to create something to fill in this space here instead of Lauren ipsum we can create a headline for a hiking company and I'm just making these up but a headline for a hiking company now there's a few different ways that we can create these texts we can either and by the way the suggestions the Creations that it gave us was explore the Great Outdoors with our hiking company take a journey with our hiking company you know it's good it's out of thin air so it's it's better than nothing but then we we can go ahead and select what it just placed down for us so explore the Great Outdoors with our hiking company go into edit so we see write and edit and we can have a few different options here we can either get Alternatives so it'll create synonyms of our outputs translate fixed grammar summarize or explain like I'm five years old this one is my favorite because if we see what suggestions they give us it's a pretty great way of dumbing down your website if sometimes if it if it sounds too smart or too too many big words your users might be lost you know so this is a great way to kind of dumb it down make sure that everybody's gonna understand it and your message is super duper clear so in this example come join us for a fun hike let's go explore the outdoors together you know maybe that's that's a better H1 you know I'm not too sure but so that covers magician or magic copy and then last is Magic Image so I'm gonna go ahead and select this image here and let's go hiking in nature and what it'll do is it'll create an AI image inside of figma directly based on our brief on the message that we want to give it right so in this case it gives us these images and you know one of the things that I do want to improve on this app that I think could be improved is of these images I can't really see anything but I'm going to go ahead and pick this one and you know it is AI so it's it's still in its infancy but this is a pretty great image that we can use right off the bat gonna delete this one place it in here select this so we're just filling oh we're just filling oh if it allow me okay I'm gonna do 56 for an H1 pretty standard stuff let's do something like that you know what this is great you know AI just did a website for us directly in figma I'm gonna pick something oh maybe something Moody you know you never know and maybe like sign up I'm just having fun right now this is a new part of the video anymore but there you go that's a hero header waiting to be designed right there but anyways Guys these three plugins for actually a little bonus one but these plugins are some of the best plugins that I use almost on the daily now and especially that last magician one especially for the icons it's something that I wish I had years ago starting out but now I have it so I can't really complain but anyways these plugins is what I use every single day they're super fast they help me with my workflow they help me understand all the different layers all the different frames I can rename things I can send things to clients a lot faster so I recommend all these different plugins the links to everything is going to be in the description as always so if you guys have any questions let them know down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can or maybe not so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Arnau Ros
Views: 8,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: figma plugin, figma plugins 2022, figma plugins for web design, figma plugins how to use, figma plugins best, figma plugins for icons, figma plugins 2023, figma plugins install, figma plugin tutorial, figma plugin AI, figma AI plugin, figma plugin with AI, figma plugins AI
Id: scMNT-9cLXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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