Mastering the Matcha Tart | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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so right now they both seem to be working  on their choux pastry jeremy has already   got his piped out in a silicone mold and  don't forget the covenants F bleep your   sod has to be put right on top of the choux  pastry and then as it bakes it melts over   the top pulling a beautiful looking crust  to it almost like a crunchy glaze [Music] Matthew tends to get a little flustered  when the pressure is on and that could be   his weakness here could this be a case of  The Tortoise and the hare it could quite   easily be that be just a little bit behind  in his timing Jeremy is fast and speed is   important but execution matters a lot more how  you doing I'm doing pretty good I got my shoe   in the oven I'm doing multiple things at once  because I know that I need a lot of time to   plate I'm just gonna go around and check  out your oven sure what happened in here look at that your sibling is actually slid off  of your shoe pastry but not all of them one of   them is safe right in the middle is that luck or  is that skill that's luck now one there is gonna   save me I did as many as possible so I wouldn't  run into that problem luckily I did that that was   a smart move always have a backup always always  chef all right good luck thank you you making a   dough such as the matcha pie crust and the key  is to get at the perfect thickness so that when   you line that mold that pastry is even thickness  all the way around the sick building a swimming   pool it's got to be completely even in the hole  that water in my lemon curd is just not mixing   well together I have to put this lemon curd in  the blender to make it nice smooth and silky Matthew and Jeremy have taken two different  approaches when it comes to the curd for the   matcha tart Jeremy he's cooled his down so  therefore it's thickened up to the perfect   consistency whereas Matthew decided to fill  his worst his was still warm very liquidy   it's a shortcut I would never take yeah but  Matthew so behind right now he has to think   of is Matthew started plating his first dessert  I don't think Jeremy I started plating anything   in the only time I'm gonna slow down is when  I need to gather my thoughts for plating this   pressure test is all about details the margin  of error is zero I got all my components done   now I just PESTEL up 10 million tarragon  cilantro matthew is actually pulling ahead   this is a classic tortoise and here jeez Matthew  Matthews plating from the beginning has been just   ridiculously out of every live league it's  so amazing to watch but it's also terrifying this is unbelievable they look so beautiful  it's do or die it's either me or Jeremy goes   home and I don't want to go home this pressure on  me is making me cook at my best right now [Music] nine eight seven six five four [Music] Oh  time up hands up I feel a breath of fresh   air and I'm super proud of what I did looks  just like the photos in my head and I think   I got this Jeremy's plating is nice but I  think mine has a little bit more finesse   hey Jeremy hey chef you were us without  them and I was hustling I wanted to have   lots of time to make sure every single  component was on every dish I'm gonna be   tasting a white chocolate ganache okay chef  I think it looks like it's sitting off to   one side of the plate and just a little bit  of regular in terms of the original [Music] the white chocolate ganash beautiful the  grapefruit croutons great crunch them that   is the element that provides that texture that  interest to the dish as for the rest of the little   garnishes the grapefruits the grapefruit gel nice  job on the replication well done Thank You chef hello Matthew hi chef at first glance your plating   is more centralized in the plate which  i think is more true to the replication something's eating at you yeah what is it I'm missing the great food loaf croutons  [Music] what happened it was on the other   side of my station and I just I left it  off and I feel for you is that ever light   sweetness sour beautiful ice cream nice canal  the dusting of the peppercorn it is a shame   about those croutons because that adds the crisp  that contrasts I know but other than that I'd say   every other component is pretty flawless Thank  You chef Thank You chef this is the lime shoe   with the crunchy coconut sadly looks pretty from  the outside but there's something inside that is   really really important I'm expecting to see  the choux pastry full of that wonderful mousse oh damn look at my goodness Wow [Music] put up into the lime the lime flavor it's not in there chef textures there I love  that liquid Center but it doesn't have that   kick of line that I want what happened  maybe I should have added a bit more [Music] nice crust you can hear that Wow look at that it's filled it Stephanie  filter that is perfection I just want to   devour that but it has to deliver  also on that lime flavor [Music] you delivered I think that lime is so punchy  that's so big so bold you know Matthew these   dishes have to be beautiful but they have to  taste equally as good and it did on this plate   you nailed it thank you Thank You chef I am so  impressed with what these guys and put out in this   cook it is honestly neck-and-neck this is the most  complicated of all three let me check well you   got to go leave you got to sesame snaps you got  the meringue you got the fresh blackberries and   of course the tart so when I cut into this it's  not gonna look like a broken egg is it no chef [Music] it's a little bit runny little  bit right but not bad it's holding   [Music] I tell you feel full replication  perfect balance of tart and sweet crispy   on the outside soft in the middle that's  exactly what I was looking for well done   Thank You chef let me check you got  the finger lime you got the meringue   you have the gold flakes you have the fresh  blackberries and you have the sesame snaps   the matcha tart of course so when I cut this  shut it hole it should hold well let me check unfortunately that's not the case  yeah it's raining well it's taste [Music] it tastes good the tart and the sweet  the balance perfect taste is king and   you got it right Thank You chef it  was not easy but one of you had a   slight edge when it came to presentation  and flavor the home cook that made the   best desserts and will face off against  Mary in the MasterChef Canada finale is [Music] Jeremy [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 1,276,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Choux Pastry, Claudio Aprile, Culinary Battle, Dessert Showdown, Matcha Tart, Michael Bonacini, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world
Id: kEtd29AEZkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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