3-2-1 Smoked Baby Back Ribs - Backyard Style Fall Off the Bone Ribs

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[Music] hi welcome to virtru is goober barbecuing tasty I'm Brendan tanner and today we're going to do the classic three-to-one ribs but I'm gonna do them show you kind of how we've adjusted and do something a little bit different than the videos the past you can use a little bit different ingredients in some cases so you know if you so we got these ribs it's a pack of three and there you know from Costco and so that works out pretty good for us three is perfect eat on them for you know two or three days and then this rub that I'm going to use is a it's from Rio out of Huntsville Texas and a good friend of mine got that and sent it to me because it's one of his favorite rubs and it's really good it's actually got celery in it that really gives a unique flavor so you know like this and other stuff that I use you know down below I've got links to all the different types of products and things that we're using so just make it easy for you if you like that you can check those out and my binder is gonna be yellow mustard and it works your cider sauce so I'll put that on the ribs first then we'll seize them up and then as we go through all the other steps you know I'll show you exactly we're doing so but stick around this stuff turns out great where's your worship shot now I like to clean and dry out both sides of the ribs [Music] apply the mustard and washer Shire [Music] apply the rub [Music] all right so we're good and rubbed up looks great smells great I'm gonna keep the younger put these in the fridge and I'm gonna keep them open like this let the air do its thing if you don't have that kind of time I'd recommend probably a minimum of two hours to let it set in and I would probably do that at room temperature to get it to to go the way you want to go and that's how I do it that's my taste of preference one thing I forgot to mention is the silver skin on the back of the ribs or it could be they're the ones we get from our Costco it's always removed which is nice because that's you know kind of a pain in the butt and so but always check for that and there's lots of videos for doing that if you have to remove it things like that the thing that's different with these compared to some of the other stuff I do has been adding an orifice tire and that's really been interesting on pork you think of it for beef is like typically thought of it only but I actually really like it the mix it with a pork tasting preference deal so kind of cubed your on the pork butts and other things like that so anyways we'll get to putting these out in the fridge and let them do their thing and then we'll get to cooking tomorrow all right so our ribs marinated overnight look great everything's setting really good and so now we're gonna get the smoker going and I'd like to do it at 225 and the first stage is for three hours and another thing I'm going to do is use my smoke tube I've been doing that more and more when you're only doing like three hours or something like that I like to go more smoke on it so I'm gonna using my smoke tube if I'm using high heat or kind of shorter shorter smokes it's not absolutely he'll don't have to do it and for today we're gonna be using the Mesquite just kind of Bennett I've just got a long skeet right now so that's what we're gonna use and it's one of my favorite on ribs and so with that we'll get to it [Music] just doing a little bit of touch-up on spots that I may have knock some stuff off all right so we did our three hours of smoking these bad boys with the smoke tube they look great turned out good smell really good this next stage is gonna be one of the most important parts of what we do we're gonna braise these and a couple things about that that's really we're doing the backyard style type ribs where they're kind of more the fault the bone type versus the pull from the poem and so that's just you know it's one of our family's favorites and when we have people over it's what they what they really like I know the competition guys stuff like that sometimes a little bit different where it needs to pull from the bone and that kind of stuff but we're gonna make these ones you know fall the bone type deal so we're gonna turn it up to 250 on the on the trigger headed to 25 up at this point moving up at 250 for the next two hours and we're gonna put some brown sugar on top of these some honey and some butter and then I'm gonna work that in and kind of make a glaze on it we're gonna put it into aluminum foil and it's really important from my perspective to use heavy-duty foil aluminum foil and I use two pieces because if you get any leaks or you get steam coming out it's not in the moisture out over that two hours it could get dried up in there and now they're not gonna be that moist if I could be that tender so the braising stage is really important to get right and I'm gonna add in about a cup of half two cups of apple peach mango you could use apple juice or whatever type of you know juice that you like it's just one we like and then you know we'll throw those on and one of the most important parts we're gonna do next is saving some of the braising fluid after it's done to put in your barbecue sauce it's kind of a game changer in my opinion because it really enforces all these flavors we've been working on so with that we could go [Music] make sure not to bind it too tight because you can actually create holes and it'll leak out [Music] [Music] all right so the brazen look really good you know two full hours of brazen it and I can tell I mean these things are there you don't really braised up till just kind of pulled up so now we're gonna open them up and this is the part where you gotta be really careful because they're smoking hot inside there so I like to open mine up and let them steam out for a bit and then I'll probably use you know some utensils but be careful because if you use something that you know kind of bites into mordor it could it could pull it right off because they're really tender now so but we're gonna take that out and then like I said make sure to reserve some of the drippings and so what I'm going to do is once I open it up and pull it out I'm actually to take some the drippings put it on my barbecue sauce mix that up and then put that back on top of them and then that also become our barbecue sauce for later for people to have more barbecue sauce that they want or not but all that stuff that we've done to this all that brazing fluid is gonna have that flavor and so it adds to your barbecue sauce and it just makes a huge difference so with that we'll get it opened up and let's steam out pop it off and then show you what the back steps look like [Music] I like the dust mine was a little bit of the rub after I put on the sauce [Music] can't wear soft stuff ready to put it back on we stop cropping in the video that I just dust them a little bit with the rub just to kind of reinforce that flavor after the braised on top of the sauce and we got all the stuff that with the braising fluid in the sauce on them and then I liked for this last date I'm going to turn it down to 225 for the last hour and I put just a basica teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into my juice mix and so that'll spritz them about every 15 minutes or so that way they kind of caramelize on the top and then they don't get drier days like that and you know that's something that I hadn't done before but I started doing it now I really like it coming it's a nice tacky top feeling to it so man I'll tell you what delicious gotta get back up [Music] okay so we had these on for our last hour and the side spritz them with the apple juice concoction deal and man they smell good look good there's literally like I mean when you move them I mean look it up bendy they are these things are just gonna fall apart as evil as I cut into them and I'm gonna be right off the bone I'm just delicious so if you do a taste test you think yeah and I haven't even put the sauce on them yet because we're gonna happen this way but obviously you know I put some on before and then you like more sauce you can do this add to the flavor see let me get you to smell this end piece yeah okay so I'll do the end of hey yeah I mean it just comes right off no this piece space there's your bone did you see your button yeah see the bones just come right out of these so like I said it's backyard style it's a taste and preference deal you don't know the competition will they want to pull it's a different deal and I get it but have it taste feels right dude moist tender flavorful dieter to die for if you like the content please like comment subscribe any identification of us and never miss another meal like this one these are good dude daily try this doughnut it's ridiculous [Music] No [Music]
Channel: Virtual Eats Guru
Views: 47,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3-2-1 smoked baby back ribs backyard style, 321 ribs, 3 2 1 baby back ribs Traeger, baby back ribs, smoked ribs, smoked baby back ribs, backyard style ribs, REO Rib Rub, fall off the bone ribs, best smoked ribs, 3 2 1 ribs Traeger, 3 2 1 ribs electric smoker, 3 2 1 ribs pellet smoker, 3 2 1 pellet grill, smoked ribs recipe, smoked ribs 3 2 1 method, smoked ribs electric smoker
Id: Nz2tLsxcQa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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