3-2-1 Ribs | Traeger Grill | Heath Riles BBQ

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welcome back to heathrow's barbecue on today's episode of shooting the queue we're going to be cooking a classic three two one ribs that's right i've got a full slab of spare ribs here from cheshire farms and we're gonna show you the old school way today let's get started [Music] the first step is going ahead and firing our grill up to 225 degrees we've got our traeger timber line running at 225 with some royal oak pellets we've cut our slab of spare ribs out of the pack and you can see that they've got a little bit of fat up here on the end and you want to take that off but the first thing i want to do is turn it over now down here this flap meat on the end i would cut that off because it's kind of loose and so i'm going to go right to that bone right here now any of this right here you can clean this up if you want just lay your knife down gentle and you don't want to get into the rib you just want to take a little bit of that silver skin and see new off a little bit of that built up fat pockets at membrane now i'm gonna pick this up and see this and if you turn it and tilt it it's a lot easier to pull that off of there once you do that let's get the membrane off the back of these ribs that looks good to me i'm gonna come over here on this side and take a little bit this sauce so let me dispose of this trash here we'll be right back to get it seasoned up now that i've washed my hands and disposed of all the trimmings i want to go ahead first and take a little bit of binder you can use water you can use anything you want olive oil or anything nothing at all i'm gonna use a little bit of mustard here not a lot just a little bit all right so we're gonna use our hot rub today as our base layer now i'm using our hot rub as a base layer because it's got salt pepper garlic onion powder a little bit of paprika a little bit of cumin it's got all the elements that i'm looking for is a good base layer rub if you've got another good base layer that you want to use by all means use it but i just want to get a little bit of a base layer down on that and then i'm going to come back on my sweet rub now my sweet rub is my original rub that i developed it's got those same elements in it but a little bit sweeter and once i get a base layer it on i'm just going to pat it in flip it over and repeat the process and we'll be ready for the grill a little bit of low and slow our classic 3-2-1 rib is ready to go on i believe you can see that even after i patted it in i didn't use a whole lot of rub because i'm cooking so long that i feel like that you need a lighter coat and i'm gonna get this rib on now three hours not looking at the grill letting it go i may spritz it after the first 45 minutes an hour i'll look at it and know i'll come back and show y'all but let's get it on the grill all right now that we've got our slab of spare ribs seasoned down they've sweated in our grill's running at 225 degrees let's get it on [Music] all right i've never waited this long for ribs in my life it's been three hours and we're still not done yet but my rub is stuck i didn't want to spray them or spritz them like a lot of people do because i'm going to use my butter bath that's the only difference that i'm doing old school versus new school and i'm going to use my butter bath on them so let's get them off the grill they've been three hours look at that the rub has stuck to them good that's what i'm talking about look at that moisture on him heritage farm cheshire ribs wanting to come out back of that rib looks good just like the front let's get it over here and wrap it up all right we've got our ribs over at our table the rub is stuck good like i talked about i want to take this slab of ribs and turn it over where it's meat side down all right and once we do that now i've took my butter bath and i've took a quarter cup and i've measured out three quarters of cup of apple juice in my shaker here i've got it all mixed around well and now i just want to take and pour some butter bath over that rib now that's all the liquid that ribs gonna need so let's get this thing wrapped up tight and you can see i use my pan for kind of a trough to catch the butter bath and hold it in now these have been on three i'm gonna get them back on two hours set a timer i'm not gonna look at them we'll pull them off and sauce them let's get them back on all right our ribs have been on wrap for two hours so i'm five hours cooked into my ribs and i'm gonna go ahead and pull them off i'm going to get them over to my cutting board get them unwrapped get them sauced up and get them back on the pit for an hour and we'll see how our classic 3-2-1 ribs taste all right we're over to cutting board let's get these ribs unwrapped and see what we've got it does look like our bones are starting to pop through on the big end like i'd like to see on competition ribs all right now that my ribs is out of my foil i'm going to take a little bit of my sweet sauce and put on the back of this rib get it basted in really light coat now we're gonna get this rib turned over and get some more sauce on the front oh man look at that color of that butter bath now i didn't pay any attention to that while ago but look at that nice looking bark on it nice looking color nothing's burnt up i never spritz this rib now i'm gonna get it sauced up and get it back on the cooker all right our rib has been on six hours it looks good three two one classic rib i'm gonna slide this under here and take this rib off just wanting to break on me i see it all right i am done with the longest rib cook i've ever cooked in my life this is classic three two one ribs and what i mean by that is i cook these ribs three hours low and slow at 225 degrees i seasoned them first rub them with a little bit of mustard for a binder and you can use anything you like it don't have to be mustard i use my hot rub and my sweet rub again use anything you like when it come time to wrap i didn't spritz or anything like that during the three hours on my traeger i just used my butter bath three quarters of a cup mixed up like the direction says poured it over this spare rib pulled it out you've seen the color for yourself what it did put my sweet sauce under the end put it back on for a solid hour i'm running the royal oak charcoal pellets and this is a solid a1 rib i don't know how it tastes yet but i can tell you it looks good and they say you eat with your eyes first right so let's get in here and get a bite now let me also reiterate this for all you viewers out there i cook a lot of rib recipes i got some questions last week why i moved up to 300 degrees on cooking my ribs instead of 275 what i normally like cooking at well this recipe is a 225. i cook ribs at 250 sometimes there's all kind of ways to go the grocery store it depends on if you want to go a short ride or a long ride whether you cook low and slow or hot and fast it just depends on what when you want to eat i've cooked ribs before in two hours it really don't matter it's up to you you make the decision that right there seems like an awesome rack of ribs there's not but one thing left to do and i'm ready to get in here and get a bite so let's get in here and get this middle one out still got the tip on it this is what you're looking for in the rib moisture look at that oh yeah [Music] everybody likes their meat moist let's see how we're done [Music] if you like fall off the bone ribs with an excellent flavor and you want low and slow in a classic recipe then this is definitely for you i feel like i've got stuff all over me and you know what it really don't matter thank you guys for watching my video if you like what you've seen be sure to like subscribe share it with your friends you can find us on instagram facebook twitter and now tick tock and of course youtube will see you next week
Channel: Heath Riles BBQ
Views: 28,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heath Riles BBQ, Heath Riles Recipes, Heath Riles Videos, Heath Riles Ribs, Heath and Malcom, Recipes, How to cook, How to BBQ, BBQ, Ribs, BBQ Ribs, How to cook Ribs, How to smoke ribs, how to grill ribs, BBQ Pork, BBQ Recipes, Rib Recipe, Rib Video, Pork, Grilling, Smoking, Heath's Ribs, Best Rib Recipe, Smoked Ribs, Cheshire Pork, Best Ribs, BBQ RIb, Traeger Grills, Traeger, Ribs on Traeger, Traeger Recipe, Spare Ribs, 321 Rib, 3 2 1 Ribs, best rib recipe
Id: P3kD_Uld-6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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