29 MORE Minutes of Useless RuneScape Information

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hey guys I felt like making another RuneScape video again so here I am I hope everyone is doing well as we continue on into 2024 one of my goals this year is to try to fall back in love with RuneScape I haven't really played the game consistently since July of 2019 a little over 4 and 1/2 years ago pushing five that's partly why I haven't uploaded very many videos in like the past few years as well I think I really only make them now for fun and whenever I feel like doing it now before this video begins I'd just like to propose something to all of you that might help me fall back in love with the game again and might even get more videos up on the channel as well I have this hardcore Iron Man account named Mo plocks HC but I never played it past tutorial Island I checked the other day and the last time I logged into the account was 494 Days 12 hours and 15 minutes ago but the account is brand new I was actually going to turn this account into a series on the channel but for whatever reason I never did anyway I'm wondering if that would be something that you guys would like to see from me as a series I personally have never played Iron Man before and hell I haven't even played the normal game in almost 5 years so I will have absolutely no clue no strategy or no tactic going into such a game mode but everyone tells me that if I want to fall back in love with RuneScape Iron Man mode is the way to do that so let me know what you guys would think about that down in the comment section I might occasionally stream the process on YouTube as well maybe I'm not sure about that yet all right moving on today's video is another useless information video and yeah thank you guys for watching enjoy so starting the video off I wanted to talk about out Mech Escape or as it later became known as Stellar Dawn Jag X's Once Upon a Time second RuneScape like MMO RPG that was planned but unfortunately never saw the light of day as far back as August in 2005 jagex began registering website domain names with the word mecap in the titles and they continued this up until October of 2006 this is because after RuneScape 2's release in 20 4 and the success that it had jagx decided they wanted to create another MMO that would have been similar to RuneScape 2 around this time but they wanted it to be set in a futuristic Space Universe a lot of these early registered domain names seemed to anticipate Real World Trading within mecap not much is publicly known about the early development stages of mecap in 2005 when the project started but a former employee of Jag X named John suu claimed to have been the lead modeler of an online space MMO RPG for jagex on his website resume in 2005 3 years later during an E3 interview in 2008 jagex had confirmed that mecap was in development and hinted that it would be released in quarter 1 of 2009 this was around the time that RuneScape 2 had been upgraded to RuneScape HD on their newly upgraded website if you navigated to the games manual you could actually search the term me escape and receive a search result but many believe this to have been a mistake on JAG X's part after jagex publicly announced Mech scap's existence fansites started being created the very first mecap fan site and one of the most popular was called mecap world the website kept up with information on the game's developments and showed off a lot of concept art that jagex began putting out about the upcoming game as far as I know these images are the majority of the concept art that was created and officially released in 2009 for players to see the concept art showed off some concepts of areas and cities within the game's universe as well as what seems to be a military faction for one of the group's races within the game there was concepts of spaceships and there was also concepts of what players may have possibly looked like when playing and there was even a gift of a player walking as well those were official releases however in April of 2009 a YouTuber by the name of RuneScape law 43 uploaded a video that leaked a lot of Mech scap's content straight from images taken of developers within jagex Studios that were working on the game in the video you can see a lot of Developmental pictures up on the walls of the office I'll link the full video down in the description I also found a video uploaded on June 6th 2017 by a YouTuber named turtle that shows off some of the last stages of Mech scave as it was shortly before it was cancelled the original video is 5 minutes long so I'll link it in the description as well but I'll briefly show off some actual Mech Escape gameplay from that person's video as you can see Mech Escape would have looked and played very similarly to runescape's mechanics the video itself is a re-upload of some other video that may have been uploaded by Jag X first in it it is said that mecap would have contained four races of people in space that were all fighting for Supremacy within the game's universe and that players choices within the game would have affected how the game played out the video also showed what it would have looked like to Pilot ships within space too it seems like you would have just clicked on where you wanted to go sort of like walking in RuneScape there was also an animation for what I believe to be time warping to another part in space too kind of like teleporting and RuneScape and of course you would have also been able to explore alien planets with Rover like machines and vehicles it seems like the Chad heads and hit Splats would have stayed the same as RuneScape as well on October 29th 2009 however an article by game industry was published quoting the then jagex CEO Mark Gearhart that mecap development was being discontinued and much of the existing work would be transferred to a replacement project newly titled Stellar Dawn Mark stated that the project Mech Escape had neared completion when jagex decided that it wasn't the sort of game that they were proud of they determined to rework the gaml based on the original game design but have it utilize the original game engine and Stellar Dawn's release was projected to be sometime in 2010 mod MMG even said within the article quote it's a luxury that we are doing so well and that we can afford to make the decision I didn't make the decision lightly because it's effectively cost us tens of millions of pounds maybe more mecap now renamed Stellar Dawn received its own website in 2010 on July 14th on the same day jagx announced ass soon to be closed beta for the game with the option to sign up for it immediately once you had signed up for the beta using your name and email you would have then received this thank you notice for your closed beta application 2 days later on July 16th 2010 a 40-second video was released on JAG X's official YouTube channel titled Stellar Dawn announcement which featured mod Mark gearhard actually confirming the game's existence and that the game had been set to release in 2011 11 instead of 2010 like originally planned here's the actual video hi everyone my name is markad I'm the chief exec at Jas game studio and today I'm really pleased to tell you about Stella Dawn our sci-fi memo that we been working on for the last few months we're really excited about Stella dor um we're keeping most of the details close to our chest for the moment however I can tell you that the game is slated for public release next year 2011 will we will be running a beta program and if you'd like to stand a chance to participate in the Clos beta as well as sign up to our newsletter and uh find out a bit more about the game please visit us on the website the public was obviously very excited to play a new game from JAG X and a lot of the concept art began being released for Stellar Dawn some of the official concept art photos consisted of an image of some Landing pods falling into a planet's atmosphere another showed a settlement likee area on another planet one showed off a beautiful waterfall Scene It was unknown if these areas were all a part of the same planet or not another photo showed an area with some mushroom shaped rocks one photo showed some sort of ground assault that was being conducted another showed a giant City with an aircraft flying around and lastly one showed a Mech like vehicle traversing what appears to be some sort of a Barren alien land along with Stellar Dawn's new website being released a full set of forums could also be found on the website as well Stellar Dawn's website design this year looked very similar to runescape's 2010 website design a month later in August another trailer for Stellar Dawn was released and I'll show it to you guys now I apologize for the quality it is a re-upload and unfortunately jagex has since removed everything to do with Ste Dawn off of their Channel today anyway here's the 2010 Stellar Dawn debut trailer of Colonia disintegration is now 1% registering 73 Hull breaches casualties estimated atent extraterrestrial threat confirmed Origins unknown turning fire all cloning processes have been terminated redirecting all life support to the Escape BS competed crew must evacuate immediately priority must be given to crew who have completed stage seven skills and memory imprinting the nearest planet in the hell system has been confirmed as having chance of successful evacuation is reducing at 4% a second on level 1 after the last trailer of Stellar Dawn in 2010 not much was released about Stellar Dawn anymore after this time stellar Dawn never did releasee in 2011 and instead art competitions were held on the forums between late 2010 and all of 2011 the winners of the art competition were going to receive beta keys which would have guaranteed their participation in the closed beta of the game as well as a stellar Dawn hoodie sent to them by mail I wonder who has those hoodies now many players would be disappointed though come March 2nd of 2012 who were still patiently waiting for the game's release it was on this day on the Stellar Dawn forum that Mark Gearhart made a post stating that jagex was pausing the development of Stellar Dawn for the time being due to jagex having bigger upcoming projects ahead of them one of those projects we now know would have been old school RuneScape as osrs released just one year after Stellar Dawn's development was cancelled a lot of players on that specific Forum post were very disappointed two years later after this Mark gearhard left jagex what's interesting is that Stellar Dawn actually has its own video game page category on YouTube still to this day 9 years ago on Reddit a player named double flip asked if anyone remembered Mech escape and what ever happened to it now former jackx moderator modb K replied to the post on Reddit stating the official line is that it has been put on hold indefinitely I remember playing an early version of it and it was rather cool you had a spaceship which you did research and built components to make parts for your vehicle a Lander would take you down to the planet in your vehic vehicle and you would blow stuff up when you got to a settlement you would get out of your vehicle and walk around the settlement much like in Old School I enjoyed it it's a shame we can't put it out for people to look at but we don't think it actually works [Music] anymore all right that last one was pretty big and one could have argued it wasn't really RuneScape related but I mean it was useless though right cuz cuz cuz it never happened anyway back to useless RuneScape stuff so you guys know the Frog random event in RuneScape well the actual official title for that random event is called kiss the Frog and there used to be an interesting glitch surrounding the rewards that you got from it depending on your gender and RuneScape you would either receive a prince tunic outfit or a princess dress when you turned in your frog reward token if you didn't choose the Frog mask well back in the day you didn't need to take off your clothes when changing your gender at the makeover mage so if you were a female character at first while wearing the princess outfit and changed your gender to a male character the system would recognize the gender change and turn your princess outfit into a prince tunic outfit but it wouldn't turn purple it would keep the white color of the original princess outfit that you had on you could also do this in vice versa too I remember accidentally doing this a long time ago and when I started making the video I wasn't sure if it was actually a thing or if my mind was just playing tricks on me but no it was really a thing these screenshots show what the prince tunic and the princess dress would turn into if you exploited this gender switching glitch I even found someone from a third- party website which I won't name obviously attempting to sell their RuneScape 3 account that had exploited this glitch all those years ago and it was still wearing the glitched white Prince tunic which is just insane to me and he was actually advertising that the account had done this specific glitch too so apparently that puts more value on it I guess I'm not sure so there are actually only five roosters within the world of RuneScape and only four of them are attackable the unattackable one lives on top of a crate inside the South valador Farm and the other ones can be found at the chicken pen in rela tenzing's yard on death Plateau the market on the island of miscellania and there's one on the Eastern side in etaria too anyway anyway I am truly curious and interested in whether or not you guys knew this did you know that if you attack a rooster with a poisoned weapon and manage to poison it without killing it instead of it being damaged by a poison hit splat it will squawk and lay an egg I never knew this in all of my 20 years playing this game and it blew my mind when I first found out about [Music] it speaking about ERS once again the one that stands on a cray in the farm south of fador actually has a name his name is Nigel and we know this from an issue of the Old Post bag from the Hedge on November 28th in 2006 issue 13 of the post bag was titled the evil chicken defends his repuation most of these letters to NPCs were written by children back in the day and are quite funny and wholesome I actually made a full video about these old letters and I'll link it in the description here's what the letter to the evil chicken said dear evil chicken I have a few questions to ask you one why did you become evil that is the wrong path to take two if you're a chicken why do you look like the rooster in fador chicken Coupe three your level is so high but I can kill you in 5 minutes without losing that much damage why is that four when I started killing you a lot you stopped coming to fight me why number five are you bored of killing and dying this kid this kid's talking man six do you work with zarok seven if you're an evil chicken why isn't your raw chicken raw evil chicken that's all please visit so I can kill you again and again your new enemy shorty Mania that kid was a Savage the evil chicken responded with this dear shorty Mania number one evil was the only course left puny featherless being you kill evil chickens Brethren and expect evil chicken to come around for tea and Pie number two ah you speak of Nigel Nigel is is no friend of evil chicken he is an imbecile and he cheats at cards number three though you think you have defeated evil chicken evil chicken has been rumaging in your mind evil chicken is analyzing your brain patterns for man thoughts that will Aid him in his quest for Domination number four evil chicken has tired of your taste evil chicken wishes to eat other Warriors number five sometimes evil chicken pecks at the Flesh of Warriors for evil chicken likes the taste Warriors Taste of chicken number six Z knows of evil chicken and evil chicken knows of zamarro he keeps a respectable distance and occasionally leaves seeds out number seven at first taste evil chicken tastes like chicken wait 2 weeks fleshy non- beaked mortal then let evil chicken know how your insides feel damn evil chicken will visit in your dreams shorty Mania when the tides have turned and you bow down under the Yoke of chicken oppression all my love evil chicken so the item ug thanky dung is camel feces that can be collected in a bucket the for lack of a better word is used somehow to recharge your camulet that allows you to talk to camels that you received from the quest in NRA's lament anyway you have to have a bucket to pick it up if you attempt to pick up the camel dong without a bucket though some funny chat interactions occur the player will say you're kidding me I'm not picking that up no way am I picking that up yuck I'm not touching that I wouldn't pick that up for all the runes in gillor and I would rather wrestle a black dragon bare-handed so you guys remember the quest my arms big adventure well remember the cut scene where burnt meat the troll is about to cook the adventure in the pot during that cut scene you can see the chathead of that Adventurer in a dialogue box his chat head is actually much bigger than shown though according to the RuneScape cache files this is the size of his actual Chad head it shows the pot and all so on my previous useless run ape information video a user by the name of Rusty Canadian posted a comment that read I have a quirky useless information about RuneScape above the Lumberyard on what would be the third floor there's an invisible NPC called guardian and when you examine it it says he guards things I found him from no clipping a few years back in the area it's not doable anymore and it wouldn't be there anyway since they reworked the area sure enough Rusty Canadian was right and as far as I know this is the only footage of the mysterious invisible Guardian NPC that used to be above the lumber yard what do you guys think the purpose of this invisible NPC was on the original RuneScape website homepage back in 2001 you could navigate to an area of the website on the bottom left that was titled credits on this list you'll see that Andrew mainly focused on the concept of RuneScape the games programming and design work Paul focused on maps quest and also design work Ian worked on graphics and 3D modeling a man named John Spain worked on Monster Graphics Jill Gower the Gower brother's mother also focused on Monster Graphics 2 she made a camel a bear a spider and a bat for the game version at that time which I think is really wholesome and sweet a man named Rob Law worked on additional Quest designs Rob Law was actually the famous player known as RAB at this time and is widely considered to be one of runescape's very first players excluding jagx moderators eventually Rob Law was given an administrator account and it was simply named moderator he was also the creator of the original Romeo and Juliet Quest at the end of the credits all of the players were thanked as well for all their testing of the game and their support which I also thought was pretty whome so one jagex moderator that worked at jagex was named mod pie modp worked on RuneScape from August 2011 until he left jagex in October of 2022 most of modp Pi's work was was within RuneScape 3 and I found out something hilarious that he once released into the game in April of 2018 mod pie placed a rock within the town of Edgeville this rock could actually be used as a cooking range and when you cook something on it a message would pop up in your chat box that says can you smell what The Rock is cooking this was released into the game in 2018 but wasn't actually found by anybody until 2021 3 years later the reason why it was found is because mod pie posted on on Twitter telling everyone about it as a celebration of his 10-year anniversary for working at Jag X so have any of you guys ever passed by this lumber yard north of East Aro it's completely abandoned in old school RuneScape but it was once the home of an NPC named Chuck in RuneScape classic in the oldest development days of RuneScape classic you could only Bank coins like I'm showing here it wasn't until July of 2001 that players could finally start putting their items in their Banks as well 5 months later in December of 2001 A feature called the certificate system was introduced into the game from this point onward into the next year of 2002 there were certain NPCs that were placed around the game that could give players item certificates or Sears in exchange for specific items like logs bars ores fish potions and dragon bones the NPCs became known as as serers amongst the player base on May 8th 2002 the RuneScape classic serter NPC Chuck was created and released Chuck resided in this house north of East aro's most northern Bank Chuck never made it into RuneScape 2 however when the beta launched because there was a new banknote system for players items instead even though he never made it into the second version of the game he still had a player model though within the RuneScape 2 cache files he was most certainly never actually added to RuneScape to though since he lacks any chadad or dialogue options today his house sits empty with nothing inside but a workbench some crates and some blacksmith tools along with dead tree stumps outside in his old yard do you guys remember King Vargas in the Throne of miscellania quest within that Quest he's looking for a new Regent which eventually becomes us the player as he is unfit to be king anymore after being turned into Yeti well once yetis were actually planned to be added to RuneScape on the old RuneScape website in March of 2004 a behind the scenes update was posted in which jagex teased a new large Frozen lands area that would include Penguins mammoths polar bears and more they never specified what they meant by and more because most of this update was unrealized however within runescape's cache files you can find an actual model of an NPC named Yeti that would have been attackable it's examined text simply says the Abominable Snowman it most likely would have resided in the Northwestern area of the Wilderness on the frozen ice Plateau region so trolls have existed in RuneScape ever since RuneScape 2's release in 2004 however in RuneScape classic trolls never actually existed due to the town of ber Thorp never existing in that game version there are many kinds of attackable trolls today in RuneScape as well as many NP C trolls that have significant roles in quests and most of them most of the time look rather similar to one another one of the exceptions to this would be the river troll from the old random event that would occasionally attack you when you trained the fishing skill he was green but this model from RuneScape 2's cast files shows off a very different version of the troll NPC as it was originally planned to be released into the game in 2004 I believe this to be the first troll in existence they were much taller gray and had very awkward long legs this original troll NPC along with Orcs And lizard men that were also never released could be seen within the realm of memories on runescape's 20thth year anniversary event back in 2021 on the 1st of May in 2014 a duck NPC was released into the game within fador Park the duck's name was simply displayed as not duck but Aaron spelled e r i n it was a yellow duck that would follow you when you got close to it it was added in a hidden update but was removed a week later on May 8th after a very negative response from old school runescape's player base the Ducks examined text said really wants to build a snowman snowballs could actually be used on the duck giving you the chat message the duck absorbs the snowball if enough snowballs were used on the duck by nearby players a snowman wearing a frog mask would briefly appear and say so you want to build a snowman which is obviously a reference to the movie Frozen anyway this update was put into the game by xjx moderator mod reach we all know what happened to mod reach and why so we don't need to get into that but this duck was put in fador as a direct reference to a live streamer at that time that was named saber 6 with old school RuneScape being so new and the jagx team at that time promising the community that only ped updates that passed would be introduced into the game there was an up Roar amongst the Community Players worried about non-bold updates coming to the live game and this little update showed a lot of streamer favoritism to a lot of players so the duck was eventually removed and mod reach posted an official apology on the game's Reddit page people were livid about a about a about a duck one month later your boy arrived so going back to runes game classic if you travel to the coordinates of 0 0 within the game you would actually be transported to level 71 Wilderness and you would be out in the middle of the ocean this area is just Northeast of the rogue's house within level 50 Wilderness you'll notice that there's a whole bunch of NPC monsters that are standing here all in the same spot this area acted as some sort of recycling bin for NPCs when they died after being killed by players out in the game world I'm not sure why they were transferred here upon death but they only stayed out here in the ocean until they would eventually respawn back in their intended area it makes me wonder if old school RuneScape has any sort of recycling been for all the genocide that players commit every day not only do the guards get killed every day they also get to drown as well God and lastly also in RuneScape classic there was an area in the game in which you could walk on water south of the obser vatory there was a river separating two pieces of land but you could just walk right over that River and it looks like your player is just floating in the air when doing so I'm not sure if this was intentional by the Gower Brothers at the time it was probably just an oversight all right thank you guys for watching it's really good seeing you guys again I always get sappy at the end of these because it's always so long in between uploads and I like interacting with you guys again down in the comments and stuff let me know if you want me to start playing hardcore Iron Man it's going to be so bad and cringey and not efficient at all but maybe I'll start loving the game again and upload more you guys be safe out there in the real world and let me know what the next video should be about thank y'all again and take it [Music] easy [Music] all
Channel: Mote Plox
Views: 101,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: runescape progress, old runescape, osrs, oldschool, 07scape, 2007, 2007scape, 2007 pk, pker, pking, stake, staker, staking, max, stake bank, max hit, compilation, rage, fail, zezima, funny, jagex, jagex ltd, chris archie, mote plox, series, part 1, episode, bank vid, 1 - 99, guide, lets play, tutorial, fast, money, gp, botting, commentary, top 10, duel, duel arena, dueling, skilling, method, per hour, skype, scam, item scamming, lure, luring, live, stream, livestream, drop
Id: JWaF2-UlG_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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