28 панфиловцев. Самая полная версия. Panfilov's 28 Men (English subtitles)

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ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND SUBS EclecticTranslations.co.uk SUPPORTED BY THE GAMERS OF WAR THUNDER Crowdfunded film Donations from 35,086 people PANFILOV'S 28 film studio With financial support from Russian Ministry of Culture and Russian Cinema Fund With the assistance of Kazakhstan Ministry of Culture and Sport In partnership with Shaken Aimanov Kazakhfilm With the assistance of Russian Military-Historical Society Commemorating war does not only mean sorrow and grief. We also remember the battles and heroism that brought victory. Commander, Panfilov Division, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly November 14, 1941 Of course, mental strength matters most. Physical strength and courage too, but not so much. Now I need tractor or machine operators who at least have some technical skills. Are any of you tractor operators? - I am. - Only you? - Come on! - Quit it! Sorry, Lieutenant. - Tell him. - Stop it. - You heard him? - Yes. - You are a tractor operator? - A machine operator. So? - Well, you're not a milkmaid. - You're such a moron. I'm a machine operator. "S" and "OV" types I know pretty well. - I know very little about tractors. - OK. I can't fix them up on the go. Won't have to. Breaking them is enough. They have all sorts of vehicles. I have dealt with these types. The first is light: under 10 tons. Side view looks something like this. Four full-sized track wheels make it easily recognizable. Turret, commander's cupola and gun. - How big is it? - Thirty seven millimeters. - Not much. - And two machine guns. Seven ninety-two. Here... and here. MG, no doubt. They use those for all occasions. Good gun, but you really gotta keep it clean. So wash your hands after a shit, otherwise it might not even fire! But really, it's a great weapon... for a beauty salon! - A real solid piece of gear! - Soldier... - Moskalenko, right? - Yes, Sir. Moskalenko. Too much talk. And not enough action. Maybe you have time to waste, but I don't. I just wanted to boost morale a bit. Morale is not your concern. Are you a political officer or something? No, we already have one. Yes, sir. Political Officer Klochkov. - Klochkov? Klochkov-Diev? - That's the one. - I've heard of you. - Don't believe the lies. Moskalenko might have a big mouth but he can still joke even when under fire. - Let him be. - That's good. It's much needed there. But here it is better to keep quiet. Absolutely. Come on, Ivan, cut it out. The Lieutenant has got enough worries. Excuse him. And those guns are not MGs. They are Czech-made. Same cartridges though. The armor is riveted - very weak. Easy to break with an anti-tank rifle from 300-400 meters away. Goes up in flames with a bang. But they won't use these tin cans in the assault. They have bigger tanks for that. But we need to know them all. Yes, Colonel. Yes, Sir... Not quite, but I do have some things to show. Yes, Sir. Yes, Colonel. Of course I will manage. Yes, Sir. - Stasenko! Is the horse ready? - Yes, Commander. - Know what these are? - Sure, but I prefer cognac. And port, to cure the hangover. They used to be made differently. These are battle ready, no matches required. There is a downside though. Break it and burn to death, so be very careful. Must be some high-proof stuff! We need more empty bottles. We have war trophies. - Good, if they have corks. - Right. - And be quick. - OK. - Take someone with you. - Pete? Come and get them, boys. - Hey Pete! - What? What if we dilute one in a bucket of water? Or two buckets, to drink? That's it. Vacation's over, back to work. Peter, round up the company by 18:00. Yes, Commander, will do. ...observation devices and viewports. Right. Sengirbayev, what's the thickness of the front hull armor? - The hull... thirty millimeters. - Right. What about here, Natarov? Thirty. Same armor all over this one. Thinner only here and here. That's where the grenade goes. Good. You know the theory. Now for the practice. You're up again, Moskalenko. Go get building materials from the engineers. Yes, Lieutenant. What for? To make a scale model of a German tank. Get enough material. What exactly? I'll give you a list. Quick. We need to finish up today. Not bad... Having a bath every other day. I could get used to that. Isn't that right, Stasenko? I don't need to get used to it. I'm very used to relaxing since I started serving with this commander of ours. So what? Thank God, not all soldiers are like Stasenko. - He's just talking. - Others are fighting. And fighting ain't digging. All week the guys have been digging trenches, like a city metro. Digging their way out of hard labor. Off with you, Stasenko. The Commander will return from headquarters with good news for your men. I'm not sure about an offensive, but the fight will be historic. The Germans are ready to fight again. So we're in for an unforgettable experience. Mark it right in the snow. Length - 5 shovels, height - 1.5. We'll build the turret after. Lieutenant, can I ask something? How will we pull this Trojan horse? On a sleigh. Luckily there's snow. Hey guys, a Red Army Hero. Comrade Filin found a camouflaged German anti-tank gun. The brave soldier crawled to the weapon and destroyed the gun and its crew with grenades. Nazis surrounded the brave man, and attempted to capture him alive. When they came within arms' length, Filin threw his last grenade. An explosion rang out, several Nazis were killed. Comrade Filin died a hero. Here's another one... - Kurenkov's machine-gun company? - Yes. What, read it already? Of course I have read it. Political officer, you are out of tobacco, right? I'll get you some, to roll up in that bulletin before comrade Filin drives me crazy with his last grenade. It's November already, and you're reading a September bulletin. - That's right. - See? I never heard of Kurenkov's company. Not much to hear... Our guys shot up a whole battalion with 8 submachine guns. - Sent them running for their lives. - That's the way! Nothing out of the ordinary. This stuff is in every bulletin now. What is a wooden tank for? - Take it on the offensive? - What offensive, Gavril? - Why? - Everyone's been talking. Well that's nothing new. You ought to listen less. They want to attack, that's why they talk... But attack with what? Any reinforcements? A supply of weapons, equipment? - Talking... Like kids. - Maybe we'll get a fresh supply now. What are we waiting for? Been three weeks. That's what I'm saying. Why would the Germans give us any respite? - Here? - Yeah. All the trenches we dug up aren't for an offensive. And the Lieutenant was sent here for a reason. We might push on elsewhere. But not here, not now. So we have to be patient and wait. That I can do. It would just be easier if we knew that somewhere, our guys were fighting. I get that. - Where? - Here. Right... Come on. Faster! Tanks move much faster than that. Throw it! You threw it too late, Sengirbayev. A wasted blast. Fireworks, and nothing else. Why have you all stopped? Drag it back and keep on. I'll tell you when to stop. If you miss the chance, let them pass and attack from behind. Throw a bottle, or two, three... Light it up, and disappear in the trench. There will be lots of tanks. If you die, who will stop them? Take a break. Your turn, get to work. As of today, the German strike force in this area consists of four tank and three infantry divisions. It looks like some will be deployed in Volokolamsk, before moving to Klin and Dimitrov. To encircle Moscow from the north. Others are preparing to strike directly from the west. The strategic importance of Volokolamsk Highway is difficult to overstate. The Nazis might redeploy troops along the highway to enter the road east of Yadrovo, bypassing our anti-tank regions. There are a number of ways to carry out such a maneuver. From Muromtsevo along a country road or field to Yadrovo or Pitomnik. From Zhdanov through Nelidovo, then between Nikolskoye and Petelino and on to Matryonino station. Also, from Krasikovo, along the railway through the Dubosekovo crossing. Our objective: Prevent access to the highway and hold the Nazis back here. To their three regiments... ...we have four companies. We clearly have to hold them back, but... to what extent? Until reinforcements arrive at the points of attack. Before the assault, we can only guess what these locations are. Comrades! In past battles you have shown bravery and courage. Fascist aggressors invaded our country and aimed their full force at Moscow, the very heart of our Motherland. But here... Here they felt the taste of their own blood for the first time. Here they first doubted the power of the "great" German Army. Here, for the first time, they had to stop. Because here you stood in their way. The enemy felt powerless and enraged as his plan for a quick war faltered. And in that rage, he raised tremendous forces for a new strike. Again they dream of breaking through to our capital. But now, they know what awaits them. Now they know how much the Russians love their Motherland. They know how we will fight for it. And now their fear will be constant. Soldiers of the Red Army, the enemy advances on Moscow. He'll try to reduce us to dust with his airpower. Blow us up with his artillery. Topple us with his tanks and infantry. But the enemy will not pass. Because we will be standing here. Brothers, history knows many brave warriors. But none have had such a great destiny. Behind us today stands not only Moscow, and not only our vast homeland. Today the whole world watches, holding its breath. Because here, on these lines we stand to defend it. Let us be worthy of this honor. ...He told me that somewhere in Japan during the last century there were bandits who harassed everyone in that region. They almost destroyed one village. So the villagers decided to fight the bandits. - Better to die fighting. - That's the way! They didn't know much about warfare. So they decided to hire an expert. Like our Lieutenant, only from the... noble class. Hired him with what? Not sure, maybe on credit. I don't remember. So the expert assessed the situation, or conducted reconnaissance. And... hired six more men. Either nobles, or gentry... - Samurai maybe? - I told you, this was in Japan! So these warriors got to defending the village. Believe it or not, there were more than forty bandits. - Versus seven men? - Yep. - For money? - I don't remember! - Also on credit? - Quit butting in with your questions! - Fine. So, what happened? - What happened was... Those warriors knew what they were doing. They built fortifications set up lookouts and communications. Basically, they got everything ready. And when the bandits attacked the village... Well? ...there were losses, but the warriors chopped them up pretty good. - Everyone? - Yes. Someone might have escaped, but the gang was finished. That's the way! I've heard that story. Only it happened in America. And they weren't nobles, but cattle herders. All good shots. But the rest was the same: 40 against 7. That's what they call a folk tale, boys. Only yours doesn't add up. Are cattle herders really good shots? Sure - where I'm from they're pretty tough guys. Are they now? Where I'm from, they're the opposite - little kids. Tiny little kids... Keep lookout for the night, and report to me by eight. Always report any changes. - OK? - Yes, Sir. Three hundred sixteenth infantry will be on your right. And the fiftieth cavalry on your left. So you're right in the middle. Be very careful. I'll keep an eye out. No mistakes. - Hope so, that's why I chose you. - Don't worry. Getting lost in those woods was a puzzle. But now we know our position - the Germans are that way. What? Nothing, Commander. One small question, Commander. We know where and when the Nazis will strike. Why wait? Why not hit them first? While we still can. With what, exactly? Just give the word... I don't have the forces to hit there and protect here. So dig in and stand your ground. Got it? Yes, Commander. We will stand to the death. Don't stand to the death, stand dead firm. Got it? And to stand dead firm, I need you to stay alive. That's the paradox. - Clear? - Yes, Sir. - We'll stay alive, Sir. - That's better. Go on now. That's definitely not true! The herder story is untrue. But this one is from history books. A gang of 10,000? That's an army. It was an army and a war, Moskalenko. Why so few Greeks then? Couldn't find any more? The army also thought they were few, but those few were just enough. So the Greeks slaughtered 10,000... and were none the worse for it? No, they were worse. They all died in battle. Damn! Your story is no good at all. - Lies! All lies! - Bunch of crap! It was dark already. An old woman heard us coming, and came out to look. Asks, "Are you our guys?" And I go, "Who else's?" She crosses herself and says, "Oh, thank God. The Germans are getting really close. Bombing yesterday all day. They have not spared even the church. "The godless scum", she says, "Mussulmans". You hear, she meant "Muslims". And started to cross herself. Musabek says in Kazakh "She doesn't know that two-thirds of us are descendants of Muslims." The old woman is surprised and asks, "You sure you're our boys?" Musabek says in perfect Russian, "We are indeed. Don't we look it? Don't you know who we are? Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs and Dungan." She says, "I didn't know those existed." And then she says, "Did they run out of Russians?" Morons. Scaring her. She must have seen a lot. And then your ugly faces appeared in the dark. God forbid! Heathens! Come on, quicker! It'll be sunrise soon. We still need to cover everything up, so they can't see us from above. - Then get a few hours' sleep. - And then what? Lunch? Then we go dig a decoy position. Unbelievable. And there I was thinking how to pass the day. Sleeping after a sleepless night? No! There's not much work there, really. More time spent talking. It's already been dug some. The kind of... field camouflage. Because... Krauts aren't stupid. All right... Let's finish up. What about lunch? A la carte! What did he say? - Said he remembers. - Ah. If they come this way, we'll get a piece of them. What other way can they come? The woods are covered by second company. For those who decide to go around... ...we'll set up another mount. Whatever you say. But why would they go around? One turret gun can uproot your emplacement. We'll see about that. Now let's get the beast back in the hole. At ease. Well, let's see what you've got here. Continue. At ease. What's this? What if you need to turn it? We will, Captain. But this way it's well protected. And the angle's good... We'll test it today. - And where's the reserve? - There. - We'll prepare another one. - More than one would be better. But overall... It works. Once, our political officer read aloud a German leaflet. - Wow, that's grounds for court-martial! - It nearly got to that. He barely escaped it. But that's another story. The leaflet said: if you give yourself up to the Nazis you ought to wave a white handkerchief as a safeguard. And Chesov, who's a good man, but stupid, says "Where will I get it?" I tell him, "Wave your footwraps around." He says, "They're not white." I go, "What do you mean?" So he takes off his boots. And they weren't white - it was a pirate flag! I say, "You're done for. They'll shoot you, if they manage to put on their gas masks in time. You're stuck here in the Red Army. Take your boots off only as a last resort." He didn't understand why we laughed. Like I said - stupid. What made you think of that? These white rags here. I mean, aren't we camouflaging it too much? It should look like we covered it as well as we could. - Like a thing they might want to bomb. - It already does, I think. It really looks menacing from afar, chilling even. Would be good to dig in a dozen of these to scare them off? - No way. - Why not? Germans are careful. Our Il-2 planes don't have a gun in the back so the German planes started to shoot them in the tail. And of course, necessity is the mother of invention. So someone stuck a pole out instead of a gun to scare him. Making it look like a machine gun. Yeah... And? And it worked. Now it's almost a patented invention. She's at a disadvantage here. We can betray her, but she can't betray us. Why can't she? Because it's only land. Nothing more. What do you mean? It's just land where we live. It's so much that it's everything. We can't live without land. All people have it. It's true, but, besides land, something more exists. Those under German oppression aren't fighting for land. There's something else. You're right... Not for land. Apart from your Motherland, there's also the Fatherland. The Motherland lives on. She might be cut, burned... For years, centuries. But she remains your Motherland. The Fatherland is different. The Fatherland is where people live by right as their fathers did long ago. Hence the name, "Fatherland." The Motherland is the land where we live while the Fatherland is how we live. - What about nations? - What about them? Nations are people... who want to speak the same language and live on the same land. Come on, Vasily. It's not all that simple. If a Frenchman or a German learns Russian and wants to live here Does that make him Russian? Don't know about the German. But if the Frenchman stands with us, and fights the Nazis... ...then maybe. You never know. Think of the devil... Is it flying over here? His binoculars are strong enough to see the lice on your head. - But they used to fly up closer. - They took us for savages. Then we shot them down, and they remembered about optics. - He'll see we have no AA guns. - Rifles get the job done too. - No way. - They do! An adjacent unit downed one with rifle fire. - It was in the bulletin. - I didn't hear about it. - But it did happen. - It's just a tin can. Paper-thin, so don't look so surprised. If it's so easy, why don't we shoot it down then? Hey, Shadrin, what are you doing? Put that down. Not exactly quick-witted, are you? - What's that? - Never mind. I could be sleeping instead of making this scenery. Decorating a log. And for what, huh? Been waiting for him since morning. Let him get a good look. He can fire off a round. He'll miss anyway. Show them we're not here for fun. What if he gets a lucky hit? You get him? Fine... (Kazakh) Two hundred pounds, at least. - Where did you get it from? - Got a deal from the sappers. - A good deal? We got it for free. Any mines? - What? - Mines. They got any mines? No, no mines. Only barbed wire. Said, "Take as much as you want." - We grabbed as much as we could. - You're greedy guys. We can get some more. Just need to take a smaller bunch next time. We'll have a look and maybe send someone. Let me tell you, brothers how well the villagers outside Moscow live now. Go ahead, impress us. So, listen... I say to Danil, "If they have wire to give away here let's trade it at the village for a bag of potatoes." Danil doesn't care. He's fine with everything. But I say, "No, we're going." So we knock on a door. An old man answers. He looks at it and says, "What the hell do I need this for?" Can you believe it? So we knock on another door. This one says, "What will I do with it?" I say, "Have you all gone crazy around here? Do with it what you want. Look at your fence! Not a fence, but an invitation. He says, "No. Thanks for the concern, soldiers, but... I dislike looking out at the world through barbed wire. It would spoil the view, see? And that's that. So?.. Yeah, so... We couldn't get any delicacies for dinner. We have to eat what they give us. Captain! Commander's on the line for you. - Captain Gundilovich. - Pavel, any news? Major, we powered through the day, resting now. Rest. Everything here is on schedule. Wake up tomorrow before dawn. We'll need lots of energy. - Keep up the connection. - We'll try. The artillery commander will arrive today. Assist him. If needed, you'll get support fire tomorrow. - Copy that, Major. - That's all. Get some sleep. Is Klochkov there? - Yes, right here. - That goes for him, too. - Got it, Sir. - Go! - What did he say? - No problems. Said to get some sleep. That's all? Also... Georgy will throw in some pepper if the stew gets too thick. Music to my ears. Good. Good... Here comes the thunder. Talk about a precise hit. What if they actually knew our position? Just look at our results. Holding back the Germans for three hours with almost no losses. Only hearing losses. Resisting not with armor, but with skill: digging skill. We are good... at digging decoys. - Can't sleep, gunslingers? - Not really, Sir. The rousing tune of this lullaby is keeping us up. Don't worry, after nap time you'll stretch your legs. - Got tobacco? - No smokes. Just fumes. Let's add some flavor to those fumes. Have they finished? Son of a...! - Tobacco all right? - Of course. Seems almost un-Germanlike. - Is it German enough now? - Yes. A real orchestra. - Yeah, of all calibers. - With a conductor, no doubt. That conductor seems to be getting carried away. - Time for an intermission. - Then the Krauts will swarm the buffet. And we've got it all set up for them. Top notch service included. Why have you popped up like a sunflower?! No way to plow this land now. It has turned to iron. Nonsense... We'll plow it and sow it. If someone is left to do it. For that reason... protect your head. - They're coming... - What? - Tanks. - Where? Over there. - Can't see. - Got word from the observation post. Tanks headed this way. When the firing stops, they'll be here. - I'll inform the Captain. - Yes, Sir. Don't jump the gun... Hold it, guys! Only on my command. On my whistle - give fire! Hold fire until you hear two shots. Their tanks will slow down. That's when we get them. Before they realize what hit them. They're headed right for us, you know? Where else? I mean we didn't have to chase after them. Lucky us. Probably thinking they've got it all worked out. That they know our weak spot and can go towards the highway. And that's good, let them try. Let's show them, if they don't know it, who we Russians are, and what our "weak spot" is. Yeah. But actually, I'm Kazakh. Aren't Kazakhs Russian? Give me a break. Aren't we fighting for Russia? - I'm only kidding. - Kidding. When we fight for Kazakhstan, we'll show them who the Kazakhs are. - You can bet on it. - Deal. Battery! Fire at tanks and infantry, target forty-seven. Fragmentation grenade. Second charge, direction of main attack right of two thirty. - Direction of main attack two thirty! - Add zero zero two. Level thirty zero two! Sight one hundred two four fire one round to third! Sight one hundred two four fire one round to third! - Ready. - Ready! Fire! Over twenty five right. Sight one hundred twenty two left zero eleven. Lines zero fifteen, four volley fire charges. Volley! That's the way to do it. That's not good. Those vultures will rip through our artillery ranks. Vultures feed on dead animals. Those birds are out for blood. Commander! Got the signal to move. Pulling out the battery. You're on your own. Hang in there! Fire! Fragmentation shell! Take cover! To your guns! And up! Here! Anti-tank shell! That one only has minor damage... that one too. It'll take them half an hour to repair. We must destroy them now! - Give them a volley! - Fry them up! Anti-tank shell! Well well. Didn't take long for them to leave. Don't worry. They won't be gone long. Maybe there was... something they didn't like? - Or another reason? - No, they liked everything. They'll be back soon with some friends. For another taste? Sure, for another taste. Fine. For another taste... Was obvious from the start that they'd get burned on the first run. Wanted to visit a cemetery, but ended up at a party. Their infantry got a big welcome, and tanks. Of course they crawled away. Maybe they thought that anyone alive here would run. What would give them that idea, Shemiakin? We didn't even shoot once. We'll get our chance. Kriuchkov, Maximov, follow me. They're going to come at us differently now, smarter. And a bit faster... Hit all our weak spots. That's all we need, more music. Right... And this time... it will be even louder. That's OK. We're deaf already. That's it. Easy, go easy. Give it here. Go now. Pasha, everything's fine. You were hit, but we've stopped the bleeding. Now you have to focus on getting better, OK? You did good. Real good. We're dug in. The soldiers are heroes. So everything... everything's fine, Pasha. Get your strength back for next time. Be careful, but quick. Three more are waiting. Klochkov reporting. Artillery helped us thwart the first attack. Knocked out 4 tanks and a platoon of infantry. - Any losses? - All alive. Six wounded and sent to the infirmary. Pasha was hurt pretty bad. All's fine. Waiting for shellfire. - I understand. Back to work. - Yes, Sir. They're adjusting their aim to wipe us out. They'll strike soon. Days are short, and they still need pass us. It won't be a sprinkler next time, but a power hose. So expect a downpour... and a different attack. - You got room? - Here. Oh man. - Natarov, take cover, quick! - Shh. You wounded? I'm not wounded, Sergeant, don't make me go. Or the bird will fly away. Stop fooling around. Shoot a tank instead! Yes, after I get one of them. Flying around like they own the place. Well done, you really scared it. Now take cover! See? They don't want to fight. Saving themselves for Moscow, which is good for us. Puts us at an advantage. Them being cowards is certainly an advantage. I hope they won't bomb us to bits out of fear. With all that ammunition. They won't get all of us, just don't die too soon, OK? They might think we're preparing an ambush on their tank division. They're not idiots. No, but they see Tanks burning and people dying. Damn! Here's what I'm getting at: Soon our ranks will get thinner, and then they'll rush in. We have to become a real stubborn thorn in their side. You're right, Sergeant. But will we talk about a strategy? Or just sit here waiting to be hit? The strategy is no heroics. - What do you mean? - Listen... Today your country needs you to live, not die. Big news. Is anyone rushing to get there? There aren't many of us. We'll die if need be. What? And who will fight in your place? Or it won't matter? Just die, and that's it? Maybe the Germans conquer us, maybe not? Very convenient. No blame if you die in battle. Freedom from all your sins. The meaning of life is to be a hero now, huh? Take it easy. No one wants to die. - But this is beyond our control. - Wrong! To die is a personal decision. If a shell or a bullet hits you is it a personal decision? Maybe if you think less about bullets, they won't whizz by. It's not too bad - just a scratch. You'll be fixed up in no time. Visiting the dentist is torture - this is nothing. Just hold on... Could we stop this philosophical talk and stick to the task? - It's fun though. - A lot depends on your mindset. And your mindset should be to destroy the enemy! Yeah. Maybe there's just a handful of us, maybe fifty handfuls. Unit operations must be steady and collected. Like everything is going according to plan. The Nazis will get the picture: retreat or burn. If they retreat, they won't pass today. And no heroics necessary. Just keep burning up tanks. Fourth company, come in. Fourth company, come in. Second company, get me fourth. Fourth company, come in. - Sights in one piece? - Yeah. Get the position in order, and prepare for battle. - Alive? How many? - Three. Good... Come with me. Need to carry out the wounded. - A lot? - Enough. - And killed? - Enough of those too. Oh boy... hold on... Weapon! And up! You hungry, beast? Not long now. Time to unleash you. Hurry up! Pete! Pete Dutov! Check the wire, we need to get communications back up. Quick! If we don't fix communications, send two more carts... or three. Is it up? Pete did it! - This is Klochkov. - Go ahead. We sustained heavy losses. Many dead and wounded. 28 soldiers remain. We have one cannon, two anti-tank rifles, a machine gun... As for rifles, well... We have plenty of those now. We need reinforcements, Major. No, Vasily. I have no reinforcements to send you. Try and hold on as long as you can. Do your best, my friend. We will, Major. Crews to your weapons. Others form teams of three. Each group shall target one tank each. Nine tanks should be ablaze. Let's see how they react. Start with that. And then we'll see. Destroying two at a time would, of course, be better. We're out of options, brothers. Although our land seems vast, and we are ready to die for it... ...we have nowhere to retreat. And we cannot die until we stop the Germans. Because we're defending the last line. After us, that's it. After us, it's Moscow. What are you waiting for? Let's go. Yakov, did the Nazis really try to blast you out of a dugout with grenades and you threw 14 back at them? How many? Fourteen already? Unbelievable! Bunch of lies. What are they, idiots? For God's sake! So, how many? Five... That's how many. - Fourteen my ass... - Five? Five. Then they decided to throw another, later. The sixth. So I wouldn't have time to return it. And what did you do? What? Nothing. I'll tell you later. When later? At night. Before bed. And it wasn't in the dugout either... This time it's a matter of precision. I would let them come closer, to get them for sure. - And let them think we're dead. - OK, give the order, Ivan. Must be fun in that tank now. Praying to God, or speaking of the devil who brought them here. Glad I'm not a tank crewman. It's certain death. O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. Grant victories to us over our adversaries. And by the virtue of Thy Cross... What? - Nothing. - You just said something. "For the Motherland" I said. That's the way. There's a lot of them, to say the least. Oh, dear brothers... It's all right, all right. Well, brothers, rest easy. Must be going for a record. Run, you hero, before you bite the dirt! Grisha! Another round! Bastard thinks he is gonna wave his damn cross around here! Let's give the bully a scare! Come on, Ivan, make it pretty! Ready? Let's go! No... - I'm completely out! - Me too! Have to let the tanks pass, and target the infantry. Can you shoot? Just don't miss. Catch this. Shell! Another shell! Cartridge! Going somewhere? Warm up, boys. - Vasily. - Easy. Is it burning? I can't see. No, got him in the tread. Light it up then, Shemiakin. Quick! Leave me. Do it, Grisha, come on. - Shemiakin, got any ammo? - Some. Blow it up and follow me, quick. Hey Grisha... Fire a few rounds at the pedestrians. Ivan, you alive? Yeah, I'm alive. What else would I be? I'm not so easily broken. They really are rolling in the machinery. Not enough grenades for them. Right, need to find Diev. Let's go, move. It's OK, Political Officer... Not that many of them left. Look at that, Vasily. Turns out Danil is a magician. Is it over? Anyone else alive? Maybe. Not started searching yet. You did good, Danil. Saved some aces for last. - Got everyone scared. - Not really. Germans, especially, I think. It was luck. Come on. Luck had nothing to do with it. Anyone count the scrap metal? Well... There's quite a lot. Fifty at least? We'll tell our grandkids there were more. But for the Germans, fourteen was more than enough. Not counting the four we got in the morning. - Why don't they count? - Well, of course they do. I just mean that in the morning, we were a company but after the second run, we are barely a platoon. Lots of tough guys fell the second time around. Heroes. Everyone is a hero now. That's the way we fight now, Danil. Soon, there will be no other way. Because... ...such is this war. PANFILOV'S 28 Panfilov Park Almaty Translation and subtitles by Eclectic Translations
Channel: Киностудия 28 Панфиловцев
Views: 3,547,585
Rating: 4.6669202 out of 5
Keywords: 28, 28 панфиловцев, панфиловцы, фильм, кино, народное кино, народный фильм, краудфандинг, народный сбор, война, 1941, ноябрь, 16 ноября, 2014, 2015, 28 Панфиловцев, panfilov's twenty eight, panfilov's twenty-eight guardsmen, Panfilov's 28 Men, English subtitles, Russian war movie, Stalingrad, Battle of Moskow, Battle of Moscow
Id: kSozhsNc3eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 39sec (7239 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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