275 YD Rushing Record Radio Reconstruct-1977

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a Bellini has completed 96 passes for twelve hundred and sixty-seven yards he has a percentage of just over 49% he is thrown for eight touchdowns he's had 11 picked off wing to the right is Schubert wide to the left is Scott handoff the Walter Payton spotting to the right side [Applause] mr. exclusion himself on the very first play of the ballgame I starts the game same schubert scenario wide receiver replaced the goal rather rather not in uniform today he's not with the flu he came down with the flu on Thursday instead of getting better he got words fades in hand Noah Jackson had the flu but they're okay also in the inactive list the tight end shock Bradley out with the flow 29 yard pickup for Walter Payton first down for the Bears on the Vikings 46 yard line ball I got the number one rushing offense in the league in the Vikings only 19th in rushing defense wide to the left just Scott wing back to the right hand off to Peyton there's a repeat of the first play and Sutherland finally chased him out of battle the near sideline that was a repeat of the very first play of the ball game and Peyton carried it down and they're gonna mark the ball I believe inside the 25-yard line they may call for a measurement on the near sidelines Walter Payton with 11 all right - they will hold the snap is down it's going to be a bacon pace they go fool and it's been completely under through his intended receiver who Don Reeves on the fly back they go never really got the ball away if he ran to the left side and so the Bears speak appeal goal and come up empty-handed or the bikes will take over throwing 21 yard line with trying to run the left and throw right which is very difficult to do and he threw a knuckleball yes for 25 years it's been a gas next time you drive into chucker ask for your Chicago Bears football schedule it's free just for the asking and checker gas station first half of the bikes on their own 21 yard line loose backfield slap to the right coming a motion to the near side is Sammy white last year's Rookie of the Year quick pitch Department across the wall picks it up and there's flags all over the play and they the play will be whistled dead right there Robert briefly was gonna pitch to Foreman moving to the right side it was a bad fit job and there were two or three penalty flag thrown it about the same time and they're gonna have a confab down there the referee is Gordon McCarter the umpire is Paul Kerr Pinsky headlines when Jerry seaman White's look wide to the right goose back field of McClanahan and Foreman and Bobby Lee back to pass swings it off the right flat the foreman he's got two men to beat tried to juke away and his front down at the 22 yard line a nice tackle by Gary pencak the strong safety who leaves the club in tackles with 92 in his second year from Yale and sick and muckin Sturm had him dead to rights over there it wasn't gonna go anywhere when he got that football Foreman is the leading receiver on the bike - scrimmage the Viking 23 there's the snap not much of a rush and he hits the line driver bouncing inside the 40 and this one's going to help the Vikings that it rolled inside the bear 20 down to the 15 and it's going to roll that inside the 10 the 9 yard line play ball hit a lion driver away from - Nagel and it bounced into 30 in charge all the way down on the roll inside the bear 10 at the 9 yard line a 60-acre cut by clay ball his longest of the year and with 9/16 left to go in the first quarter here at Soldier Field there's no score the Bears nothing the Vikings huffy why do the lap - Scott hand off the baton on 3rd and 2 runs into his own blocker and managed to get out to the 18 yard line he was brought down by Jeff Wright again the strong safety in his 7th season from the University of Minnesota 511 190 pounder 2 yards on the ground slot right eye formation quick pitch to Peyton cuts back now look to the outside turn the corner to 30 that's just across the 35 the 40 and Alabama there's about the 43-yard line again the free safety pause the 14-year veteran from Iowa knocked him out of bounds and Robin hurled through key block indeed he did well you pick up everything McConnell first down for the Bears at the Chicago 41 nice Paton lunch at 11 more yard line and Walter now has 64 in the first quarter of play that was Jeff seaman that Robin Earl took out loud rock wall de to turn the corner and against a Peyton coming up the middle across the 45 twisting and swerving go about the 47 yard line they never do pit him down they anchor him right there McNeil along with Krauss and Jimmy Marshall the three of them to hit him and it's across the 46 will call at the 47 yard line it'll be second down and four along for Marshall grabbed him but couldn't bring him down he carried Marshall about four yards of Vikings are not making crisp tackle the one thing about the bikes though they'll yield a lot of yardage but not too often a lot of points off to the left now formation second down four yards to go the Bears just across their own 46 yard line quick pitch now to Peyton cuts back it off the block struggles up the up of the 49 yard line Marshall over the top seamen on the bottom making the tackle on the play with help from eller who tripped him and the ball will be spotted at the 49 yard line their middle linebacker Jeff seaman was not playing there's a hand off the baton and he gets very little yardage he was ran around at the line and pinned right there he actually ran right into his blocker review sorry Matt Blair pulled him down short of the first down at the 49 and a half we've gone over the 50 yard line so the bear supported the pot on 4th and 2 the ball at the midfield stripe bears looking good here I like the way they're coming out today they aren't up today they'll never be a Bobby Lee three out of three for 16 yards so far sticking with the short stuff Rashad and white or split wide and to give the foreman trying to slide to the right side it chopped down why the line a footer to Tom Hicks came in there let me tell you when you run by ed white and Ronnie era you've accomplished something and those are the two guys trying to block for Chuck Foreman no gain on the play it'll be third down and six yards to go that means the Bears will go up five defensive backs and Spivey and Buffone coming in and Hicks and muckin storm coming out the 11-year veteran Doug Buffone will play the linebacker in the past prevent defense wide to the near side is Rashad double-wing right the slot back to pass Bobby Lee good for the antenna receiver Rashad dot Planck who had a real good shot at making the interception pencak was there might have been friendly fencing and the ball fluttered he was under bro he claimed he was there feared with by Rashad great job coming up there by offense ik played it beautifully there's the end of the first quarter of play here at Soldier Field the scores the bears noting the Minnesota Vikings nothing Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati that's a battle of survival therefore both Bengals and it often three men deep now for the Vikings and there's a snap and Parsons it's away kind of a well it's a sewer a driving kick get away from her former fare a 49-yard line driver that started to wobble over all the sudden Street not a spiral that it was a driving kick and Grimm went back it hit him in the shoulder Pat of the six yard line pops out of the Grimm tried to go for the ball and as you mentioned Schubert was on top of it immediately but I thought it might have rolled out of there but the Bears third and goal from the one yard line Schubert will line up as the wing they get back they go to the left side I formation Earl the short man to get the paint no signal he had he was on the air and appeared but they're gonna call him short it looked like he was over the goal line the Bears have got to go for it got diluted the Vikings a ball at the goal line I went into the faith boys look like fake look over the gold it's right there I'll tell you the Bears are gonna go for they put that ball back almost a yard out and I know he was inside of that indeed but well it looked like it from here anyway we've got a bad angle those guys are sitting in the goal line buddy well that's true but I'd say he was up for that entire line it's fourth down and goal just inside the one yard line Coubertin has a wing to the right side tooth back feel the car by a linear amplifier on the sacrum center and the bear will cut away empty-handed I don't believe it it appeared that patron hurdle the goal line on the third down play and on fourth down inside the yard line marks a Bellini appeared to pull away from Center a bit too quickly and that the bikes will happen at their own one-yard line five out on the field what 13 time left to go in the first half it's still stopping it up me with an extra down lineman now Mark Mulaney and replacing Fred McNeill also end for the Bears Bob Parsons a tight end both ends are in tight wing to the near left side to get to Paton hurdles over the right side again paddle about the 12 yard line and he leaps over about four bodies they're putting a couple of his own teammates our football they're gonna try to blast them out there's still about a yard and three quarters away it's second down go slide off the side end on the right side Parsons on the left wing to the left is backfield on second and goal inside the Viking two yard line and a Bellini with a call we did the Paton following his blockers trying to turn the caught on the right side [Applause] six on board with 640 free to go on I have been six leveling Chicago free me storage with God two minutes but a Vikings entitled off Hayden turn the corner putting blocks up Phillips Mulaney and Nate Wright the guild on a quiz to reveal Orion s campers wallet Payton goes in from the yard on for his 11 touchdown of the year the extra point Bob Thomas 18 of 20 in the p80 department but now we've got Ben sevens holy reserve quarterback banks Nagel normally hold their just map the ball is down the Minnesota Vikings with six minutes and 43 seconds left to go on the first half it took a mate plane to traverse the 24 yard but they got it done look 12 yard completion slot right deuce back feeling lead it's drawn first down Swink about the right flat and it's dropped by McClanahan the ball was underthrown a bit and French cannery John Ford couldn't hang on to the 35 yard line incomplete second down 10 the bikes at their own 33-yard line Bobby Lee is four out of six now for 28 yards no quarterback sacks today and of course a vallini is yet to attempt to pass Rashad split about 5 yards too often wide to the near side his wife back to fast is Bob Lee has time throw the line will elaborate down the middle should be intercepted by burglars came up with his first intercepts of the year and the 11 for the bear football team sucks flank was the Fairfield of that time and he was helping out that they had stole a coverage son even is sort of receiver that time and the ball was overthrown and LIBOR was there to make the grab and for lie Birds that's his first first interception of the year at three last year is news backfield first time for the Bears at their own 38 travel any with a call inside handoff [Applause] that's another first out at 23 I John 5 paper on keeping all up the middle salt for the seventh time is 10 game famous run further yard and that drives Rick casseras a single-season March for the team put fish to bait on the right side run finally turns the car the 35 to the 30 21 yard line sideline against all clouds running about with help from these right chefs even been reading sorry the point guard on the playthrough a key block to spring water around the corner a Bellini is one out of one to five yarder to paste on a draw to page scuttling away from the birth tackler and off crowd finally caught up from behind it's Billy with a 17 and a half yard line Geoff's demon had him dead to rights and wallet broke the tackle is an ankle tackle of that 47 go home crikey 27 yard line there to snap the ball is down the kick is up [Applause] here put 43 seconds left to play in the first half fifty-three hives they played rat Li is going to let the clock run out and the gun sounds the first half is history here at Soldier Field you the Bears defense had not only shutout the Vikings in the first half but had limited them to merely 52 total yards pretty good for a defense that ranked 13th in their division offensively there was a small matter of the 204 gained on the ground 140 for them by wonderful Walter Payton but on their first possession of the second half the Bears could not move the ball thanks in part to pressure by the Viking front four on Bob a Bellini here four minutes into the third quarter a key play occurred one willing and eager participant was number 59 biking outside linebacker Matt flair while definitely an unwilling one was Chicago punter Bob Parsons flair came crashing true to block Parsons pun and run it down on the 10 [Music] from there it was an easy score the Vikings first of the game and against the Bears lowly defense there was absolutely no reason to think it would be their last player's exuberance and joy was understandable for the four-year man from Iowa State had put his team back in a game that had to win or the Vikings were well aware what a victory would do for the Bears today also with Tarkenton out was obvious that points were not going to come in bunches today the Bears have won a number of close games this year the latest came two weeks ago when they defeated Kansas City by one point on a Bob a Bellini pass with three seconds left now with the score 10 7 in their favor they were involved and still another tight game that would go right down to the wire on Chicago's possession after the Vikings touchdown Walter Payton running behind the blocking of number 69 Revis Ori increased his yardage total another 19 yards but the Bears couldn't capitalize on I didn't had to punt I mean wide inside about Fred Rashad and the play-action fake and a pass out of the left flat matter Rashad looking for a block and he is a lotta bond at the 36 yard line fine play by Virgil Ivers two and five-eighths a half 175 pounds wouldn't be intimidated getting very overcast now and threatening here we thought they have don't worry this evening the temple hope for the whole ball of wax well Schubert wide to the last shot standing wide to the near side there's a screen pass out of the right side to Scott but he cannot run by my player who forces him out of bounds at the bare 26 yard line there were three blockers in front ladder and lifer and liquor all in front was sorry over there but Blair was behind the wedge and James Scott couldn't clear him on the near sidelines it'll be third down and four yards to go Joe even the Bears win the day those to me on the retired and the bikes for the first time all day have an offensive play on the bear side of the 50 yard line and the gab had a big over credit up the middle friends away at the 40 a gets knocked out of at 35 maybe the 34 yard line trap up the middle Waymon Bryant made the tackle on to play will help them Gary fencing but there's the longest round gain of the afternoon for the bikes across the bay 35 to the 34 yard line in motion goes white Tucker's in a tight end the other two play-action fake lead by three yard line first and goal the play-action fake and five Tucker who with a quad from the New York Giants with an offer on Titan a couple of years ago gathered that one in over his shoulder got flank knocked him sprawling baby snaggle-toothed backfield the bike bike involved this type of situation it's second and goal from the 2 yard line alright Tom Hicks made the tackle on to play end it off to mark Keller and killer bobble the ball right back of the ABS of I believe with a fortunate break for the Vikings came up that handoff wide to the near side at the double wave formation double wing lap at Lake which break a great way my head keeps good back there on defense as soon as Leeds made a quick jump class they looked like it was gonna be seven flights there was Nick go to Senator Bob Tucker all right shlop in the lab juice back field and again that of paint on a three for the right side 31 yard line oh the Bears just inside the Viking 29 lot right I formation a Bellini had a busted play and he could lose yardage ease up to the 30-yard line he turned around and a bomb off but nobody was there that Blair made to tackle on the plane but that was simply a busted play and Jackson and frustration slammed his arms down at his side did he leave the offensive unit for the near sideline it looks like all their faith was the man he was gonna hand off to it looked like he went back to give it to the second set up back in the eye and that was taking and I wasn't there he's going into the line Satan the beat man mousou the short man in the eye long shot by a Bellini at the Viking 48 and play-action pass rolls to his right pops what's not broken and it's going to be picked off by date right intercepted or not alive at the 37 yard line in Viking territory as he was all over the intended receiver gave me God and there's the first interception thrown by homily today his 12th of the year that's the first fair turn over this afternoon timeout is called with 852 to go in the game the score remains the Bears tenth of Viking 7 with Rick casseras for a single-season record for the Bears less than four minutes to go now it's second down eight the Bears at their own 32 yard line they give the water again because whole sprouts I didn't know Holly Holly passed over them after the line of scrimmage a 59-yard run that kids taking my 269 yards 40 yards away from oj system flagrant of 273 last Thanksgivings and it's right there on this Peter truth there bill fourth down goal from the 6 yard line deuce backfield a belated a paint on a sweep to the right side see the plot he cuts back a little private shuttles down over the 2 yard line whether it's a rushing record holder thinking becomes the all-time single game rushing leader in the NFL but he failed to come up with a touchdown seaman at settlement wrestling dive at the 2 yard line of the by cruel habits well 275 yards for Walter Payton [Applause] I can't say I'd understand what the fares did I'm just saying it's rather curious they didn't go for the three points to take a six point lead although they do have the Vikings down there on two yard line and against the win there's of course thinking first things first I got to have a way before they worry about being a team by so many points third in the one now for the bikes on their own 11 yard line this game is not over yet with a minute 34 to go the clock continues to run down double-sided alignment with pointed the wing of the right together department he's got the first out out across the 15 still on his feet cherries affair with him a crop the 20 to the 22 yard line first down for the bikes timeout is called with 123 remaining we'll be back in the bowl why to the near side Bob Tucker site in the split of the clock to the near side were shot is wide to the left dude back Beatles Bobby lead quarterback drops back to pass throws out the right side caught by the clown handy to the 30 another five to the 33 yard line drilling out of there into the end of the bear bench by Gary fencing and it's another Viking first down with an 11-yard pickup we and they stop the clock with 116 to go so they used up only seven seconds to go all right third down 15 big 24 the bikes were shot wide to the far left side white wide to the near side and Lee again sets up the bath again has ties now looking right father the moon it's called at the 41 yard line short of the first down a great catch of heavy traffic by Sammy white it was fail immediately by dougfranks and family apparently his width of an angle on the play awfully shaken out teaser and ankle on the play as well well it's going to be fourth down at about two and a half yards to go for the bike make it two yards they spotted at the Minnesota 42 yard line there's 49 seconds to go on the game Jerry Myers comes in replacing Jeff Phoebe at defensive end for the bear Lia's hurting it's his right ankle the same ankle that Parkinson's broke actually broke a phone just above the ankle the fibula and the number one draft choice out of rice rookie Tommy Cramer loosens up in a hurry on the far sideline for the Vikings now we're base for the fourth down in two situations here the other way it's 10 7 Chicago a spot for the rookie Kramer Kramer by the way and a couple of brief embarrasses has completed five of nine for sixty yards his first big league touchdown last week at relieve attracted against the fight against Tobago quite wide to the near side with John wide to the left favored back to pass almost lippy weight at that field good way to pick off his fifth interception of the year so forth spiking turnover the third pair intercepts early afternoon boy he literally school I follow away Sammy white and he's be congratulated by the entire Fair bench well I saw there was a tough spot for the rookie Tommy Cramer that's turned out to be one play one interception the Bears had the ball 38 seconds to go now they can kill the clock a woolly gold for a field goal it got the winter back there'll be a 500 block Club at five and five the Vikings will drop the fixon for the Bears will be one game away as they going against the game is over and the Bears have beaten the Minnesota Vikings fine a record-breaking performance of Walter Payton 10 to 7 the final here at Soldier Field Walter Payton had indeed done his thing shattering OJ Simpson's single game national football league rushing record with a whopping 275 yards on 40 carries he gained 144 yards in the first half and added 131 in the second including his 58th yarder the Bears had won a game they knew they had to win and were now thrust right back in their division race along with Detroit both teams are tied for second place with records of five and five Haiden in a racing O'Jays record also wiped out the bear record of 205 yards set by Gale Sayers an equal by Payton against the Packers earlier this season the holes were there and I just ran through him he said after the game I had no idea I was anywhere near the record and I don't like my teammates coming up and telling me what I've done it breaks my concentration and this is greatest season the third year man from Jackson State has gone over the century mark in rushing seven times poly is twice top 200 yards Payton now has 1,400 four yards rushing and needs an even 600 more to beat OJ's record for most yards in one season set in 1973 but more important than individual statistics suddenly the Chicago Bears have come from nowhere to become a viable factor in this NFL season the reason quite simply has been Walter Payton and as he left the field last Sunday in Chicago Payton was given a hero's ovation by football fans in attendance at Soldier Field as well as those were notified of his stunning achievement by electronic means while attending other games are watching on television across the country all of them as they've done through the years - such as Red Grange Gale Sayers Jim Brown and OJ Simpson were United in a common salute to one man's excellence [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Beau Bear
Views: 14,286
Rating: 4.9014778 out of 5
Id: 67ag6RAMINg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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