#27 Kubota & Land Pride on the Steep Slopes Brush Hog

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody Mike here it is what is it Friday yeah June 2nd 2017 I took the day off work today to get some stuff done around the place and I had to finish stacking up a little bit of firewood starting to clean up the place for the big 4th of July extravaganza we have each year and but next up I'm going to brush hog my trail it's a a mile and a half long trail and most of it is in the woods not all of it maybe half is in like the bigger woods so it doesn't really grow up in there but some of the areas the trees are smaller you get brush and weeds growing up some places it's 2 3 feet tall now probably so I'm going to go get that all cleaned up and it's very steep in places so I'm going to be pretty careful I cleaned up the Kubota there the other night something too interesting here look at the bucket the color of the bucket compared to the paint on the tractor reason is the bucket stays outside because I can't fit it in the garage with the bucket on with the side by side park behind it it's a whole system but anyway that shows you what what your paint would look like if you keep these things sitting outside baking in the Sun and rain and snow and all that but look at it different to that bucket that compared that once it starts to bother me a little bit which it's kind of bothering me right now I'll probably hit the bucket with a rattle can of Kubota orange get it to look the same again so now I'm going to put the brush hog on and head to the woods and start working on the trail be back in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now first I'm not telling anybody what to do I'll just tell you what works for me I like backing up steep hills mowing you know backing up so this one I got to start at the top so I'm going to go down forwards and keep the bucket real close to the ground four-wheel drive low range and just kind of feel your way down there and just take it real easy and if your tractor has a ROPS on it and I'd never do a hill like this without one for the ROPS absolutely wear your seat belt I mean if you go over it's gonna be a bad day if you go over without your seat belt on good chance your family's canceling Christmas you know what I mean it's going to be bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it for the real steep part now the trail kind of just want through here like I was saying earlier the trees aren't as big and more sunlight gets in grass grows a little better something else I always do is I miss taller grass always walk everything first before I mow it and look around real good around here where we live the white-tailed deer here but anyway that the DOE are dropping their fawns I guess about the middle May through middle of June I think it's the peak first turkey right there see the turkey I can't believe must be a nest right here I think scared me she's mad she's just circling around here I got to be right on top of her nest make sure I don't hit that I walked right by that the first time that Turkey wasn't very happy to see me letter was Amorim cheese honey I'm gonna go back get the tractor I can stay away from her nest it's down off the trail a little bit I don't want to get too close to it [Music] me [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so now is a good time to mention if you enjoy these kind of videos please click subscribe hit the like button and comment below I like the interaction and I like to hear where people are from and see how they do things if it's the same as I do if it you know totally different whatever and I think I have around 330 subscribers something like that I don't know doesn't really matter but some reason I set this goal to get a thousand subscribers by my birthday I don't know why I do that but I do and that's in October I think that's reachable so yeah and share these videos to anybody any like-minded people that would enjoy it and but that's it so in review like I said I'm not here to tell anybody how to do things especially when it comes to dangerous things however here's the way I like to do it if I'm brush hog and steep you know slopes back in the woods whatever I always have in four-wheel drive for starters number two low range number three I like to back up the hills when possible number four I just go slow I mean don't rush it and most importantly you know wear your seatbelt I mean that's the big thing like I said if you don't you're in trouble your family's canceling Christmas very bad and a few others important maybe not equally important but a few other things is ran here like I said this time of year I'm always looking for fawns that were just born I don't want to run one of them over showed you that turkey earlier it's all kind of stuff out here and you got to watch out for grapevines you know you clip one of them hook on to one of those you might not even know it next you know you're pulling a break you know big branch down on your head I think that's it if I think of anything else I will add it to in the comments below but yeah that's it thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 66,789
Rating: 4.8767581 out of 5
Keywords: Kubota, Land Pride, Brush Hog, Wild Turkey, Firewood, Rural Living, Tractor, 4 wheel Drive, Quick Attach, mowing
Id: I8zmgrfjsSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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