Building No Smell GOAT HOUSE! Modern Raised Very Clean House

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] hello amazing and wonderful family of value farm you're almost welcome if you're new here you can call me tina thank you so much for watching this video if you haven't already subscribed please subscribe to the channel and also turn on your notification bells not to miss out on any videos on this channel today is just an amazing day we are back at the farm and of course we are going to be showing you what is happening at the farm especially the goats because i promised you on the other previous videos that we shall be talking about the goats and we shall definitely be showing you how our goats live and more about the goats at their house and of course the structure most importantly so that you can also learn one or two things from what we have other gut house mr charles mr sempex is on standby who is definitely going to help us as well take us around the house and also tell us more about the goats and everything about the housing of this good so let's go along with me so that we can show you what is happening at the gut house come along with me [Applause] [Music] hello mr charles how are you i'm all right how is the day how's your money the money is fine let me give you this mic so that's the morning is so fine okay yes so i'm here with our god value from god guys i've appreciated the previous video that we did about the votes because they didn't expect what we had here already because the showcase when they were grazing so basically these are the goats and of course mr charles is also going to help us with you know how the goat house looks like why we came about with such a raised goat house and we are going to tell you differences why we should do such a structure the raised one versus the normal one so that's basically tells what we are going to be discussing today and also give them advice educate them as usual because they really appreciate your work before that yep just introduce yourself to the people maybe someone is watching you for the first time for the first time yes okay um [Music] by the way same excuse c and the one and the one behind the camera is i2 the one behind the camera okay yes okay so i'm here as a manager i work as a manager of this farm yes an amazing manager and this is one of my directors of the summer wow thank you so much so this is the structure maybe we start with the structure let's talk about the structure why why would you recommend let me just ask you why would you recommend someone to build such a structure raid structure and why this kind of platform as well so now building such a structure is very very good for the gods yes you know these goats are so clean i think they are among the animals which are really clean yeah they don't want to step they don't want to step in mud they don't want to step in the water yeah for example if you reach them very early in the morning you can just see them going on jumping jumping because they don't want them exactly yes so when you raise this structure like this first of all you eliminate any coordinates any water which could attack them yeah even though there is a flood of water these ones are safe and you have to let this chamber down as you see them but leaving these gaps exactly as long as you make sure that they don't break exactly especially they got kids now these ones are so helpful when they unite what are just exactly and when they the west also just go down just a few which remain up then my fellow brothers whom i work with come and sweep and it is as clean as they drop down and once they drop down okay technically it would be at least you sweep down twice a week but for us still because we need cleanness we sweep there every day every day yeah to take away the wastes and mind you when you are piling the wastes make sure you know where your wind grows from which side to which side for example if the wind blows from this side to this side don't put the wastes there because once that wind comes the ammonia from the uh the west will come in and they suffocate these the gods and there is a terrible disease which they can't contract from that so for us we put our waist there because usually the wind comes from the other direction takes away exactly for sure and then we had to make this demarcation these pennies partitions for different uh gods and these gods do know they are exactly so what was that technique of putting this book together okay now these ones as you can see these ones are the so-called boas okay yeah they are really exotic and the pure bores wow as you can see them and that is no this one these three are females that one is a bird and the other one this one is a male this one is a male yeah yeah the other time exactly so this is a section four and once they enter they know where to go exactly wow i'm seeing the top there yeah this trap this trough actually now we have learned out of savage for them but my boss yoko director told me is going to bring tomorrow more sirens for them we put them there and then they keep on eating eating one when they are still inside and when it rains we don't take them outside they have to stay exactly and there is this say quesado get me salt if you are that one can okay we should no no leave it there leave it there yeah then now they are they are these two sections yes this one is a loco a local bridge yes this one is my friend number 56 exactly now the other one is the alpine yeah that one with the long horns it is calm quiet and just there and that one is an alpine yeah that is the alpha male 1 yes yes wow yeah so we have to separate them or else they they fight exactly hello how are you you know jumping around yeah and but it's a very friendly goat all our goats are very friendly all the animals we have here are very very friendly then we i'm seeing something up that side yeah also this is hay for them there is the type of salt we mix in water we sprinkle on that hay and when it gets halfway wet yeah then we service the year to put them in their traps and they feed them wow that is so amazing let's check out the other and maybe when i can show this one [Music] this is this effectant so we use it to clean to wash we wash yeah yeah wash the floor exactly at least once a week we have to wash it so that that urine which stays on the wood does not smell and after that there is also the sprayer this separate sprayer what we do we put in uh it was taken back we we use this sprayer and we have we put in imo solution we use imo solution and then we spray all of the exact all over the floor okay so what is the use of the imo here this imo to eliminate all anybody order from wow that is amazing because you can't even smell good you know there are some places that you go to it's just having that bad smell but here trust me it's just like someone's compound yeah for sure now these ones it's a group of east african all what we call local gods that we usually for me i want to call them east african gods yeah these are the ones which are here and they know they are partitioned yes they are enjoying you see now you see so healthy exactly we're looking forward to going out to fit exactly that's why you see even the stomach is a bit inside because we have keep kept them long we are waiting for our director to come and they have this recording that at least we are here talking about this then this other section now this section is for also these are exotic except that one why did that one get in there that one is so flaming to these ones once you put it there they fight but here it's so friendly exactly they're looking forward to gunfight guys so we are trying to rush up the video so they can go and fit now these ones yes apart from the other one also that one is still new and the four that one decided to stay with these ones it cannot stay there it cannot stay there oh uh if you prefer to stay in this in this partition now here as you can see these ones are crossbreed okay of boas even you can see the the the hair and the whatever yeah these are bowers i mean yeah all of them as you see and that's the mother that's yeah that's the mother to these ones yeah and by the way the other one these are like our new stuff that we brought in yesterday that's why we're hardly going to separate them so they are not mixed with outside because they keep fighting so you need to make sure that you already separate these goats because you know they'll fight and in case a goat is pregnant ah yeah they call it miscarriage which is not really so good so get at least good spacing like when you see the spacing that we have here the space is big enough so make sure that you if you're constructing your goat house make sure you have good space do not make your guts to be squeezed in one partition so that you know they live happily and also have a good time yes and even the quality should be wider now because you know once they are entering or they are going out they are at a rush so it is good to have a wide wide corridor very good that's derrick this is kizito they are the best people here looking after these yes they take them i know they are really feeling bad that the goats are still inside but be patient with us okay these ones are the now the last babies the babies on the exactly as you can see one is a male another one is a female and this one also is a crossbreed of boa yes okay yeah unfortunately this one uh the first pregnancy got a problem yeah this one yeah so the this one should be the second bone second but now we take them to be the first boss first bonus but just as a farmer ever be strong exactly be determined don't stay there crying whoa whoa nowhere nowhere yes yeah the struggle continues and now here we are male and female for sure it's so amazing yes now these are the key kids we have wow yeah these are the kids exactly right however those kids they saw over there in the boa partition are the first born kid on this farm exactly yeah so now these ones are the ones which we got from those mothers which exactly and they are just here waiting for them however they have already taken their breakfast yeah they took them to their mothers respective mothers and you know the goats are very clever the kid which is not he has cannot get me from her are you yeah you know it is scientific all biological yeah it has to smell the back of the mouth of the case of the kid automatically they know that scent yeah yeah exactly then they will ah and it knocks that kid yeah so these ones have already taken them for the kids the kids amazing kids that we have here guys we have amazing kids right as you can see it is just wonderful and now this one here is that is the king working mr 24 huh he's called mr 24 yes yes and we brought in this one of course to be serviced yeah this is really exactly you see how the ball looks like this is a pure ball guys i know in the previous video someone was asking us about the pricing which are def when we start selling which i'll tell you the pricing of all these over savannas of our boards all that but this is how the godspeed look like as you can see and of course the general tour of what you can see at the building it is just amazing you have seen the housing it's well aerated make sure you leave your goats to have some you know air and space for them to breathe if you enclose them in a very closed house that is also not good for them for aeration purposes so mr charles any advice for any farmer and maybe we forgot something here what is that get me that tease all right yeah no yeah they're gonna bring it here now the adversary will give anyone who wants to keep god yes first of all let the structure not exactly like this one but let it be similar to this one yeah first of all the election should be enough as you can now you feeling yeah we are here even we can stay there a whole day the breath is so good now if it is so good to human being then it is so good to the animals before i give my last comment about god yes this is the result it is good for them they keep on leaking from them on it on it on it on it and after that they take water but because we don't want water to spray here we give them they leak and we take them outside and then they take water from there and they know when to take water when they are going outside they don't take water they go for grazing and at around one though today we have disturbed they interrupted their program but at one exactly they come back feed the young ones take water and then continue this years wow and at four they have to come back my brothers here just tell them go home and start even the young ones they know now we have to go home and they climb and they start going to them respective partitions is so exactly so now any last one yes they are water should be prevented that's why you use those iron sheets so that when there is some rain window rain please do should not enter as i told you them before the viewers these animals don't want water and once you are passing somewhere you find a goat tide somewhere rain is there raining on that goat you should go and arrest that person that is not worthy yeah it's not really anxiety go at least bring it back to where it stays exactly so don't punish it yeah but also to ask him mr charles yes please like because we also had a problem about the hooves like some of the goats that would bring yeah the hooves problem what advice would you give to farmers out there there is uh what we call wood shavers yes unfortunately they are a bitter fire would have next time we shall see because because some may not know that yes exactly but we have them we shall show them so what you do you get the itsy leg or her leg you cut it properly it is like a scissors it will be so hard no no no it's okay demonstrating is like a scissor yes so you cut it nicely nicely you cut it off and then there is another tool you try to clean it properly as and ladies are very good at cleaning their nails i see my my wife at home i say what are you doing yes so now for example if this one and you know what brings that stepping in water yes so now you bring that whole server you cut a bit you clean it properly you can eat it yes and after that you clean it also with the other another troll that's how you can prevent that exactly even so this is our beautiful ball hello what's that we have here yeah number 54 number so basically that is it for the further taking care of these goats and all that any very last however next time we shall go into details when they met how long they take for destination whatever yeah those ones would all the sins we use to treat them that will be next time next time because we are not going to die tomorrow we have a lot of work to do exactly and of course they need to also leave their questions down below like i've always done for the people who have left their questions i forward them to you then when we come here we definitely discuss about you know these questions all the questions that you ask but thank you so much mr charles for the questions the goats are very hungry we need to let them kiss out so that they can go and feed we came a little bit late but at least they need to go out they went out briefly but they need to go on [Music] so well guys that's what i had for you for the video thank you so much mr charles and the team for taking good care of the goods the goods look amazing if in case you have any questions feel free to leave them down below so that we can get back to you as soon as possible in case you have questions about treatment feeding and all that any questions that you need to know grades as well leave your comments down below so that you can definitely come next time when we are well prepared to of course answer all the questions about the goats yes that's what i kindly had for you guys thank you so much till next time enjoy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Value Farm
Views: 85,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google, b and t life lane, uganda, kampala, goat farming, goats, goat houses, odorless goat house, modern raised goat house, goat rearing, farm vlog, seeds of gold, starting a farm, piggery, agro business, farm life, goat and sheep housing, how to feed goats, goat housing ideas, hamisi semanda, simple and cheap goat pen, large scale goat house, dexter's world, mixed farming, goat meat, savana goats, boar goats, rare goats, cost of farming, africans in diaspora, americanfarm
Id: mcRavl9LTDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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