26 Miles Alone in West Virginia

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[Music] rolling hills of west virginia on this trip i'd be hiking 26 miles solo in the george washington national forest but first i had to get there man that is a heck of a view like the only car on the road too it's like two cars there what car is there [Music] okay it seems i'm the only person here for miles oh my god it feels so good to get out of the car i just got to get changed packed up and it's on the trail [Music] okay i'm obviously right here we're gonna go around here come back around back to there today we'll probably get somewhere in here camp somewhere next day somewhere in there camp final day out it is 4 35 the sun sets at approximately 8 40. so i got about four hours of good hiking it's not too hot let's grab a map and let's go [Music] [Music] now it is feeling a tad like rain i'm not sure if that's just because it's cloudy and windy or if there's some more innate part of me that's sensing the coming rain not tough to say [Music] you know it definitely feels like this could be rain in fact looking in the distance there that looks pretty dark but i guess the one positive though is that it's cooled the weather off significantly am i feeling missed let's hope for no rain though [Music] obviously [Music] got a nice little campsite here but it is way too early to stop for the day the first major landmark will be tomorrow morning and that is half moon mountain which is at 2 800 feet i'm starting at 1 500 feet down at the parking lot and i think i'm gonna get up to like 2 500 today so that's a fairly beefy climb for the start and i'm already really hungry let's go a bit more and let's have some food never mind i'm too hungry i gotta eat something right now oh yeah so the last couple of times i've eaten like complete trash but this time my fellow hiking mates my friends and some of our viewers have prevented that from happening trail mix and mango slices it's gonna be good i really have no excuse for why i ate so poorly [Music] okay i think i'm safe from the rain for a little bit sun has managed to poke its head back out wow this is a great trail man look at this [Music] okay well i'm definitely the least knowledgeable on plants in our group i do know these are blueberries some of them look like they might be pretty tasty right now i think i'll just leave them for whatever yogi bear decides to have some [Music] later what is that it almost looks like the remains of an old building or something [Music] see if there's a landmark on the map nothing written down okay let's continue so i'm actually losing daylight pretty fast there's a ton of campsites when i first got on the trail but i haven't seen too many lately but i'm definitely gonna take the next one i get i haven't really hiked that much but that's not a big deal tomorrow we can more than make up for it yo this is blueberry heaven yo bear do bears actually eat blueberries or am i completely making that up i just feel like i could see bears rummaging through here snacking all day long and then i popped through and they're like oh dinner speaking of wildlife we got some sort of droppings here not really too sure what that is owl dropping some sort of coyote you can see some sort of bone right there huh i've been on the lookout for good campsites but unfortunately nothing so far the good news is is that this breeze feels amazing and there is not a drop of rain in the sky i can't ask for anything more than that to be honest you know right now i feel completely amazing but there's a slight trickle of dread in the back of my mind that i'm not gonna find a good campsite and i'm gonna be hiking in the dark so as to prevent that unfortunate outcome i'm gonna pick up the pace the problem is that when you're in sections like this there's really no place to camp i mean you can always just make your own campsite but you're gonna be sleeping on a 45 degree incline yup oh boy speak of the devil not even like a hundred feet later great campsite right there okay let's go down and take a look okay do we have a water source yes yes i think we could make that work it's trickling over there not bad not bad at all pretty hot in these rhinos so i debated for a little while whether i should even bring my sleeping mat because i really want to keep my pack light i'm just so sick and tired of having the heaviest backpack that any backpackers ever used and i almost didn't bring this but then i was like you know what if you get a good night of sleep and your backpack's a little bit heavier that extra pound is not going to be any problem but if you get a bad night of sleep it doesn't matter how light your pack is okay and now it's time to cook up a meal okay so one of our viewers shin chan felt very sorry for me after i ate the cora dilla so first she sent a package and in that package was this and nobody should eat this monstrosity so she sent over this pad thai now i heard from at least one of my friends that this is his favorite meal this is 920 calories so it's gonna be a fairly big meal but you know what i'm a fairly medium-sized person i may be skinny i'm kind of tall okay let's eat oh bugs [Music] two and one-fourth cups of boiling water do we have any clue how big this thing is nope i don't know if you would classify this as like chinese folklore and urban legend or what well my dad used to tell us this story about how there was this ancient master who would wait for all the mosquitoes to bite him and as soon as they did he would flex all of his muscles and they would get stuck and then he would just one by one kill them i really wish i had that skill right now oh it's a mite buggy okay so it says first to remove oxygen packet this one's for you thomas add peanut butter to other ingredients in pouch cane sugar add two and one-fourth cups of boiling water is this boiling all this boiling wow that's really boiling seal and let sit for 15 to 20 minutes okay you know there's also some like ancient chinese wisdom that says that warm water is better for you than cold water which i believe it's like probably bad for your humors or something you know but who wants to drink hot water i think it's too hot okay let me let me go fill up on water while i wait okay add lime and sriracha to taste adding all the sriracha is like a medium heat at a thai restaurant stir then sprinkle peanuts over entree and serve maybe that doesn't look much more appetizing than what i usually eat but i am fairly certain that it will taste much much better oh man yo that is fantastic i'm surprised how much you can taste the lime maybe i didn't stir well enough but man that tastes good no quara dillas tonight so it looks like i did 1.7 miles the major elevation gain is going to be tomorrow but i started right here somewhere in there right now tomorrow i'm gonna go up here head up all the way to half moon lookout trail that's the first mountain peak i'm gonna see then i'm gonna head down here and see a whole bunch of other stuff camp somewhere there i guess and then loop back around back to the parking lot [Music] i'm gonna go to bed get up early get on that trail i'll see you tomorrow so in here i've got baking soda normally i use it for deodorant kind of leaves a white thing on your clothes but the good thing about baking soda is really good for cleaning i'm very sweaty right now so i would like to clean myself [Music] oh yeah yeah that's great so first stop of the day half moon mountain it's gonna be a little bit of a detour it's point six miles up to the lookout and then point six miles back good weather not too hot no problem [Music] suddenly it's a very jungly environment here i have also not dealt with the heat and the bugs like this in quite a while it is not something that i miss wow [Music] so to get up to half moon mountain i believe the elevation climb starts right here and it's gonna be roughly a thousand feet up over not that much distance i'm sweating already should i fill up on water possibly oh man that's the sad reality of picking a campsite is you can never know if there's a better one just around the corner ah man the uphill is real so far it's about a mile up to the intersection okay i can do this mean i wouldn't want this feeling to be how i feel all the time i mean sometimes it feels good to just get outside and sweat it out like a sauna experience you know what i mean man it's weird the things that pop in your head while walking on the trail i was thinking about like some mistakes i've made in the past and it's almost as if there's a sense in my mind that there's a reset button and you can load the last checkpoint but it's like really understanding that there's no going back to redo it and there's nothing you could have done to prevent it because the way you behaved at the time was the way you were capable of behaving at that time and the decisions you made were the decisions you made with the best of your knowledge and the best of intentions oh man and you can only move forward from them i was watching the han solo movie in my tent last night and i've seen that movie many times but for whatever reason at the beginning when things go horribly wrong i just keep watching like maybe it'll be different this time maybe that's a clue into my psychology a little too optimistic sometimes well nobody's ever accused me of being too optimistic so maybe that's not what it is [Music] you know there's a certain mindset of where you're like oh man when i was a kid i walked uphill in the snow five miles to school every day so you should have to do the same and to a certain extent i can understand that mindset but man i feel like it makes way more sense that if i struggled and scrimped and saved so that the next generation could have a better life or the people who aren't as capable as me could have it easier why isn't that a good thing the people you help don't need to have the same challenges that you did then what's the challenge the challenge mr often houses to improve yourself to enrich yourself enjoy it not everybody's gonna be a genius at everything so if we can fill each other's holes that frees up energy for each person to do what they're really good at no reason for everybody to have to do the same wheel invention every single time [Music] okay this will take us up to the half moon lookout actually it says it's a mile up i thought it was only 0.6 well we got to go regardless then we'll continue down that way afterwards whoa i think i will leave my stuff here though oh and just bounce up the mountain real quick [Music] oh [Music] okay i'm getting the sense that there's campsites right next to the intersections there's another great campsite just right here all right i'm gonna guess this is it maybe this is a mistake i guess we'll find out later tonight oh my god [Music] okay let's get back and have some lunch i think there's gonna be many more views like this to come a beautiful sight though west virginia not bad so i'm roughly 3.7 miles into the loop i think if i can get to like 11 or 12 i'll be in good shape tomorrow i'll hike like another 10 stay the night again and then hopefully have a short hike in the morning because i'll be out of food by then okay next up is mill mountain it's another 700 feet up it's gonna be pretty steep coming up so i'm just gonna get to it [Music] [Music] okay considering every intersection i've come to has had a campsite i think i can probably rely on intersections having campsites so if i can get to big schloss if i can get to big schloss mountain tonight there is an intersection there and i could stay there that put me at about 10 miles into the trail to leave 10 miles for tomorrow six miles for sunday okay i think that's manageable okay 1.4 to mill mountain talk about luxury flat ground is so nice [Music] wow [Music] one more intersection then mill mountain let's keep it moving [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is some serious uphill now and it's a little thick too this trail is no joke man i thought 26 miles i've done more i don't know man i haven't even done 10 yet okay definitely heading to big schloss mountain mills somewhere before that oh that breeze well the weather's perfect right now okay it's 2 22. i'm at 5 miles into the loop i want to be at ten miles by tonight so two miles an hour that's another two and a half hours so if i can get there by five o'clock that'll be pretty good and of course if i'm getting close and it doesn't look like i'm going to get there in time i'll just take the next campsite i see just grab a snack here and we can head out [Music] oh man it is so tempting to just stop here for the day [Music] this is like almost a perfect campsite big open space plenty of shade still a view of the stars i can't it's not even three o'clock yet goodbye perfect campsite you will be missed [Music] oh i think this must be mill mountain okay yo bear you bear how far back does this go yo bear yo bat yo bear i definitely expected an overlook not a outhouse looking thing yo bear [Music] yo bear oh it's a shelter huh wow i would have to be in some pretty dire straits to want to sleep in there [Music] yo bear okay there shouldn't be any more intersections for a little while the next major landmark is big schloss and then after that is uh an unnamed mountain is that correct yeah this map doesn't say either okay well anyways big schloss is the next main one less than four miles [Music] wow there was a rattlesnake and maybe 20 feet over there couldn't see it but boy could i hear it there's something in the dna of humans and when you hear that rattle the fear sets in immediately whoa oh it's a little spider webby here too it's a pretty thick jungle area over here let's let's keep moving i want to get out of here get as far away from that snake as possible what on earth so i got these smoking hot chipotle peanuts these are also from shinchan i've got this old trail mix this is actually my nephew's trail mix that they left at my house and i'm stealing it i'm gonna combine the two and hopefully whatever chipotle sauce they have on the peanuts will rub off on this bland trail mix okay well a slight dilemma first of all good water source i'm gonna fill back up it is blazing hot today but the dilemma is that there's a very nice campsite over there i say it's a dilemma but it's not really a dilemma because i haven't done even close to enough mileage today to still be able to finish the hike tomorrow and sunday but this is so tempting man there's even another fire pit over there yeah this is only 6.4 miles into the loop i got to get to at least 10 today because that leaves 10 for tomorrow and then six for the final day but i can manage that and get out get a post-hike meal even if i'm out of food let's go so i've only run into one person on the trail so far and uh i just ran into him again and we both filled up water over there and he's actually taken that campsite oh man i'm pretty jealous of him but i gotta keep going even if i don't want to i gotta keep going [Music] so probably approaching somewhat the end of my rope here oh i made it to big schloss okay well that's at least deserving of a break [Music] wow that is glorious [Music] okay so i got some good news and bad news one this is not big schloss which means that i'm not as far along as i thought i was i'm 7.3 miles into the loop i need to get to 10 so another 2.7 it's somewhat deceptive because i've hiked 11 and a half miles today it's just into the loop how far i've gone it's different good news is i've had some trail mix had a little peanut butter sandwich i think i can do it big schloss is further down the trail this way we're gonna go across here tomorrow other side of that mountain range other side other side other side other side back to the car somewhere over there man when you look at it like that though it doesn't seem possible it's kind of good that when you're on the trail you have no overview of the whole thing because looking at the overview i'm like dude there's no way but inevitably you keep walking you'll eventually get there okay ah 2.7 more let's go [Music] okay there's an intersection coming up hopefully it's like past intersections and there will be campsite because i'm approaching my limit and i don't want to get injured that would be the worst outcome so it would be better to stop for today have a long day tomorrow and then potentially a long sunday as well but not get injured and be a little bit hungry we'll only eat half of dinner tonight just to be safe [Music] wish i hadn't eaten all of dinner last night i really didn't need to learn okay i am one million percent positive that is a campsite and the intersection should be just up here somewhere and if that is not a campsite that is where i'm camping today oh oh yeah yo snake yo bear oh campsites galore baby one there one over there okay okay i made it to 8.2 miles into the loop which is close to where i wanted to get to it's not ideal tomorrow i'm gonna have to be a little more economical on my hiking and make sure i get a good 10 miles in that would leave eight miles for the final day that is gonna be a hungry a hungry hippo hike okay maybe this a little better i gotta eat i don't have the energy to think right now this is close enough it's also occurring to me now that i was putting my tent right under that tree that could easily fall over you know accidents and like missteps and miss thinking it's always so easy to say oh yeah the person's just stupid right but you don't know when your brain is not operating at full efficiency you just start to rush things you don't think things through like in daily exercise and stuff right it's okay to push the limit a little bit and even out here you can push the limit a little bit but you got to use bounds of reason because if you don't have like basic rules that you follow then you might do something stupid and just be like oh well i'll just keep hiking because that's an even number let's rethink that one bruh just because it's an even number does not mean your body is capable of doing it [Music] so this is going to be tomorrow's dinner i got two sandwiches left i got a lot of trail mix and i got a few mango slices left tomorrow i should still be fine but sunday i'm gonna be a little hungry and there's gonna be a solid eight miles to do on sunday [Music] pad thai part do this might require a spoon but it is definitely nice and hot and i'm sure that's gonna be nice and tasty i'm gonna use my first aid scissors to open the packets this time oh yeah [Music] oh wow that's great dude that is life affirming it's like why am i alive i'm alive so i can have moments like this oh and the cool breeze [Music] [Music] okay i feel a little bit like those dreams that you have where you haven't been to class for like three months and then you suddenly realize you have a class you're like oh god what am i going to do big schloss is a mile away supposed to be one of the best views on the trail i'm going to book it without stopping see how fast i can get this mile done and today in general i'm going to try to make some good smooth progress without lots of gaps and try to get a faster pace you know all right let's go wow [Music] okay i think we found big schloss they're in the distance [Music] so i've already passed big schloss but there's another trail that will loop back around and get us back up there i think it's just up ahead okay wolf gap's going to be our next source of water big schloss is up this way quarter of a mile i imagine that's a quarter of a mile uphill but i think it'll be worth it [Music] so wow dude [Music] what a view oh my goodness man wow look at that [Music] wow that is [Music] this is a fantastic trail overall but definitely the highlight you can only go to one place so far this is definitely it perfect weather perfect day perfect view oh my god so i started somewhere over there my car's probably somewhere in the forest we hiked up there along the ridge down here back up to here we're gonna go back around down there somewhere other side of those mountains all the way back around or maybe over here or over there i don't know somewhere to the car in this general direction oh man this is a spirit booster i've got the energy we're gonna move let's go [Music] looks like i just beat the morning rush of social distancing those viewpoints become a little trickier two people were there when i got up but i was the only one there afterwards oh man feeling good now come on come on we can get some mileage in today let's go we're here big schloss going down to wolf gap to fill up on water running a little low all right let's move [Music] this is cannon city okay almost a wolf gap there's apparently a water source somewhere in that vicinity let's keep moving okay so it's all self-registration at the campsites my trail continues over here let's keep moving we'll find a stream eventually okay tibbett knob 3.93 miles hiked one hour and 50 minutes we're making really good progress in time today and the next big landmark is tibbett knob which is also supposed to be really nice from what i've heard [Music] i'm sitting at like 2 300 feet tibbett knob is up at like 2 800 and that ascent is going to be over a very short distance i'm still not seeing any water so i'm gonna have to get over tibit knob down the other side and really hope that there's some water or i'm gonna be in trouble actually i should be fine because after that is a road and where there's a road there's gotta be some i don't know how that follows but get in too much trouble if there's a road okay water source looks much more likely in this area we could get lucky so far nothing okay so this is a double case of don't do what donnie don't does but i think i made the right decision two hikers were coming down and i asked them if they knew about any streams up ahead and they said they haven't seen any for a while but they did have extra water to give to me and maybe during a pandemic that's not the smartest idea but i'll take it i will take it like i said though don't do what donnie don't does they could have made this clearer [Music] i'm not sure if it comes across on the video but it is definitely very steep [Music] steep [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god let's get some food then we got to get down the other side of the mountain and find some water asap oh my god 2 hours 47 minutes 5.66 miles we can do that one more time today we'll be sitting pretty [Music] that is big schloss right there and i hiked all the way down back up over here that seems impossibly far okay i'm feeling good with food in me it's back down and back up again and back around let's go [Music] still no water man [Music] and even the gutters dried up just gotta keep moving [Music] yes [Music] do you remember the other day i was talking about walking uphill both ways in the snow you add a little addendum to that i don't wish anybody to have to walk uphill in the sun either if you're watching this and enjoying it you don't need to suffer this uphill climb like i am you can just enjoy the video in fact just for me we should go get a drink from the fridge and drink that up with multiple ice cubes [Music] what happens to the shade it's all gone this is my life now my life is just on this road now just think about that dinner about that polenta and sausage [Music] as hot as it is though i love this feeling so much man just me my pack the road and just walking for it it feels like a physical manifestation of freedom [Music] oh man i think those are mulberries ah man i can't risk it andrew where are you andrew i need you i need you got a little berry with juices i just got a i got a ration tiny little sips okay here we go here we go this is what i call this trail oh i forgot already in any case i could keep going down the road and then keep looping around or i can take this cut through trail so i'm just going through here and man i'm gonna hope there's some water some water right here no dry but not dry as a bone some big tents humongous tents okay yeah so this is long mountain trail we're gonna go up here we could continue on the road and then go on trot pond trail but i think this is shorter and this will take us back up to the parking lot okay if worst comes the very worst we know that there's a lake 2.7 miles ahead but there's got to be some water in here like this might be a stream right here right i can't tell we'll be fine i still got a little bit left i can just keep sipping it but i'd like to have a full bladder of water wow [Music] okay this is getting a little ridiculous where are the animals drinking in the water there's got to be some water for the animals at least [Music] it's looking completely unpromising again you have to keep drip feeding get there eventually nice view though [Music] dry as a bone come on trail just uh just a little trickle that's all i need maybe there maybe this is a stream come on baby come on baby dry as a bone oh come on man come on come on can't you just imagine a beautiful flowing stream because i can [Music] it looks so much like any typical stream in a forest but it's just bone dry like look at that would you guess that there's water running there i would but is there probably not was there ever any water here trees just drinking it all okay this had to be a stream there's got to be water running there at some point in the year that point in the year is not right now oh my god oh my god water oh it is stagnant in a mofo let's go a little bit farther up yo bear oh hey okay if this were truly life and death i would filter that should i filter it anyway man that is just i don't know i don't know no no we're gonna keep going i'd probably be fine but we know there's water up at that pond so let's keep going and not die of dysentery we'll dive thirst i don't know is this okay look that's kind of flowing let's get going okay it's definitely getting wetter got some mud come on baby give me a nice stream nice trickling stream a babbling brook what about over there oh yes yes oh that's what i'm talking about okay here we go all right all right man it was it's looking real grim look at that ah whoa okay i'm gonna go pump more in a second but we gotta experience this together oh my god well life is worth living life is worth living okay let's get some more intersection coming up we head right and we'll be on our way just gotta find a campsite now oh there is a campsite oh there's an intersection this is a great forest man every time you get to an intersection somebody has set up an amazing campsite it is not like that at every trail okay let's uh let's strategize let's strategize it's 3 35 p.m i've managed to do 12.16 miles today which is a lot the thing is i still have roughly seven miles back to the car that's totally doable the only problem is i would have a seven hour drive back home it'd be at least another three hours to get back to the car it's like 6 30 7 o'clock can't do it oh there's a piece of paper here jake and the neverland pirates anyways came from there fantastic campsite right here and this would eventually take us back to the car it's kind of early in the day to be stopping but no i think 12 miles in a day that's plenty darn near got dehydrated taking the campsite [Music] i've not seen a single person go by and i've been here for like an hour there has been an animal just scrounging around i can hear it scrounging and it's moved all over the forest maybe it's multiple ones but just me and the animal enjoying a peaceful afternoon in addition to the leftover pad thai we've got the polenta with pork sausage this is from brian's secret vault thank you brian these two combined should make for a hearty dinner which means i've got trail mix and some mango slices for tomorrow but i've also got that post-type meal so polenta is just cornmeal but i'm sure this will be very tasty have i talked about these spoons i got a fork somewhere but in the before times when i was on a plane it was an international flight to china they would give you these incredibly high quality plastic spoons forks and knives for every meal and they would just throw them away and i was like no so i had everybody i was with collect them for me and i have like tons of these a watched pot never boils and a hungry stomach stays hungry and we will start with the polenta and sausage oh looks perfect not bad not bad i am starving oh my goodness oh i'm good i've never had polenta before yeah it tastes like kind of soggy cornbread no that's selling it way short it tastes like corn flavored mashed potatoes maybe a tad heavy for breakfast but for dinner it's really good that i didn't have any spam coradillas this time because let me tell you i'd probably be dead right now if i did and all you can drink water is better than a buffet and now the pad thai same as it was yesterday but just as good oh yeah peanuts in is that what she said just a tad too much water this time but that's okay we didn't have enough water today that was a very difficult day but what a payoff oh [Music] after yesterday it was like dude am i ever going to be able to finish this trail but now looking at the map like i'm almost done just a quick six mile hike out in the morning no problem like when you want to put your mind to it you can really get out some miles if you really just keep walking anyways it's about seven o'clock the dinner has been eaten the sun is going down i'm gonna go to bed get up early i'll see you in the morning [Music] well if it's gonna rain i guess now is a decent time for it hopefully it's not too long and then i can just head out okay my cell phone battery is really low i was able to get some signal and if this forecast is accurate it's going to stop in a few minutes and i'm going to have an hour break which will be my perfect opportunity to get going okay roughly six miles today it's a straight shot of long mountain trail i will waste no time and we shall begin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] about a mile and a half left just one punishing uphill and then it's all downhill from there baby we're going to get into the land of dry clothes and air conditioning mayhall mail man i was up there sometime yesterday that is so crazy is that big schloss that might be big schloss i can't tell [Music] dude i am so close i can taste it oh what a river i'm gonna be dry soon dry is the driest creek bed in all of yesterday's hiking really close really really close now yes my car is up there somewhere it feels so good every time feels like a lifetime ago i was over here but there's my car i can feel the dryness i've been soaking wet with sweat for three days oh there's my car yes [Music] [Music] okay i may have made a huge mistake i tried to get pizza from a local place and i was like well let me just get a calzone and then she was like okay give us 20 minutes i was like oh 20 minutes so we're having dessert first this is live from 2020 man eating a brownie alone in your car call that a post-like meal get out of here brian yo okay wow this is a giant calzone mama oh my hands feel so gross dude oh good god oh this is nice this is almost like a pillsbury dough type of calzone can you see that come on man dip it in the sauce mmm it's kind of redundant to put the sauce on there but not bad this place is called lido pizza somewhere on the way oh parmesan come on man this car needs to be cleaned anyway i am in flavor country i think with that thank you for watching i'm gonna drive home for the next 800 years see you next time okay thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed the video thanks to you guys we finally got this bad boy a hundred thousand subscribers on youtube we cannot thank you enough if you enjoyed the video also be sure to check out our patreon at patreon.com adventure and we also have t-shirts which you can go to our teespring store listed in the description a little video bar underneath but thank you for watching as always hope you guys are doing well and we'll see you next time it's a little makeshift campsite here it's a little campsite here let's just keep going let's keep going good times right there brian just had this and he gave it to me brian was still what was i gonna say bugs bugs give me more bugs at auto zone you can find the right bugs it's a mike buggy indeed oh man oh man wow life is worth living i'm even going to drink the warm water oh it's good for health oh man [Music] damn it how did you get in bastards get out get down i said out oh come on man oh god all right there shouldn't be any more intersections for a long time and the next major landmark will be in the next major land okay there shouldn't be more [Music] oh man i'm pretty jealous of them oh why do they go after the eyes i just don't understand fly get out of here dude okay just a might thirsty just thirsty indeed just sweating in the sun uphill going up to dragon tooth mountain actually what is it called sorry devil's whole mountain no wonder it has that name as hot as it is though as hot as it is and as low as hold on as hot as it is though okay yeah good to go okay jesus this is not sanitary don't do this i suppose now as good as the time is any i suppose now is good as good of a time as any i suppose now is good is as good one more handful of nuts then we'll be on our way [Music] can't let any of this animal go away [Music] look who we go here yo yo yo we got the secret garden right here
Channel: AdventureArchives
Views: 170,142
Rating: 4.9144459 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, backpacking, hiking, camping, wilderness, survival, outdoors, travel, outdoor recreation, prepping, nature, 4k, wild, survival skills, ray mears, les stroud
Id: ABTtHiJ0wL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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