25 WEIRD Science Facts You May Not Know

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we live in a weird and wonderful world and the way we study explore and understand that world as well as make progress is called science today I'm gonna focus on the weird the things that make you go huh and if that doesn't at least stir a sense of wonder in you maybe it'll get you through a round of trivia at the local pub I'm Mike with list 25 and from dark-green blood to mouths with no mouths here are 25 weird science facts you may not know 25 at least half of Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean not trees tiny aquatic plants called phytoplankton live near the surface of the water drift with the currents and generally do what plants do make oxygen as a byproduct of taking in sunlight and carbon dioxide 24 you fart after you die any gases being held inside by clenched muscles get released gases also build up from bacteria and decomposition so there's more where that came from 23 microbiologists at the university of idaho say that there are about 10 times the number of bacterial cells in your body as there are human cells however this is a good thing as we need most of those bacteria the overwhelming majority of them are beneficial 20 to 10 percent of Europeans are naturally immune to the HIV virus due to a genetic mutation scientists believe this mutation was a result of all the plagues in the Middle Ages so your ancestors survived the time of the Black Death and the pox and today you're immune to HIV genetics are weird man 21 conifer oils think pine trees actually contain an anti-inflammatory compound called alpha Pi mean this has been used to treat bronc idol issues such as asthma and is being studied for other inflammatory diseases 20 playing a moderate amount of video games is actually good for you it boosts your memory and multitasking skills can help those with dyslexia increases coordination and reduces stress 19 there's a migraine medication sumatriptan that can actually cause some people's blood to turn dark green when taking in large doses it causes something called sulfa hemoglobin emia which basically means that there's sulfur in your hemoglobin that's not exactly a good thing don't bleed green kids 18 people actually avoid information that threatens their happiness and worldview they will surround themselves with things they agree with basically creating their own reality according to researchers at Carnegie Mellon University people often avoid information that could help them to make better decisions if they think the information might be painful to receive it's not those ignorant people it's actually all of us to one degree or another 17 Luna moths have no mouths once they emerge from their cocoon they have a seven-day lifespan during which they mate and then starve to death and yes it would be a great band name but there's already a band called the luna moth sixteen coffee is the most widely used recreational drug we know of it's also one of the most addictive it's a stimulant like cocaine when someone says they need a cup of coffee or that they're grumpy before coffee in the morning they are kidding they may be having withdrawal symptoms fifteen tears you cry when you're upset actually contain a hormone that's a natural painkiller your body releases this hormone when you're under stress so if you ever feel like you need to just sit and have a good cry your body is just trying to comfort itself 14 hot and cold water sound different when being poured it's actually noticeable to the human ear if you pay attention water changes viscosity okay its thickness or stickiness depending on temperature long story short the colder the water the higher the pitch whereas pouring something hot like oh say coffee is going to have a lower more comforting pitch 13 there are animals and plants consider to be biologically immortal while they can dude I this is due to injury or disease they don't really age at least not in the sense of breaking down and won't die from old age jellyfish and lobsters are two examples of this 12 the smell that grass gives off when it's cut is actually a distress signal you're basically smelling the grass screaming and pain but don't tell social media we'll have a hashtag about it 11 velociraptors were actually only about the size of a turkey not the 6 to 7 foot beasts we've come to know and love from that dinosaur Park franchise those Raptors were actually based on a dinosaur called Utahraptor so in that scene in the first movie with the kid talking about a giant turkey actual velociraptors weren't even giant turkeys 10 honey when sealed does not rot or go bad it's literally edible thousands of years later Egyptian tombs have been found with jars of still edible honey inside please don't tweet this at Bernie he's had enough 9 sunflowers are sometimes used to clean up nuclear waste and radioactive soil sunflowers actually pick up radioactive isotopes so as they grow they literally suck the radiation up out of the soil the flowers and stems are then radioactive so no word on if they glow at night ate several hundred earthquakes actually occur worldwide on a daily basis they're just a such a little magnitude 2 or lower that we often don't notice or you know in the middle of the ocean 7 despite being taught school that we have five senses sight touch smell taste and sound humans really have over 20 for example proprioception is the ability to tell where your body parts are in relation to other body parts even when you can't see them an equilibrium is basically your sense of balance which allows you to stay upright when doing important things like walking 6 the way to the average fluffy cumulus cloud is a little over a million pounds clouds are made up of tiny drops of water dispersed over a large area much larger than it seems from the ground and water is very heavy for context that's roughly the weight of 100 elephants five up until the 1960s doctors determined if a woman is pregnant by injecting her urine into a female frog if the Frog laid eggs within a day due to the hormones in the pregnant woman's urine it was considered positive before frogs rabbits or mice were used but these had to be killed and dissected in order to tell if the hormones had any effect on the animal me personally I prefer the giraffe method for octopi have nine brains three hearts and blue blood two hearts for the gills one for everything else and one central brain with a smaller one at the base of each arm three African elephants are pregnant for 22 months it's the longest gestation of any mammal some sharks which aren't mammals can carry their young for over three years - with the ability to pull 100,000 times their own body weight these strongest creatures on earth are actually a type of bacteria gonorrhea to be exact one there's a species of beetle the bombardier beetle that shoots a boiling hot chemical mixture out of its enemies by mixing hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide together which are stored separately in the beetles abdomen until needed it literally farts fire at you they live on every continent except Antarctica enjoying our lists be sure to click that subscribe button in the top right corner so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday share them with your friends and help us consistently conciliate curiosity and if you want even more lists check out these two videos here or just head to our website at least 25 calm [Music]
Channel: Alpha Paw
Views: 906,714
Rating: 4.8678145 out of 5
Keywords: List25, Science, Facts, list, Weird, Weird science, bizarre science, science facts, facts about science, crazy facts, weird facts, bizarre facts, strange facts, strange science facts, interesting, crazy, education, interesting facts, Incredible Science facts, 25 WEIRD Science Facts You May Not Know, 25 facts, strange science, interesting science, interesting science facts
Id: T8ws0DwD1cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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