25 things I don't buy as a 25-year-old, a minimalist and a vegan. 4 years of minimalism and veganism

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hi everyone and welcome back to my channel in this video I want to tell you about 25 things that I stopped buying after becoming a minimalist so if you're interested in finding out what these things are continue watching this video if you're new here I make new videos every week and I talk about minimalism traveling learning lifestyle design and veganism so if you're interested in these topics you can subscribe to my channel now and click the bell icon so that you are notified whenever I post new videos and you can follow me on Instagram if you want to see more of my daily life you can join my facebook group you can become a patron of this channel all the links are in the description and now I'll tell you about the 25 things that I stopped buying after becoming a minimalist and also these are the things that I don't buy as a 25 year old I know that I don't look like it and also as a vegan and as a minimalist because most of these items and these categories of items go hand in hand so I don't buy them because I'm vegan or I don't buy them because I don't need them because I'm an I'm a minimalist and if you're a minimalist or if there are things that you don't buy that are not on this list you can comment down below and let us know what it is that you would add to this list to your personal list other things that you don't buy but just very quickly before we go into the video I'm thinking of making a video about the things that I started buying as a minimalist as a vegan I know it can be a bit controversial because minimalism is not about buying more things it's about buying fewer things but there are some things that I started buying as a minimalist so if you're interested let me know down in the comments and also I'm thinking of making a video about the type of minimalist that I am because there are so many ways in which you can be a minimalist and call yourself a minimalist and I just want to tell you a bit more about the type of minimalist that I am and if you want to know why I became a minimalist in the first place you can watch this video somewhere here but after this one okay so of course the first category of things that I don't buy is animal products I don't buy anything that contains meat dairy eggs honey leather wool anything that's tested on animals or is not cruelty free I don't buy and that's because a vegan but also as a minimalist I just don't like wearing animal skin or animal derived products on my body next I don't buy alcohol I don't buy and I don't drink alcohol and I can make a whole new video about why I don't drink alcohol I haven't drunk alcohol for the past three or four years yeah so I don't drink I don't need to drink and I don't buy alcohol at all next I stopped buying fresh produce and plastic bags so whenever I go out shopping and I buy fresh fruit and fresh vegetables I always use reusable bags or I reuse the plastic bags that are already owned next I don't buy paper towels I used to buy paper towels and keep them on the sink or near the sink in the kitchen but now I just use cloths and they work just fine I don't need to buy paper towels anymore who needs them I don't buy water in plastic bottles and I don't buy anything in plastic bottles anymore and that applies to non-alcoholic drinks as well so any types of juice or I don't know coconut water I always buy in cans or in glass bottles and plastic bottles are not something that I buy anymore I stopped buying water filters I used to have this water filter jog bad filtered water and I don't do that anymore I don't use it anymore you can drink water straight out of the tap here where I live so it's perfectly fine it's perfectly safe so I don't need to filter my water anymore and I don't buy these filters that go inside these jugs the next category of items that I stopped buying is books I stopped buying fiction books I don't really want to happen anymore I sold almost every single book that was fiction and I don't have them anymore the only ones that I have are Harry Potter books and just a few of my favorites and now if I want to read something that's fiction I reach for either ebooks or audiobooks and that's just fine sometimes I still buy non-fiction books like albums but it's very very rare and if it's like a self-development book I still reach for the e-book more than the traditional book but sometimes I still buy non-fiction books about fiction books no I just don't need to have them anymore in my life I mean the physical ones I still read or I go to the library yeah libraries are great I'm so grateful that they still exist I also stopped buying magazines I used to buy lifestyle fitness and I think like health / vegan magazines like physical magazines I don't do that anymore I used to be obsessed with buying magazines because that was something that my parents did when I was younger and I always had this idea in my head that I wanted to do this on my own when I was older and I was doing it for some time when I was like 21 22 and then I realized that all of this information if I ever wanted is on the Internet so no I don't even read magazines anymore if I'm like waiting and the hairdressers or I don't know anywhere I just don't I don't reach for them that's so funny I used to be obsessed with them and now I'm not next CDs and DVDs and I know that probably not many of you buy CDs like physical CDs and DVDs anymore because everything can be streamed online but I used to be this huge collector of CDs and DVDs and that goes way way back when I was around 15 and 16 all of my friends started buying musical CDs and like films on DVDs and I was so fascinated by it and I loved the idea of having something physical like having a physical CD that was bought with my own money like my own pocket money and then I collected them for a few years and now not only have I sold almost every single CD that I had but I also don't buy any new ones and that also applies to films on DVDs like I don't do that like I can't even insert a DVD into my computer so what's the point you know and during my minimalism journey I discovered that they didn't bring me joy anymore so okay now we'll talk about beauty products and I want to talk about one category of beauty products that I stopped buying and then I want to talk about a few specific things that I used to buy on a regular basis that I don't really buy anymore so I stopped buying any trendy makeup products and that's something that was a huge part of my life when I was in my late teens and in my early 20s I mean even two years ago so I as a girl growing up watching YouTube I used to be fascinated with the beauty world and I wanted to have access to all of these beauty products that these beauty gurus were recommending and I was saving money for it and then I would go to the local drugstore and I would buy whatever they recommend it and I stopped doing that because first of all I no longer watch any beauty gurus anymore that's not a part of my life anymore and because of that I'm not really experimenting with my look with my makeup routine with nothing really when it comes to my appearance and I don't buy anything that I don't need like lip liners or brow gels like different types of foundation I found my perfect foundation that is cruelty free and vegan I found my perfect mascara that is cruelty free and vegan and I no longer buy anything that's trendy or anything that I don't really need and now on to the few specific things that I used to buy and I no longer buy and the first thing is nail polish and nail polish remover I don't buy a nail products at all like my nails are never painted I only get pedicure for my toenails and that's it really like my nails are fine and I used to hate like literally hate applying nail polish and taking care of my nails I still don't like it and that's okay I just don't like it's boring it's not something that excites me but I used to buy different colors of nail polish and different formulas because I thought it was something that I needed to feel like a woman or to feel like I was taking care of like I looked put together you know and I realized that it's a lie but it's a lie sold by beauty companies and I don't need to have my nails painted and that's why I stopped painting my nails and buying nail polish now it's completely unnecessary for me the same goes for lipsticks I don't wear lipsticks I don't wear lip gloss I don't wear anything on my lips except for protective lip balms and that's it like I used to think that I needed lipsticks I think I really wanted to look older or more beautiful I think that maybe in the future I will buy a few lip stays that will go with my skin tone and that will be good for different occasions but as a minimalist I realize that actually I don't have to wear lipstick because there is no events in my life that require anything from me like any lipstick you know what I mean like lipstick is completely unnecessary in my everyday life I don't need it so that's why I stopped buying different lipsticks bottle shampoo is something that doesn't exist in my life anymore I started buying bar shampoos a year ago and I'm loving it so yeah no more bottled shampoos I stopped buying her conditioner completely I just use the bar shampoo on my hair but I think my hair spine and I don't need hair conditioner I live just fine without it I don't buy plastic toothbrushes anymore I go for the bamboo ones and they were very hard to adjust to at first because the feeling when I was brushing my teeth was a bit off but now they are just fine I've gotten used to them I stopped buying mouthwash now as a vegan I can't find high quality good vegan cruelty-free mouthwash that doesn't taste like chemicals that I just hate you know I used to have my favorite mouthwash and now I just can't find anything that is almost as good as this one that is vegan and cruelty-free and they all come in plastic bottles and to be honest I don't want to make myself a DIY mouthwash so I just live without it and the last item within the beauty products / cosmetics category is perfume I don't buy perfume because I can't find vegan perfume and cruelty-free perfume that I can buy somewhere in a local shop that I can smell myself because I don't want to buy perfume on the internet where I can't really smell it if you're vegan and you have some trusted perfume brands that are vegan and cruelty-free let me know down in the comments and now let's go to everyday items I've stopped buying clothing from fast fashion stores and fast fashion brands and whenever you see me wearing something that is from a fast fashion brand it's probably bought secondhand so I'm a huge fan secondhand shopping I just love finding very very good high quality pieces even if they are from fast fashion brands I don't wear them directly from the fast fashion stores and that took me a while when I became vegan and a minimalist and after I learned about the impact of fast fashion and the fashion industry when I watched the documentary the true cost it took me a while to fully transition and now I can safely say that I don't buy anything that comes from fast fashion stores directly I'm still trying to find ethical sustainable brands where I can buy myself underwear because that's the only thing that I still buy from H&M and that's it like literally that's it I stopped buying fashion items that I knew I would wear only once so high heels I no longer buy high heels any types of shoes that are only for one occasion dresses like party dresses I stopped buying these things because I want to have a closet where everything goes together and many things can be worn on many occasions multiple times so this is something that I'm building currently and I don't want to buy anything that will be worn only once I stopped buying handbags I used to wear handbags and carry handbags and I noticed that they are really bad for my back and for my posture and a year ago I think I invested in a backpack and I stopped wearing handbags altogether and I used to buy handbags very regularly I think every two years because they were very cheap and low quality because I didn't want to buy anything made of leather and I couldn't find anything then back then that was made of vegan leather and that was sustainable so every two years I would have to replace my hand back with a new one and that would be a vicious cycle of buying handbags and I don't buy any handbags anymore I love my backpack and it's beautiful and it helps me everyday I stopped buying cheap jewelry like the type of jewelry that you can see near the cash registers and clothing stores I literally stopped buying cheap jewellery because first of all I can't wear cheap jewelry and that's not something that I just like say because I'm so wealthy and affluent no I can because I'm allergic to everything except for gold and I think I'm even allergic to silver but whenever I wore any type of earrings or necklaces or that were not high quality like I can only wear rings that are brass or silver or gold and that's it and my earrings and my necklace is gold and I only wear one set of jewelry because I love it so much that I want to wear it every day and that's my minimalist mindset kicking in that I want to wear things that I love like I genuinely love and I want to wear them and see them on myself every single day and I don't need any cheap looking and cheap jewelry in my life anymore I stopped buying multiple accessories I don't buy belts unless I have to replace the one that is already worn out I don't buy hair accessories I don't wear bobby pins so I don't need to buy them like literally accessories I don't remember the last time I bought any accessory so no I don't wear anything I'm pretty basic I no longer buy scented candles and again if you are a woman and young woman who grew up in 2014-2016 beauty guru YouTube world you know that everyone was big on scented candles and I thought that I needed them because every single youtuber that I was watching who was a female and a beauty guru or lifestyle guru they had so many candles and I thought I needed them because they had all of these candles but I don't buy any scented candles anymore who needs them I mean if you like them that's fine but I just don't need them you know so I stopped buying them now stationary I still buy notebooks but I don't buy any trendy stationery and if you can remember the times where like coloring books and anti-stress coloring books were all the rage I I think I bought one or two of them but whenever there is something that is very trendy like pens or stickers or whatever I don't buy into these trends anymore I only buy things that I love and things that go with my style and my States when it comes to stationery because I still love stationery don't get me wrong even though I'm a minimalist I still buy stationery because this is something that I truly take pleasure in having but that's it like I don't buy anything that's trendy anymore and the last category is knickknacks and trinkets and like small pieces of decor like home decor that you can put around the house like souvenir type things I don't buy these things anymore and the only time I buy anything like this is when I need it for my YouTube set up like this pinecone and this thing in the back I only bought it to have something here in the background but I didn't buy it to like have around the house like seasonal decor or like anything that is just like ah I can't like I can't have all of these things I used to have so many knickknacks around the house growing up and now I just don't need them because to me they're just a waste of space and sometimes they don't even look pretty so no I don't buy knickknacks and home decor items anymore and there you have it these are the 25 things that I stopped buying as a minimalist as a vegan and it has a 25 year old and I'm so so happy that I'm no longer attached to buying all of these things let me know down in the comments if you would add anything to this list and remember to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and to follow me on Instagram and to watch any of my minimalism related videos and I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Laura Maliszewska
Views: 5,205
Rating: 4.924933 out of 5
Keywords: laura maliszewska, laurenowa, 25 things i stopped buying since becoming a minimalist, 25 things i do not buy, 25 things i do not buy as a minimalist vegan and a 25-year-old, things i dont buy anymore, 25 things i don't buy anymore as a minimalist, 4 years of minimalist living, 4 years of minimalism and veganism, 25 things I don't buy as a 25-year-old a minimalist and a vegan, things i no longer buy minimalist, things i no longer buy 2020, how i discovered konmari
Id: lYSvCitw5Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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