We're all aware of the normal things that
can kill you, like guns, heart disease, and mosquitoes. But, what about the everyday objects? You might be surprised about the stuff lying
around your house that could kill you. From medicines to sports equipment, plenty
of things have the potential to instantly send you to the grave. One wrong move or being at the wrong place
at the wrong time can end things pretty quickly. It's not a great thought, but knowing the
hazards around you might also save your life. Curious to find out what deadly objects are
near you? I'm Mike with List25 and here are 25 Surprising
Everyday Objects That Can Kill You. 25. Golf Club
It might sound weird, but golf is a dangerous sport, with golf clubs being the prime killer. For instance, in 1994, a burgeoning golf player
named Jeremy Brenno struck a bench with his No.3 Wood golf club. The golf club broke, bounced back, and pierced
him in the heart, killing him. This wasn't an isolated incident either. 15-year-old Rafael Naranjo swung a five-iron
at a fire hydrant, it broke off and became lodged in his neck. Two others also suffered similar fates. 24. Manholes
You're walking down the road, minding your own business when the next thing you know
you're falling in a treacherous and deadly manhole. It might sound crazy, but in India alone,
1,843 lives were lost in 2011 due to such accidents. 23. Hot Tub
You might want to think twice before dipping into a warm, bubbling hot tub. People die all the time in them. From the period of 1999 to 2003, 1,676 Americans
lost their lives in a tub. Usually, people had one too many drinks and
drowned. 22. Scarf
Scarfs might be good looking accessories, but they can also kill. While there aren't statistics on the matter,
in 1927, dancer Isadora Duncan was strangled to death when her scarf was caught in the
hubcaps of her car. It pulled her right out of the convertible
and dragged her along the cobblestone street. 21. Beds
Sleeping in your soft, warm bed is likely one of your favorite things to do. Yet, it can also kill you. According to a study done by the CDC, 737
Americans died annually from 2004-2014 by falling out of bed. You're more likely to die from falling out
of bed than being killed by a terrorist. 20. Electric Blanket
Along with beds, your blankets can kill you, too. Well, at least, your electric blankets. Older electric blankets are especially deadly. They cause around 5,000 fires and 20 deaths
a year. 19. Icicles
If you live in hot climates, you don't really need to worry about icicles. But, those that live in the northern tundra
definitely need to stay on guard. During the winter, icicles can be especially
deadly. They cause several injuries and deaths each
year. 18. Tylenol
Tylenol or any over the counter drug that's Acetaminophen can help relieve pain. Unfortunately, it's also been known to be
abused, causing liver damage and death by overdosing. A study by the FDA linked the medication to
980 deaths a year. 17. Hot Water
We all know hot water can be dangerous, but because it's relatively controlled in the
house, we don't think much of it. Well, think again. On average, 30 to 50 people die a year because
of hot water from the tap. This might have even increased thanks to the
"hot water challenge" where kids are dared to drink boiling water. 16. Anbesol
When you or your child has a toothache or canker sore, you might have used Anbesol to
help relieve the pain. But, as it turns out, the FDA has warned the
medicine with the active ingredient benzocaine could kill you. If used, there's a potential for developing
Methemoglobinemia which reduces the oxygen carried through the bloodstream. You could develop shortness of breath, get
blue in the face, and potentially die. 15. Escalators
They're found in malls all across America, and they're all trying to kill you. Secretly, you probably knew they were dangerous
but didn't want to say anything. Well, the CDC reports that 30 people die every
year from escalator accidents. Of those people, 13,000 are seriously injured. 14. Vending Machines
From 1978 to 1995, 37 people were killed trying to get a product from a vending machine. That's an average of 2.18 deaths a year. You're more likely to die from a vending machine
than a shark. 13. Toothpaste
It helps keep your teeth clean, free of cavities, and smelling fresh, but like most things,
if toothpaste is improperly used, it could kill you. While you should only put a pea size amount
on a toothbrush, in one rare case a suicidal woman ate about 200 ml of toothpaste, causing
her death due to fluoride toxicity. 12. Magnets
Magnets can be fun to put on your refrigerator or used for other utilities, but they're a
serious danger if you accidentally swallow them. Which makes them especially dangerous for
children. When tiny magnets get into your intestines,
they can break through the lining and cause serious internal damage. 11. Headphones
While headphones may be a great way to rock out to your favorite tunes all day, they also
secretly want to kill you. How? Mostly when you're walking down the street
and not paying attention to oncoming traffic. Researchers gathered informaton of a 116 accidents
involving cars and people wearing headphones. 70 percent of those accidents were fatal. They've also increased over the years from
16 accidents in 2004 to 47 in 2010. 10. Baseballs
With baseballs whizzing through the air at fast speeds, it might not be much of a shock
they're dangerous. From 1987 to 1996, 13 Little League players
died while playing the game. One seven-year-old even died instantly when
a baseball hit him in the chest. 9. Dryer Lint
Each year, 2,900 dryer fires are reported, meaning 2,900 families forgot to clean out
the lint trap again. Unfortunately, dryer lint can become a real
hazard, injuring 100 people and killing 5 per year. So, remember to clean out the lint trap. 8. Snow
Snow can be both beautiful and annoying depending on how you look at it. But, if you're the sad soul who has to shovel
the foot of snow in the driveway, then it becomes especially deadly. Researchers studying data from 1990 to 2006
found that 1,647 people died from shoveling snow due to cardiac arrest. 7. Christmas Trees
Christmas is called the most wonderful time of the year until of course, your tree burns
down your house and potentially kills you. Christmas trees cause about 200 home fires
a year and kill 6 people on average. Often, a candle or heater was too close to
the tree, so keep those things at a distance. 6. Furniture
According to Consumer Reports, every 17-minutes, a piece of furniture falls on someone. Over a sixteen year period, 195 people died
from furniture falling on them. And, sadly, children are the most at risk. 5. Hot Dogs
We love to eat them at cookouts and baseball games, but hot dogs aren't all fun and games. In 2010, more than 10,000 children under 14
went to the emergency room due to choking on a hot dog. Of those, 77 died. 4. Flip-flops
Flip-flops can be great to wear during the summer months. Still, depending on where you're standing,
one wrong move could be the end of your life. That's what happened a Montana man visiting
Glacier National Park. He fell 100-feet and died because he lost
his footing while wearing flip-flops. 3. Umbrellas
Umbrellas can protect you from torrents of rain or the beating hot sun. They can also be horrifying hazards, potentially
impaling you by the strongest gust of wind. In one case, a 55-year-old woman was killed
when a beach umbrella flew through the air and struck her with 800-pounds of force. 2. Extension Cords
These can be useful tools when you just can't quite reach the electrical outlet. But, they're also incredibly dangerous if
used improperly. According to the Office of Compliance and
Safety, from 1994 to 1998, 94 people died due to inappropriate use of extension cords. 1. Aerosol Cans
Aerosol cans can be useful if you need to spray paint or get rid of pesky bugs, but
they might also secretly kill you if you're not careful. In one case, fashion blogger Rebecca Burger
was hit in the head and killed by an exploding aerosol can. Other unfortunate victims have died from huffing. Enjoying our lists? Be sure to click that subscribe button on
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