25 Sneaky Signs She’s Romantically Interested In You (This Is How You Tell If She Likes You ALOT)

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hey welcome back my name is anna and today's video is all about the signs that she is romantically interested in you stay tuned she is the type of girl that will smile at you often let's be real we hate when people catch us for staring at them we feel so awkward however if she owns up to that and she stares at you and greets you with a smile as well this is a huge sign that she wants you to know that she most definitely does like you you will notice that she acts silly and dumb just to make you laugh now a girl that is trying so hard to make you laugh is the girl that is most definitely attracted to you and the most common signs are the teasing nicknames that she gives you and the small slaps and digs that she might accommodate as well when you tell a joke everything that you say is interesting or ridiculously hilarious if a girl is laughing at every joke that you crack them well done because this is a sign of a girl who is very much attracted and if she finds everything that you say amazingly exciting and she wants to know more and ask you lots of follow-up questions yes she's impressed with that new warhammer set that you bought with your friends she is interested in you let me just clarify not your warhammer set you just to make that clear the endless questioning now this isn't something that you can just blink and miss very obvious she could disguise the questions as work-related matters to the point where it makes you question how great she actually is at her job or she asks you lots of personal questions such as your credit card number your mother's maiden name and the first name of your pet no i'm actually kidding here but she is going to ask you how your week has been she's going to ask what your family has been up to what your family is like she's going to ask you how you found the sport game the other day that you were playing outside her friends know about you if you know that her friends are interested in getting to know you good news either her friends have approached you in person and they seem to act just a little bit weird or you have noticed that these girls have added you on facebook or instagram and they happen to be very close friends with that girl in question girlfriends definitely know who their best friend fancy is and when they do they make it their mission to stalk and analyze you to make sure that you're a good enough fit for their friend she will try to help you out in as many ways as she physically and mentally can this is literally going to include everything she will offer to take on some of your work projects if you are struggling she will gladly collect your lunch for you if you are busy working and she will offer to help you walk your dog when you are sick and you can't go out she will do anything to make your life a little bit easier she gives you her full undivided attention if you guys are talking to each other in person you will notice this very easily if someone interrupts the conversation she will always ask you to finish what you were saying when that person disappears she will talk to you without fiddling with anything and notice her whole body is positioned to be in your direction this next one sounds a little bit woo-woo but you can tell by the look in her eyes the way that she looks at you and holds that gaze is definitely different from everyone else's you can't really explain it but it's as if her eyes are just full of warmth she speaks with innuendos now not all girls will do this but the most charismatic ones will if she greets everything that you say with well that's what she says or she makes a suggestive comment about what you say this is a huge flirting tactic that she is most definitely romantically interested in you she sticks up for you this could be during an argument at work with a friend she is literally always there fighting your corner sticking up for you and she will be telling you that you were in the right when you explained to her about a bus up you had with a family member she might slip up about her social media stalking we all stalk the people that we like let's admit it and she has done her most definite fair amount of stalking on your profile so expect her to know that you went skiing on your last holiday and she will know exactly where you went last weekend she may actually slip up and ask you on monday morning hey how was the barbecue on saturday when it's obvious the last time you guys spoke was friday she only knew about the barbecue because of the picture you uploaded to the gram she tries to shoe other women away if there is a chance that other girls are considered to be a potential threat that are around you both she would try to make you only pay attention to her she could try to separate you from everyone else just so it's the two of you she may even say some bad things about the other girl just so that you can think you know what i'm not interested in that other girl at all she is literally considering everyone around her potential threat she may blank you and act very cold and distant if this happens it's because she wants to know if you like her back so she's going to be flirty and warm one minute and then the next she becomes uber distant and very cold and in these moments she is testing you to see how you react crazy i know because if you try twice as hard to win her attention back when she's blanking you she knows deep down that you are most definitely interested in her expect her to touch you a lot or even to touch your belongings she will most definitely find a reason to touch you it could be to correct your twisted collar to swipe off some cat hair off your t-shirt or she taps you on the shoulder to get your attention or to even say hey good morning maybe she cleaned your desk at work without asking this is all a sign she's interested she's always happy when you are around if you have not seen her pout or even had a sad day for a while it's because she is most definitely trying to always be well on her best behavior and to be her best version in front of you to attract you she is always contacting you anything from tagging you in memes up on the gram to lots of messages in the work chat server group she is literally trying to extend your attention to every conversation possible because she just likes you so so much she notices when you look different if she is the only person to notice that you are wearing a new tie or that you've got your hair cut at the weekend this is because she's very interested in you she's going to notice the small things because the small things about you are very important to her she remembers every conversation you both have had if you notice that she can recall some interesting details and facts that you both once spoke about great news because the average person just forgets the majority of what people actually say unless they make a conscious effort to remember those exact words however when we talk to our crushes we assume that everything they have to say is very very very important and much definitely worth remembering she flirts about the idea of having a relationship if she says something such as if i was just 10 years younger or wow we would make amazingly adorable kids this is a huge green flag that she has most definitely thought about having a relationship with you because she's attracted she flaunts her neck area kimberly seltzer who is a body language therapist says that if women like you then they will most definitely be drawing attention to their neck delicate areas if you notice she's filling with her necklace she sweeps her hair behind her ear or even over her shoulders kind of like this kind of little movement this is her way of revealing her delicate neck area to you she removes the physical barriers between you both let's say you both work in the same workplace if you have noticed that she's removed any obstruction in front of the desk that's going to block her eye line to you and obviously yours vice versa take this as a huge compliment she is making sure that she can see you and you can always see the best version of her she types and deletes her messages if when you guys are chatting online it looks like she's typing for several minutes then stops then continues and then stops and then when you finally get the message it's just a couple of words well we all know what this means deep down she is trying to craft that perfect message to send to you she doesn't want to come across too interested in you but then she doesn't want to come off really cold in case she misses out on any chance of actually getting with you the shower ring of compliments does she always tell you that you look very handsome or that she really likes the sweater that you are wearing don't pass these comments off as her just being a nice person this is flirting territory and she wants to make you feel good because well of her so that you like her more she always dresses nice if a lady likes you she will make sure that she looks flawless around you she will spend more than her usual time to get ready and put in the effort to attract you even if it's just to spend 10 minutes on a zoom call with you she will most definitely be making a big effort on her appearance she's very busy but she can make time for you maybe she tells you how overwhelmed she is with work and maybe at work you can see that she is physically overwhelmed and always rushed off her feet working towards achieving a certain goal and hitting those deadlines but if however you ask her for some help or an advice or even to go out with you at the weekend she will most definitely say yes instantaneously and never turn you down even if it means she has to work twice as hard the next day afterwards to make up for the time she spent with you she will not turn any chance with you down and there we go we've reached the end of the video if you want to binge some more click right here or if you want to get your name up on our super fan board then 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Channel: Joyanima
Views: 206,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dating, dating tips for men, dating advice, signs she likes you, does she like me, body language, psychology, facts, flirting, how to flirt, how girls flirt, how to get a girlfriend, dating coach, relationships, conversation starters, romantic, soulmate signs, how to keep a girl interested, how to know a girl is interested in you, how to be more attractive, how to attract women, signs she likes you romantically, signs a girl likes you, shes she likes you, signs she wants you, girls
Id: JE57K5d3sNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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