25 Jobs & Occupations | Vocabulary Lesson (Live-Stream)

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hey everyone welcome to another interactive english lesson my name is wes and at this channel we're all about helping you practice and improve your english skills and if you are new here please write to me let me know in the comments i just love hearing from all of you guys but especially new people to our channel so what we're going to talk about today are it's a it's a lesson to help you build your vocabulary because we're going to be talking about specific jobs and occupations now the the first thing you may be wondering is well what's the difference between a job and an occupation they're basically synonyms i think overwhelmingly people use the word job much more than they would occupation i think the word occupation is a little more formal which is why you may find it if you are filling out some kind of form or an application it may ask you for your occupation but they're essentially the same thing so we're going to talk about certain words that describe somebody's job or their occupation and i think this is very useful because this is something that people talk about all the time if you want to well share and talk about your own job or maybe talk about your dream job so it's it's useful vocabulary for you to know so the way that i'm gonna do this is uh before i tell you uh before i show you the job or the occupation i'm gonna give you some clues and see if you can think of the word i'm talking about and then i will show you the word and what i want you guys to do who are hitting the chat if you want to to practice participate as we go through these different jobs and professions maybe right what do you think about this job what do you think about this profession what words would you use to describe it is it scary if it's something that is maybe you think it's very boring all right so thank you guys so much for joining me today uh lali angela uh mitni lucia um shia abdul rahman mandi learning with mehran lessons excellent kareem muhammad thank you guys for joining me today so let's just go into our first word so and it's going to go from easier to more difficult so i've tried to go make this list from beginner to advanced so we're going to start out a little easier and this is a job that somebody would have at the beach and if this person they work at the beach and they're supposed to make sure that everyone is safe all right i hope that you were thinking that this word is a lifeguard so a lifeguard is somebody if you travel to the ocean and you are at a very popular beach there is a good chance that you will see these people lifeguards working at the beach usually uh i don't know if it's just in the united states or other countries too i always think that they're wearing red that they have a red swimsuit uh and that is a lifeguard all right the next word um the next job is somebody who well works with languages and what they would do is they would they would interpret one language for another person and this is a job that maybe many of you you're learning english perhaps you're learning other languages and maybe you would like to have this job and you go with somebody to some type of meeting and you listen in one language and then you tell what that person is saying to another person what would you call that uh exactly yes kdwd perfect we're talking about somebody who is a translator a translator uh this is the uh it's a noun so in this case i was talking about a person whose job is a translator but the verb to translate from one language into another is also a very common word you could say interpreter as well that's perfectly fine translator interpreter uh they they mean the same thing i think translator might be a little more common a little more official all right the next job is this is a person who works in somebody's home and they go to the home if they're going to fix maybe some of the pipes or maybe there's a problem with the toilet uh who would you call if you have a problem with your your toilet or your sink you would call this person all right what do you guys think um i hope that you said that you would call a plumber so a plumber is a person who works with like i said they work around the home if they if somebody needed to fix anything that would have pipes like the toilet or the sink or the shower and you would want to contact a plumber the next job is somebody who works with money all right that's your key word right there money all right somebody who works with money and they end up doing a lot of math most businesses have somebody who does this position and they work with the comp they they work with uh money and finances to make sure that um that that everything adds up and you would want uh this per or if you want help with your own money or finances you might want to contact this type of person excellent english vibes i am talking about yes yamila mohammed an accountant so if again i think it's a very common job and there are many different there are different types of accountants most businesses will have an accountant so this is something that you maybe if you work in this job yeah i'm an accountant all right the next job um that i want to talk to you guys about is it's an animal doctor all right that's that's all i'm gonna say is a doctor for animals specifically a doctor for pets all right what would you call this person who is a doctor for pets i think many of you you may be familiar with this job this profession somebody who works with pets and they are a doctor they are a veterinarian all right a veterinarian a person who takes care of animals uh cats dogs birds and yes excellent lolly english vibes kathy perfect um you know many most people most of the time this word is shortened to vet uh because the it is a longer word the pronunciation veterinarian uh can be a little challenging that t uh v e t e r that t is kind of pronounced as a d like uh especially in the united states it's that flap t sound which is more of a d veterinarian veterinarian veterinarian so a vet or a veterinarian the next job is this person works in well with the law and specifically they work in a courtroom and this person would be the the leader of the courtroom pretty much the boss of the courtroom and what this person would do is they would listen and they make decisions in regard to the law perhaps if somebody is guilty or not guilty or if there's a jury this is the person who would kind of be the leader for the jury if the jury is going to make a decision so this was the person in the courtroom who is the leader uh who will maybe make the decisions that's the key word they would make the decisions if something is guilty or not all right i think this one maybe threw some people off because if i'm talking about somebody who makes the decisions of whether somebody is guilty or not guilty in that case we're talking about a judge so a judge would be the leader of a courtroom i know some people put down lawyer a lawyer is a person who works with the law and they would represent someone else and a lawyer would argue if perhaps a person is either guilty or not guilty and they would make that argument to a judge who would be pretty much the boss of the courtroom judge would be the boss of the courtroom if you're just joining us right now we are going over 25 different jobs and occupations which is a great way to build your vocabulary because we talk about work quite often all right the next job is it's going to get a little more difficult as we go through this this is a person who works with meat all right they work with meat like uh beef lamb chicken and it's typically like a small shop and this is where you would go to buy meat and the person that works there we call them what and often i think of this person as somebody who would well have like a knife especially like one of those cleavers those big giant knifes um and you would call them excellent uh lolly lila english vibes perfect you we're talking about a butcher somebody who is a butcher works with meat and this is where you this is the person that you would buy meat from uh you would go see the butcher and sometimes it's in a smaller shop other times i think in perhaps a grocery store there is a butcher and you would go and buy the meat there uh the next job is this person works at uh in a building or perhaps they work in a school and it's the person that would clean the building so they would mop the floors they would clean the windows they might take out the trash so it's a very common job because in any type of office building you need these peoples that you have this person would work at an office building they work at a school they would work in an airport and what do you call that person who would be responsible for cleaning that building and making sure that everything is clean all right um excellent uh yes kathy alex i'm talking about a janitor or you could also say a custodian that's another word i think more commonly people would talk about a janitor somebody who's cleaning a building somebody mentioned maybe a housekeeper one difference would be housekeepers really just going to work in a home this is specifically talking about somebody who would work in an office building or an airport would have a janitor schools and they would be responsible for cleaning uh excellent yes rod perfect you could also say cleaner as well i think um if somebody cleaner could be a lot of different things but i think if somebody specifically said that they work as a janitor then you know that they are cleaning some building or some office all right um hey what's up silvio excellent uh rod glad you guys can join us so let's continue and i again i think they're getting a little more difficult perhaps some of you may be familiar with many of these and that's great it's always good to review so the next job is somebody who would help people buy a home so if you are looking for a home and you want to buy a home you would contact this person this person does not own the home but they are the person who would help facilitate the sale of a home so this person technically works with both the homeowner and any any person who would be interested in buying the home so think about think about it that way if you want to buy a home who would you contact which person would you call so the the word uh yes excellent um the what i have because again there's a few different words you could use but the word i was looking for the profession that i'm looking for is a real estate agent so a real estate agent is who you would call if you want to buy a home and they would take you around and they would show you different homes that might be for sale you could also say a realtor as well that it means the same thing but a real estate agent specifically person who would help people find a home to buy the next word this is a well it's a doctor if you have to if you have to do something it's very serious and you go into the doctor and they may have to open you up if they open you up and they try they have to fix something i'm trying to use words so that i don't give away the answer what would you call that type of doctor it's something for that would definitely be more serious and you would go into a doctor perhaps you go into the hospital and if they have to open up the body um and do some work this person is a surgeon excellent you guys rock that uh lolly mahmood uh mahdi we're so surgery remember surgery a surgeon is the person specifically it's the person who's doing the operation surgery is the noun which is talking about the process and somebody would say that they they have to have surgery or i'm going to get surgery and they're going to go through that process but surgeon is the the specific the job all right the next profession uh that i want to talk to you about the next occupation is somebody who would design a home so the person that would design either a home or a building what would you call this person what is their job they they well they would do quite a bit of math and they would kind of they would make an outline of the home or the building um and this is before you would start construction before you actually start building this home uh or this office this is the person that you would need to talk to and they're the ones who do the design and i am talking about an architect yes you would want to contact an architect great job raj lali um uh eloisa yeah mila perfect all right excellent gotta give some try to give some shout outs here when i can't so an architect is the person who would do the design the next uh the next job moving into sports a little bit so what would you call the person who is making decisions in baseball all right so think about baseball that specific sport and this is the person who makes sure that the rules are followed and i i'm telling you to think of baseball and i'll tell you why in just a moment so the person whose job it is to make sure that both teams are following the rules this person makes sure this is the person that would enforce the rules as well what would you call that person in baseball all right do we have any baseball fans out there um so some of you are putting referee and the reason i chose baseball is because it's a different word it this person is the referee for baseball but we don't call them the referee i saw one right answer uh i think alex is the person who gave me the answer i'm talking about an umpire so in most sports if you're talking about football like soccer or american football basketball the person is called a referee they make sure that both teams follow the rules and they enforce the rules in baseball that person is called an umpire all right i don't know why it's different but again that's why i was trying to tell you focus a little more on baseball but we would call that person an umpire all right let's continue get a little more difficult at least i think some of them might be a little easier so this is a person who drives a car for a living and they would drive another person and i usually think that this person could work for a business that would drive people to different places perhaps drive people to the airport or they could work with a specific person or a specific family and they would drive that family around what do you think what would you call uh that person i hope that you said yes holly excellent i hope that you said chauffeur a chauffeur is a occupation in which someone is driving a car for a living and again it could be that they work for a person a family or even a business and they would drive people around i think you could say that somebody is a driver but chauffeur is more specific because a driver i don't know it could be for driving for anything maybe uh maybe you're a nascar driver i don't know and you're doing it for sports so the next job that i have is this is a person who works with flowers and they work at a shop that sells flowers so sometimes i might go buy roses for my wife and i would go to this store and i buy some roses and i would talk to a what person works at uh works at this type of store they sell flowers and i think this is a a job that i don't know how common it is but it's certainly something that i think we all deal with if there is some type of holiday or special occasion we might want to buy flowers for someone and you would go see a florist excellent you guys rocking that yes nice many of you got that one so a florist is a person that would sell flowers the next word that i have is this person works at a university and it would be the person who is the head of the university what would you call that person who is at the very top the leader of the university um is what this person would be called and specifically i'm talking about a university and again i think even within a university there are different departments and even the the head of a department could also have this name but the the person who is the head of the university's administration i'm going to add that word in there i'm talking about the university's administration and you would call that person the dean excellent wow uh supple uh busa khan sorry all these people flying by excellent um so again the when i think of a school in general like a high school then i would think of maybe a principal or even a headmaster but if we're specifically talking about a university the head of a university would be uh referred to as the dean of the university or you could say the the president as well um the next word that i have for you is this person works in an uh well this person would drive an ambulance or they ride in an ambulance so in general i guess they would they they would work for the hospital and the person that would either drive the ambulance or they would ride along in the ambulance and they would go um pick people up who are sick or injured and they try to help these people what do you call what is the name of that person who works in an ambulance all right and if you don't know what an ambulance is it is that that car that that you would see at a hospital that would go around and try to if there was an emergency you would call and sell somebody to send the ambulance and these people work uh in the ambulance all right uh close we've got a couple people uh omg85 uh anna thoseus uh maria the person is called a paramedic so a paramedic would be somebody i would say that works in an ambulance because there's no real difference between the person driving and another person who is riding along both people are trained uh medically to help others so it doesn't matter whether somebody's driving or riding in the back or wherever they are all paramedics and that person is called a paramedic all right let's continue the the next job is somebody who works with uh well the mail and this person would deliver boxes to people i think most the time they they deliver boxes i guess they could deliver envelopes and i would say that this is a more formal position and it's a position that somebody would have if you want to if i want to send a box in the mail and i really want to make sure that it gets there i might hire this person to bring this box to this other place or even if you have something that you want to deliver even if it's not a box and you want to bring something important or bring something valuable to another place you're going to hire this person because they are a professional at traveling from one place to the next all right so the profession that i'm talking about is a courier all right and the difference between a courier and a mailman i think a courier is like this is a bit more formal it's a bit more of a professional position so if i wanted to send something very valuable in the mail i might not go to the post office because i might be a little worried that they're going to lose it something's going to go wrong but you can go see if you want to pay a little extra money and it costs more you can bring it to a courier and this is the person who is responsible for delivering a box or it could be other items as well but typically i think of something that is more expensive or perhaps it's like a document that is very important and you want to make sure it gets there you're probably going to hire a courier all right the next job is somebody who would work at a hotel and this person would be responsible for helping people bring their luggage from the well from their car to the hotel room often you might find this person around the lobby they help customers they help people that are staying at the hotel and typically they would bring the luggage to the person's room and they wheel around those those carts what do you call this person i used to i used to work at a hotel this was one of my first jobs um and i would you would bring luggage to people's rooms what what do you call that um that person who would bring luggage uh yes uh christina eloisa turned it out so typically the the word that i have is a bellhop uh you may hear the word bellboy as well that's another very common word uh but a bellhop is just general because i don't know um i i think belle boy you could say that for for boys if a girl had that job because then you could say a bell girl a bellhop could be for either a man or a woman but a bellhop they wheel around you can see those little carts with the luggage on it and they would bring it to people's rooms um the next word the next job is this is a person that works outside and they would try to discover ancient artifacts so for example if this person is trying they're trying to learn a little bit more about history or uh some city or some building they would go there and they would try to dig up these ancient artifacts or ancient ruins in order to learn more about it what do you call that person it is kind of a a type of science i guess you could say it would fall under that category but somebody who would um and i guess like even like dinosaur bones uh that would be the same thing but somebody who would work more with uh with history yes exactly uh i think you guys got it specifically we're talking about uh i said they work outside an archaeologist except uh this i don't know if i would this is a a fake archaeologist indiana jones that's not really the life of an archaeologist going around and having all these adventures i think an archaeologist's job looks more like this where you are outside and you are digging slowly trying to discover some parts of a building or bones or anything i think it is a very maybe a very tedious job uh it takes a long time so the next job that i have is okay this is the person well very specifically this is the person who is the leader of an orchestra so somebody who is part of an orchestra that would play music but the person who is the leader and everybody watches this person so they know when to start playing and when to stop playing and they're the ones who lead the orchestra you would call them what i hope that you guys are thinking of uh [Music] this person is called a conductor all right excellent so the person who leads an orchestra would be a conductor you could also say the word maestro i was trying to look up the difference between a conductor and a maestro it said like a maestro is more of a famous conductor so somebody's really famous and well-known then the conductor becomes a maestro but it's basically the same thing the leader of an orchestra all right a few more jobs for you this person is on a construction site this is the leader of the construction site so if you are perhaps a construction site for a building there are going to be different people working at that construction site but this person is the leader they're going to be telling people what to do where to go and this is the person that you would want to talk to they are the leader at this construction site what do you call that person these now that i'm getting into a little more advanced words i hope that you said or if you knew it uh yes caravan perfect it's a foreman a foreman is the person who is the boss at a construction site so typically every construction site has a formant the difference between some people like an engineer the different an engineer i think would be somebody who does some of the designs and they would also be at the construction site but the foreman is the actual person who is um the boss of the construction and the building that's going on uh as you can see like that crane in the back there so a foreman would be the boss this next person works in a funeral home and when somebody dies they there is a funeral for this person this job this person is responsible for making sure that the body of the the dead individual looks nice and presentable because at some funerals people might go around and there is a casket which is open and people might go in and look at the body so this person is their job is to make sure that the body looks looks kept and looks looks presentable for the funeral do you guys know what do you call that's a very specific job because again i'm talking about a very specific situation all right um excellent yes so the job that i have is a mortician now a mortician this this is the person that if you are having um if there's somebody that would make sure that the body looks presentable you would call them a mortician an undertaker is the same thing the word undertaker is a bit more informal and it's actually a euphemism for mortician so i think of if somebody is talking about their job and this is what they do i think they're more likely to say that they are a mortician as instead of using the word undertaker both of them mean the same thing but undertaker is is definitely a bit more informal all right the next job that i have for you is this is a person that if um if you have a position that that is very high up in a company and they they need to fill that position this person will go around and look for qualified people to fill a position at a company and i'm talking about again i'm talking about positions that are very high up there um ceo cfo um a really high uh manager and it's a very important position and instead of them like trying to just find many different applicants they will hire somebody to go look for the best people to to do this uh for this job so what do you call that kind of person that would go around and search for high level individuals all right um excellent yes uh sarah the job is a head hunter so again specifically a head hunter is talking about somebody who would look for high level positions because i know some of you put down a recruiter the difference is a recruiter would really look for a recruiter would look to fill many different positions whether it's a high position or a low position head hunters specifically look for high level positions like ceos um cfos uh coos i'm doing all these acronyms uh chief executive officer chief operating officer um those are high level high paid positions and you want to find the most qualified people so you may go the company may go look for a headhunter in order to find those people so it's a good word to know all right again these are a little more advanced the next position is somebody who works at a bar and it's really the bartender's assistant what would you call the assistant of a bartender and and you might not know this word unless you have had a job and you've worked at a bar or maybe if you've just spent a lot of time at a bar a bartender i think you know what somebody who works at a bar and they serve drinks but sometimes bars can get really busy and the bartender would have an assistant and this assistant would be maybe they would be collecting cups or glasses and cleaning them they would change the kegs if one keg ran out they'd go get the other one and they'd change it real quickly they'd go restock um alcohol bottles that are empty all right what do you think all right so this again is a very specific word unless you work there this person is called a bar back i don't know where this word came from originally but somebody who is an assistant to a bartender would be a bar back and typically i think of somebody who is a bar back is perhaps a younger person maybe they don't have training or experience as a bartender perhaps they want to be a bartender in the future and they start out as a bar back and they would be getting like cups and glasses they would be restocking the shelves and bottles or changing the kegs and you would call that person a bar back some of you put busboy busboy is a little different that's talking about somebody who would work in the restaurant the person at a restaurant who would clean the tables would be the busboy so this is uh a bar back all right then uh we have another word for you i don't have to give you many hints it is a doctor for the foot all right so if we're talking about doctors and medicine there's many different types of doctors out there there are many different specialties so if you have a problem with the foot you would go see this doctor this is a specific doctor that you would go to uh for the foot it's a foot doctor what do you call that person all right um i will be very impressed if some of you get this because i think when you're talking about medicine you can get very specific with certain specialties so you would go see perhaps if there is a a problem with your foot um it could be maybe i don't know you you twisted it the wrong way perhaps even you have a fungus i don't really know um some of you are close the word uh pediatrics pediatrician that is a doctor for children you're talking about a children's doctor if we're talking about a doctor for the foot it's a podiatrist a podiatrist is uh the doctor for the foot all right very specific it's not a word that you're going to use or hear in everyday english but again it's always good to to learn different words in order to build your vocabulary so if something happened and you really hurt your foot or you needed to go get it checked out you may go see a podiatrist all right so i hope that uh you learn some new words i hope some of these jobs were different for you and again if you guys like what we do here at interactive english and whoa uh i disappeared for a second and you want to show us some love uh you guys can check us out we are active we have where we go there i am okay you can check us out youtube memberships patreon i have some there are some patrons and uh youtube members i saw today uh lolly rod um somebody else uh i saw as well always appreciate your guys support we couldn't have we couldn't do all this without you links are in the description down below so those are some different jobs and professions and what i would ask all of you is to well let me know about your job your profession i love learning about all of you write to me in the comments tell me about your job your occupation i would just love to hear from you guys so thank you guys so much for joining me and uh let's give some shout outs thank you thank you to uh magali uh rod mohammed um mandi eloisa trinidad fazuja uh donaire matthias um giovanna laura what is patreon pa patreon is just a it's a platform that um people can give rewards and it's a way to support creators um but links are down in the description below if you guys want to check that out thank you guys mohammed uh albatross abdulrahman angela devi i guess go on and on thank you guys so much for being here i hope you learned some new words and i hope you enjoyed the lesson please if you did hit that like button and i will see you guys next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 8,245
Rating: 4.9702969 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english vocabulary, learn interactive english, vocabulary, english vocabulary, vocabulary lesson, advanced vocabulary, learn advanced vocabulary in english, learn advanced words in english, english live lesson, learn useful english vocabulary, learn useful english words, job names in english, occupations in english, jobs and occupations english vocabulary, job vocabulary, occupation vocabulary, learn job vocabulary, learn occupation vocabulary
Id: eq7ExJKi7zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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