25 HUGE Tips For Getting Into Hardcore Classic WoW

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so you've been hearing a bunch about hardcore classic well recently and I've been thinking about getting into it or maybe you have already given it a try and remember that vanilla questing is pretty punishing at times I've kind of been in the same boat and between Rady and wrath have been playing more and more vanilla once again weird flex but during classic originally I leveled a total of 10 characters from 1 to 60. I even made a video about it and during that time I learned a whole lot about questing so today I thought I'd dig into some of the mechanics of vanilla leveling share some tips and tricks as well as things to keep in mind on your hardcore journey to start off with us this is kind of an essential bit of information for this kind of video hardcore is an unofficial player made game mode where their primary goal is to reach level 60 without dying it's played on classic well error servers that can be found under the classic tab of your Battlenet launcher if you're on n a roll on blood cell Buccaneers and EU is hydraction waterlords how cool wow also uses an add-on just hardcore that you will want to install this is used by the community to validate that players are respecting the rules of the challenge adds cross-skilled chats new achievements into the game to go for and much more worth checking out before you start after that make your character log in most people ask for an invite to a hardcore Guild in the chat and you're ready to start your journey so what I will be covering today will be more General tips that any player or class could use as starting points they aren't in any particular order but there is so much difference between vanilla leveling and how it is during any other version of wow but there's quite a bit to talk about here but first a quick word from today's sponsor Factor 75. Winter is finally over so it's time to gear up and look good in your real life transmog and though eating the right things can be hard Factor 75 offer convenience to make it easy Factor 75 provide delicious dietitian approved meals delivered straight to your doorstep these meals are calorie counted and the weekly menus feature over 30 restaurant quality meal including keto calorie smart vegan vegetarian and many more so no matter the dietary requirements there will be something for everyone but the biggest benefit is that you won't be spending ages in the kitchen as each meal is ready in two minutes it's microwave food but not in any way you've seen it before there's even insulated packaging meaning you don't have to be at home when the delivery is made and the contents will remain at refrigerated temperatures for some time so why not kick start your spring goals with facto 75 you can use my link I'll go to factor75.com and use code POG Willy APR 50 for 50 off your first box once you click my description we'll live update to count the purchases many thanks to factor 75 for the sponsor today let's get back to wow I want to start off with a few add-ons which are good on any class as per usual with add-ons different setups May achieve the same results but this is what I know works first up is a combination of four add-ons Omni CC classic cast bars modern Target frame and classic aura stations these four bring back functionality to the enemy's Target frame by more clearly displaying your debuff durations enemy buff durations enemy Health values and enemy cast bars Omni CC does a full overlay on the enemy character portrait when affected by hard CC note that the enemy caspars aren't perfect sometimes low-level enemies have low rank spells which have shorter cast times and the add-on doesn't always recognize that but it's better than nothing weapon swing timer is good for those who melee both to judge your damage output as well as your enemies for me this is an essential on Hunter who need to stand still Joiner or to attack wind-up and have both melee and range swing timers vendor price adds a value to all items so you can see well how much they vendor for really good for when you're working out your gold when you want to go and buy skill UPS or train some weapons by your Mount whatever it may be also helps you judge Quest rewards when you're not going to equip them spellbuck Abridged stands a filter to hide spell ranks in your Spellbook it just makes things a bit cleaner really the majority of the time you will want to be using your max rank for Pure melee classes the game does this automatically because there is no benefit to downgrading such as on Rogue or Warrior also when you macro any ability if you include the spell without any rank it will always use the highest learned rank if you do not do this remember to drag new levels of spells out to your Spellbook onto your bar each time you learn them additionally on abilities some of them just aren't worth the price I would need to talk about this on a classified class basis but if you can't say how you're going to be getting any use out to the ability it might just not be worth buying for example if I'm leveling a hunter I would probably ignore all tracking abilities bar hidden I would ignore aspects of the pack aspect of the Beast disengage Mongoose bikes scorpion sting volley and the point is a lot of abilities aren't always worth the price tag at the level you can first learn them getting them out to level 40 however which needs 100 gold that is pretty important you can judge mobs roughly by their name if they're called Slayer they're gonna have execute if they have run in their name they're gonna run faster than normal I swear I'm not making this up if the Mystic Shaman wizard sorcerer expect them to cast spells you can make an educated guess as to what you are fighting before you engage it alternatively there is an add-on that does this called classic bestory note that it will often have the correct ability listed but not the correct details for it so tons of mobs have in Rage but there's many different variations of the enraged spell up to you whether you want to use it it's pretty powerful but it will save you a lot of unprepared deaths some of the biggest abilities to look out for are stuns roots and heels one of the most dangerous mob mechanics is thrash a ton of different mobs have this with absolutely no Rhyme or Reason as to why it's basically wind Fury adding two extra attacks to the next hit whenever a mob has Thrash you need to be particularly careful with your health it's also not a visible buff on the mob when it's going to thrash so you don't know when they're going to do it on top of that Mobs Can store thrash charges so if you engage your mark who uses this ability has it come off cooldown and uses it again without hitting you this can happen if you're kiting if they ever do get to you and hit you they will hit you with their melee and then both thrashes meaning five attacks in one go this is unlikely but I thought I'd give it a mention next the yeah I can totally fit through there you know what I'm talking about you're going somewhere two mobs are about the same distance apart and you think you can just about fit between them you try and you end up pulling both of them this can be the star of a situation that gets out of hand it's vanilla leveling after all and you're going to be doing some grinding so just pick one side kill one move on casters are disproportionately dangerous early on many of them just have spells which are plain over tuned for the level they're found at back in Original Classic defies pillagers were more dangerous than most raid bosses having caspars which we've already gone over will allow you to judge when to dip around a corner to avoid damage if you're able to I should also mention Caster leeway you know how sometimes you're running away from a Caster you are super far away and they still get their cast off that is casting a leeway you benefit from it too by the way if you start a spell and the mobs run out of range you gain a few extra yards where your spell can still fire off enemies always have larger than usual cast ranges too for example defies pillager's Fireball is a 40-yard ranged cast run early if you're gonna run and try in line of sight as a priority spatial awareness is a big thing playing zoomed in makes things harder than they already are setting the camera to Max Zoom for the in-game options is good but you can go beyond that with this macro you may not want it that far out but generally speaking being more zoomed out is a good thing one of the biggest and easiest to miss bits of quality of life in Wrath is that after suffering two spell knockbacks on a cast you'll be immune to further knockbacks and will cast alike enemy mobs do in Classic this protection does not exist if you're getting hit you're going to be getting your spell knocked back this is particularly dangerous against fast attacking enemies such as those dual wielding or cats so get them low Health before they're in your melee range as a Caster some mobs are immune to certain attacks this has been implemented in a pretty inconsistent way but should be kept in mind if it's a fire Elemental Fireball ain't gonna do anything same goes for water Elementals and the frost School Rock and wind Elementals are immune to Nature shamans have a really bad time in syllabus from what I remember some rock mobs are also immune to bleeds some of them aren't as for mechanical units there isn't really a ton of them in the game but they're immune to a lot of things including bleeds incapacitate fear life drain and horror effects warlocks on Alliance I'm just saying Harvest Reapers in Westfall if you underestimate them you're gonna die really fast Undead are also immune to fear effects as well sometimes they're immune to horror sometimes they're not again it's pretty inconsistent next is something I call aggro delay I never really hear about this one we talked about but I use it quite often when I'm not 100 that combat's going my way so if you're in combat with a mob and you move it will either follow you instantly or it will just kind of stand still for around a second before resuming chasing you that second is often enough time to be able to Kite wait for cooldowns or escape this can sometimes take several attempts to trigger but at least on lower level mobs is quite consistent there's a number of low Health Marve interactions too some will run in fear at low Health these are almost exclusively humanoid mobs though for some reason does include tall Striders I don't know why and often mobs which have a young tag in their name save some Cc or a big damaging ability to ensure low Health mobs don't make it to others and create a difficult situation on top of that when mobs reach low Health their movement speed is reduced this is very important to know for kiting I want to say different mobs interacted differently with this though I would say on average some mobs have a reduced movement speed under 35 Health most have a larger reduction below 20 and nearly all have the biggest reduction below 10 I know this isn't most exact information but it's generally good to be aware of strafing is important to learn so strafing is moving in a direction whilst your character is facing a different one you can directly bind strafe instead of turning on your key bindings or just hold down right click and begin moving I've always done the right click version whilst there is a time and a place for back pedaling sometimes you need to be getting away from mobs a little bit faster than that and most of the time strafing is just better it stops you from getting dazed since you have to be hit from behind for this to happen and allows you to keep Dodge block parrying all of that stuff AKA free mitigation while still running away very good practice to learn though keep checking what's in front of you and where you're going mob leashing this is a super important mechanic to understand in classic in short the rule of thumb is that mobs will chase you for a certain period of time after engaged in combat whenever you hit a mob it resets it's a leash timer this is why some mobs seem to follow you forever and ever and you're wondering why they're not resetting if you do not intend to counter mob you must stop hitting it back this also goes for pets as well as they have their own leash I stop attacking by just hitting escape on my keyboard understanding how to strafe and how mob leashing Works will save your character again and again next is Parry haste so when an attack is parried the person who parried be it you or the enemy will have their next MLA swing timer reduced by 50 percent meaning parries are actively a damage gain on top of damage mitigation this can be very noticeable taking on enemies using two handers when you're dual wielding or vice versa a lot of burst damage can come out of nowhere Harry haste is one of the factors why fighting green mobs feels easy and orange mobs are difficult level difference between you and your target counts for a huge deal affecting stats such as Dodge Parry hit block resist and glancing blows treat the enemy mob's level as a guideline for is this such a good idea I'd straight up avoid red level mobs I mean hardcore why are you fighting stuff that's more than five levels above you anyway in addition to that mobs three or more levels above you have a 15 chance to deal a crushing blow with a further five percent for each level thereafter these are regular attacks that deal 150 of their normal damage so in short to just fight stuff around the level you're at or your health bar can really disappear out of nowhere by default the game has start attack and interact on right click meaning if there's an aggressive or neutral enemy where you thought there was not you're going to be attacking them possibly PVP flagging or hitting a guard by accident if you put interact on left click you won't have that risk e-bind you will have Panic abilities Health Parts training dummies if you went to engineering all downs and so on you don't want to be trying to escape a dangerous situation and trying to collect things at the same time find your items bind your abilities vanilla also gives you loads of Handy Quest items early games such as super sticky glue explosive Rockets bag of marbles and so on remember these items keep them on a key bind and get the most out of them next is just because it looks like a solid object does not mean it is one in World of Warcraft some walls are not really walls good examples of this are Hills or trees mobs will still be able to shoot or cast through them also troll ruins are notoriously poorly designed take example the large ruins in Northwest stranglethorne Vale the Big Blocks on the edge of each walls do count for line of sight but the walls between them do not mobs will aggro and cast through them there isn't too many good rules to follow here but just be aware of that caves and dynamic respawns so some areas are designed in a way where the game aims to balance the number of mobs present at any given time through Dynamic respawns this means if an area is highly populated mobs will respawn at a faster rate to compensate for more people farming this is very dangerous when you're in a cave things a lot clearer when you walk in you engage your mob and then out of nowhere everything starts respawning and you get cornered off play safe in caves and always assume you could could be fighting two things or maybe even more at once on top of that you'll get out of jail free card won't always work again this could be more class specific but most classes have some kind of way to reset a fight which can fail Bane death can be resisted and mobs will just keep hitting you sometimes you fear a mob and it runs in the direction you're trying to escape to intimidating shout can resist and the list goes on don't always play around having one specific tool which has to work have multiple exit routes mobs can also heartbeat resist most CC meaning after a crowd control effect has landed every so often the game will perform a check to see if the mob resists the ongoing effect if they do it will end early this means your polymorph which says it lasts for 40 seconds on the tool tip or whatever it is only lasts for four instead heartbeat is directly affected by the difference in level between you and the target the target's resistances to the applied spell school and the length of the CC vertical range once something has aggroed on you if you are directly below or above them they will be able to hit you with melee attacks as enemy attack range does not care about verticality in this game this means when you're running down a tower trying to escape things are going to be hitting you from above even though they're absolutely nowhere near you yes it is very scuffed but you should absolutely be aware of it you know what area is entirely vertical underwater if you're swimming upwards things below you are going to be hitting you also this makes ships particularly dangerous as they're on several levels where mobs can easily hit you I would say if you can swim upwards at an angle instead of straight vertically also watch your breath meter in Wrath that got buffed to three minutes in classic it's one minute so unless you're playing Undead be very careful about underwater and remember warlocks can buff underwater breathing and shamans can too with a reagent and my final thing to say has to be don't get too attached remember death equals delete your first character almost certainly will not be your last one and that's it any other important tips to help others out and drop them down below also I have a bunch I would like to say for each individual class on Hardcore so I could do a little mini series around that let me know if that sounds interesting at all other than that as always thank you all so much for watching and to listen again I'll see you all in the next one very soon [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: WillE
Views: 378,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, classic hardcore, hardcore wow, hc wow, hardcore clips, hardcore death, hardcore wow guide, wille, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, toc, icc, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2023, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2023, mmo 2023, eso, gw2, ff14, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc, console, ps5
Id: usJNkw62W4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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