How to Craft the Legendary Axe Fyr’Alath | WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 Legendary Guide

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get them boys bre expected y calculated classic high five Mr JD is that long last there it is glowing shining bright in the inventory there we go there it is T Oh I thought it was about time we logged in and just collected our legendary ah I thought so I thought it was about time so there there a quest thing right the real prison happens I got some extra Quest things for Lego if you need help yeah sure yeah and there it freaking is boys so that's it then right well not exactly after the axe drops there's a bit more that you need to do in order to unlock its full potential and we're going to go over all of that right now hi I'm Quin from team beira and in this video we're going to talk about the complete quest line for fear aot the dream render let's get started in order to follow this guide we're going to break it down into three sections and we're just going to call them leather working enchanting and inscription yep you guessed it there's some profession work going on here but we're going to talk about that a little bit later as you see here once the axe drops and bouri equips it you're given a quest this leads you to this area so you can speak with Edward ding Greg at The azerothian Archives he's going to give you a quest called handling it and the objective to that Quest is to obtain three items which are the symbiotic glow spor grip the ruin of Shadow binding and the concentrated sofic Vellum but here's a good question this is is this an auction house situation like what's what's the deal that would be nice and there are some things you'll need to get from the auction house but unfortunately can't just get what you need for the quest outright from the auction house instead you'll be picking up an additional three quests there are three more quests you to grab oh jeez and you'll find them in the book next to the guy you just talked to oh or okay so this is how you get okay here we go these quests are handling it symbiotic glow Spore grip handling it concentrated sopic Vellum and handling it ruin of Shadow binding the first two will take you to the onaran plains to talk to two people and the third you'll have to go to the azer span to talk to one more person so to recap Once you get the axe equip it then you'll get a quest to visit the azerothian archives once you get there you'll get a new quest to obtain three items this is the main quest that you're working on but in order to complete it you need the rewards from these three separate quests that you'll get from reading the book got it good let's keep going starting with the symbiotic glow sport grip this is what we're going to call part of the leather working phase this Quest will lead you to the onar and plains to talk to Erin which he will give you a quest called handling it shadowed dream Leaf all you need to do is collect 200 shadowed dream leaves and you can do that by completing objectives during any super bloom event in the emerald dream while you're doing the super bloom event you'll be given an item called The Tattered dream leaf with this item you can use this on any party member and they'll receive a quest called tatter dream Leaf basically all they have to do is complete the objectives in the super BL and they'll be given an item called restored dream Leaf when they use this item on you you'll get a buff increasing the rate at which you receive Shadow dream leaves which is the item that you're trying to get here's your Shadow dream Leaf bro after all that's done return to Erin and you'll start the next Quest called handling it Glow Spore grip this is really simple you'll receive a scroll that allows a character with dragon Isle leather working 100 to temporarily learn the recipe for Erin's dream Leaf grip so find a leather working friend click on him teach him the recipe by clicking the scroll that's in your inventory then send him a work order with the mats you see here you can buy all of these on the auction house except for the Prototype dream Leaf grip because you've already got it in your inventory once he makes the item you'll receive Erin's glow Spore grip turn this quest in with Erin and you begin working on the last quest which is called to the test symbiotic glow Spore grip this is really simple head to your Garrison and enter enter The Proving Grounds click on eran's symbiotic glow Spore grip in your inventory and let the shadow flame do its work on you you're going to take some damage but because you're in The Proving Grounds you won't die and since this process takes a few times to get it to work simply talk to the panda in the room and start any bronze level fight which will reset your cooldowns and you can try again repeat this process until you've completed the objective for the quest after that return to Erin and you'll receive the attuned glor Spore grip you use this item from your inventory and you'll get the first item needed for the main quest which is the symbiotic glowspore grip now that the leather working portion is done let's take a look at the enchanting section you'll be staying in the onaran plains and speaking with the NPC named shalazar glimmer dusk located here she will give you a quest titled handling it radiant Fleck of Ash in order to complete this you'll need to collect 20 radiant Flex of Ash after accepting the quest You'll Find the Ashen dowsing rod in your bags you'll be using this on any piece of Epic gear that you can get your hands on as of recording this video any purple piece will work just fine it doesn't have to be from dragonflight this might change later but others have reported success doing this so give it a shot once again you'll want to head to the Proving Grounds to use the bronze trial to reset your cooldown on the rod because it has a 5-minute cool down which really sucks and it would take forever but after getting the 20 Flex of Ash return to shalazar and you'll receive the Prototype order Vellum along with the next Quest called handling it radiant Vellum and just like before you'll receive a scroll which will allow you to teach someone who's enchanting 100 to temporarily learn the recipe for shalazar sofic Vellum so get your enchanting friend set up with the scroll then by using the crafting order system send them these items that you can buy off the auction house along with the Prototype order Vellum once you get the item return to shalazar she'll give you the final quest which is to the best concentrated sopic Vellum first head to the auction house and buy 100 to 200 of the cheapest awakened Essences you can find then head back to The Proving Grounds so you can reset your cooldowns during this phase use the sopic Vellum to channel and when you're ready use the indicated icon here to finish the cast just like what bazira is doing right now each stabilization will grant 5% to the quest progression also the essence that's required will Shuffle each time but that's okay you can just click off the off talk to the panda restart the bronze trial then try again for what you need you'll understand when you see it after this is done return to shalazar one last time to receive the atuned sopic Vellum use it from your bag and you'll get the second item for the main quest that being the concentrated sopic Vellum last but not least is the inscription section this will start in the Azure span by talking to lyara whisper feather located here her quest for you is called handling it tot tether coil this is really simple collect 50 TT tether coils from Elites in the emerald dream and the great thing is there are plenty of pre-made groups doing this in the group finder tab so join up with a bunch of people and get to work you can also do this while waiting for the next Super Bloom when you're working on the leather working portion of the entire quest line completing this Quest gives you the Prototype binding ruin and will start you on handling it prototype ruin and like the two sections before you'll receive a scroll that allows a character with dragon is inscription 100 to learn Lara's binding Rune send that person a crafting order with these mats which you can buy at the auction house along with the Prototype binding Rune once you get the item turn in the quest and now this is where you don't go back to the Proving Grounds instead for the next quest which is called to the test Rune of Shadow binding you need to kill three raid bosses while Tethered to them so enter the LFR use the ruin on a boss during the fight kill the boss and that's it do that three times and return to lyara to receive the attuned Ru of Shadow binding using that item will gives you the third and final main item which is the ruin of Shadow binding now that all three of the sections are done it's time to turn in the main quest which you've been working on this entire time so return to the azerothian archives and turn in the main quest which is called handling it this will progress you to the next quest which is called an axe tempered and from here you'll be traveling traving to the obsidian Citadel in the waking Shores when you get there speak to Edward and then begin working on the Anvil next to him when that seems to backfire on you speak with rathen he will give you the final quest which is the power of Temptation speaking with rathen one more time enters you into the final fight once inside save your big cooldowns for fck prioritize the big ads and burn fck as fast as possible and until your discipline bar is full once that's done you'll have your legendary axe we hope that this tutorial was easy to follow and if you like this content make sure to give it a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already comment down below with any questions or thoughts as this does spark the YouTube algorithm and helps us out a lot again thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the [Music] Stream [Music]
Channel: Bajheera
Views: 38,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bajheera, BajheeraWoW, PvP, BajheeraIRL, Gaming, Games and Gains, Twitch, PCGaming, Stream, Fyp, Viral, WorldOfWarcraft, Dragonflight, Warrior, Fyr'alath, the, dreamrender, guide, legendary, axe, how to, to, how, explanation, explain, where, quest, questline, line
Id: IoLOmiprosY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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