25 great forrest gump quotes

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hello my name's forrest forrest gump do you want a chocolate i could eat about a million and a half of these my mama always said life was like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get legit in me was like peas and carrots [Music] now you wouldn't believe it if i told you but i could run like the wind blows [Music] that day on if i was going somewhere i was running now maybe it's just me but college was very confusing times congratulations how do you feel i got a pig i believe he said he had to go pee come on well raccoon's trying to get on our back porch mama just chase him off with a broom not raccoons you idiot [ __ ] and they want to go to school with us with us they do so bubba was from biola battery alabama and his mama cooked shrimp and her mama before her cook shrimp and her mama before her mama cooked shrimp too bubba's family knew everything they was to know about the shrimp and business i know everything there is to know about the shrimp and business go what's your sole purpose in this army to do whatever you tell my drill sergeant god damn it trump your goddamn genius that's the most outstanding answer i've ever heard you must have a goddamn iq of 160 you are goddamn gifted private gump why did you put that weapon together so quickly go you tell me dude real sergeant jesus h christ this is a new company record if it wouldn't be a waste of such a damn fine enlisted man i'd recommend you for ocs private gun you are going to be a general someday go now that's what's up with your weapon to continue you can't keep doing this forest you can't keep trying to rescue me all the time they was trying to grab you a lot of people try to grab me i can't help it i love you forest you don't know what love is we've been through every kind of rain there is a little bit of stinging rain and big old fat rain rain that flew in sideways and sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath the shoe it even rained at night bubba was my best good friend and even i know that ain't something you can find just around the corner bob was going to be a shrimp boat captain but instead he died right there by that rather than that now that's all i have to say about that you know what i think i think you should go home to greenville alabama are you crazy i'm just playing stupid stupid as stupid does mrs blue i guess i was a national celebrity famous of even in captain kangaroo in the land of china people hardly got nothing at all no possessions and in china they never go to church no religion too ah hard to imagine well it's easy if you try dick bleep daddy what are you doing here well i thought i'd try out my sea legs well you ain't got no legs lieutenant dane yes i know that you wrote me a letter you idiot well well captain forrest gump i had to see this for myself and i told you if you were ever a shrimp boat captain that i'd be your first mate well here i am i am a man of my word okay yeah but don't you be thinking that i'm gonna be calling you sir no sir he got me invested in some kind of fruit company and so then i got a call from him saying we don't have to worry about money no more and i said that's good one less thing she had got the cancer and died on a tuesday i bought her a new hat with little flowers on it and that's all i had to say about that sometimes i guess there just aren't enough rocks i'm not a smart man but i know what love is i ran clear the ocean [Music] and when i got there i figured since i've gone this far might as well turn around just keep on going [Music] when i got to another ocean i figured since i've gone this far i might as well just turn back keep right on going when i got tired i slept when i got hungry i ate when i had to go you know i went and so you just ran yeah wow man you just ran through a big pile of dog [ __ ] it happens what [ __ ] sometimes if we each have a destiny or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze but i think maybe it's both
Channel: PonAdidas
Views: 5,076,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forrest Gump (Award-Winning Work), 25 great quotes
Id: Oc_JXiRanlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 16 2015
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