24mm v 200mm Lens Photography Challenge | with James Popsys

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a big thanks to squarespace for sponsoring this week's video we did get here at nine o'clock which was like two hours late for the miss though which was your idea but you know yeah maybe i deserve to lose yeah yeah i think so okay morning everybody and um in this video it's a little bit special first of all i've got james hello and um i presume everyone knows james and if you don't then go and check his channel out in the description below but we're going to do a challenge so i've come up with something which seems like a good idea 24 millimeter versus 200 millimeter random selection challenge that's what it's called so that's probably not going to be the video title so so so one of us can only shoot 24 millimeters and one of us can only shoot 200 millimeters and we've just got to flip this what's that a lens cap it's a lens cap on the basis that we don't have a coin yeah we haven't got a coin so case lens cap so do you so what how are we going to work this out 24 millimeters is case yes um and that's 200 millimeters yeah you you flip it for you then all right so what do you want i want 24 i think that's i want 200. so if it were yeah 24. all right so you got 24 i've got 200. see what happens and there was mist everywhere before and um there's none now and it's about 10 o'clock by the time we get up to that hill up there it'll be the worst light possible so this is going to be interesting i feel like photographers always say that it was nice it worked yeah of course yeah all right let's go you sure you're um um confident about your 24 millimeter there i've been decision why not no absolutely ridiculous there's no light there's probably not going to be any foreground i don't know yeah i've been picking out a lot of good compositions for 200 millimeters [Music] you fall back enough how are you feeling i've got to go further back because 200 millimeters is too close for this rowing tree going i mean i must admit i'm having a great time watching nigel try and uh walk three miles in the opposite direction of his subject it's really hard i keep wanting to zoom out i wish i just had a fixed 200 millimeter and then i don't have the temptation oh that's quite good though oh yeah that's pretty good nice flat light perfect for this bit of contrast oh i think i've got a good one here just behind me i had to go back a little bit because it's 200 millimeters i couldn't quite get it all in frame but i've got these grasses they'll be a bit out of focus and um yeah it's pretty simple really um yeah glad i chose 200 apart from the amazing vistas everywhere [Music] right well the good news is that me picking 24 means i don't have to social distance from my subjects and uh this i think will be the first one uh we've got this style a nice gate lovely tree behind it all leading to that cottage over there i'm painting a picture i don't know if it's particularly nice really 24 mil i'll probably focus on the tree f9 we'll see [Music] well sadly most of the heather appears to be done but um otherwise that's quite a nice shot [Music] it's a good view now oh the heather's still out a little bit here but i don't care about that that's all wide angle stuff but that for a long lens as long as it stays looks pretty epic [Music] well as you can see this is where for nigel uh 200 millimeters really comes into its own if you watch my channel you might have seen a video where i was shooting that way a couple of weeks ago when the light was much better at sunset and uh well there's lots of detail and mood in uh in the clouds over the top of the mountains at 24 mil i'm not really got much hope of capturing that and well there's not really a whole lot going on in the foreground now that the heather is done so i've got my work cut out here at 24 mil not too sure what i'm going to do maybe i'll just try and isolate the uh the grasses a little bit problem with that is my my 16 to 35 that i'm using is only f4 so i can't really isolate subject all that much either hmm [Music] i don't think james knows yet but i've got a secret weapon which is my apple and um this is definitely going to be the thing that helps me find a composition so yeah i i definitely think there's something over there probably is when i zoom into the where those lakes are it just doesn't it's just too long 200 millimeters but um i've got a few things over there as the clouds have been going past but yeah oh this is so beautiful so nice to be on top of a mountain like this just looking around and just waiting for things to change and just observing observation most important thing in photography right let's eat this [Music] so we've got to the top of the mountain there's jets going through the valley all the time so there might be a bit of noise sorry about that but it's an amazing view here of the sort of snowden massive over there and beautiful valley as well unfortunately with my 200 millimeters i can only see a tiny part of this just over there but there's a little bit of atmosphere so that is really good so you may think why do this why just constrict yourself just to one focal length and i think sometimes there's too many options obviously when you're trying to find a landscape you're trying to find a composition if you've got all the things that are spread out in the landscape the rocks the mountains the light changing and then you've got your focal length to change as well that's just a no and then you've got your focal length to consider as well then it's just a lot of things a lot of variables so i often sometimes think about maybe not just shooting at one focal length but just thinking i'm going to just shoot long i'm just going to go and get some long shots maybe i'll just put my 7200 on and pick things out rather than going with multiple lenses just restricting your choice can improve your ability to pick out compositions in the landscape which ultimately improves your photography which is what you want to do but yeah i've got to try and find a shot here but the clouds are really nice behind so i think i'm not allowed to stitch a shot unfortunately but i think just there in that valley there might be a nice composition so i'll put my 200 millimeter lens on and i'll show you what i found i don't know what james is um looking for at the moment but he's got a lot of choice [Applause] [Music] you got anything not really to be honest i really wish i was shooting probably 50 mil as opposed to 24 i think 50 would have worked great for a lot of stuff down there but also an awful lot better than 24 for this i'm finding that well i can include a bit of moody sky and yeah just cut off four grounds but apart from that i'll be honest i'm struggling yeah well it's harden it because there's dead heather everywhere yes but i think they're excuses um but yeah i i've got better excuse which is um well i haven't actually i've just not shot anything really no i got a reasonable shot over there but 200 mils are really long i've got the opposite thing but i i think i found some things and i actually got quite a nice shot of these grasses close up so it's not like a you sort of look differently i think don't you when you're restricted in a way so i got a shot of these some of these grasses it just looked nicer than blowing in the wind so i did a bit of a slower speed and it i think it looked pretty good actually i did see you doing that and i was quite impressed because i think i'd have been just focused on trifan and the low-hanging cloud so uh well done for looking outside the obvious well i was actually thinking about video when i did that and then i thought because i always i've always liked got two caps on really you know video and photography and i was thinking actually that would be nice video b-roll and i thought i know i could take a photo of that um so i moved back about 30 meters to get the 200 million ml and then took a photo of it but yeah it's going to rain i think that's that's going to get moody though so that could be good if we get some light through but anyway what i'm going to do is i'm going to put the photos i'll put a link to james's youtube channel and his instagram below but on um on our instagram channels we'll maybe put some of the photos and then we'll have a up and down arrow to which one you like most um obviously photography is not competitive but it's nice to have a little bit of see which is the best photo yeah yeah yeah it is camera clubs everybody goes and does um and we you know i i run a photography competition as well so yeah so go and check out the instagram um and you'll see the photos if i lose heavily i'm to blame it on my baby boy and not sleeping yeah i've already got my excuses lined up yeah we did get here at nine o'clock which was like two hours late for the miss though which was your idea but you know yeah maybe i deserve to lose yeah yeah i think so [Music] right well this rainstorm is coming through as you can see rainstorm is that the saying it's probably not a storm but it looks quite nice and uh there's a tiny bit of blue sky just up here down if you can see so i'm hoping now that 24 mil is actually wide enough for what i've got in mind rather than being too wide it is just so i've got a polarizer on i'm under exposing and i'm trying to make sure i get a really nice blue sky right at the top of the image and at the bottom is the valley with a tiny bit of light right in the middle of it fingers crossed this is working let's have a look through the viewfinder oh yeah that's quite nice f8 160th of a second iso 100. finally something that i think might constitute decent [Music] that's a relief i was convinced i was going to be going home empty-handed but that worked well right it looks like james has probably hit jackpot with his 24 millimeters that rain cloud that just came through there was pretty amazing but i think i might just picked out just quite a nice little part of the scene just over there i'll zoom in and show you and before when the rain was just coming through there's a little bit of light but 200 millimeter was just what i wanted and yeah it looked pretty amazing but there's a there's lots of little pockets of light changing in the landscape now so i'm just trying to sort of pick them out look at symmetries look at how shapes sort of reflect to each other in the landscape and i think it looked pretty good we just need a little bit more light on the land and that will really help it's good fun [Music] right well that is probably as good as it's going to get on this side for uh 24 mil i'm not going to push my luck so instead i'm going to go around the corner and see if i can get a decent view of lake craven fingers crossed it's very dramatic here it's um just not very close hopefully you can just see over there a sheep just on the top of the rock and well it'd be wrong not to take a sheet with my 200 millimeter lens especially when i'm shooting something with james so i've got a picture of the sheep not sure how brilliant it is but it's 200 millimeters and that's what counts and i'm gonna have a look over there now cause i think james has found something but um he was complaining about 24 millimeters again again so the rain's coming through again which looks good i just can't quite get the right angle on the sheep actually if i go over there i'm gonna go over there that's a good idea [Music] well i mean two weeks ago with the heather in full flow this would have been lovely but uh yeah it's all dead why did i choose 24 i know i didn't choose 24. i um i said that my preference was was 24 and then i just ended up with it but uh yeah no idea why [Music] right okay i think the final shot the shot that i think is going to be the winner this mountain behind me um that you can't see notice it's in cloud which is going to be fairly quick um especially with changing conditions like this there's been so many different compositions come and go but yeah so this mountain just appeared in the cloud but there's cloud below it and cloud above it so it just looked like it was floating in the sky and i thought that looked quite good perfect fit for the 200 millimeter no cheating so that was good so i took a picture of that i think that's it can't wait to see james's photos [Music] i'm going to use nigel as a prop you want me a bit higher as high as you can go basically without falling off yeah using nigel as a prop that is perfect i don't know if this is against the rules or not but uh he seems willing to oblige so looking that way would be ideal have you got yeah have you got room for your legs to move that way i'm looking in my camera yeah i mean i'll be honest you're at 24 mil so yeah okay that'll make huge difference lovely thank you [Music] [Applause] wow that was really good fun that i really enjoyed that with james i hope you did as well i just want to show you a couple more photos but um before i do that i just want to thank squarespace who have sponsored this week's video as you know squarespace are an all-in-one platform for your website and your domain and they're just amazing if you want to just set up a website really simply which is great as a photographer when you when you want to showcase your photos and if you want to sell your photos or your book or your calendar or your prints then you can do that through the squarespace platform so make sure you check out squarespace you can go to www.squarespace.com forward slash nigel you get 10 off or you can use the offer code nigel okay so yeah i just wanted to talk a little bit more about it and show you an another photo or or two so this is the the first one which is james and yeah that's one thing that a 200 millimeter lens is just so good for especially f 2.8 where you can just have something out of focus in the foreground and just get a portrait like i've got here of james watching one of my videos on how to shoot a 24 millimeter lens um but it's really good for that i i got to admit i did struggle i james strolled as well when we were just constrained to those focal lengths we we definitely struggled which is why i always go with a zoom lens and have multiple focal lengths however i think that it was a good thing to do because it made me think a lot more about the composition i think it improves my creativity a little bit i'm definitely going to go and do it again and i'm probably going to do it when i walk pebbles in in the woods and just take one of my primes i use for videography and see what i can get because i i do think restricting what you can shoot with you know um actually helps you be a little bit more creative so yeah i took this shot and then i also went on the way down to this shot here of this tree i want to show this because i quite liked it but i also took another shot which i liked even more but i just didn't quite get the composition right um let me just grab that which was this shot here and um in this shot i i feel like if i have just moved to the right a little bit and got that tree in a little bit better now i have to admit this shot was taken at 72 millimeters but it's my video channel so i can do what i want and anything that um james didn't take at 24 millimeters are totally excluded but yeah i what i will be doing is i'll be putting these photos on my instagram and to people to vote which one they like more the 24 or the 200 millimeters by me and james check out james's instagram channel also check out james's youtube channel he's got a fantastic youtube channel um it's really funny as well he is a great um videographer photographer and comedian so go and go and take a look at his channel okay thanks ever so much for watching and until next sunday bye i am i've gotten jealous so got my own 70-200 out waiting for shabbat to uh reappear can i enter those i'm afraid what's that right into those
Channel: Nigel Danson
Views: 97,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photography challenge, 24mm, 200mm, 24mm lens, 200mm lens, James popsys, nigel danson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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