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guys who's excited we've been waiting for this day all night long we're finally sneaking into the zoo Brook thank you for inviting me to go wait I invited you to go I only invited Cory to come with me why are you two here cuz I'm his best friend yeah I kind of didn't want to go alone I mean uh you know I just that be more fun if our friends came along you know exactly that's why I invited Star uh yeah Kai invited me I really don't want to be here what is this Cory wow Brooke has been talking about sneaking into the zoo at night because apparent they make it so no visitors are allowed during that time I don't really know why but we're finally doing it we're being Rebels I've been a rebel you got to catch up gory yeah that's why I'm doing this night Brook okay today is the day that we start living for free living for free what is this guy talking about I'm saying we're going to be Rebel Star okay but let's go ahead and go inside you guys got your cameras got it oh I have my camera just a for warning though they do say these animals get a little funky night so you might want to keep a lookout CH chick uh I don't really know what you mean by that they're just animals they're probably all like snoozing yeah I'm sure that guy snoozing all right what what guy what you wa relax uh guys what the heck is that the Zookeeper uh he's getting really close Cory uh Cory not to alarm you but to alarm you he's coming towards you at like Max Speed you know what guys maybe we're freaking out maybe he was just born ugly oh I'm I've been told that too yeah Kai yeah yeah that's kind of sad my boy but we shouldn't judged let's just go say hi um uh hi Mr guy today we're we're just going to Kai I think he likes you what do what do you want find me cute or something or what what am I supposed to do I think he wants to give you a high five dude oh okay ow oh what the oh gosh what the wait uh did he just punch you yeah that really hurt he scratched my face okay you might want run away wait wait wait wait hold on hold on spank me what oh no you know what I hope he kills you just for that I hope he killed you get him zookeeper but guys I think he's mad that we're trying to sneak in that night uh do we have anything to like get rid of him or distract him or something oh yeah I'll shoot him down give me a second okay shoot him shoot him down what you what are you talking about it's attacking me wait shoot him down that's that's not what take that take that take that oh where did you get that you just killed him yeah and he deserved it I meant like distract him to go somewhere else like if you have food or something not shoot him in the brains well his brains got disintegrated so uh what the heck guys this is okay we're going to get in so much trouble bro who in the right mind brings weapons to a zoo I doo I like it well at least it's gone we can get back to being rebellious and star I like you're thinking what oh bro does everybody just carry weapons with them Kai do you have weapons on you as well yeah let me just get it between my cheeks and told you hey yo what did he just say his cheeks yeah I think he did say hello to the cheek squeaker 2000 cheek squeaker 2,000 oh no yeah you don't have one no I guys I need a weapon can I get one uh I don't know can you sa the magic one yeah Fine booty cheeks no I'm going to shoot you instead okay fine fine fine fine fine fine fine please can I get a weapon yes you can get a weapon thank you very much wo what is this nuclear death ray oh my gosh that's one of my favorites okay well let's go ahead and go in in case you meet any more you know Zoo employees yeah I hate it when they stop and ask me questions I know right like who do you think you are you work here or something yeah wait I guess wait we're not paying tickets uh oh oh gosh uh you know what no we're be rebellious we're not paying for anything that's why we sneaking in bro this is a great idea oh boy uh yeah so you know what I said about like these guys getting a little funky at night look behind you what um guys is it just me or do the animals not look like themselves Kai I didn't know your family was meeting up here that's not my family star stop it it's clearly a kangaroo I mean star's kind of right they do look just like you Kai what is is it like the smile or the dumpy what the BR what what dumpy they got zero dumb truck on them my boy but let's take a photo here here Kai here look look stand next to your family okay all right all right family reunion on three one two bro can you get out of the way dude I'm sorry you're ruining my moment all right one two three cheeks H okay well there you go we got the image looking fly my boy look on petunia it's me and you uh Cory I don't want to alarm you but Brook's aiming the camera at your face what what the hey Brook what are you doing for my collection bro you are so weird dude give me that photo uh I don't know do you want all three of them okay you know what you can just keep it whatever yay but this is super duper oh my gosh is this guy again wait I got it this time all right go for ity get him by the power invested Me by star psychotic mind nuclear death ray to your bony J oh my gosh dude wait what about my mind uh nothing I said nothing what's whatever but do you guys think these guys are like nice or something I don't know why doesn't Kai jump in there and test it out it's his family after all wait what animals are these supposed to even be they're supposed to be uh oh they're horses those are horses yeah I guess yeah Kai why don't you jump in and try to ride one see what happens I mean I guess wait guys look they like me they're all Gathering next to me a can they not get away get away oh my gosh bro I'm trying to break open the jail cell dude no you're all mine they're not getting to you what okay all right all right right well how do we get in there all right Brooke knock off your shenanigans there's an entrance over here oh wait there is oh there is the door oh feeding entrances but uh guys how do we get it we don't have a lever or anything h i mean I could just uh yeah that's not going to work Cory I could try to break the door down though okay how are you going to do that ow uh yeah that didn't work I can use my cheeks wait what you can use your okay well Brook's setting everything to fire chill out there's like a forest there but what do you mean you're going to use your cheeks my cheeks open doors um okay I guess we'll see it what the told you what I am severely uncomfortable yeah me too that's super strange but waa there's a dinosaur there what wao how did you get back from the meteorite oh gosh dude what the guys why these guys all staring at us this is weird yeah I don't really feel comfortable in this Zoo yeah but you know what should we try opening this yes all right let's see hi everyone oh oh gosh wait guys guys guys they are not friendly they are not friendly Cory use your weapon what's happening I'm going to come in and save you oh gosh guys come in here and help me out bro I'm facing them by myself the ladies are there I locked you out don't worry I'm saving you oh my gosh dude that was definitely not horses huh uh I don't know they still kind of looked like horses they looked more like Kai than horses to me but I'm really glad I came to help you out you know what I mean Kai you just stayed in there and watched us the whole time and I did a good job too wait yeah no you're gone you're gone if you ever leave Cory to die then you're going to get the same treatment those iron doors did okay all right Cory I swear an oath that I will protect you and those lovely cheeks there no danger what sus bro sus as heck but I won't leave your side now but guys what what about these dinosaurs are are these just always here should we just leave them be I mean they don't I don't know maybe we got to finish the meteorites job no guys we should have killed them I think they're lowy chillers let's just leave for now okay okay you're safe for now buddy yeah I think uh you're kind of weird Kai but there looks like there's nothing else in this Zoo is there anything guys oh guys guys guys guys guys yeah what's up here go back no don't try to fight them run to the door star come here run to get out of here run run run run run run run run God you're so ugly guys we need a photo of them Kai turn around turn around say cheese say cheese oh gosh wait wait wait okay I got one of you okay okay we we we got it we got it we got it can we get rid of them now yeah why are they so ugly looking why did they escape containment I don't know what the yell was that I don't know but they looked like giant toothpicks dude that was super duper scary wait is star okay star star wait star hello uh yeah did you kill all of them what what's wrong I am oh my you are one scary woman n I'm chilling don't even worry about it but what those guys yeah uh they look like giant toothpick teddy bears yeah I know they lowkey had Kai's build you know super duper skinny and just no muscle at all whatsoever very tall and handsome bro was lying to himself what do you mean I'm not lying oh okay fine I'm lying guys I think this means that we have to be way more careful and everyone stick together all right cuz uh I don't think they were the last ones Cory Cory wait wait I have an idea I have an idea Kai stand still okay there we go now I have a picture I can throw to the Miss bait oh okay that's perfect then they'll automatically lock on to him instead of us why hello well that wasn't the plan that plan was that they would go for the picture but you know that's fine too oh sorry I didn't mean to do that dude no I'm not ready for this new plan oh my gosh okay well let's run through here and we got to keep exploring dude there's ain't no way I'm going home without photos of all of these creatures well you know some of them are like dead Cory we killed them yeah no no don't worry I got the photos they're all on my camera m okay we got to sell these to the blog we can make so much money oh true we're going to be famous why are we going to make money off of photos people could come and get themselves because nobody here has left alive guys I got a picture of the Zookeeper Cory you want to hold on to it oh yeah let me see okay okay perfect and yes that's perfect for the Vlog dude we're the only ones strong enough to survive here at night so uh my boy excuse me my boy to the face wait what the uh guys okay for a second it did affect them I got really scared yeah yeah you got you got him Cory you got him don't worry about it you even shot him in the face oh gosh what are these oh these These are these nuts but not funny but they look like I don't even know what they look they look like cats uh they look like uh a giraffe cat a giraffe cat a jck that's her new name girat no jat jat G that's her name g they're gats uh yeah both of you need to go okay okay sorry sorry a they're kind of cute Cory can I have one what no they are not cute uh I think we may have a problem K guys no way a new a new animal in the zoo what what type of animal is this man uh I think they call that the kylen oh never mind uh never mind that one's weird yeah that one's very weird check out my gy oh gosh dude it fits it perfectly with them here guys you know what let me take you on a tour this new species right here is called the Blue dinosaur named K and these are known for being very very stinky pulling no woman being very very short being very fat little muscle zero RIS but some terrible terrifying cheeks he's already down Cory let him get up yeah seriously my gosh Cory it's me if you look at him you can see that his cheeks are absolutely pronounced and they actually have the power to do major destruction if you see this in the wild be prepared to shoot them on site okay wait wait wait he doesn't really mean to shoot shoot me oh my gosh but wait are these guys like chill Kai like are they damaging you uh no I'm able to walk freely it seems I they're so chill I want one as a pet oh look at you guys you're adorable we are not taking one in the gats home and wait what if you punch one does it does it damage you then and what oh gosh oh gosh okay okay oh they're aggressive that one might have been my fault might have here wait Kai flick up next to them flick up okay flick oh there we go I got a photo I got a photo here you are getting out of here my boy one down eight to go oh I was going to name that one Larry Larry why would you Larry that's so weird we'll leave him alone for now though I don't know I thought it fit all right bye Larry's bye laries and dude oh my gosh guys look there's more zookeepers who wants to take care of them oh me me me I raised my hand I'll take care of this one star holy moly you you guys are so violent no I think we're fine yeah we're perfectly fine wait wait a minute guys if those are normal zookeepers and they just turn into those monsters at night doesn't that mean we actually killed a gulp another human uh no I don't think so yeah actually um these zookeepers just like spawn at night they're not actually human they're monsters oh gosh okay well then I guess it's okay for now but how many other types of creatures are there uh I don't know do I look like an encyclopedia to you yes yeah you look like a giant geek that's what you look like okay Cory do you want this like uh laser gun too no no no Brooke what are you doing dude I just really want one of those sets I want one Brooke Brooke over here go go that way you're not getting one of them what no Cory don't punch me but you're not getting one of those monster cats bro they're super aggressive and wait what what are these gu Kai did you really just poop on the ground again no they look like boogers they look like pieces of poo poo oh that's probably why I like him so much hey yo all right guys we're going to get a family photo every everybody get inside there all right okay cheeks say cheeks on three cheeks on three 1 2 three cheeks on three BR Brook star you guys didn't say it oh why would we say that yeah we're not going to say that and I'm getting some really good photos of you oh my st stop taking photos of me I'm taking photos of here we're going to take one more just say what you want three 2 1 Brook stinks I love Cory oh I miss saying it oh my gosh you guys are so weird but Brook I think they like you they're all staring at you oh look at you guys are so cute do you actually think they're cute yeah do you guys want a flower what the I don't think they want a flower I don't think they want a flower dude just let him have her yeah low key wait she's not he's not even aggro bro he's just a chiller look at him oh never mind you're fine look at you see you're not going to attack me Brooke definitely likes him just cuz he looks super emo cuz you know Brooke is always like I still see my shadows in my room I'm not I just think they look so you yes you are the darkness helps me not see my ugly reflection in the mirror oh my God St why are you shooting him because that sounded terrible oh my gosh all right well here y'all are chillers so y'all can just like take some nuclear power cells and just chillax dude I don't think that would help uh do you think they would eat those uh maybe I mean they can just play with them or something the worst case scenario they just blow themselves up so let's just keep going and one of them escaped oh this is a polar bear back well no if if if he escapes then he's my pet now wait what what do you mean your pet look it's mine now what what BR you did you really just put it on a leash yeah I did I had it on me just in case I wanted to take one of these animals what bro we not taking that home well I don't recall you being my dad oh my gosh well what's his name at least um well I Nam the other one Larry so maybe I should name this one like Barry or something all right Barry the booger that's his name yeah I like what no it's just Barry we're not adding like a end part well too bad it's Barry the booger and he's a chiller and uh I don't know if I'll say the same thing about these guys why do they look like this they have nice teeth uh this this looks like Kai when he wakes up in the morning when I'm yawning star are you talking about yourself in the mirror uh nuh-uh I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm you know just jokes just jokes and oh my gosh dude get away these zookeepers really don't know boundaries honestly I have to agree these do kind of look like Kai I see the resemblance but guys look at their teeth they're Loki super scary and dangerous looking so these ones we should not go inside and touch them or do anything with whatsoever go oh my gosh oh Kai uh this was a terrible idea from you I think guys help help me I don't know how to swim star are you really just going to watch while we watch Kai die yeah w w oh oh my God don't w w just help him out here guys shoot him dude shoot him yeah but I can't I'll shock myself oh gosh oh my gosh dud I'm sorry I can't I can't let go bury Kai you're not doing any damage oh sorry SAR H don't knock me and Cy I'm killing all the other ones got them I'm sorry it's was an accident okay there's one left Kai get it get it I'm the king of the mountain a star that was my spot get out I'm clean oh my yo kai get up here dude okay fine just give me one more second and done what what did you just do what nothing did you just peed the so help me if you peed in the water okay I will help you let you know I peed in the water oh my what that's how I me would you rather me pee on the animals I would prefer you didn't at all and you use the bathroom properly there's one over there guys we don't have time for this it's going to be daytime let's just keep looking yeah exactly jeez besides it's too late guys I think Barry really likes me well he's kind of forced to follow you put him on a leash dude in the middle of the zo oh no I think he wants to follow me I think he does like me oh whatever guys let's just go inside dude I want to keep exploring and oh my gosh these guys have to go away for real they're everywhere oh wait what the guys what the heck are these guys wa they're like mini dinosaurs they're not mini dinosaurs they're mini like creatures of of death and destruction I definitely found some of those other things cute but I don't know how I feel about these wait bro where did booger go there oh you're beautiful oh my gosh okay well she can handle that oh dude this is super duper scary whatever you do do not let these out bro cuz I think they're going to be super dangerous did you say let them out what no I said don't let them out okay Kai you got it oh gosh bro don't let them out sure dude this is creepy bro I mean come on little guy you got to breathe wait what K hey guys I found bar and what did Kai do come on little oh my gosh oh my gosh get it wait wait no no not yet not yet we need a photo we need a photo Guys somebody get a photo of me he's chasing me I got the photo you got it got it Kell it dude kill it oh my goshy Cory I got your photo okay thank you that was so scary it's not that bad look now we got a room for ourselves to sleep in bro Kai what the oh my gosh dude can you fix this and here we see the new creature we call it the what do we call it star the Kina yeah the kyen uh KY Kyon and uh he is a dinosaur from uh the ancient times oh my gosh guys well it is becoming day soon so maybe we should start heading out all right I can fix this with the sound of the cloud of my cheeks wait what no no no C I think you might have broken every glass in oh gosh they're all out they're all out oh my gosh kill them all guys they're everywhere take him out take them out take them out it's all out War now boys Kai why would you clap your Chiefs again bro you know that's very dangerous yeah I know but uh I felt the need for clapping cheeks what the what are you talking about dude and what this guy trying to copy me bro oh no get out of here little boys get them ah they're coming after me I'm coming I'm going to rescue you star Brook how are you guys doing you're getting him uh yeah I got mine I got all mine uh sorry it looks like there's some few on you here get him get him get him don't worry about it I would have been okay okay all right guys we're leaving right now follow me we are not stay here anymore the sun's about to come out anyways oh but I was just swimming wait wait Barry Barry W what are you doing over here come on let's go let's go let's go okay hurry up guys guys we're never going back in there again I'm so glad I came here I got Barry now yeah D yeah I don't know bury the booger well I guess he's got to come home with us yeah he's coming home with me all right you're one of the crew boy high five oh oh gosh St we should back up Barry yeah I think we should I think now's a bad time to say Barry D's but I'm going to just okay I'm running off see you guys all right come here kai no no no Brook I'm sorry oh gosh well I think we should end it there so if you guys enjoyed make sure subscribe and if you want to watch another video click the one on the screen right now bye guys bye [Music] bye
Channel: Kory
Views: 194,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kory, cash, nico, maizen, omz, minecraft, koryin, 24 Hours TRAPPED inside ZOONOMALY! (Minecraft)
Id: YDU6gruZlJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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