24 Hours Overnight inside a BOUNCE HOUSE in my BACKYARD POOL! | Rebecca Zamolo

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- I almost sank. Two minutes. Sink, oh my gosh! - That quadrant, is on the move. - Hey Zamfam, it's Rebecca, and today I'm going to be doing another 24 hour challenge in my pool! And I asked you guys in the Zamfam what you wanted my first challenge to be in this pool and you guys voted a 24 hour challenge. So you guys know, I've already spent 24 hours in a pool, and I've also spent 24 hours in a bounce house. So today I'm going to be combining the two, I'm not sure if it's going to work, but I'm going to be spending 24 hours in a bounce house, on my pool. - I don't think this is going to work. So we're about to inflate the bounce house right know, so smash the thumbs up button, and give me good luck. I guess it's time to inflate the bounce house. Oh, and I almost forgot we are announcing the seven million subscriber giveaway winners throughout this video, as well shout for Zamfam merch so stay tuned. - [Matt] All right Rebecca you ready-- - I'm ready, you guys three, two, one... - [Matt] Rebecca? - Wait, it didn't work. - [Matt] Rebecca. - Okay, oh, got it. - [Matt] Oh there we go. - I hope it's not broken. - [Matt] What? - [Matt] Okay, inflated. Are you ready for this? - Oh my gosh, do you guys think this is going to work? I don't think I've seen anyone do this yet. If someone has let me know, and also give me some tips on what they did to make it work. Do I just push it on? - [Matt] Yeah, do you want me to put it on there? - I've got it. Oh I stepped in the hole, I almost fell in. - [Matt] It doesn't seem too sturdy. - I know. - I think if we put it right down here, it's gonna stop it from moving. Too far. - [Rebecca] Do you think this is going to hold me, is it going to hold an adult? - I have no idea, this is something we've never done before. I'm more worried about it taking on water and you sinking. - [Rebecca] Uh, yeah. I think I have to go, like, this to get it. Good thing I have my swim suit on under. - [Matt] You're on. - I made it. - [Matt] Can you recover from that? Where do you go from there? - I don't know, I guess I have to climb back up. When I was in the snow climbing up was not that easy. It actually worked, I'm not even sinking. - [Matt] Hold on, hold on, there's bubbles. I don't know, but like air bubbles. - [Rebecca] Matt, stop. - [Matt] I'm dead serious, do you see 'em? - [Rebecca] Yeah. - [Matt] What does that mean? - I don't know, does that mean I'm sinking? - [Matt] I don't know! Let me check the fan okay? - Okay. - She's trying to climb up the slider now. Okay, while she's trying to do that, I'm gonna prank her a little bit. Prank wars are on, she keeps on getting me, so here we go. All right I'm just rearranging the fan down here, okay? - [Rebecca] What? - Just going to rearrange the fan a little bit. - Oh no, oh no what just happened, what? - Matt, no Matt it's deflating. - [Matt] It's deflating black, no! - Turn it back on, did you turn it off? - [Matt] Okay, okay, okay. - [Rebecca] Matt, Matt, I'm gonna get wet, Matt. - Was that a prank? - [Matt] I don't know what just happened. - Are you messing with me? - [Matt] What? - I haven't even started this challenge, and I almost sank. So now that I know this works, I'm gonna go pack, get ready for this challenge. - [Matt] Wait, whoa. - How do I do-- Wait, if you bring me the unicorn. - [Matt] Here's uni coming. Look, it's a transport. - I can't do it. Floor is lava challenge. - [Matt] What? You're so close. Oh,ah. - All right. - [Matt] Rebecca you have two minutes to go-- - Two minutes to go pack. - [Matt] Yep. - Okay, go! I'm ready to get packed, all right. Backpack I have, now lets see what do I need, what do I need. Of course a onesie, another shirt. Oh maybe a hat, Zamfam hat, sunscreen. Can't forget my retainers. Sleeping bag. I need snacks. Two minutes. Okay, um, okay we might have to order some food. Are there any left? Uh, that'll do. Easy to bring. Uh, water. Coke. Matt! Just packed what I could, we're definitely gonna have to order some food. And the delivery persons gonna have to deliver on the bounce house in a pool. - [Matt] Three, two, one. - I'm here, I'm here. - [Matt] Okay. I did it, okay I have my phone but I'm nervous about being in a pool with my iPhone, 'cause I don't want to drop it into the water. - Hmm. - No Matt, just 'cause that happened to you on a water slide does not mean it has to happen to me. - [Matt] Are you just going to jump over the top? - That's actually a good idea. - [Matt] Oh my gosh. You gonna take the slide up? - By the way Matt, I might need you up here. - [Matt] Probably not. - Come on. - [Matt] No way, that thing can't hold us both on land let alone on water. - Matt it can, you have to try. - [Matt] Okay I'll try right now. - I do not want to sink, oh my gosh! sink, oh my gosh! - Told ya! - [Rebecca] So are you gonna do this challenge with me? - Uh, I'm out. - Matt, you have-- - Rebecca this thing's sinking a little bit. - [Rebecca] No, it's okay, Matt we have to-- - Hold on, I can hear the air coming out. You feel that? - [Rebecca] Yeah. - It's deflating. - [Rebecca] It's deflating - This isn't meant for two people, it's not-- - It's okay, it's okay. - [Matt] It's not meant for two people Bec. - Okay. - [Matt] It's not meant for two people! - It's fine, if we just do it for a little bit we'll be fine. - [Matt] Look, that one's coming down Bec, that one's coming down. - Matt! - [Matt] Rebecca it's coming down, no! Oh no. - Okay, but on a serious note you guys know that we defeated the Red Hood at VidCon, we stopped her from building the supercomputer and the Game Master ended up taking over the quadrant network. - Yeah but we didn't quite defeat her, she still has the microchip. - Okay yeah, you're right, she is missing but one thing we do have, is we have access to the quadrant. So Daniel has been tracking the quadrant right now while we're doing this challenge. I think we should check in with him. - Hold on Rebecca before we do, static electricity! - When static stops you! - As you know the Game Master took over the quadrant network, and when he took over the quadrant network. It looked like the quadrant were defending us. Still don't know where the Red Hood is. I've been able to pinpoint the location of a quadrant member, I'm gonna spy on them, and see if they take me somewhere. Give me a thumbs up if you think that I'm gonna find out some information. That quadrant is on the move. Where do you think they're going? Does this place look familiar? I feel like we've been here before. Maybe like, that time we were following Matt? Do you remember where we're at? Comment down below. Oh, turned the corner. I hear a helicopter too, oh watch out! Oh, they're taking a phone call. Let's see if we can hear what they're saying, hold on. - [Quadrant] Hey, the others weren't there. K, I'm coming soon, stay out of sight. - Who were they talking to, they're on the phone with somebody. Something about saying "The others weren't there." Other quadrant? It sounds like they're heading back somewhere else, and they gotta stay hidden. - So let me get set with this sleeping bag, and then Matt needs to blow up the next inflatable thing because we need to get this party started-- - [Matt] We've got lots of inflatables. Whoa! You think anybody has ever spent the night, on a bounce house on top of their pool? - I don't know, but if I am the first one, then that would be pretty crazy. - [Matt] Rebecca maybe there's a reason why. - Like it sinks in the middle of the night? - [Matt] It feels like it's sinking right now! - Okay, now Matt is attempting to jump out of his bounce house. - It doesn't work the same way, the other way. - [Rebecca] I don't think two adults are supposed to be on-- - [Rebecca] Oh my gosh, Matt! You made it! - [Matt] I made it. - [Rebecca] Wow. Okay I'll just be hanging out here in my bounce house. Well since I'm here I thought I would call some people, to see if they could come over, because, you know I want to be entertained for this 24 hour challenge. Hey Kaden, it's Rebecca, hey. You guys wanna come over to our pool for a little bit? Wear your swimsuit. Okay see you guys soon, bye. So we got some friends coming over, in the meantime Matt is going to blow up a giant inflatable. This is pretty crazy you guys. - All right I'm gonna go grab some sunscreen okay. - [Rebecca] Matt I brought sunscreen, I packed it. - I want the spray one. - [Rebecca] Are you sure? - Yeah. - [Rebecca] You can just...okay fine. Okay so I know we stopped the Red Hood, but does it ever feel like you're being watched? Like it seriously feels like someone is watching me. I don't know, I feel like maybe I'm just being paranoid. I don't know, do you guys ever feel that? I know I have no reason to think that someone is spying on me right now, but it feels like someone is...I don't know, Matt? Oh, was that you, wait? I just went and I got sunscreen and a coca cola. - [Rebecca] Wait, did you get that over there, were you over there? - Huh? In the house. - [Rebecca] Oh I like heard something behind the fence, I thought it was...were you messing with me? - You want me to go check, I can go check behind the fence. - [Rebecca] Yeah. - Like what did it sound like? - [Rebecca] It wasn't you? - No. - [Rebecca] Are you pranking me? - No, that would be a pretty good prank, but I'm not pranking you. - I don't know it just feels like someone's watching. - [Matt] Over here? Rebecca you're good. - Maybe it was you, I must have heard you like go inside or something, and then I heard a noise. - [Matt] Yeah, it could have like echoed, you know what I mean? Like I went in the door over there, and it echoed over to here. Uh, easy. - Yeah, I know, okay. Sorry, I'm totally fine, it was my imagination. I'm crazy. Look at this, bounce house is getting even bigger. - [Matt] That's not a bounce house. - I know, but I'm still on the bounce house, see my feet are still on it. Well Matt I invited a couple people over, so he should be here pretty soon. - [Matt] What? - I just wanted to you know, have a little more fun! - [Matt] Okay. - I have two special guests here. Kaden just tried to jump, and he just fell completely. And Lilah is in a Zamfam shirt, repping the merch. - [Matt] That's right, 24 hour challenge with friends. - Yes. I was like, they might as well come for some of this. Experience the glory. Here, grab my foot, I'll pull you, If it sinks, it sinks. Okay, you go. - Oh my gosh, I'm gonna fall. - Okay, I'll help her up. Okay. - [Matt] Rebecca. - I almost jumped in. Okay I found a shortcut. - [Matt] Oh, ho! - [Rebecca] Go Kaden! - Not again. - [Rebecca] Can you grab me that water? - Are you guys thirsty, do you want waters? - [Kaden] Yeah. - [Lilah] Yeah - I already have a water, but he's getting you guys water. I want you guys to push Matt in. - I'll do it I'm-- - Wait how are we supposed to do that though? - So we're going to get you guys out on the grass, and he's gonna come to the edge, and then you're gonna push him. - All right let's do it. - Okay. - [Rebecca] Hey Matt, bring it right here and see if you can toss it to me, it's a challenge. - No, no, no, no, no. Almost made it! But didn't . - [Rebecca] No, no, no, no, I have the camera! I have safety, I have the camera. How was that Matt? Yes, Lilah, Kaden, that was really good you guys. - Smash the thumbs up button-- That was fun. - [Rebecca] Yes! - Rebecca guess what I have? - [Rebecca] What? - Dirty socks. - [Rebecca] Ew! - Okay so since I have Kade and Lilah here, I thought we would do "The floor is lava" challenge. So what you have to do, is you have to get from this bounce house to the other side of the pool, touch it, and get back here, fastest time wins $10,000! - [Matt] What? - Okay five, no-- - I could buy a Lamborghini lets do it. - Wins, should we do one-- - [Matt] Wait hold on she can't buy a Lamborghini with $10,000. - You can't, yeah, that's okay though. - [Matt] Good try! - You can get part of one, part of a Lamborghini though. - [Matt] We'll do $100. - Yeah, $100. Welcome to "The floor is lava" challenge. - [Matt] Whose up first? - Okay, Lilah's going first-- - No. - In case you're wondering how we'll know who wins, Melissa's over there and she is timing this, she's not gonna cheat, even though that's her daughter so hopefully she won't cheat, but you know. - [Matt] Okay - Okay are you ready? - No. - Here we go. - On you mark, get set, go! - Floor is lava challenge. - [Matt] Don't touch the water. - Oh, oh oh . - [Rebecca] You could still win, go go go. - [Matt] Just touch the wall now. - [Matt] You haven't made one yet. Stop! - She's good. - [Matt] Okay what was the official time? - Two minutes and fifteen seconds. - [Matt] Okay, all right. - On your marks, get set, go! - [Matt] It's hard to not fall. He's making good time though. Moving over the pizza, onto the unicorn, has yet to touch the...touch the other side! Moving on to the pink flamingo, through the pink flamingo. Jumping up on the blue lagoon. - Wow. - This could be a new record. - That was pretty fast. - You gotta get to the top! - Kaden must jump really faster than me. - [Matt] And stop! - Time! - Okay, 31 seconds! - [Matt] Whoa! - Almost 32. - I'd like to give a shoutout to my static hair for making this 24 hour challenge possible. - [Matt] All right! I'm pretty sure you're gonna get wet. - [Lilah] Three. Two. One. Go! - [Matt] Go! - [Matt] Oh, that's not a good start. - Oh no, this is upside down. - [Matt] It's okay, maybe it's an advantage. You touched it. - [Matt] Yep. - One minute, fifty five seconds. - [Matt] Okay, a solid second place, soon to be third. - So before Matt goes, you guys comment who you think is gonna win. - Ready to have Matt lose? Okay, oh you know it's-- - Glasses are coming off. - Glasses are coming off. - Oh! - Okay, so Kaden, we're gonna push all of the floaties away. - Okay. - So that he can't do it, okay? - Got it. - [Rebecca] All right Matt, are you ready? - [Matt] Oh come on, what's going on? - [Rebecca] On your mark, get set, go! - [Matt] Okay, come on. - [Rebecca] No, no, no get it. Pizza time. - [Rebecca] No. - [Rebecca] Move it. - [Rebecca] No. - [Rebecca] All right, what was his time Melissa? - One minute, and sixteen seconds. - [Rebecca] Which means, Kaden is the winner. Sorry Matt. All right you guys, so I'm gonna let Lilah and Kaden go home, because Kaden is actually cold, he's in the hot tub right now. Maybe next time I should do 24 hours in a bounce house in a hot tub. - [Matt] Hey. - If it would fit. - [Matt] It would not fit. - It might. - [Matt] Okay, here's the car. Don't know what just happened. ♪ It's the month we been waiting for we waited all year ♪ - [Matt] All the pool floaties have been cleared from the pool, except for the pizza, and the little unicorn. - And I have made change from my wet clothes into a onesie, and I feel like this is what I'm gonna wear for the rest of the time. In this giant bounce house, you know, for sure. - [Matt] Try jumping at the bounce house. You haven't bounced yet. - Matt. - [Rebecca] Oh my gosh. I got the Zamfam . Oh no, oh no, you got it. I'll be honest right now, I kinda feel bad for Daniel, because we're doing this fun 24 hour challenge and meanwhile he is going and checking and spying on the quadrant because we need to figure out what's going on with that. - I mean, we have to find that microchip, so. - Yeah, and we still haven't seen the Game Master's new mask. Like he was supposed to reveal his new mask and he hasn't yet. You guys let us know what you think is going on right now. - Okay, I followed the quadrant into this parking structure. This looks familiar, right guys? Let's see where they're going, I mean this looks like the bottom floor, so I don't know where... P4 through P4, so like this feels like the bottom floor. I don't know where they're gonna go. So loud, it's so quiet. What? They're gone. They just disappeared. What? I don't hear any footsteps, I don't hear anything. Do you guys see anything? No right? Maybe I'll use the quadrant network, and I'll try and figure out where else I can go, maybe I can pick their trail up again maybe I can find somebody. I have no idea, but hopefully I'll find somebody else. Come down low, where do you think I should go next? I don't know where? - [Quadrant] Stop following me. - I have to follow you, do you know where the Red Hood is, are you still working for her, who are you meeting? - They're always watching, they cannot know we're talking. - [Daniel] Who are you talking about? - Once you're in, there's no way out. Just stop following me. No way out, what, what are you talking about? Guys, what does that mean? They're always watching, whose always watching, and there's no way out of what? I gotta tell Matt and Rebecca but I have no idea what's going on. - Kinda getting that time, I think we need to order some dinner. - So, the only thing that delivers here is Dominos. So I am gonna order, what do you want? - [Matt] Um, pizza. - So it should be here soon. Oh my gosh, I'm wet, I just sat in something wet. - [Matt] Yeah, floors lava is still paying dividends. - Wow, pickup take, I think the food is here, I hear the delivery person. Hopefully they're gonna come to this bounce house and give us the pizza here, in the pool. All right, we'll see. - [Matt] Oh, Rebecca . - Oh no. - [Matt] One of us, one of us. You, you, I'll go, I'll go. - I'll stand. - Hey! - Hey! - Can that be delivered in the pool, is there a way. Oh my gosh this is funny. Oh my gosh thank you so much! Oh my gosh thank you. - [Matt] You did not expect seeing this today. - [Pizza Guy] No, I uh, I saw like these over the trees right there and I'm like what the heck is this. - You're like what's going on, must be something crazy. Oh my gosh we're so hungry too. Thank you-- - [Matt] No sudden movements Bec. Okay, you go down. - Okay. Thank you so much. Calmly sit down, and not roll. - [Rebecca] Thanks for doing this challenge with me babe. - [Matt] All right. - Hey Matt, I was just thinking, you don't think like quadrant would be disguised as a Dominos person? - [Matt] Rebecca stop. The Game Master has control of the quadrant now. - Okay, I'm just saying though, the last time, remember? - [Matt] Yeah, I do remember. - When I was in the tiny space. Well the one thing is we know we ordered this, this is all stuff we ordered. - [Matt] Salad! - Right, there's no mysterious soda or anything right? Hey if I say something will you promise to not think I'm weird Matt. - [Matt] Okay. Promises in a bounce house never stay. - Matt no I'm being serious. So it feels like someone's watching us. I'm not even joking, do you feel like someone's watching us? - [Matt] Yeah, I mean a little bit. We're kinda out here in the middle of the yard. - Don't you feel though like, like someone's watching. I don't know, I'm serious, I'm serious. - [Matt] Eh, I don't know Rebecca. I'm serious, it feels like someone's watching us. - [Matt] Well if they are, they're gonna watch us eat this delicious pizza! - We're balancing the camera in a bounce house on a pool, so if this knocks over, we're in trouble. If the end of the challenge ends now, because the camera's going in the pool. Favorite type of pizza, comment below. Oh, this is the perfect time. I'm announcing the giveaway winners today, in this video. So I'm going to announce a few of them right now, and here they are! And the winners of the seven Amazon gift cards, the four Zamfam merch, four zamfam pop sockets are... So congratulations there are still more giveaway prizes so stay tuned. I'm now moving on to these like chicken nugget things. I wish I had ketchup, but just eating 'em plain. Barbecue, I don't want barbecue, and I don't want the hot sauce. I don't like anything hot, I'm really a baby. We're gonna finish chowing down, and we'll see you guys when it gets dark. Okay Zamfam, so it's officially dark out, and quick update, Matt went to throw all the food away and he came back and he fell. You're soaking wet. I wish you were filming during that part, that would have been so funny. Rebecca, there's a full moon, you can see it right there. What does that mean? It's actually not that cold tonight. - [Matt] Unless your foot is wet. - Hey, but at least we have a clean bounce house now. We don't have to sleep in food. So I'm gonna use my backpack for a pillow. All right you guys, so I'm gonna go to bed. Matt said he's gonna stay out here with me, you have to Matt, Matt! You can share my sleeping bag with me, but you have to stay. - But my foot's wet. It's still wet, look at it. - [Rebecca] It's okay. It's honestly, it's not even cold out. - I mean, unless your foot is wet! I'll be honest, it's a little chilly. - So before we go to sleep, or try to go to sleep I want you guys to comment how many 24 hour challenges I have done in either a pool or a bounce house, and name the videos that I've done in a bounce house or in a pool. Okay you guys goodnight and we will-- - We'll see you at 3 a.m. - No, uh, - Yes! - We'll see you in the morning, Matt! Okay, night. - [Rebecca] I'm not tired yet. - [Matt] Goodnight. - Did you see that? There was a light. - [Matt] What? - [Rebecca] I'm not even joking there was a light. - [Matt] Did you say there's a light. - A light was like popped up over there, I'm not even joking, I'm not joking, I think someone's spying on us Matt. - [Matt] What do we do? Hello, hello? - I don't think there's anything Bec, I don't see anything. - I'm positive, there's somebody spying on us right now. - [Matt] What do we do? - I don't know, do you think it's the Red Hood or no? - [Matt] No it can't be the Red Hood either. - Who is it then? - [Matt] Okay, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go. - What are you gonna do? - [Matt] I'm just gonna go chase it. - [Rebecca] No no no, no. - [Matt] Yeah. - [Rebecca] No, Matt no, no stay here, stay here, stay here. - [Matt] No, I gotta go I gotta go look, I'm not gonna sleep if I know there's somebody spying on us. - [Rebecca] Matt, Matt, seriously no. Don't do it. - [Matt] I gotta go Bec. - Matt. Matt just went out there, and I saw a light, I think somebody is out there right now, and it's not safe for him to go. - Looks like there's nothing out here. Really dark right now, but it is a fool moon. Wait, did you hear that? - [Matt] What was that? What was that? What? Did you guys see that, looked like somebody grabbed something. There's like no way to get across now. Where'd they go? I'm gonna go back, I gotta go back, gotta go back. I think I saw something Bec. - [Rebecca] What? I don't know what it was! - [Rebecca] What do you mean? - I have no idea. - [Rebecca] Is it a person? - Yeah I need back in, I need back in. - [Rebecca] What did you see? - I don't know, I don't know what I heard something, and I saw like a hand grab something I think. - [Rebecca] A hand? - Yeah, did you guys see that, I don't know what it was. - [Rebecca] What? - Yep. - What do you mean? - I don't know. Bec we need to turn off the light. - [Rebecca] Right now? - Yeah, turn off the light, lets go back to sleep. Turn it off, turn off the light. - [Rebecca] Are you serious? - Becca turn it off. Okay, we gotta go back to sleep. I don't want them knowing we're still here. We just gotta lay low, stay here throughout the night okay. Bec, Bec. Bec wake up, Bec, Bec you gotta wake up. - [Matt] Oh come on! - I've been up! Oh my gosh we did it! We slept in a bounce house in a pool overnight. - [Matt] Okay, we spent almost 24 hours in here, what do we do? - Uh, you tell me what you saw last night. - [Matt] I honestly don't know. It's like, I saw a hand grab something. - Zamfam, if you guys can go back and look, and see what that was, do you think it was a person? - All right, Rebecca don't you think we should announce the rest of the winners? - [Rebecca] Matt you look so tired. - [Matt] I am tired, it's not like I had the luxury of a sleeping bag over here. - [Rebecca] Matt you said you didn't want one. - Not the most comfortable place to be. - First off Matt said he did not want a sleeping bag, otherwise he could have used this sleeping bag with me. I could have opened it. Oh, and the final giveaway winners for the seven million subscriber giveaway, you guys know I did the giant board game, you guys had over a week to enter, and the winners are right here. Follow on Instragram from me, follow on TikTok from me, and the winner of the iPad. So congratulations and I told you guys if we got 100,000 likes, Daniel got to 100k on Instagram, I would throw in the Skittles backpack, and the giant Hatchimal. Unfortunately, Daniel didn't get 100k Zamfam, we did not do it, it was so close. But, if you stuck around until the end, I'm going to give away the giant Hatchimal to one of you guys, all you need to do is comment below "I watched this 24 hour challenge until the end", and the best way to contact you on social media. Smash the thumbs up button and let me know if you want me to do more giveaways, and what kind of giveaways you want me to do. - We should probably get out of here. - Okay, go Matt, you gotta go first. - Okay. - Oh no! - [Rebecca] Wait Matt, do you have your glasses on? - Good morning, good morning. - Good morning, good morning. - [Rebecca] You said you always wanted to take a swim in the morning. - Well that was a fun way to end it. - All right Zamfam I'm gonna carefully go in. No Matt, no! Matt! Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, hold on! Uh, Matt I have the camera! Oh my gosh! Hold on, I can't get up, I can't get up. You guys, prank wars is on, so let me know some pranks you want me to do. You guys have helped me prank him so much. I just got him a Tesla and now he's pulling in a pool. All right Zamfam make sure you are subscribed have notifications on, and check out the video right here if you haven't, where I surprise Matt with a giant Tesla by pretending that we were following and spying on a hacker, it was very funny. So check that out, love you and we'll see you next time!
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 9,412,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 24 hours in a bounce house, 24 hour challenge, 24 hours, bounce house, bounce house on a pool, 24 hour, overnight challenge, rebecca zamolo, 24 hour challenges, family channel, giant, bounce, bouncy house, challenge, 24 hour overnight challenge, 24 hour inside a giant bounce house, backyard pool, pool, swimming pool, swimming, backyard, swimming pools, matt and rebecca, gamemaster
Id: rkVXM5k8fQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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