24 Hours in Chiang Rai, Thailand! ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ (Wat Rong Khun - White Temple)

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this in front of me is the bus station in Chiang Mai Thailand today we're going to be leaving Chiang Mai we're going to be heading towards Chiang Rai another area here in the north of Thailand and we booked the bus on one to go it's called The Green Bus and it's going to be about a three hour Journey until we get there and then once you're there we're gonna go explore Chiang Rai and see what it's like I see Leanne's putting her bag in a bag thank you are we weird for doing this we also have with us a few snacks for the road which should be delicious she got in some of these things that we find the locals drinking so my new favorite yeah Chiang Rai coupon cup seats for CND [Music] force a bit more it's a pretty spacious bus right super massive seats and I don't think the overhead bag compartment is big enough for our big bag so as usual we'll just put it in front of us for now there is some luggage space here on top but generally our bags never fit at the bottom we actually have these little pull down steps where we can it's great what are the chances I think mine's too fat it was probably that book in the front of it hey I probably why bring a book like this that you're gonna read for two days when you're traveling for an entire year oh please buy me a Kindle then two shades sorry baby you're always going by your feet okay [Music] it's like seven dollars per person to go all the way from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai [Music] so it's time to try some Lucci juice it's kind of like a jelly juice this is more juice than jelly but at the bottom here it's all the jelly which is super yummy suck the stuff out yeah so we basically just Meandering through all the mountains but it is so so pretty around here that's why I enjoy taking bus ride you just get to see so much landscape yeah I'm starting to contemplate whether we should do like like night buses and night trains because then you actually don't get to see outside the window and actually okay [Music] well this is so difficult how nice is oh that's not too bad it's got a sink it's got a toilet it's got some toilet paper and this is the back of the bus balance one thing I can say is that it's incredibly hard to use a toilet to call you're on a moving bus that is incredibly hard yeah I had to back Hold the Wall like this while taking a pee because I was just shaking Daniel also chose the wrong town to go to the bathroom because we're going through a little town now and it's like stop stop but it's even got a basin so you can wash your hands yeah the green buses are quite clear in Thailand foreign three hours later we have landed in Chiang Rai Hi how are you people already friendly these are bags yes you see born posadin yeah okay how much 60 60 Baht yes with tuk-tuk yes okay there's no rain okay cool thank you Ben we're gonna be taking a tuk-tuk but the possibility of rain I hope it's not gonna rain not raining eh that's on YouTube Hey this one yours eh thank you oh I hope these clouds don't catch us are you in I'm in there we go thank you my friend thank you thank you oh I'm starting to think we should have taken a taxi exactly it doesn't rain oh let's go let's poopy here at the back so here we are welcome to Chiang Ryan it's definitely not a bad way to start our Chiang Rai experience here we go thank you thank you so much thank you Mr geran I saw his name over there he's got his license what's your name uh my name Daniel Daniel yeah and her name Leanne Mr Geron thank you thank you enjoy your day so this is going to be our room for the next couple of nights it's super cozy but the best thing is that we have our own little Courtyard over here how cool is that seeing as it's raining right now I think we'll only go and explore Chiang Rai tomorrow yeah because they say it's not raining in the mornings and it's only raining in the evening so until tomorrow got you just before the rain yeah okay go stand inside hey guys just want to tell you quickly that SSL conversions is currently giving away a fully off-gridded full-birth luxury camper van to one of you generally when we go on these massive Adventures we like to rent a scooter the but as you can see they're not very comfortable to sleep on we always thought how great it would be to be able to do these Big Adventures and bring your home along with you this camper van that you can win not only has a fixed double bed a spacious kitchen and a dining area but it also has a full shower and composting toilet making this camper van truly feel like a home on Wheels all right not only can you win this luxury camper van but you can listen stand a chance in order to win a Latitude tent a Blue Yeti power bank and as well as 5 000 pounds cash so head over to sslconversions.co.uk in order to enter they are a limited amount of spots available so it's best to be quick well also leave a link in the description below okay let's go and explore Chiang Rai so this morning we've rented a scooter I'm here I'm here I need a helmet from under your seat please yeah I got a red one thank you so right now we are making our way towards the temple and you'll know on this channel that we don't really visit temples but we're going to this one because it is so unique [Music] foreign [Music] I just hope this guy knows that that's his bike and that this is ours I hope so too thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you all right so we have to bring a show with cover up in order to show your knees or your shoulders so we've come here to the what wrong Kung Temple and apparently it's one of the most popular things to do here in Chiang Rai now generally we do not visit temples I mean if you see this one right here this is why we're visiting this one it completely looks like it's been taken out of a fairy tale have a look at it it is complete you are actually really beautiful [Music] we're just waiting in a line in order to actually cross the bridge to heaven and then we get to go and see inside yeah are we waiting here in order to try and take a photo let's see what we do to take photos but check out this place there's actually a whole bunch of hands sticking out in these he has skulls and more hands coming out away we're walking out over this and check out all their hands some people have actually put like coins on the hands and then yeah as a bowl in order to receive more money and there's just a whole bunch of hands right at the entrance it's incredibly beautiful Buddha mythology rahu decides the face of the dead so it's basically like Saint Peter who guards the gates to heaven in Christianity and then this is the bridge to heaven so we're crossing the bridge right now this is absolutely incredible this white really does stand out when you get close to switch tails and the little mirrors that are inside here which reflects the Sun and really makes it look like it's glistening and Shining so we're going to enter here and I think we're actually not allowed to record so we're just going to go and see inside this Temple just to check it out but wow what an entrance so as you walked inside we actually stepped onto gold tiles now I don't know if they were really cold calls but there was also a Buddha over there which people were sitting in front of and praying what's really unique about this Temple as well in other temples you kind of see Buddha mythology all over the war and on one wall in this Temple they actually had like Spider-Man and Batman and all the modern day superheroes yeah it was really unique in there never seen anything like that before no so this Temple was actually built by a local Thai artist who grew up here in Rong Kong District of Chiang Rai and the aim of this Temple was to actually build it as like an offering to Buddha so he built it white because that's supposed to represent the purity of Buddha and then all of the little details that you see in here like the mirrors which reflects the Sun that is supposed to like reflect reflect Buddha's knowledge all over Earth but it's really intricate and detailed it is incredible the detail that they have around you all of this has been made by an artist it almost looks like this is a wishing well because there's coins at the bottom of this punch so I think people like stand here and flick a coin and then hopefully their wishes come true so yali ends wanting another photo again as you can see every single angle of this Temple is like picturesque what's happening yeah everyone's standing around this thing and it seems like there's a hole inside oh there's a lot of coins more wishes so there goes Leanne enter the toilets this is what the toilet looks like it's a gold building right normal bathrooms so they're not gold as well they're gold inside the toilet's just a normal toilet and okay normal clean bathroom but it's really cool I thought it would be something like extravagant because it's in this gold Temple or building or whatever you call it do you see this that is incredible I mean we came here in order to see the white temple but little did I know the other buildings here are just as impressive I don't know if you can actually go in oh it's closed from 12 to 1. starting in the next 40 minutes have absolutely no idea I don't know but it's really cool to see so before we head off to our next stop we've gotten some cashew nut chicken with rice and a mango sticky or ice pudding I am taking up all of the mangoes to curios that I can eat before you leave Thailand because I have absolutely no idea when I can eat it again well you're going to be eating a lot of it baby check out the size of this thing it is huge dirt in the entire dialogue ching chong Chapel who's sitting on the hot seat I think we're both gonna have to sit on that hot seat oh Scooter's been sitting in the sun the whole time is it hot wow I'm gonna burn my bum yeah good luck oh my goodness oh and my dress is so fit and this is gonna hurt oh roasted bums once she sits on it for about five seconds it gets fine let's put the road [Music] good [Music] woke up thank you are going to a castle or something I don't know wow that is massive oh wow look at that Nautica here we go the stairway so the statue that we've come to is actually known as the goddess of Mercy it is standing 90 meters tall and the last time we were at something like this was in Phuket last year at the big Buddha this one reminds me of the big fused with the big Buddha statue that is huge yeah I kind of got all these dragons here on the side but it is massive apparently you can go right to the top of this big Buddha if you kind of see at the top between our eyes it almost looks like her third eye but that's a window so our goal is to go and see the views from the top over there how many stairs do you think we've clapped 694. yeah final step made it the closer you get the taller the god of Mercy appears oh I'm sorry to breathe as this is a temple we've got to take off our shoes again it's starting to rain no yeah so leave your shoes somewhere where the rain won't make them wet put them higher so we don't have to take the stairs up we can actually take an elevator which is great because I don't think we're going to survive climbing all the way to the top just look how pretty and intricate with these details that elevate available these little beads on it oh do we need to buy tickets hi thank you all right two please [Applause] thank you thank you to the top figure does apparently 25 floors to the top I wonder if we can go to the 26th one thank you [Music] I did not expect to walk into so much detail straight ahead of the lift look at all the mythology and all that on the wall check this it's like an entire Forest that they're designed here with Dragons peeling out some of the gods that they have as well I mean yeah we have more Buddha like statues this is just incredible I wonder how long it actually took them to do the inside here because there's just so much detail yeah some more so there's probably an entire storytelling throughout all of this is probably telling a story because that's generally how it is it almost looks like this is a royal family here let's have a look at these reviews but this is why we came to the top to have a look at the views hello [Music] let's go peek out the window that was actually on top of the eye oh my goodness now you really get a sense of How High We Are is there a window here no there's no window you can really get a sense of How High we are now you can just see all the mountains in the background and the forests and the rice fields it's just so so pretty [Music] there we are [Music] I think we can actually go further Up So currently this is the 25th floor that we're on and I think the staircases are just around the corner where we can actually go to the 26th level yes yeah the stairs are not unlike the walls we saw in that other Temple this one's got just like silver tiling oh wow it's a whole nother room with all this detail I'm looking out of the eyes how cool is this this is literally her left eye that we're looking out of and this is kind of what we can see out of her eye and then over here is the right eye there we go [Music] [Music] come on our shoes are still dry it didn't rain oh it's actually nice just to sit down and just admire the views even just from the bottom here you get such beautiful views well we're only spending two days here in Chiang Rai and then we're gonna be leaving tomorrow and heading towards our fourth country without taking a flight so if you like this video please give it a like subscribe as to give it a super thanks if you can and comment down below which you think our next country is going to be yeah I'm sure it's very easy to guess we'll see you guys in the next one maybe this is your opportunity to get new shoes they're all for free no I'm okay thank you there's some like Birkenstocks there's some more you can get some sketches it's about the group that's together right
Channel: The Buddymoon
Views: 68,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the buddymoon, travel vlogers, buddymon, travel couple, vlog, badi moon, chiang rai, thailand, thailand vlog, foreigner in thailand, foreigner traveling thailand, 2023, tourism, thailand tourism, thailand bus, tailand, thailand travel vlog, travel bloggers, things to do in chiang rai, thailand travel, things to do in chiang mai, white temple, best temple in thailand, what to do in chiang rai
Id: 0imx3fMj5q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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