24 Hours Eating ONLY Korean Convenience Store Food & NETFLIX Popcorn | CU vs. GS25 in South Korea

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first thing should say are you still eating and the answer would always be [Music] yes hey guys this is Mike Chen here in Soul South Korea whenever I just get here and extremely jet lagged I always carve out a day or two or I just stay home rest and stuff myself with convenience store food so that's what I'm going to do for the next 24 hours so starting off with see you oh my gosh Uno Bogi Pizza some soup dumplings Fried Chicken every time I'm back here there's always cool new food items or drink items taste like the silky melon soda and there's always new insta noodles that I haven't tried this looks good look at this kimchi ons and right down the street there's a gs25 what there's a giant bag of popcorn called Netflix did Netflix come out with their own popcorn not only Netflix look at this Dunkin Donuts has their own popcorn as well oh my gosh a Mala spicy popcorn and check this out Basin Robins cream milk K from Brand inston noodles these are all the premium noodles this looks like some awesome Jud on in and before getting started just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video surf shark VPN I've been recommending surf shark VPN to you guys for several years now I told you before it's one of the only apps I have on my phone my laptop that I never sto running nowadays so much much of our personal information is online there's always people trying to gain access to it from data aggregators who are trying to collect your personal information to sell to marketing companies more people trying to get into your bank your email especially when you're out and about usually we all connect to random Wi-Fi hotspots like a cafes airports train stations these hotspots are really not secure they even tell you they're not secure and these are great ways for people to gain access to your private information so surf shark VPN what a VPN is it's a virtual private Network and what surf shark VPN does is that it's T and encrypts your personal information 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out for 30 days if you don't like it for any reason you get your money back all right let's eat this is quite a haul most excited about this giant bag of Netflix popcorn are you still watching first thing we're going to try some basil and cream never seen this flavor [Music] before check this out popped cheese this is really interesting this is guda I guess popped wow it's like liquid nitrogen cheese it's a little funky cuz usually when you're eating guda at least for me I like that creamy texture this is all sorts of crunchy I me it's 100% cheese so it still has that great flavor does mine work really well for a Ramen topping Mala popcorn exclusively at gs25 w this is a must try if you're coming to South Korea you must go and get this if you love suan food if you love Mala if you love numbness you love spiciness you must get this popcorn this is the greatest popcorn flavor they did not skimp on the flavor really nummy very very spicy I had like five of these my tongue is all numb already I don't think Dunkin Donuts or Netflix will have anything on this popcorn I had to find like a 100 bags of these before I go back Chase it with some silky melon soda this is so good as well it's like a milkier milkus this came out a little watery it's supposed to be a Trier noodle added less water than it recommended smells good though thick Udo noodles smells basely and creamy I wish I added less water so it was more concentrated and creamy so I would have done a great bowl of insta noodles more Justice this is freaking amazing first of all it is a burn a hole through your stomach kind of hot I mean this thing is only a level three oh my gosh is spicy tons of fragrant basil flavor the heat definitely gut punches you right away it's creamy as Rich noodles are thick and chewy maybe adding more cheese to it make it creamier always buy some extra cheese whenever I have instant noodles Sam young never disappoints with their heat level or their flavor but if you are making this I don't know why I've tried this a couple times always add way less water than they recommend otherwise it just comes out watery I really didn't thicking it up that much but definitely made it cheesier I feel like every single time I come back to South Korea this brain comes out with a new flavor of noodles always good after that my mouth is just burning this is really interesting cotton candy Wonderland milk from Baskin Robins this is so good especially when you're eating spicy food it basically just tastes like melted ice cream I like it next for something less spicy Uno's Bogi Pizza there's several ways to cook this there's no oven in this aan be so I'm just microwaving this this is a very very cheesy [Music] pizza I'll tell you guys this right now just freaking amazing this is better than most frozen pizza in the US I mean the crush is a little thick but it's nice and chewy and Airy the toppings are phenomenal crunchy bell peppers mushrooms the cheese is really Quality Cheese Bogi melts in your mouth delicious little sweet little smoky this is a really Quality Pizza my first time trying a convenience store Pizza in South Korea amazing oh you do any day of the week we that's the best thing I had today also I forgot to film this cuz I was caught up eating that's how good this pizza is you can take the dough and dunk it into your leftover spicy Ramen sauce so good next up soup dumplings 2 minute 202 okay these are definitely some soupy dumplings wa oh these are awesome unfortunately lot of the soup fell out but these are really juicy meaty dumplings thin outter skin chives pork inside I mean you taste the chiv the ginger the pork the soup is delicious these are phenomenal little soupy dumplings again look how big the filling is these are absolutely fantastic they probably taste even better than a real steamer but honestly these taste better than some soup dumplings I've had in restaurants and they came from a microwave next up instant noodles from [Music] KRON I love kilon chicken never had their instant noodles all that heat gets to you real quick this reminds me of a Sam noodle really spicy I say this is about as spicy as the samon noodle I just had and it reminds me of the original samon flavor it's spicy a little hint of sweetness noodles are delicious really chewy and Al Dente it tastes like a cilon spicy chicken of course with much much much more Heats I think is a perfect time to heat this up and add it into the ramen I thought these were chicken wings originally they're actually chicken and pork [Music] sausages these are just okay this is like really soft tofu filled breakfast sausages I had to double check the packaging to make sure this this wasn't some vegetarian sausage thing also really really sweet does balance out the really spicy noodles though let's try this kimchi hopon it's a kimchi steamed [Music] bun this thing is very kimchi is good fermented flavor a ton of kimchi in here I like it I definitely want to try this a giant bag of Netflix popcorn smells like caramel some caramel in here and then some regular butter popcorn it's light the karma has such a great flavor not overly sweet 10 out of 10 next time you're watching Netflix sit down with a bag of this I actually wish every single time I push this I would go back in time and just have more popcorn what I love about this not too sweet at all with a beautiful burnt sugar flavor this is more like Asian style caramel corn this thing should say are you still eating and the answer would always be yes one more popcorn to try this is from Dunkin Donuts and it's green onion and cream cheese popcorn yeah I don't like this it's really overly sweet for something that's green onion and cream cheese a little on the funky side because it's really oniony and maybe I'm a little bias because I just jumped on this from the Netflix popcorn don't love [Music] [Music] this oh this Ramen has like five sauce packs I don't think I should have put the seaweed in there in the beginning I thought it was a vegetable pack smells really good though smells really spicy and nummy wow another home run of a dish if you see this get this 10 out of 10 one of the best instant noodles on the market absolutely delicious m it's basically a dry tonon man peanuty sauce really spicy very nummy these noodles are absolutely perfect super chewy not soggy at all oh my goodness if you like dund noodles if you like Mala this is just the most perfect instant noodle for you wow 100% recommend one last bowl of insta noodles got a lot of instant noodles [Music] today this is a really soupy noodle peanutty too this is pretty good really really chewy noodles there's veg in here it's peanuty it's Sesame the last bag of insta noodles I got that's like a try version of a dunam ym this is like the soupier version of a dundum peanuty spicy a little nummy the flavor is not as strong or saturated as the last one but this is a pretty darn good bowl of insta noodles the noodles is especially a texture so chewy and Mochis m another delicious item from a Korean convenience store like I said every time I come back to South Korea there's always new items at the convenience stores and I haven't been back for I think about a year so a lot of new things and today I was lucky enough to find a ton of great Yeats like this insta noodle the new SE young the Netflix popcorn the Baskin Robin drinks are good most of the instant noodles I got were delicious this has been another fantastic convenience store food Adventure one of my favorite things to do Wherever I Go local convenience stores and as always guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 491,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean Convenience Store, CU Korea, GS25, 24 Hour Challenge, Korean Food, Convenience Store Challenge, South Korea, Food Adventure, Korean Snacks, Ready To Eat, Korean Cuisine, Food Vlog, Travel Korea, Foodie Adventure, Netflix Popcorn, CU vs GS25, Korean Street Food, Korean Lifestyle, Culinary Tour, Taste of Korea, Korea Travel Vlog, Eating Challenge, Korean Culture, Snack Tasting, Convenience Store Food
Id: foZLitwzGiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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